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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Manufactured drama.

Teenagers doing their best to mess up thing again. Carrol stubbornly insists on dealing with that one guy in the crisis situation everybody's in. Morgan et al. doing a lousy job ensuring the prisoner is actually imprisoned. Rick only now realizes he can use the flares to divert the zombies away. Rick only now thinks to use the 'disguise' trick to slip away and cause a commotion elsewhere. Were where you all the day the zombies were pounding the walls?

Up to this season, the first halves proved to be the worst and the second showed improvement. S6 started with 2-3 strong episodes and then went downhill. Not sure what that means for the second half of the season. Once again TWD squanders its chances thanks to bad writing and plotting.
Also, how come the characters haven't used the "let us cover ourselves with the blood & guts of our enemy" trick for every moment zombies have appeared?!

Probably because of how absolutely dangerous it is. One wrong misstep and you're dead. Also you need time and space to cover yourself in roamer goop. It just isn't a practical long term strategy.

It does piss me off how the show seems to play fast and loose with it's rules and characters. Carol would not have approached that situation that way at all. She doesn't have hubris and wouldn't simply attack Morgan head on like that. It felt so forced. She instead would have simply waited for her moment and done the deed when Morgan wasn't watching. The entire scenario felt like forced drama.

Also how the wolf got away was fucking stupid especially with Rosita there. She would have head shotted him before he had a chance to point the gun at Denise. And when he Wolf got the gun why wouldn't he just shoot them? Again, felt forced and clichéd.

I like how Deanna was handled and her message to Rick felt earned. Ricks arc feels like it's going to swing again before a new threat arises.

I was happy that Carl actually got the upperhand on Ron. Why he didn't kill him though seemed strange although it's probably the shows way of telling us that Carl is not father and he may be the better version of his father.

Now to the epilogue....JUST FUCKING PLOW through the fuckers with your truck. That was so fucking stupid and out of character for all three of them. You have Abraham, the hammer, Sasha the sharpshooter, and Daryl the primal assassin. Now they'll likely be captured and tortured. So stupid. Abraham has a fucking RPG ffs. A simple, "Do we have a problem?" Would have sufficed.


The issue that stands out to me the most is the Carol/Morgan confrontation. The whole story was completely unnecessary.
If Carol didn't interfere with what Morgan was doing, the wolf wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to escape. Hindsight is 20/20. Morgan would have killed Eastman if he had the chance, what Morgan is doing takes time. The guy has been locked up for...maybe a little over a day now.

I mean, people are saying Morgan's philosophy is the reason The Wolves attacked Alexandria. I think that's a big leap. The Wolves attacked because that's what they do. He let them go because he believed it was the right thing to do. But blaming Morgan would be like blaming Aaron for getting his map taken. It's silly.
it was Morgan's fault that rick was attacked at the trailer. So no, it isn't silly. It's the reality.


I'm going to have some fun with this . It's 100% ricks fault if Rick would have killed Morgan in clear Morgan would have never saved Daryl and Aaron wolves would have never found Alexandria it's all Rick fault or Shane's but overall probably loris
I'm cool with blaming everything ever on Lori.
I find it adorable how much tara and rosita care for Eugene. Dude was frozen with fear and they run over to him and grab his hands and bring him to safety with them.
Why is a bite a death sentence again? I thought there was something several seasons back where they realised/discovered that everyone was infected any way and would turn when they were dead regardless of if they had been bitten or not - So the older woman being bitten was a death sentence because?....

That fucking nutjob kid with the bowl cut too, a few soft words were not going to sort him out he needed a few hard slaps across the face to knock it in to him. Hope he dies. Actually both the blondes kids I'm hoping to see a satisfying death scene for.


Why is a bite a death sentence again? I thought there was something several seasons back where they realised/discovered that everyone was infected any way and would turn when they were dead regardless of if they had been bitten or not - So the older woman being bitten was a death sentence because?....

The bite seems to transmit an infection which gives you an extreme fever and is almost guaranteed to kill you once in the bloodstream - unless it's on an extremity which can be immediately amputated. Once you're dead the airborne agent which everyone carries brings you back.
Why is a bite a death sentence again? I thought there was something several seasons back where they realised/discovered that everyone was infected any way and would turn when they were dead regardless of if they had been bitten or not - So the older woman being bitten was a death sentence because?....

