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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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(Game of Thrones and Walking Dead comics)
I was talking about the actual world building aspects of Game of Thrones, and not the fantastical plot points like dragons, ice monsters, etc. The show has cut out all sorts of colorful and unique characters from the books and replaced them with more "realistic" characters, the same way that The Walking Dead has done in the past (The Governor). If HBO cut/changed Vargo Hoat, I don't see why they wouldn't also do the same with Negan, who is, by far, the more over the top character.

I mentioned this a couple days ago, but HBO has trouble putting CG-enlarged dogs (Direwolves) on screen next to their actors and have drastically reduced their screen time and importance to the plot even though they're a major part of the books. Being on HBO wouldn't guarantee The Walking Dead a tiger, just as being on AMC doesn't guarantee there won't be.

GOT Spoilers
re:direwolves isn't really a good example seeing as Sansa's is dead, Rob's is dead, Arya's is missing, Bran is out of book material, Rickon is missing, and Ghost I can give you that but they even shoehorned him into that scene with Sam which wasn't in the books. And you really can't argue there is a lack of CGI on GOT after watching ep8 and 9 last season... I don't recall seeing that level of detailed CGI ever in a show before


So the zombies were not wrapped in plastic, but were covered in melted glass?

Alright, I guess that kinda makes sense except for the fact that if you poured molten glass over two corpses it wouldn't form a breakable shell under which the bodies are completely intact.....it would just melt into their skin and burn them to a crisp. But whatever, I'll take it.

Pretty sure she just fell on the glass covering the zombies faces, and only then were the zombies able to move.... It's dumb, with otherwise what I thought was an okay episode.
That episode was a little dull.
I couldnt understand why Abraham didnt just stab the RPG zombie in the head and take the launcher. Why lay up there wrestling and screaming at the zombie?
Like so many here have said, the glass zombie death was dumb. You'd think it would be common sense that any time these people see a "dead" body without head wounds, they would assume its a live walker and be cautious around it. Guess not.
And whats with Abraham cracking onto Sasha? I remember he fucked sexy Rosita a while back. I assumed they were a couple, but I guess not to that oo.
She looks better as a blonde tho'

She looks good as both, but I think she looks better with the red hair. I'm normally into women with dark hair moreso than light hair, though. And short as opposed to long.

How is she 19 yet Beth (Emily Kinney) is 30!? The world doesn't make any sense.

Emily Kinney is 30!? I hadn't looked her up, but figured she was around 18-20 when I watched the earlier seasons. She doesn't look it at all.

Both are really cute. I miss Beth, too, as she was an interesting character.
That episode was a little dull.
I couldnt understand why Abraham didnt just stab the RPG zombie in the head and take the launcher. Why lay up there wrestling and screaming at the zombie?
Like so many here have said, the glass zombie death was dumb. You'd think it would be common sense that any time these people see a "dead" body without head wounds, they would assume its a live walker and be cautious around it. Guess not.
And whats with Abraham cracking onto Sasha? I remember he fucked sexy Rosita a while back. I assumed they were a couple, but I guess not to that oo.

Abraham admits his psychosis is still present - I assume his actions with the RPG zombie are part of that. Coupled with him admiring the military jacket, maybe he couldn't see himself killing a fellow soldier, even a zombie?

He and Rosalita had a falling out at some point, didn't they? Around the time Eugene was pushed and almost died? My recollection is foggy.

Glass zombie and Daryl manufactured crossbow drama was awful, but otherwise I enjoyed the episode. Maybe I have a lower expectation than everyone else, but I've enjoyed every episode this season.


I think they have ultimately realized that episodes focusing on just two or three characters are better than the episodes that try to feature the full cast. I have liked the last string of episodes pretty well.


Justin Bieber's death, Sasha telling Abraham not to KO zombies, Abraham holding a zombie's hand and Abraham wanting to bone Sasha are top contenders for stupidest moments.

I think Daryl's bag struggles was at least a feasible sort of fuck up one could have under the circumstances.

Dude letting himself get bit was also pretty eeeeeeh tho.

The Walking Dead is a show about how stupid people are the only ones who ever survived.
Daryl has incredible branch-shaking distraction skills.

lol after the episode I was thinking "man did Reedus pick up on some things working with Kojima?"

cause there was the branch shaking, and then at the end of the episode when he had a gun pulled on him again he went into full Big Boss CQC stance with his knife :p
Sasha telling Abraham not to KO zombies

There really is no reason for Abraham to chase down a single walker that is not in their way. There's no good from it, only risk. Though probably pretty low risk.

She was also trying to stop his behavior from escalating to pure reckless stupidity. Since she went through that phase and so did her brother.


