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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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He only became this pacifist very late. Before this he was more or less an unhinged Carol, extremely competent with no remorse. Even even his philosophy has proven only to put people in danger (arguably even get them killed), at the very least, he's still incredibly competent in combat.
He's definitely not a level headed pacifist. Because of him, rick was almost killed.
Even Eastman would kill true evil.
how do we know that?


Comic spoilers:
I'm really worried the actor for Carl in the tv show won't be able to pull off the character and scenes I'm seeing in the comics.

I'm up to Comic 139 lol
comic spoilers

Use spoiler tags.
I'm really worried the actor for Carl in the tv show won't be able to pull off the character and scenes I'm seeing in the comics.

I'm up to Comic 139 lol
carl on the show is a young man now but in the comics at this point he's still like 10, I think. What are they gonna do to integrate that into the show I wonder


carl on the show is a young man now but in the comics at this point he's still like 10, I think. What are they gonna do to integrate that into the show I wonder
Warning: huge omg fucking spoilers!
I suspect the show won't do a huge timeskip after All Out War like the comics did. It'll be several months rather than years, we're going to see a build to the new status quo rather than jumping right into it like the comics.


Man, I thought the show was going in the right direction after last season... It's back to being kind of shitty again.

Very messy first half.
sörine;187270365 said:
I suspect the show won't do a huge timeskip after All Out War like the comics did. It'll be several months rather than years, we're going to see a build to the new status quo rather than jumping right into it like the comics.
another thing about that is someone mentioned that in the comics, the other 2 safe zones are found before running into negan but that doesn't seem to be the case on the show, which makes me wonder if the show is even going to have the other safe zones at all.


sörine;187270365 said:
I suspect the show won't do a huge timeskip after All Out War like the comics did. It'll be several months rather than years, we're going to see a build to the new status quo rather than jumping right into it like the comics.
I would say it would make sense to do a timeskip mainly to try and age Carl more because he's still technically like 9 or 10 in the show right now while his actor's like 14 or 15.


Things went to shit from the 3rd episode onwards. Just about no developments, useless drags and what not. The midseason finale didn't really deliver either, but was better than the last three episodes.

Hoping Negan's arrival saves this. That and we need Glen Mazzara back.


another thing about that is someone mentioned that in the comics, the other 2 safe zones are found before running into negan but that doesn't seem to be the case on the show, which makes me wonder if the show is even going to have the other safe zones at all.
My gut and casting leaks tell me we'll still get The Hilltop but not The Kingdom. No tigers for AMC.


I would say it would make sense to do a timeskip mainly to try and age Carl more because he's still technically like 9 or 10 in the show right now while his actor's like 14 or 15.
From what I can find he was 12 officially in Season 1. The character should be around 14-15 now going by that with the timeskips the show's already had.
Just finished that with a friend who only briefly touched the graphic novel before giving up (too vulgar for him, I believe).

I explained to him that the next half of this season is pivotal; everything beyond this point, if done well and adheres to the comic within reasonable expectations, could be the best the series has ever been.

The problem is, the series always seems to be unsure of itself as to how it can walk that very fine line between the show and the comic; there's only so much envelope pushing they can do on network television.

Now enter
, how the hell do you do this character justice on network television? It just doesn't strike me as something that can be done well, especially not after how badly they fucked up The Governor (I mean, holy SHIT what a waste of a villain).
is pretty much
The Joker
to Rick's
. I honestly think he's going to be a
constant in the graphic novel; they will never kill that character off.
This is a complex, highly unpredictable (and therefore, terrifying)
Machiavellian type of villain with mulitple layers
...he's so much more than a
barbed wire baseball bat and a shitload of F-bombs

The episode ended pretty much in the worst possible place...it's ripped right from the graphic novel but the moments proceeding it are crucial and shouldn't have been left to stagnate for a whole mid-season break. That shows a complete lack of respect for the audience...you give us the entire sequence and let us stew in the results during the break. That's just poor fucking form, especially considering how, in all of that chaos, very little actually fucking happened. A lot of stupidity, unintentionally hilarious moments (that slow motion shit with Sam near the beginning was just...LMAO WTF?!) and idling before...hey look, it's fucking nothing!

