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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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It doesn't matter how much time has passed in the show when it's been a month in real time with four episodes.

The show is meant for US. It's shot and acted for the audience to consume. It's not my fault the show had a set up that is taking a four hours of TV time to execute while over a short time in the story, thus dragging it out with episodes where nearly nothing happens other than Daryl losing his crossbow, Glenn walking away, a 90 minute special that could have been a normal length episode (after a fucking fake out) and some idiot causing drama because the writers forgot to write it in.

It's been four episodes since "Thank You", it's time to stop accepting massive filler episodes because "well it's not all about the action" when the entire point of these filler episodes is to try and fill the time between the start of the season (which had big action) and the big action mid season finale.

Man you would hate 24....
I find it a little weird because the show has objectively gotten higher and higher quality as it has gone on. People truly forget the early days.

Anyway I'm still enjoying it. Good times. Midseason finale should be great chaossssss.

Well, yea, until now.

Season 1 was great
Season 2 and 3 were absolutely dog shit and stopped watching for a time after how bad it was.

Season 4-5 were truly great, story and characters kept moving with clashing personalities within the group as Rick went off his rails.

Season 6 has basically reverted to what made season 2-3 bad in the last three episodes of manufactured drama and absolutely stupid characters that constantly make me roll my eyes and yell at the TV.

Man you would hate 24....

24 had a good stretch of season. There was almost always something going on, it takes the idea of "one day" pretty loose as insane shit keep happening in a pretty unreasonable time table on 24 hours.
Are reviews beyond criticism or something? lol

I just don't see how they can rate all of the episodes this season so similarly. The quality has been all over the place.

It's one of the most uneven shows I've ever routinely watched, and I'm pretty sure I would never actually call it genuinely good, only that it can be at times. It's 6 seasons deep though, and I watch with fam, so I'll be seeing this through no matter what. I've stuck it out with worse(fucking SMALLVILLE)


Season 6 has basically reverted to what made season 2-3 bad in the last three episodes of manufactured drama and absolutely stupid characters that constantly make me roll my eyes and yell at the TV.

I mean, seasons 4 and 5 were definitely more consistent, but let's not act like they didn't have nonsense episodes either. I'm still cringing from the Daryl and Beth episode in the back half of 4. And let's not forget that episode last season where nothing happened until the very end where God brings a storm and magically kills all the walkers outside the barn.


Are reviews beyond criticism or something? lol

I just don't see how they can rate all of the episodes this season so similarly. The quality has been all over the place.

Reviews are just opinions. Theirs differs from yours. To be "disappointed" that their opinion differs from yours is what I'm commenting on.
I really, really loved the Morgan episode. It gave us a decent breather after the no brakes insanity of the first few episodes, and gave us some good characterization. The next two were a bit slower, but nothing too painful (I don't think). I can see how people can get upset with it, especially considering how fast shit moved in the first three episodes.

On the subject of criticism - there's nothing wrong with good, constructive criticism. That helps, and it's almost always from a place of caring: you like something, you want it to be better, here's how thay can happen.

The trouble is, however, you don't get that often. Most times it's silly hyperbolic stuff that doesn't serves no purpose, except as a form of dickwaving ("Look at how crazy my comparison is!"). That's the stuff that should be ignored because it blots out the constrictive stuff.


The AV Club review makes the good point that Glenn has come out of his whole near-death experience having learned nothing. He's still going to be a trusting do-gooder even when it's obviously to his detriment, even when people don't want his assistance.

Which I guess really sours me on this whole thing, because it hasn't even given Glenn an interesting arc. Even when Scott Gimple was being all stupid and coy about Glenn's death, he at the very least said that some version of Glenn died that day, and that the old Glenn was gone, etc. All this dumb trickery was only a cheap way to keep the audience engaged, and did not even result in the character changing or being significantly affected.


The AV Club review makes the good point that Glenn has come out of his whole near-death experience having learned nothing. He's still going to be a trusting do-gooder even when it's obviously to his detriment, even when people don't want his assistance.

Which I guess really sours me on this whole thing, because it hasn't even given Glenn an interesting arc. Even when Scott Gimple was being all stupid and coy about Glenn's death, he at the very least said that some version of Glenn died that day, and that the old Glenn was gone, etc. All this dumb trickery was only a cheap way to keep the audience engaged, and did not even result in the character changing or being significantly affected.
Can't echo the above enough. He watched his last project in Nicholas blow his brains out and get eaten on top of him and, almost immediately after his brief camp out beneath the dumpster, he emerges emotionally stable and immediately latches on to Enid as his "new Nicholas" that he will fix and make better. Noah was largely in this role prior to Nicholas, too. As was Aiden. And Tara before that. You could argue even Maggie started out as his "I can fix you" guinea pig. It's getting tedious.