I watched this episode, and I thought 'was this show ever good?' or was I just going through the motions. Then I remembered how abso-fucking-lutely fantastic it was, up until Shane died. I keep watching every week out of stale commitment, like a failed marriage where it's just easier to keep going than having to be alone.. but, man, this series is pushing my limits.
I watched this episode, and I thought 'was this show ever good?' or was I just going through the motions. Then I remembered how abso-fucking-lutely fantastic it was, up until Shane died. I keep watching every week out of stale commitment, like a failed marriage where it's just easier to keep going than having to be alone.. but, man, this series is pushing my limits.

So season 2 was abso-fucking-lutely fantastic? You're delusional. The show has only gotten better with each season since then.

Justin Bieber's death, Sasha telling Abraham not to KO zombies, Abraham holding a zombie's hand and Abraham wanting to bone Sasha are top contenders for stupidest moments.

I think Daryl's bag struggles was at least a feasible sort of fuck up one could have under the circumstances.

Dude letting himself get bit was also pretty eeeeeeh tho.

The Walking Dead is a show about how stupid people are the only ones who ever survived.

Ehhh, I'd probably be thinking the same (´・ω・`)


So season 2 was abso-fucking-lutely fantastic? You're delusional. The show has only gotten better with each season since then.

Eh, that's subjective. Good all around episodes are few and far in between. Each season is plagued with episodes like the last two we got, which in all honesty I find worse than the worst of S2 (which was all around boring, but dialogue and character writing never was as bad as it is now). There wasn't anything as cringe worthy as the Carl / other kid fight from an episode ago, or these stealth zombies covered in melted glass which physically doesn't even make sense but whatever. It's easy to forget the low points when the show introduces big action scenes (the only things people remember), something s2 lacked.

I believe the showrunner changed after s2 which is another reason there is a noticeable difference in some of these things too


lol, they still want to stretch this bullshit out. makes sense considering (comic spoilers)
it's all down hill from here.
I thought Wade was just a higher up henchman? Wade was the one that cut off the guys arm. He's the one that was talking into the walkie about "him".

EDIT: Abraham is just having the best day.

Funky Papa

This episode gave me cancer.

Everything about it felt disjointed, hastly put together and forced, even more so than the usual. But what was more bizarre was seeing Daryl losing his instincts just like that. It made no sense at all.

The show is really on a path to erase all the goodwill it earned from me with the first episodes of the season. On the plus side, at least it gave us another memorable walker. So there's that.


Funky Papa

Charred biker walk... Planker? was amazing, although it did bother me that they were able to slightly tilt their head despite having no muscles below the helmet, let alone lungs to moan.

Still, this episode was brilliant in both variety and execution.


Comic spoilers
I don't think that was Dwight. The Saviors looked like Mad Max/Final Fight characters. These guys looked no different than Govs crew. Also we aren't done with the Wolves yet.

comic spoiler
I think the wolves are an early incarnation of the current skin walking villains


comic spoiler
I think the wolves are an early incarnation of the current skin walking villains

(comic spoilers)
Nah, I don't think the Wolves will end up being any relation to the Whisperers, just because they use walkers as weapons/traps (which isn't rare, most of the main antagonists have done that). The Wolves seem to be an adaptation of the comic's Scavengers.


(comic spoilers)
Nah, I don't think the Wolves will end up being any relation to the Whisperers, just because they use walkers as weapons/traps (which isn't rare, most of the main antagonists have done that). The Wolves seem to be an adaptation of the comic's Scavengers.

good point
(comic spoilers)
Nah, I don't think the Wolves will end up being any relation to the Whisperers, just because they use walkers as weapons/traps (which isn't rare, most of the main antagonists have done that). The Wolves seem to be an adaptation of the comic's Scavengers.


Her name is Liz E. Morgan and she is gorgeous.


She's actually only 19, I thought she looked a bit older on the show.
Bit the dust way too fast.

It's kind of funny when you think about through how much shit every single survivor who has lived until now likely had to go through, and then you make a small mistake and it's all over


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I liked the episode as a whole. I already liked Daryl and Abrahams characters, but Sasha is also becoming more interesting. There were a few dodgy parts - Daryl wrestling with the bag, if they really wanted that scene, they should have had him be unable to get the crossbow out and just stab the zombie with his knife to show that he wasn't actually in any danger. It's too late to try and pull an alien 3 and try and make a lone zombie a threat again. The girls death was stupid, even if you argue that they had hooked up with the armed group early and had limited zombie exposure, the audience could see that coming a mile away and Daryl definitely knows better. Finally the hidden truck was odd. Why was there a door? on the floor? Bike guy had to have died before the truck was put there, so it wasn't like he was a clue to something being up. So it was just dumb luck to find a fully gassed fuel truck in the middle of a giant forest.