That fucking nutjob kid with the bowl cut too, a few soft words were not going to sort him out he needed a few hard slaps across the face to knock it in to him. Hope he dies. Actually both the blondes kids I'm hoping to see a satisfying death scene for.

i totally expect a gif a zombie who will turn head and give him that stupid look when he keeps calling for his mom.


Why is a bite a death sentence again? I thought there was something several seasons back where they realised/discovered that everyone was infected any way and would turn when they were dead regardless of if they had been bitten or not - So the older woman being bitten was a death sentence because?....

Everyone who dies turns into a walker, unless their brain is destroyed. A zombie bite simply kills you quicker because a zombie mouth is nasty and dirty and full of bacteria. You get infected, but not in a zombie infection kind of way that turns you into a zombie, but in a puss-filled wound infection kind of way that makes you sick and die. If you get bit on a limb, you can cut that off quickly to stop the spread of the infection to the rest of the body so you don't get sick and die (and then turn into a walker).
it was Morgan's fault that rick was attacked at the trailer. So no, it isn't silly. It's the reality.

Morgan also let the Wolves go at the end of last season after they attacked him at his camp and admitted to killing everyone they came across. Had he taken care of them back then, they never would've found Aaron's bag and attacked Alexandria.


Was expecting the first half of the season to end with a bang and got a wet whimpering fart instead.

Also fuck Ron and fuck Sam.

And fuck spoilers. Don't know why they're tolerated in here but you can catch a month long ban for a minor spoiler in the GoT thread before you even get the chance to edit it out lol. Yeah, speaking from personal experience there.
Remember the ending of season 5, where it looked like Rick had gone over the edge & Morgan strolled into the town like she didn't have a care in the world? How about when season six opened with a self-evidently stupid plan of his backfiring big time?

Apparently, the show had forgotten this entirely and everything had reverted back to status quo.
How was Rick's plan stupid this season? They just found out about it and would have been attacked by the entire zombie army. His plan worked until the honking of the truck diverted their attention.

And Rick was right last season. The problem is as Andrea put it when she talked to Shane, there's a better "I'm not fucking crazy" way of showing it. Rick is one of the few sensible people left in the show.


Worst episode of the season.

All that needs to be said, really. I couldn't agree more. My wife and I looked at each other once credits rolled with the same "are you kidding me?" expression.

I've always been a big fan of the show, and they've shot what I feel are some legitimately good-to-great scenes that are filled with tension...

The scene at the bar with Rick, Hershel, and the two guys from another group of survivors.

Shane out in the woods with Rick, trying to find the right place to do the deed.

But the manufactured, bullshit tension this season has been absolutely horrible! Like, bottom of the barrel, straight to dvd, b-movie bad! I'm sure I've watched several minutes of one of those horrible SyFy movies with better tension...

Darryl taking half an hour to get his crossbow out of the bag immediately springs to mind.

And this episode, we get hit multiple times with this crap...

Maggie sitting on the ground and scooting on her butt instead of standing up to fire at the zombies.

Maggie hanging for half an hour before deciding to pull herself up onto the platform.

Morgan chucking the doctor in the room, alone with the Wolves dude.

Worst of all - everything that happened in the basement. All of it felt contrived and out-of-character. Carol and Morgan's confrontation. Rosita and Tara's inability to shoot a dude in the head when he is totally exposed and no more than 10-12 feet or so away from them.

There have been some pretty big "whiffs" in the history of this show, I'll admit. But in terms of mid/end season finales, I can't think of a bigger whiff than this one.
When quoting someone who you think should have included spoiler tags, add them yourself (or just replace the quoted text with "comic spoilers" or whatever) so you don't wind up with the current situation where the original post is corrected and yours still includes a spoiler in your quote. Quotes don't automatically update when the source changes.
Shit, sorry boyo!


I thought we were done with zombie guts camouflage. Overall, the episode was shite.