I mean if the outcomes of Noah and Nicholas aren't going to deter Glenn from his path of healing broken souls, I'm not sure anything will.
Yeah, what happened to this? They have already made it clear that he hasn't learned anything.

rofl, yea it seems they wasted this entire set up.

if he actually changed he would have been "fuck it, fuck her, I'm going home to see my wife, I'm not going to carry these idiots around anymore"

but nope, looks like Glenn is going to be the forever good guy even as he constantly gets fucked over.

Maybe he can see the fourth wall and knows the writers won't kill him, so he has no fear about helping idiots?


Well, I have to say I'm glad Glenn is alive, but I really think this whole thing was unnecessary and handled poorly. He falls with his feet closest to the dumpster, but then ends up with his head next to the dumpster and Nicholas wasn't even covering him that well. Dude was perpendicular. And with all the time in between I think it was a pretty crappy thing to do to the fans.

I think it would have been better to have Nicholas say his "Thank you" and shoot himself, leave Glenn on the dumpster with the walkers clawing at his shoes and no apparent way out instead of trying to make the audience think he's gone and then have this sloppy escape three or four weeks later (our time).

Also Rick making a couple of bad calls, telling people to be quiet and then hammering on the wall, and having anything to do with Ron. I mean you would think Ron getting revenge on Rick would be at the forefront of Rick's mind when the kid tells him he wants to learn to shoot.

Anyway, don't mean to beat up on the show, just a couple of gripes I had. I think that the ordeal with Spencer and Tara, along with talking to Deanna and Morgan at different times will help develop Rick into an even better leader.

We 'bout to get a ton of zombie action next week!


My mistake -- it was actually David Alpert (not Gimple) that promised us a Glenn metamorphosis:


Alpert: "I feel like Glenn has always been the guy that’s given everybody that second chance, given everybody the opportunity to improve themselves. He’s the guy who’s never killed anybody in cold blood. He’s always been that guy. So the moment last night — regardless of what’s happened to Glenn — the Glenn as good angel, I believe, is dead.....So that good guy Glenn, regardless of what has happened to Glenn is gone."

I can't believe he'd say that knowing that the very moment Glenn returned he would take up another hopeless charity case like Enid. When she pulled that gun on him I was secretly hoping Glenn would grab it, blast her in the face, and walk out....thus completing his journey towards the Dark Side.

Alpert: "Anytime that we do anything big in the show that’s going to have fan reactions, we want to make sure it’s earned."

This whole escapade was exactly the opposite of "earned". It was a pointless gimmick that might have been okay as commercial-break cliffhanger, but not something that gets drawn out for weeks.


The lesson is... don't listen to David Alpert.
Dude mortgaged his credibility on this stunt.

His only utility going forward will be knowing that the exact opposite of what he says will happen.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I called it with Glenn.

About Glen...it did seem odd his intestines were up so close to his face in that scene when the Walkers were ripping him apart..

Look at that scene again....whatever they were ripping was on top of Glen...the shirt was too high up off his body.

Another note about Glen: its only one spot the zombies are converging on in that scene. Nicolas has to be on top of Glen. Glen must have slid under that dumpster.
My mistake -- it was actually David Alpert (not Gimple) that promised us a Glenn metamorphosis:


Alpert: "I feel like Glenn has always been the guy that’s given everybody that second chance, given everybody the opportunity to improve themselves. He’s the guy who’s never killed anybody in cold blood. He’s always been that guy. So the moment last night — regardless of what’s happened to Glenn — the Glenn as good angel, I believe, is dead.....So that good guy Glenn, regardless of what has happened to Glenn is gone."

I can't believe he'd say that knowing that the very moment Glenn returned he would take up another hopeless charity case like Enid. When she pulled that gun on him I was secretly hoping Glenn would grab it, blast her in the face, and walk out....thus completing his journey towards the Dark Side.

Alpert: "Anytime that we do anything big in the show that’s going to have fan reactions, we want to make sure it’s earned."

This whole escapade was exactly the opposite of "earned". It was a pointless gimmick that might have been okay as commercial-break cliffhanger, but not something that gets drawn out for weeks.

lol yeah that was definitely never gonna happen. Glenn is like the one guy on the show who is uncorruptable by the world. He doesn't kill people, he always tries to help people, but he isn't like a preachy old man about it so he's never the one that winds up dead (for now).

Daryl's the only other one close to that, but he will kill people, and he will try to act all mean to cover up his softness.


