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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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I think I'll join the chorus of "Fuck Morgan" along with everyone else here. I've never shifted from being so happy to see a character return to being so desperate for a character to die as I have with him. This stupid philosophy of his almost got Rick killed with the group he let go earlier and he learned nothing from it.

His ass needs to go.
I still say Morgan is wrong but he aint dumb. I think they presented enough evidence that makes the way he's acting believable. But he's so so wrong.


Oh man, I'm not a fan of that little kid.

"Just pretend you're someone brave"

Even his mom thinks he's a coward.
Hate Sam as well but honestly like what kind of advice is that to give to your kid lol?? Instead of hiding everything from his ass and sheltering him about the world, get him prepared. Instead he sits in his room all episode and then right before they're heading out tells him to be brave. Even tho he has no fucking clue what's going on.

If Carol was in that house with him then that kid would've nutted up. Seems to be the only person he really would listen to.


Super Member
Reg/Alexandria should've built a covered walkway from a major building to the outside of the wall when they were tranquil. The prison had a few of those

oh well


Good grief Jessie raised some stupid boys. The worst part of this episode was Morgan being a pigheaded dummy. I really used to like him too but he's about as naive as that weird tiptoe through the tulips kid.


Hunky Nostradamus
AMC is doing another zombie show outside of Walking Dead, correct? Wes Craven?

You're thinking of Empire of the Dead. The artist of the comic told people at some random Con that AMC was making it into a series but nothing has actually been confirmed or announced.
Did I miss something or did Heath disappear?

I don't even remember who this is and I've been watching the whole season. This show has too many characters to keep track of. I honestly can't remember who is alive and dead sometimes where it comes to the less prominent characters.


Who the hell is that? Alexandria crew need name tags. Im just learning the Next Generations names. Rosita, Tara, Abe, Eugene...preacher mans name escapes me.
Dude with the dreads. Got back to Alexandria with Michonne and his best friend Scott who got his leg all messed up.

He's also the one that was helping Glen and Nicholas before the herd broke off in the first episode.
I think the high point of the season so far for me was the Morgan episode "Here's Not There". I just found it really compelling and tightly paced.


He had some scenes shot for this episode but they were apparently cut.

That sucks, but he's been missing for like 5 episodes.

Who the hell is that? Alexandria crew need name tags. Im just learning the Next Generations names. Rosita, Tara, Abe, Eugene...preacher mans name escapes me.
I don't even remember who this is and I've been watching the whole season. This show has too many characters to keep track of. I honestly can't remember who is alive and dead sometimes where it comes to the less prominent characters.

He's the dude that plays Dr. Dre in Straight Outta Compton if that helps. The black guy with dreads and glasses.


Did I miss something or did Heath disappear?

I'm embarrassed to say that I thought you were referring to that gangly, doofy-looking Alexandrian that Abe saved at the construction site at one point and always appears in the background of every single Alexandria scene.

I completely forgot about that dread dude who had one single episode of mild importance. Where the hell did he go?


Hate Sam as well but honestly like what kind of advice is that to give to your kid lol?? Instead of hiding everything from his ass and sheltering him about the world, get him prepared. Instead he sits in his room all episode and then right before they're heading out tells him to be brave. Even tho he has no fucking clue what's going on.

If Carol was in that house with him then that kid would've nutted up. Seems to be the only person he really would listen to.
True, somehow noone bothered to take care of him a little and snap him out of it.
Anyone else find this season like really mediocre?

Absolute garbage.
The season imo started really strong and steadily declined since then. Partly it feels like they're just trying to stretch the story too much which also makes certain immediate threats look less immediate and take tension away. Like I was a bit surprised how safe they were in that house until Carl and that other kid attracted attention.
I still say Morgan is wrong but he aint dumb. I think they presented enough evidence that makes the way he's acting believable. But he's so so wrong.
he would have to be dumb to not realize rick almost died because of him. and... that in the time he was taking to tie that one wolf's hands together, other alexandrians were dying.


he would have to be dumb to not realize rick almost died because of him. and... that in the time he was taking to tie that one wolf's hands together, other alexandrias were dying.
So much this. All life is precious my ass. He could have saved a lot more people but didn't.


Kirkman: "There are obviously certainly limitations to the broadcast on AMC, but we’re working around that stuff right now to figure out some cool ways to keep Negan’s vocabulary fairly intact, so I think fans are going to be pretty excited about that".

