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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Yeah I pretty much lost all respect for Morgan after this episode, despite liking the Eastman episode.

I thought he would provide a much-needed balance to the trigger-happy attitude of Rick and the group. But that was before this episode, where he's showed he's clearly not right in the head.

Now I really hope he gets offed when the show returns in Feb. Thanks to him, Denise is likely a goner now. Asshole.


Oh wow, just started reading, Carl is super young still in the comics.

And none of the characters look the same. This is confusing so far :)

Rick is one ugly mofo.
Andrea is still alive? I hated her character in the show.

Comic spoiler:
In the comics she's WAY better. One downside you'll get of not reading 1-78. She never hung out with the governor in the comics, and essentially is the carol-style badass.
Andrea is still alive? I hated her character in the show.

Andrea is a whole lot better in the comic. Like one of the main characters up there with Rick and Michonne. Which was why her tv character was even more painful to comic readers.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Comic spoiler:
Andrea is still alive? I hated her character in the show.

Comic Spoiler
Comic Andrea is way different from show Andrea. I would say the closest show character to comic Andrea is Carol or Sasha. I never cared for show Andrea either.
OK I'm going to read the comics from #79 which I believe is closest to where we are. Can someone tell me the major differences up to current between the comics and show?

Here's what I know so far:
The following characters don't exist:
- Daryl
- Carol
- Morgan

The following events happened differently:
- Rick lost his arm (how did he lose his arm?)
- Judith died? (how did she die?)
Morgan and Carol are in the comics


OK I'm going to read the comics from #79 which I believe is closest to where we are. Can someone tell me the major differences up to current between the comics and show?

Here's what I know so far:
The following characters don't exist:
- Daryl
- Carol
- Morgan

The following events happened differently:
- Rick lost his arm (how did he lose his arm?)
- Judith died? (how did she die?)

You're already going to read half of them, why not read the first half?


Comic spoilers:
Oh and Sophia is still alive too? Interesting.

This comic needs a better artist though. All of these people look so ugly.
Comic spoiler:
Andrea is still alive? I hated her character in the show.
yes. her character arc I believe is being split between sasha and tara (sharp shooters) and michonne (potential love interest for rick when he needs to bounce back from andrea's inevitable death?


Poor episode. Everything went downhill starting with the Carl fight, which triggered the stupid group getaway. I still thought there was some other way they would of made it out ---back up help creating a large distraction (RPG's duh, going on the rooftop and figuring something out...but no... cheap trick that was ok with Michone in short spurts but overplaying it like this....lmao. Fail.


I'm 3 comics in and I can already see what people are talking about. The quality difference is pretty big. Even in something simple like the difference in how the wall comes down between comics and show.

The comic characters just seem a bit more intelligent, or specifically Rick. Yeah, that's really the difference.

Oh, and Abraham is amazing.


This might well have been the worst episode in the series. Certainly the worst finale apart from possibly the Season 3 finale which largely consisted of the Governor mass murdering his own people.

Like the only good thing about it was Bear McCreary's scoring and the ants assaulting the defenseless cookie.

At least Negan is almost here to save the day.


Oh my god this episode made me so fucking angry so many times. I need my pills!

The #1 stupidest thing? Tara can make headshots with one hand hanging off a fence under duress from 20 feet away, but she can't just shoot the guy in teh head from 6 feet away with his head out in the open completely unobscured and not moving. I would think the minor risk involved to Denise in making such a shot is far less than the risk to her if you let a Wolf take her...

..And the anger from this is compounded by the stupidity of the Morgan situation. Morgan can't be killed fast enough. He may be approaching Andrea levels of needing to be killed.

Don't get me started on Coral and the utter implausibility of his character, from his hair to his decisions to his acting..
I'm 3 comics in and I can already see what people are talking about. The quality difference is pretty big. Even in something simple like the difference in how the wall comes down between comics and show.

The comic characters just seem a bit more intelligent, or specifically Rick. Yeah, that's really the difference.
It's been hours since the wolf attack and they didn't really get a chance to get out to repair/support the tower before the herd arrived.