But man, they had better execute the next half with complete precision because if they botch everything that's to come (according to the GN), I'll have permanently checked out of this series.

You DO NOT fuck with the
character...he's one of those "untouchable" elements from the GN that provide the essence of The Walking Dead.

The latter half of season 6, and all of season 7, if done right, will make for some of the best television AMC has ever put on outside of Breaking Bad. It'll also mark a major turning point in the whole series that could easily give them another 6 seasons and still have the show feeling fresh (if the GN is anything to go by).

Your move, Kirkman & Co.


Well for one, it tells me Carl is going to have a much bigger role in future episodes. Use spoiler tags or leave and post in the comic thread.

That's fair I guess, I'm usually very sensitive to spoilers but I guess you could make guesses based on my comment. Could go either way though, just questioning the actor. Edit your post and I'll edit mine.

Comic thread is also dead. A post every couple of days.

Red Mage

Well for one, it tells me Carl is going to have a much bigger role in future episodes. Use spoiler tags or leave and post in the comic thread.

Man, don't ever visit a TWD website. Even they have stopped caring about comic spoilers as it's been roughly ten years since the comic was at this point.


Pretty terrible episode. Worst one in the last few seasons. The whole Carol, Morgan, Wolf plot line is awful, infuriating, and dumb. No way people acting that stupid could survive this long. This episode was very anticlimactic for a mid-season finale.

Revenant commercial was the best thing about last nights episode. The February episodes should be good though.


I'm having a hard time having any empathy towards any of the characters this season, especially with how Rick comes across as never being truly at fault & no one will question the logistics of his plans. The guy has clearly lost it, but no one is willing to question him?

It doesn't help that the show works better with a smaller, tighter ensemble of characters, as it feels like danger could lurk around any corner. Instead, I wouldn't care if any of the citizens of New Alexander (that are not named Denise or Enid) will get mauled or gobbled up, which seems that is going to happen towards the end of this season.

Also, how come the characters haven't used the "let us cover ourselves with the blood & guts of our enemy" trick for every moment zombies have appeared?!
I'm having a hard time having any empathy towards any of the characters this season, especially with how Rick comes across as never being truly at fault & no one will question the logistics of his plans. The guy has clearly lost it, but no one is willing to question him?

It doesn't help that the show works better with a smaller, tighter ensemble of characters, as it feels like danger could lurk around any corner. Instead, I wouldn't care if any of the citizens of New Alexander (that are not named Denise or Enid) will get mauled or gobbled up, which seems that is going to happen towards the end of this season.

Also, how come the characters haven't used the "let us cover ourselves with the blood & guts of our enemy" trick for every moment zombies have appeared?!
How has Rick lost it?


another thing about that is someone mentioned that in the comics, the other 2 safe zones are found before running into negan but that doesn't seem to be the case on the show, which makes me wonder if the show is even going to have the other safe zones at all.
Comic/show spoilers
they aren't doing it any different then the comics they are just introducing Negan's name sooner into the story on the show. Negan won't show up till the last episode and just like the comics no one is going to even know if this guy is a legit threat or not cause no one has seen him before. Jesus will be introduced by episode 10 or something like that according to leaks. Hilltop not long after that. The kingdom doesn't need to be introduced till season 7. They don't even go to the kingdom till Jesus tell Rick he needs to introduce him to someone, which is the start of Rick building his army.


Well I'm up to date on both tv show and comic book now.

Can't wait to see both continue. It's an interesting reading the comic books as a tv reader as you keep on thinking "I wonder how this show will do this", it's a good perspective.

Semi-comic spoilers just re: pacing and how that'll translate to tv:

The tv show is going to get really good for 1.5 seasons but the first half of season 8 is going to be boring for sure. I didn't mind in the comics as it was like an hour worth of comic reading but they have at least half of a season after the time jump where nothing really happens. But then after that, it starts getting really interesting.


Well I'm up to date on both tv show and comic book now.

Can't wait to see both continue. It's an interesting reading the comic books as a tv reader as you keep on thinking "I wonder how this show will do this", it's a good perspective.