I called it with Glenn.
While true, it's completely messed that zombies weren't just tearing his eyeballs out and ripping his face open while he was screaming.. but I mean, the guy also survived an off-screen scene where three zombies just fell on him as well.


glenn is alive? NO WAY, no one saw that coming!

such artistry these writers, such cleverness.

green balloons randomly floating in the air? THAT'STOTALLYGLENNHE'SALIVE


This would really be hilarious and make my day if it played out exactly like this. Would be overkill as fuck but still worth all of the LOLs in the world.

Your kill order is the exact order of likelihood of these 3 getting taken out by Lucille.

Morgan is clearly the odds-on GoldDerby.com front-runner.
Glenn is the pre-spoiled runner-up.
Daryl is the dark horse.

I've been in the Morgan camp since this season started. And pretty much entrenched in it now since Episode 4.

Basically how I think of it as well.

Obviously the show would never do it, but it's hilarious to think about and the reaction it would have :D

I want to thank all of you hate watchers for keeping this the highest rated cable show. Without your lack of self control and inability to walk away from a show you clearly despise, I may have never had Fear the Walking Dead.

Please continue to hate watch so that I may get another spinoff. I love the show and love zombies. So thanks.

This lol.


Basically how I think of it as well.

Obviously the show would never do it, but it's hilarious to think about and the reaction it would have :D
Oh yeah... I can imagine the live thread posts and the in-person viewing reactions from here.

Negan takes bat to Morgan's skull. Rick looks on in anguish. Everyone else is non-plussed about it. OT starts getting filled with "I knew it" and "oh look they killed another black guy" and "way to play it safe" posts.

Everyone expects the episode to wrap up and transition to Talking Dead... but it begins to run past its scheduled 10:30pm end time (assuming a 90-minute episode).

Negan starts boasting about "man, that was one hell of a warm up; time for Lucille to feast on the main course". Negan starts swearing like a mofo and smashing Glenn's skull to pieces. Maggie breaks down in agony. Main leads start shedding tears as Glenn's impervious plot armor gets stripped away. OT is in pandemonium over multiple Lucille kills. Viewers at home are shocked into silence.

Negan and his Saviors yuk it up some more as Bear McCreary's score builds up towards a crescendo indicating the season is about to end. But then all of a sudden everything goes silent apart from quiet sobbing. Negan's footsteps boom as he walks up to a prone Daryl and holds his head up. "Lucille's not finished yet."

OT is now apopleptic. Viewers at home are now holding each other in terror. The final shot is Lucille in slow-motion crashing down into Daryl's skull. And instead of the Talking Dead with Hardwick, we get an hour-long "in memory" montage for Morgan, Glenn and Daryl. Talking Dead is postponed until the following week where it will air during the normal 9pm Walking Dead timeslot with Gimple, Reedus, Yeun and James as guests.

Negan enters Season 7 as the most hated man on television.


TO me he biggest give away that sam will be doing some twisted shit later in the season was that bowl cut... You just dont give some character on tv that kind of haircut unless they are having some psychological issues.

Rick better grab some clippers and pomade real quick and givt that kid a fly ass haircut.
Omg yes, his hair is ridiculous considering his mother is a stylist.
So big show/comic spoilers:
I definitely think Glenn is getting killed by Negan. It's shitty, but this whole dumpster thing will only make that moment ever crazier. Quite a few reviews are saying how this debacle makes it seem that Glenn is untouchable now. So imagine the reaction if he gets his head bashed in. It would be the last thing people would expect now that he survived the zombie herd.
Comic discussion/spoilers
I think this means that we won't see Glenn killed by Lucille. The show spent the entire first half of the season dealing with Glenn's possible death. It would be a slap in the face to the audience to kill him off a few episodes later like that.

I am fine with Glenn living but I am not fine with how they milked this. None of this was earned and it just feels cheap and melodramatic. Which reminds me of the dialogue. I hate hate hate the ridiculous monologues. People do not talk this way and it takes me out of every single scene they do it in.

Carl was such an ass during the scene with Rick and Ron. Patronizing. I don't blame Ron for wanting to shoot him.

Mr Git

#teamalive vindicated. He should have died and I probably would have respected the show more for it, but I'm glad he didn't.

I am wondering how absolutely no one heard or saw the building slowly, loudly shed and creak.


Hello. It’s Glenn.

He’s been hiding under garbage for a month on Walking Dead.

We’ve been asking, every week

Will we finally get some answers? But it’s just a lot of teasing.

Hello. Glenn, can you hear me?

I’m here every Sunday hoping for the show this used to be.