Full article is right here. http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/walking-dead-negan-maggie-glenn-reunion-1201650096/

He also talks about how more time will pass in the second half of this season. Maybe a little time skip? Article doesn't have any major spoilers unless you haven't seen the midseason finale.
I think Morgan is right in trying to elevate their way of thinking. It's just that his timing couldn't be any worse... He's living proof that his philosophy works.
It's easier to pull a trigger than to actually place value in someone's life, and try to change it. Yet again, his timing is bad - But I respect his way of thinking.


he would have to be dumb to not realize rick almost died because of him. and... that in the time he was taking to tie that one wolf's hands together, other alexandrians were dying.
I think he fully realizes it. You can obviously tell how much the dude is struggling with his style of life when he talks to Rick, Carol and Michonne. He wanted to kill those wolves he's just afraid of becoming a killing machine again.

Carol and Morgan are both wrong anyways. Not everyone has to be saved and not everyone has to be killed. There has to be a middle ground. I would put the wolf in the category of not saving but Morgan still hasn't fully realized that not everyone is savable.

Hopefully this bullshit with the wolf and getting knocked out puts some sense into him.


Why do people even trust Rick anymore? Everything he touches turns to shit. These Alexandrians were perfectly happy until Rick arrived and the carnival of stupid began.

Most of them don't but are starting to realize they have to.

The Walker herd situation would have occurred either way since they had been piling up there for months.
The people who invaded would have killed everyone if it wasn't for Rick's group.
Hmmm....Comic Spoilers
I think Jessie will be molded into comic Andrea. She's not dying in that heard. She's learning to be more capable and seems to be built up for that Andrea role
Which article?

AV Clubs review pointed out Rick plans end badly.

The problem isn’t that Rick is a determined dumb-ass who’s big plays nearly always end in disaster. That’s not great, but it’s a legitimate character type, and, if handled well, could be a savage satire of hubris and entitlement. The problem is that despite his never ending series of fuck ups, Rick remains the go to hero for just about every character on the show.

Hmmm....Comic Spoilers
I think Jessie will be molded into comic Andrea. She's not dying in that heard. She's learning to be more capable and seems to be built up for that Andrea role
a few others and I have talked about this and
I hope she does die because I want rick to be with michonne. andrea's arc is already being taken partially with tara and sasha coz they're sharp shooters but neither of them are love interests for rick right now but michonne's gotta be.

how do you know jessie's not dying in the heard?
Glenns appearances were funny. They made a fuss over his return and all he does is stare from the distance in desperation.

Ninety-nine green balloons
Floating in the summer sky
Panic bells, it's red alert
There's something here from somewhere else
The war machine springs to life
Opens up one eager eye
Focusing it on the sky
Where ninety-nine green balloons go by
So much this. All life is precious my ass. He could have saved a lot more people but didn't.
what he and eastman didn't consider was the fact that that fucking book about precious life was written NOT in a post apocalypse! universal human rights change when the world ends, ya know!!! second chances or no chances need to be waaaaaaaay more respected
I think he fully realizes it. You can obviously tell how much the dude is struggling with his style of life when he talks to Rick, Carol and Michonne. He wanted to kill those wolves he's just afraid of becoming a killing machine again.

Carol and Morgan are both wrong anyways. Not everyone has to be saved and not everyone has to be killed. There has to be a middle ground. I would put the wolf in the category of not saving but Morgan still hasn't fully realized that not everyone is savable.

Hopefully this bullshit with the wolf and getting knocked out puts some sense into him.
If he fully realized then he wouldn't be so vehement about not getting rid of the wolf. well, tbh, that whole situation was fucked because the doctor chick was stuck with him, and I would've been terrified if I was her but I think she handled it pretty well (you are so full of shit!) but if she wasn't there, there wouldn't be a need for carol to deceive morgan, knock him out, and go into the "cell". I wonder if carol would've gone to do that if doctor chick wasn't there.

but anyways she did that, and then there's the confrontation/stand off between her and morgan. If I were here, I would have to think that whatever decision needs to be made needs to wait because of what's happening outside. Going there was the right thing to protect doctor chick (coz she was there) but the rest didn't have to happen. It's on her, and it's on morgan.
And Deanna's son?

nvm he died

Edit: Someone has a son that's alive

Edit: no wait it is Deanna's son

Lol It's just that well written with such memorable characters we care about.