Semi-comic spoilers just re: pacing and how that'll translate to tv:

The tv show is going to get really good for 1.5 seasons but the first half of season 8 is going to be boring for sure. I didn't mind in the comics as it was like an hour worth of comic reading but they have at least half of a season after the time jump where nothing really happens. But then after that, it starts getting really interesting.
Comic/show spoilers:
i would expect season 8 to be entirely all out war. First half of seven would be finding ezekiel, Carl's interaction with Negan at sanctuary etc. second half of season 7 would be March to war were Negan shows up early for supplies and Rick tries to kill him. They could easily get 2 seasons out of all that. Whisperers could be season 9 and maybe all of 10 depending on how long kirkman keeps their group around.
sörine;187270893 said:
My gut and casting leaks tell me we'll still get The Hilltop but not The Kingdom. No tigers for AMC.

Nothing mades me sadder than this when I think about the future of this show.
Ezekiel was so amazing. Doing the apocalypse right.
(comic spoiler, small)


sörine;187270893 said:
My gut and casting leaks tell me we'll still get The Hilltop but not The Kingdom. No tigers for AMC.
Comic/show spoilers
he will be there I'm sure of it. He wouldn't be cast till later in the year anyways they don't start filling season 7 till may I believe. Its still to early for ezekiel and the kingdom. First half of season 7 I bet.
sörine;187270365 said:
fucking spoilers

what the fuck is wrong with you guys?

Learn to tag your fucking spoilers, if it hasn't happened in the show, or is different from the comic, or speculation about the show, FUCKING PUT A TAG ON IT.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
sörine;187269732 said:
I think you could argue Carol was caught up in the heat of the moment (and so she pushed the issue when she'd have been better off placating Morgan's insanity to wait for her moment) but she's been completely rational for awhile now. She knows she moved too fast at the prison and that's a decision she's regretted ever since. She's shown remorse and despair repeatedly for necessary kills she's been forced to make (Lizzie, Erin, etc) and it totally baffles me when people try to position her in some false equivalency with Morgan. She's not that at all, the opposite equivalent of current Morgan was Mogan immediately preceeding his new age rebirth at camp Tabitha. The inverse of killing no one at any cost is killing everyone at any cost and that isn't Carol. She may be hardline but she isn't insane. Morgan's insane.

And Carol was right anyway about the Wolf, killing him immediately was absolutely the right decision. He was waiting for for his opportunity and predicably Morgan handed it right to him. Which is becoming something of a pattern for Morgan and these Wolves. He's really their greatest ally at this point, he's successfully prevented more of their deaths than he has the Alexandrians at their hands by my count. Poor Denise, even if she survives the horde I'm sure she's in for a horror show when they get back to the rest of the pack. And that's entirely on Morgan.

If Carol didn't interfere with what Morgan was doing, the wolf wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to escape. Hindsight is 20/20. Morgan would have killed Eastman if he had the chance, what Morgan is doing takes time. The guy has been locked up for...maybe a little over a day now.

I mean, people are saying Morgan's philosophy is the reason The Wolves attacked Alexandria. I think that's a big leap. The Wolves attacked because that's what they do. He let them go because he believed it was the right thing to do. But blaming Morgan would be like blaming Aaron for getting his map taken. It's silly.


what the fuck is wrong with you guys?

Learn to tag your fucking spoilers, if it hasn't happened in the show, or is different from the comic, or speculation about the show, FUCKING PUT A TAG ON IT.
Is saying when something doesn't happen (ie: a timeskip) really "fucking spoilers"? Get a grip.

Whatever, edited.

If Carol didn't interfere with what Morgan was doing, the wolf wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to escape. Hindsight is 20/20. Morgan would have killed Eastman if he had the chance, what Morgan is doing takes time. The guy has been locked up for...maybe a little over a day now.

I mean, people are saying Morgan's philosophy is the reason The Wolves attacked Alexandria. I think that's a big leap. The Wolves attacked because that's what they do. He let them go because he believed it was the right thing to do. But blaming Morgan would be like blaming Aaron for getting his map taken. It's silly.
If the Wolf was dead, there'd never be an opportunity at all. Morgan sparing his life, what 3 times now, is what ensured this happening eventually.

Like I said, Carol could've (and should've) played this smarter but she was caught up in the moment. She didn't even know what or who was down there and when faced with it she acted on instinct. And as usual her insincts were right, while Morgan's were wrong.