When the cast was younger, and AMC

Had Breaking Bad, now Into The Badlands ads don’t cease.

But nobody is watching Into The Badlands

In a million years.





I don't know if it's old or already posted but I laughed.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Carl was kinda being a dick to that other kid. Rick would say something and then Carl would pile on another remark.

I don't know why people were even questioning Glenn's fate. They weren't even subtle about the multiple call outs that he would send a sign or the fact that the dude clearly fell on top of him. It wasn't an asspull, because it was clearly intended to go that way. Stretching out him showing up again for so long has been bullshit though. But they honestly couldn't have telegraphed him showing up again (and how) anymore clearly.

I was cool with the pacing of this season up until the episode "Now." But between that, "Always Accountable" and "Head's Up" I feel like we got two episodes worth of content over three episodes. This show has always meandered a bit, big event and then split up and slow down, but after getting three really well paced and fast episodes to start and then a fantastic bottle episode, it just becomes a little more apparent.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
Hating on this show has become like a real popular 'thing' for a few seasons now. Still, everybody keeps watching it. Now why is that? lol

It's a ritual at this point. And since it's so popular most people have a friend or family member that also watches it. It's fun to talk and share thoughts about it.

Also, some of us are holding on to the hope that the show will get really good again. The writers just need to grow a pair and truly surprise us. Shake things up. Go in a new direction. It's clear that they ran out of ideas about how to explore 'survival vs morality' a long time ago.


Some terrible things, some fun things;

- Oh look, it's Glenn. Oh man, what a twist. I'm shocked and amazed. Anyway, bonus points for Glenn on killing walkers which closed off access to his jummy fleshy parts.
- Glenn and Enid don't work. Like at all. The latter is a terrible character and I still don't understand her motivation.
- "Hey everyone prayer circle who's up f-" Rick: "Fuck off Gabriel you shit"
- Guys, come on, the tower! Look at it! It's going to give! Hello?
- Oh Deanna so happy with her little plans.
- Morgan, bro, why?
- Carol gonna go rambo on his ass.
- Spencer, what the...
- Tara flippin' the bird was funny.
- Btw, guys, come on: in earlier episodes they made it clear that Rick and the gang used balloons for checkpoints. Ofcourse a tank of helium would be close by to fill out those balloons. Watch that short term memory.
- Yay Maggie happy
- Ron wants to fuck up Carl real good.
- Oy excuse me, but Alexandria Tower is falling down my fair residents

Now the real question is: will there be deaths in the midseason finale?

Speculation for next episode+ comic spoilers in the next spoilers; you have been warned!

Well, I think the biggest plotpoint will be Ron waving the gun around; but who will he kill?

1) Like the comic, Carl gets shot in the face and Ron gets eaten by zombies. Episode ends with Carl on the street, unsure about his fate.
2) Ron winds up with Carl somewhere and they get in a tussle. While the two brawl it out and Ron randomly shoots, killing either Sam, Jessie or even Deanna. In a fit of rage Carl kills Ron. Like father, like son.
3) Ron tries to kill a fleeing Carl, hits him, but gets called out. He turns around, shoots and kills Enid. Gets killed because a group of zombies attack.
4) Ron has Carl in his sight, misses him completely and gets mauled by zombies. When the show returns in february we discover what remains of the zombified Ron.

That's my guess.

I'm actually expecting Jessie to survive this time around. With Judith in her care she'll receive plotarmour and after Alexandria survives Rick will need to exact some sweet Ricktator loving on Jessie. Sam will be best friends with Carol. Still no cookies though.


I don't know why people were even questioning Glenn's fate. They weren't even subtle about the multiple call outs that he would send a sign or the fact that the dude clearly fell on top of him. It wasn't an asspull, because it was clearly intended to go that way. Stretching out him showing up again for so long has been bullshit though. But they honestly couldn't have telegraphed him showing up again (and how) anymore clearly.

I wouldn't say there was ever much evidence to support the idea that Glenn was dead. I mostly just wanted him to be dead because I thought the people running the show were better than doing something so transparent, pointless, and manipulative. My hope was always that they were gunning for some kind of double-reverse fakeout.....have him show up as alive, then get bit or killed during an escape sequence. I was strangely expecting it once they announced him as a Talking Dead guest mid-episode, and said that there would be a "Special Message from Stephen Yuen" during Into the Badlands.
The AV Club review makes the good point that Glenn has come out of his whole near-death experience having learned nothing. He's still going to be a trusting do-gooder even when it's obviously to his detriment, even when people don't want his assistance.