Why would they think about adding reinforcements beforehand? I'm pretty sure the tower was unstable because of the wolf attack; it was fine before


Yeah this episode was trash

The plot moved forward like 2 inches. Literally everything that happened as a result of this episode could've been done in 10 minutes rather than dragging it out with long winded camera spans and useless dialogue between the characters.
I'm 3 comics in and I can already see what people are talking about. The quality difference is pretty big. Even in something simple like the difference in how the wall comes down between comics and show.

The comic characters just seem a bit more intelligent, or specifically Rick. Yeah, that's really the difference.

Oh, and Abraham is amazing.

Comic Abraham is amazing, but the book characters do their fair share of stupid shit. Specifically Rick, too. The main difference to me is that it seems more believable on the page (usually), more in keeping with how the characters have been developed, whereas, in the show sometimes just wacky shit happens for reasons.

eta: Ugh. Let me further explain though that the big problem with Rick is really the same problem with show-Rick, in that patterns get repeated and I'm not sure people really learn. I could say a lot but I don't want to spoil and I don't want to spoiler tag a whole long thing. Suffice the same the comics are also frustrating at times. In some ways, the show has made some great changes, in some ways the books are better, but in the end, I can't say either is spectacular, but I'm still here for them, so I guess that says something.


I know it happens in the comics, but I'm going to be pissed if they (Comic Spoilers)
still kill off Jessie. Just kill her kids and let her take over Andrea's role.


Yeah this episode was trash

The plot moved forward like 2 inches. Literally everything that happened as a result of this episode could've been done in 10 minutes rather than dragging it out with long winded camera spans and useless dialogue between the characters.

And almost everything that happened was the result of something implausibly stupid.
Negan is what the Governor wanted to be.

Clarity Spoilers:
Negan is the first person post-apocalypse to actually form anything that resembles a state. So, whereas The Governor was just the founder of a town, Negan is the founder of a nation. Complete with an army. Or, in GAF terms, Negan is the head of Gamergate.

LOL amazing.


The One and Done™;187249944 said:
They literally covered themselves in plot armor. LMAO.

In back-2-back episodes with Glenn. If the writers and directors don't get a shake up as to the mediocrity they put out I fear for the rest of the season.

I'm now at that point in the comics and they do the exact same thing.

Should of deviated from that.


Michonne has her own role to take...
Comic spoilers
Michonne from the show is a lot different then her comic counter part when you think about it. She was never this close with Rick and Carl in the comics. She had dated Tyresse, Morgan during this time and latter ezekiel who I don't see her hooking up with on the show. I wouldn't be surprised if she took over Andreas role.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The One and Done™;187249944 said:
They literally covered themselves in plot armor. LMAO.

Hmm? They've established you can do that before. Most recently would be Carol in the Season 5 premiere. They probably don't use that trick as much as they could but whatever.

This episode definitely felt like it got cut up. I suspect it was edited to fit the 60 minute timeslot instead of the 90 minute. It was a pretty anticlimactic ending. But there is going to be plenty for the premiere.


(Preview/Prologue Spoilers)
Hearing Negan's name finally dropped on the show after 6 and a half seasons felt oh so damn good. It just feels like we're surfing this slow wave of impending doom leading up to the season finale. Getting chills with each passing episode. I really hope Gimple and crew do justice to his introduction.
"Look, man, I get it. My dad killed your dad, but you need to know something. Your dad was an asshole"

Coral with the bomb of truth, reminded me of S3/S4 when he'd just drop truth-bombs left and right.


OK, if the show follows suit with the comics, then Episode 9 is going to be absolutely amazing.

Comic spoilers:
There is nothing more satisfying in this show then pissed off Rick. My favourite scene in the entire show is right before Terminus where he bites the guy. I can't wait to see what we get in the show with a shot Carl.
That was so-so midseason ep. And the end where they mentioned Negan I was like, OK. I guess if I read the comics I would be more excited, but if people say there is an awesome story arc coming up I will look forward to it.