I'm in the minority, but I can tolerate the bad dialogue and slow bits better than the dumb action scenes. Everyone was running and falling like they're Lara Croft in the new TR games. I'll give Deanna a pass for falling and injuring herself, but lol @ Maggie and Carol fumbling. And the wolf guy, with his hands tied and everything, managed to pick up a staff/stick to knock out Morgan. I guess medic lady didn't notice. How exciting. Carol's motivation and everything to do with that scene was dumb.

Also, several scenes had goofy overbearing music (and I'm not referring to the kid's record player). The previous episode would've been a better mid season finale.
Morgan also let the Wolves go at the end of last season after they attacked him at his camp and admitted to killing everyone they came across. Had he taken care of them back then, they never would've found Aaron's bag and attacked Alexandria.
ill give him a pass on that because there was no way to tell for him how bad those people were. We also didn't know how sworn Morgan is to this precious shit at that time.


Like unless there is some bigger development out of Morgan from all of this then Im pretty much done with him. Dude has been completely neutered and I don't really trust the writing team to bring him back
That bowl cut kid has got to be the worst TWD character ever. God what a pansy... Tha fuck are you calling your mom for that is alrady holding your hands?! Dind't Rick and your mom told you multiple times that you shut your sorry ass up once everyone got going? Damn. This kid will get everyone in deep shit because of his nonsense. Someone body this kid already. Tabitha would have kicked you ass.

I'm kinda torn on the Morgan / Carol situation. It was Carol who [rovoked the encounter. And she looked like she was about to ice Him and the Wolf guy. Morgan did what he had to do to protect himself... I feel bad for the medic girl. Like how is she gonna live now? Wolf guy took her like she is his Princess Peach.

Overall the episode was a notch below than what I was hoping for. It was still good but the highlight of the season was definitely all the episodes before the Eastman-Morgan episode.


Like unless there is some bigger development out of Morgan from all of this then Im pretty much done with him. Dude has been completely neutered and I don't really trust the writing team to bring him back
My guess is (comic spoilers)
Morgan's the one who ends with Lucille. Then at the end of War, Rick justifies imprisoning rather than killing Negan because it's what Morgan would've chosen or some bs
Finally zombie guts defense again... and apparently Michonne just completely forget about...


You'd think they would use every defensive method that they have discovered every time they went outside of the safe areas.


Mid season finale is such a tease. Booo.

- Lol the Invincible toys. Kirkman, pls
- Creepy music? Sure why not Sam. Little shit.
- Carl with the best line and actions this time around. "You're dad is an asshole"
- Deanna had some cool stuff too. Her "Well... shit" comment was golden, but complimenting Rick on his Beard growth is a-grade. You done good Deanna.
- The Morgan and Carol was completely stupid. Most pointless subplot.
- Eugene, lol.
- The ending was a total tease. Booooo. Come on.
- Oooooooooooooooh Negan name drop!

For my fellow comic the Walking Dead dudes and dudettes;

Episode 9 is No Way Out...

Are they going to do it? Are they going to kill off Jessie, Ron and Sam? Because it wouldn't surprise me if they let Jessie survive. Well, I'm just hoping Jessie will become selfish as fuck, lets her shitty kids die and run off towards the sunset with Rick and Carl. The latter getting a hot mom.

But with Sam calling for his mother... the zombies will devour him. He's dead.

sörine;187312014 said:
I don't understand why the don't need to cover their faces/hair?
It's full of sweat, I guess.

Mix that with rotting flesh/organs that masks the smell.
Didn't really feel like a mid season finale more like half an episode it ends in a bit of a weird place.

Yeah. I was really confused where the left the episode. We're we supposed to be concerned bowl cut kid (isn't it odd we have so much trouble remembering character names?) is going to blow their cover? No one else seemed concerned.


Yeah. I was really confused where the left the episode. We're we supposed to be concerned bowl cut kid (isn't it odd we have so much trouble remembering character names?) is going to blow their cover? No one else seemed concerned.
That's because they're pretending to be brave

Right, Jessie?


Well if something stupid happens next episode and people die because of Sam then it's going to be all Carol's fault. Actually Carol's a bit too much "badass" for me now. Glad Morgan made her sit the fuck down.


What a horribly finale, they hyped it up and then it just suddenly ends. I was waiting for shit to go down but then it just ended. This season started out great but then all the split up episodes focusing on only a few people on each side was just dragging it all down.