We've had sewer zombies too. They were fun.. All squishy.

I liked the episode as a whole. I already liked Daryl and Abrahams characters, but Sasha is also becoming more interesting. There were a few dodgy parts - Daryl wrestling with the bag, if they really wanted that scene, they should have had him be unable to get the crossbow out and just stab the zombie with his knife to show that he wasn't actually in any danger. It's too late to try and pull an alien 3 and try and make a lone zombie a threat again. The girls death was stupid, even if you argue that they had hooked up with the armed group early and had limited zombie exposure, the audience could see that coming a mile away and Daryl definitely knows better. Finally the hidden truck was odd. Why was there a door? on the floor? Bike guy had to have died before the truck was put there, so it wasn't like he was a clue to something being up. So it was just dumb luck to find a fully gassed fuel truck in the middle of a giant forest.

His knife was somewhere in the bag I think his sheath was empty.
You have to remember that the only person always seeing these things happen on the show is the viewer. We don't know the experiences of everyone new person that pops up. The only characters that we can be truly critical of is the main characters that we've spent so much time with.

That said, Blondie really did just lay down and take the loss. That's a problem with the choreography more than anything.

I do remember that: you have to remember that anyone that is still alive at this point should be painfully aware that any body is a threat until you know that it isn't. They're almost two years into this universe.

The "Absurdly unaware of the realities of the situation" trope just doesn't play anymore with anyone that wasn't holed up in Alexandria.


Did the guy(wade) who chopped off Cams arm drop an F bomb after said arm was cut off?

I could have sworn he said "Fuck him, lets walk it off".


Man, they are really, really, really dragging out this Glenn thing.

I can't believe I sat through that episode and I only did it hoping we might get a Glenn clue of some kind...
Did you not hear the inaudible walkie transmission at the end? I think it was supposed to be hinting at it being Glenn. Either that, or the folks back at Alexandria.


Didn't really care for this episode all that much. People keep dying in the most idiotic ways imaginable. Sure, I'll go close to these dead people, knowing that they are alive because I've lived in the apocalypse for a while now, and while I'm at it might as well lie down next to them so they can bite me easier. Come on writers.

Glenn's shit gets dragged out way too much. I just hope those dudes in the forest are the


Did you not hear the inaudible walkie transmission at the end? I think it was supposed to be hinting at it being Glenn. Either that, or the folks back at Alexandria.

Writers trolling us. Make us think it's Glenn, we get all excited about the next episode and then BAM, episode about what Judith's been doing all this time.

Also I think the voice was a bit too high pitched to be Glenn's.


If that was Glenn on the radio, it was him simply telling them where to find his dead body. He died shortly after ending transmission.


Writers trolling us. Make us think it's Glenn, we get all excited about the next episode and then BAM, episode about what Judith's been doing all this time.

Also I think the voice was a bit too high pitched to be Glenn's.

The voice was absolutely Glenn's. I watched it two times (it airs 2 times here, first time in english and then monday evening with german voice actors) and in the german version you can 100% make out that it is Glenn's voice actor (you can also understand it 10 times better because of the german voices being played above every other sound).


Writers trolling us. Make us think it's Glenn, we get all excited about the next episode and then BAM, episode about what Judith's been doing all this time.

Also I think the voice was a bit too high pitched to be Glenn's.
The voice was covered by a lot of static. At this moment in time, it's nigh-on impossible to work out who it was on the radio. I like to think it's Glenn, though...


The voice was covered by a lot of static. At this moment in time, it's nigh-on impossible to work out who it was on the radio. I like to think it's Glenn, though...

There was no static in the german voice over. It was Glenn's voice actor, I am 100% certain. Kind of funny that they goofed that hard if they want us to not be 100% certain whos voice it is.
I think the voice on the radio was the blue pants guy, setting up a trap for Darryl and company. it did not sound like Glenn to me.

Overall a meh episode. I did like the part where Abraham tells Sasha he was a total idiot after his dance with the RPG zombie.


I think they have ultimately realized that episodes focusing on just two or three characters are better than the episodes that try to feature the full cast. I have liked the last string of episodes pretty well.

They realized that the episodes that get the most amount of hate are the best episodes? Well that says a lot about how awful the writers are.


This episode gave me cancer.

Everything about it felt disjointed, hastly put together and forced, even more so than the usual. But what was more bizarre was seeing Daryl losing his instincts just like that. It made no sense at all.

The show is really on a path to erase all the goodwill it earned from me with the first episodes of the season. On the plus side, at least it gave us another memorable walker. So there's that.


The ending

When sasha and Abrahan smile

And then cut to the car with both plus Daryl....

It felt REALLY strange. In a bad way
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