Also I can't help but think I would start gagging and vomiting from being smeared all over with rotting zombie guts. I would imagine the smell would be overwhelming. Or I guess they are used to it? I dunno or particularly care.
Hmm? They've established you can do that before. Most recently would be Carol in the Season 5 premiere. They probably don't use that trick as much as they could but whatever.

This episode definitely felt like it got cut up. I suspect it was edited to fit the 60 minute timeslot instead of the 90 minute. It was a pretty anticlimactic ending. But there is going to be plenty for the premiere.

I'm now at that point in the comics and they do the exact same thing.

I know, people. Was making a joke. It's still plot armor though regardless of source.

I don't mind it really although, they should have put it on their faces and hair too. Carol did that when she raided terminus i think.
Comic spoilers
Michonne from the show is a lot different then her comic counter part when you think about it. She was never this close with Rick and Carl in the comics. She had dated Tyresse, Morgan during this time and latter ezekiel who I don't see her hooking up with on the show. I wouldn't be surprised if she took over Andreas role.
I would be pleasantly surprised. ;)
OK, if the show follows suit with the comics, then Episode 9 is going to be absolutely amazing.

Comic spoilers:
There is nothing more satisfying in this show then pissed off Rick. My favourite scene in the entire show is right before Terminus where he bites the guy. I can't wait to see what we get in the show with a shot Carl.
Comic/future spoilers:
So we know Carl gets shot like in the comics. I bet Sam freaks out, causing the herd to attack them at the worse possible time

I wonder if there will be a time jump and we get expanded prosperous Alexandria. The show already set the seeds for that
(Preview/Prologue Spoilers)
Hearing Negan's name finally dropped on the show after 6 and a half seasons felt oh so damn good. It just feels like we're surfing this slow wave of impending doom leading up to the season finale. Getting chills with each passing episode. I really hope Gimple and crew do justice to his introduction.
i think we all know the season finale will be
his first appearance, and the lucille victim.

or at least, a good amount of people including myself predict that to be the season finale
Comic/future spoilers:
I wonder if there will be a time jump and we get expanded prosperous Alexandria. The show already set the seeds for that

Spoiler about the spoiler in the above-spoiler tag
It's looking probable that a timeskip is going to occur sometime between 609 and 610. I forgot where I saw that, I think @ TSDF.


Comic/future spoilers:
So we know Carl gets shot like in the comics. I bet Sam freaks out, causing the herd to attack them at the worse possible time

I wonder if there will be a time jump and we get expanded prosperous Alexandria. The show already set the seeds for that

Comic spoilers:
I hope they don't gloss over the amazing scene after Carl gets shot where Rick goes crazy, Michonne joins him, and then Abraham and the rest after. It must be different with Abraham not with the group. Also I wonder about the whole Doctor situation since she's in the hands of a Wolves guy.

But yeah, there will probably be a time jump after Rick's speech and Carl opens his one eye? I'm not there yet in the comic, just in middle of 85.

EDIT - Nevermind, Carl just woke up.

EDIT 2 - Nevermind.


Spoiler about the spoiler in the above-spoiler tag
It's looking probable that a timeskip is going to occur sometime between 609 and 610. I forgot where I saw that, I think @ TSDF.

Comic Spoiler
There's a short time skip between when Carl is shot and when he's active again, but I'm pretty sure he's talking about the years worth of time skip after All Out War. We're still about 2 seasons away from that.
Oooh, Ep 9 title is
No Way Out

I'm happy they decided to split this situation into two episodes. A single 90 minute episode wouldn't be enough


(Preview/Prologue Spoilers)
Hearing Negan's name finally dropped on the show after 6 and a half seasons felt oh so damn good. It just feels like we're surfing this slow wave of impending doom leading up to the season finale. Getting chills with each passing episode. I really hope Gimple and crew do justice to his introduction.

I just saw that, didnt realize there was an after credit scene.
Ive always thought Negan was pronounced like Megan, gonna take awhile to get use to the long e sound.
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