Which I guess really sours me on this whole thing, because it hasn't even given Glenn an interesting arc. Even when Scott Gimple was being all stupid and coy about Glenn's death, he at the very least said that some version of Glenn died that day, and that the old Glenn was gone, etc. All this dumb trickery was only a cheap way to keep the audience engaged, and did not even result in the character changing or being significantly affected.
I'm not saying he won't be but how do we know how Glenn is gonna be in the same situation in the future? We haven't really seen him yet other than his interaction with Enid which is not nearly the same as Nicholas.
I will never understand why people that consistently hate on the show week after week continue to watch it.

Must be an age thing i guess as i would spend my time doing something i might/do enjoy instead.

I can understand when they've built up an attachment to the characters, it's hard to let go. It makes you want to see their story through to the end, however awful it might be along the way.

Personally I think the show still has enough brilliant moments to make it worth watching. Not every episode is going to be Emmy material every time. I've liked all of this season so far except for the last 2 episodes. The Morgan/Eastman episode is one of my favorites in the whole series.
I'm not bitching about a lack of action.

I'm bitching about the characters being BORING.

Guys, this is a repeat of Season 2. Everyone said "omg it's not about the zombies, it's about the characters, it's a character drama!"

Yes, I know, and I'm saying the characters are shit and the drama put around them is shit.

I refuse to believe anyone would try and shimmy across a wire over dozens of zombies to get to a car and not tell anyone for back up or support.

Eh, it's still way better than season 2. Morgan makes a much better argument for pacifism than similar characters in the past (Dale, Hersel) and the monumentally stupid decision in this episode came from Spencer, a joke character we aren't meant to sympathize with, rather than one of the main cast.


Sam will be best friends with Carol. Still no cookies though.
I'm not sure this is plausible.



I'm not saying he won't be but how do we know how Glenn is gonna be in the same situation in the future? We haven't really seen him yet other than his interaction with Enid which is not nearly the same as Nicholas.
His interactions with Enid this episode were a sign. If there was ever a time to leave someone and go home to your distraught wife it was last night's episode. It was frustrating to watch.
Eh, it's still way better than season 2. Morgan makes a much better argument for pacifism than similar characters in the past (Dale, Hersel) and the monumentally stupid decision in this episode came from Spencer, a joke character we aren't meant to sympathize with, rather than one of the main cast.

I disagree.

Dale and Co. were only months out of the end of the world. Their naivety was believable and I didn't have much issue with it. Rick had the same path too, and it turns out Shane was right all along, but he was just too ahead of the curve for everyone to deal with it.

And I don't have an issue with Morgan either, I think he's fine just the way he is with juggling his own morals and what everyone else thinks (knows) is right.
I disagree.

Dale and Co. were only months out of the end of the world. Their naivety was believable and I didn't have much issue with it. Rick had the same path too, and it turns out Shane was right all along, but he was just too ahead of the curve for everyone to deal with it.

"Murder your best friend to continue fucking his girl" is a bit beyond the curve.



It's always hilarious to me how this show wants to tug at your heartstrings one minute, and the next minute it wants to be a gory Troma movie.


Shane was great

Rick is Shane now

I really didn't and don't want Glen to die. I don't want to have to deal with the shitty episodes that would proceed his death.


Y'all are some haters!

Last weeks episode was boring and nonsensical, but this one was great. Glenn being alive is a plus, and not one viewer will be lost due to his return.

Next week, somebody has to die, and I think they will lose two or more. My money is on the loose wolf killing the blonde lady Rick likes, Ron missing his gun shot, and Rosita missing the machete swipe. All that and a bag of chips next Sunday, quit whining!


Shane was a dumbass. Like who the hell try's to kill their best friend and steal their wife and kid during a zombie apocalypse? Like seriously? And Rick is nothing like Shane, Shane only gave a shit about two people and would have destroyed anything in his path to save those two people. Rick cares about the whole group, he's a leader actually trying to do what's best for the whole group rather then just himself. Rick was close to going off the edge like Shane but still never went as far.

Shane never had the right idea. No matter how you look at it you need people to survive. Does that mean you can trust everyone? Nope definitely not, Rick and the gang learned that out real fast with the govenor, hunters, etc. But that doesn't mean there aren't people who can help you live in this new world. And this is something Rick is slowly starting to learn at Alexandria. That there might be some use from some of these people. Like Aaron, Heath, Tobin, Jessie etc.


Im glad they are showing the group questioning Rick's stupid shit, for a dude trying to play the game of thrones Rick is a moron for screaming something so specific to Tara. By the way, is her pregnancy a part of a plot or is that something that its gonna go unanswered?
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