And it's not only Carol, in the same situation Rick or Michonne or Sasha or Abe or even Coral would've had the same instinct and possibly reaction. Morgan's secret prisoner puts the whole group at risk, he's taking personal liberties he's not really entitled to at this point. He should have turned his prisoner over to the group at the first real opportunity, not kept it secret and brought him their only doctor to take hostage. Morgan's philosophy isn't a liability but how he's going about it now most certainly is.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
sörine;187280499 said:
Is saying when something doesn't happen (ie: a timeskip) really "fucking spoilers"? Get a grip.

I would say just using the comic spoiler thread would be fair to people that only watch the show since there has been a history of not properly labelling spoilers. If it isn't labelled properly, someone might think they are reading a spoiler for a preview and end up reading about something that happens way down the line.


How has Rick lost it?
Remember the ending of season 5, where it looked like Rick had gone over the edge & Morgan strolled into the town like she didn't have a care in the world? How about when season six opened with a self-evidently stupid plan of his backfiring big time?

Apparently, the show had forgotten this entirely and everything had reverted back to status quo.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Why did Daryl carry on driving? Why not just turn around? He had plenty of time to.

Or why didn't Abraham put his new RPG to good use?
I mean they are driving a truck full of gas, so trying to escape by driving seems a bad idea. Buy why step out of the truck unarmed?


Remember the ending of season 5, where it looked like Rick had gone over the edge & Morgan strolled into the town like she didn't have a care in the world? How about when season six opened with a self-evidently stupid plan of his backfiring big time?

Apparently, the show had forgotten this entirely and everything had reverted back to status quo.
Plenty of people question Rick but they inevitably end up being zombie chow or target practice shortly after.

Well, except Michonne. And Daryl a little.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Remember the ending of season 5, where it looked like Rick had gone over the edge & Morgan strolled into the town like she didn't have a care in the world? How about when season six opened with a self-evidently stupid plan of his backfiring big time?

Apparently, the show had forgotten this entirely and everything had reverted back to status quo.

Hmm? Rick's plan didn't backfire, actually him wanting there to be a plan in the first place is the only reason they didn't get overrun earlier.

They went to rehearse Rick's plan to herd all the walkers away from Alexandria, and in that moment the truck fell so they had to do the plan right away. If they hadn't have been set up, there would be even more walkers around Alexandria instead of just the ones that broke off during the herding. It actually went pretty well considering, it went wrong when the wolves attacked and the horn diverted some of the herd.
Remember the ending of season 5, where it looked like Rick had gone over the edge & Morgan strolled into the town like she didn't have a care in the world? How about when season six opened with a self-evidently stupid plan of his backfiring big time?

Apparently, the show had forgotten this entirely and everything had reverted back to status quo.
1) He may have been hysterical, but he was right
2) And that plan worked fine. As seen by Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha leading the rest of the herd away. If not for the Wolf attack, the herd would have been led away. Things going wrong wasn't Rick's fault.


When they did the Glenn fakeout, that was when the veneer of this show fell off for me. Doesn't help that their mid season finale was mediocre. Oh well, hope they get their shit together for the 2nd half.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
Remember the ending of season 5, where it looked like Rick had gone over the edge & Morgan strolled into the town like she didn't have a care in the world? How about when season six opened with a self-evidently stupid plan of his backfiring big time?

Apparently, the show had forgotten this entirely and everything had reverted back to status quo.

Rick is actually one of the most level headed people in the group right now. The killing at the end of last season was sanctioned by Deanna, so you have to take that into account.

Also, Rick's plan with the zombies would have worked if not for the truck horn.


Seek victory, not fairness

Use spoiler tags.

When quoting someone who you think should have included spoiler tags, add them yourself (or just replace the quoted text with "comic spoilers" or whatever) so you don't wind up with the current situation where the original post is corrected and yours still includes a spoiler in your quote. Quotes don't automatically update when the source changes.
1) He may have been hysterical, but he was right
2) And that plan worked fine. As seen by Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha leading the rest of the herd away. If not for the Wolf attack, the herd would have been led away. Things going wrong wasn't Rick's fault.
I'm going to have some fun with this . It's 100% ricks fault if Rick would have killed Morgan in clear Morgan would have never saved Daryl and Aaron wolves would have never found Alexandria it's all Rick fault or Shane's but overall probably loris
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