I haven't read the comics (at least not till past the TV show) so I don't know what Negan does, but I always read a lot about him, and that he's supposed to be one of the most evil bad guys in walking dead, so I'm looking forward to that at least.



It was all just bullshit, seriously. You know what is even more bullshit? Bowl cut kid probably won't be torn to pieces next ep, he'll just fuck shit up for everybody else.


Hunky Nostradamus

This past half-season saw the characters very sequestered from each other and there’s much less of that in the rest of Season 6. This upcoming half-season is very very different than the previous half-season in the structure, in the lineup of characters in the episodes, and I think even in the types of stories we are telling.

I have us go outside what is my comfort zone because I love telling stories that are character-based first. In lot of ways, this next half-season has that character but the plot really does take over for several episodes. I was trying to push myself to take it in a new direction, maybe not permanently but for these next eight episodes I wanted to do something different and you’re going to see something different.



Didn't really feel like a mid season finale more like half an episode it ends in a bit of a weird place.

What a horrible and manipulative place to end the episode. Two minutes more is all we needed. They could have cut out at least one of Deanna's stupid speeches. I probably would have been more accepting of that cliffhanger if they hadn't spent that capital on Glenn this whole season. I hated it. Only the Walking Dead can have thousands of walkers right outside and still have no sense of urgency or fear. Everyone was safely inside apparently and only idiocy of characters caused actual drama. Ron and Carl's dumbass bitch fight allowed the walkers in that house, and Carol and Morgan's stupid fight caused the only other actual drama in the episode. And why the fuck was Eugene using a lighter to read when it was daylight?

And why do they keep making the women fall like all stupid horror tropes? Fine, Alexandrian redshirt falls, ok. But Carol and Maggie? I call bullshit.

I really liked the first 3 episodes but I feel like the writers are getting way too cute and believing their own hype. There was nothing amazing about Glenn and I don't feel like they've earned the situations they've written. I also agree with the beginning of the avclub review of the episode but I doubt many others here will.

A few months ago (our time), Rick had a plan. He knew there was a quarry full of zombies near Alexandria, and he thought it would be a good idea to divert the herd from town. Sort of an advance strike to forestall catastrophe. But, ha ha, funny story, Rick’s plan actually managed to split most of town’s most effective fighters up, leaving them vulnerable when a new threat struck—and, okay, you’re gonna laugh, but that new threat, in addition to murdering a lot of people, also managed to attract part of the zombie herd towards Alexandria, thus bringing about a smaller version of the very problem Rick was trying to avoid. Which was bad enough but everyone was dealing with it until a tower, weakened in the earlier attack, collapsed, bringing us to where we are now.

Thanks, Rick. Thanks a whole bunch. You’re a peach, you know that?

The problem isn’t that Rick is a determined dumb-ass who’s big plays nearly always end in disaster. That’s not great, but it’s a legitimate character type, and, if handled well, could be a savage satire of hubris and entitlement. The problem is that despite his never ending series of fuck ups, Rick remains the go to hero for just about every character on the show.

The only people who disagree with him either wind up dead or else are so infuriatingly stupid themselves that the disagreement carries no weight. Deanna, who gets bit this week and finally ends her time on the show (I guess we could see her again later, but she’s not long for the world regardless), hands over the keys of the kingdom to this man who has destroyed her paradise. Sure, not everything that has happened is Rick’s fault, but at the very least, you’d think folks would be taking his word with a grain of salt instead of swallowing it all without chewing. (That metaphor got a bit weird. Apologies.)
For my fellow comic the Walking Dead dudes and dudettes;

Episode 9 is No Way Out...

Are they going to do it? Are they going to kill off Jessie, Ron and Sam? Because it wouldn't surprise me if they let Jessie survive. Well, I'm just hoping Jessie will become selfish as fuck, lets her shitty kids die and run off towards the sunset with Rick and Carl. The latter getting a hot mom.

But with Sam calling for his mother... the zombies will devour him. He's dead.

I'm kind of concerned that [COMIC SPOILERS]
they are going to keep Jessie alive and try to turn her into comic Andrea...


Hunky Nostradamus

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