First time this season I was just wishing that it would bloody end!
Michonne: There in the house! Coming up the stairs to kill us all
Deanna: Now I'll just calmly waste your time asking AGAIN, What do YOU want?
How about she off's herself and let everyone get out without some bullshit speech!
Terrible, terrible episode!
Deanna scenes irritated me too. Got nothing against the character but what a self indulgent death. Too bad they didn't show her getting ripped to shreds.


what he and eastman didn't consider was the fact that that fucking book about precious life was written NOT in a post apocalypse! universal human rights change when the world ends, ya know!!! second chances or no chances need to be waaaaaaaay more respected
It is easier to accept Eastman living this way when his decisions only really affected himself. Morgan's choices are a detriment to everyone in Alexandria and the surrounding area. Morgan needs to figure out the fine line between killing everything indiscriminately and #AllLivesMatterIncludingWolves.
It is easier to accept Eastman living this way when his decisions only really affected himself. Morgan's choices are a detriment to everyone in Alexandria and the surrounding area. Morgan needs to figure out the fine line between killing everything indiscriminately and #AllLivesMatterIncludingWolves.
but if eastman were in morgan's place do you think things would have been any different?

I wonder if Morgan is still and just is crazy and is defending this preciousness shit so vehemently because of it.
I hate that cowardly kid so much.


but if eastman were in morgan's place do you think things would have been any different?

I wonder if Morgan is still and just is crazy and is defending this preciousness shit so vehemently because of it.
I don't, based off of the one episode. Morgan was trying to kill him and Eastman just so happened to have his own cell in his living room to lock him in. I suppose what Morgan is doing is very similar.
I don't, based off of the one episode. Morgan was trying to kill him and Eastman just so happened to have his own cell in his living room to lock him in. I suppose what Morgan is doing is very similar.
but morgan was able to suppress his savage ways after being trained by eastman. everyone morgan's encountered whom he let live continued being evil. he let alpha wolf go, and he wound up inside alexandria's walls and tried to kill morgan again. he let wolves go which put rick in danger, he's informed of this (although maybe rick should've been more specific about how he almost fucking died), and isn't phased. then he stops at nothing to make sure no one tries to kill the murderer he's trying to save.


Aside from a couple good episodes early on, this half-season has been an awful mess. They can't do cool action stuff like the Wolf invasion every episode for practical reasons, and they can't do surprising character stuff at all any more because they've just poisoned the well. I think this will just be the way of things going forward - a couple fun actiony episodes and a bunch of fluff where nothing impactful happens.

At least we still have Fear the Walking Dead.


I think it was a mistake separating the story arcs into their own episodes. It might work if this was a Netflix show you can binge, but making people wait nearly a month to see what happens next to their favorite characters because of how the show releases really sucks. It really made everything feel disjointed.


Ninety-nine green balloons
Floating in the summer sky
Panic bells, it's red alert
There's something here from somewhere else
The war machine springs to life
Opens up one eager eye
Focusing it on the sky
Where ninety-nine green balloons go by

Whoa ...if they were red I'd really think the balloons were a reference to this song lol


This season had so much potential but it has turned to shit all because the characters keep making stupid ass decisions which make no sense. The comic was more believable around this point in the plot. There wasn't much the main characters were doing that was straight up dumb. Why the hell did they idle behind the walls for so long while the herd grew? Made no sense. Glenn insisting on getting that annoying girl back..wtf why?! Yes I get he's a good guy, but damn dude who the fuck cares, get back to your pregnant wife. He finally gets there and then...sends up balloons... Also, why the hell couldn't his wife (forgetting her name) do a single pull-up to get up that platform? For being such badasses and whatnot, I'd think they would've been in good enough shape to do 1 pull-up, but ok sure she was pregnant..I guess. Morgan needs to die.
This season had so much potential but it has turned to shit all because the characters keep making stupid ass decisions which make no sense. The comic was more believable around this point in the plot. There wasn't much the main characters were doing that was straight up dumb. Why the hell did they idle behind the walls for so long while the herd grew? Made no sense. Glenn insisting on getting that annoying girl back..wtf why?! Yes I get he's a good guy, but damn dude who the fuck cares, get back to your pregnant wife. He finally gets there and then...sends up balloons... Also, why the hell couldn't his wife (forgetting her name) do a single pull-up to get up that platform? For being such badasses and whatnot, I'd think they would've been in good enough shape to do 1 pull-up, but ok sure she was pregnant..I guess. Morgan needs to die.
It's at most been like 12 hours since the horde arrived
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