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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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So what do we think...
Glenn is under Nicholas who was getting ripped apart. Glenn is able to either crawl underneath the dumpster or stand up and get himself inside the dumpster. Glenn either calls for Rick on the radio for help, or conjures up some amazing escape plan that involves covering himself in zombie guts.
Thus is either the producers pulling a fast one, or the biggest botched death in the history of television.

My guess is
nicolas accidentally saves him with the zombie guts. Hence my question before lol


I dunno, Glenn looks pretty dead, but the fact he wasn't on Talking Dead as a guest appearance AND he wasn't even apart of the In Memoriam makes me believe he's not dead. If someone as big as Glenn dies, his ass is definitely going to be on Talking Dead talking about it and have a pretty big and emotional spot in the Memoriam portion.

In other words, I need to stop watching The Talking Dead because they do a shit job at spoilers.

edit: AND that weird ass written message from Gimple. WTF was that about? He would never do that if he was dead. Just doesn't add up.


If Glenn survived that the show cheated. I know they've had ambiguity before and is-he-isn't-he kinda stuff but this would be above and beyond that to a large degree.
I think they are going to make us watch a flashback arc where Glenn and Maggie talk about
her being pregnant maybe?
. Glenn was pretty against her going out before all this shit went down. Then they go look for Glenn and find Hershel's watch. Cant see how he is alive.


Why would Glenn be screaming bloody murder if he wasn't being ripped up. People actually think he's alive... Wut...


Glen is dead. He's sooo dead. OMG DEAD! That long-standing character, Glen...is dead.

If Glenn survived that the show cheated. I know they've had ambiguity before and is-he-isn't-he kinda stuff but this would be above and beyond that to a large degree.
The same way tyrese survived with just a hammer in the middle of a decent group of walkers without a scratch ?


Yeah I'm not buying that Glen is dead. Not saying how they went about it was good but if he wasn't on Talking Dead there's no way he's gone.

Also, can't believe how crappy these people are, letting the doomed survivors get eaten alive instead of killing them to put them out of their misery.
What's even crazier I remember seeing the trailer thinking man this trailer had no wow factors it all seemed blah then we get these first three episodes !!


The same way tyrese survived with just a hammer in the middle of a decent group of walkers without a scratch ?

Yeah, exactly. Just last season Glenn survived 3 walkers piled on top of him while suffering from a gun wound. They didnt even bother to explain how, he just popped up later on in perfect condition and kicking Nicholas' ass.

He absolutely should be dead and its bullshit that hes not, but I dont think this show's writers are bold enough to kill off one of their major players in such a random manner. Theres no heroics, no big bad guy to put over, not even another character to witness it.


Glen's not dead lol. That was pretty obvious.

Also, Rick is a badass for that shit at the end, but also in a lot of trouble.


Glenn is a boss so I hope he lives, but I'd love to see how they pull that off. Everyone else is busy doing their own shit.
Glenn is dead, his arc isn't over but he's dead. People are going to be in denial that he's actually dead just like when Lori died.

Lori died onscreen. Sure, her being prevented from turning occurred off-screen, but the actual death was shown.

At this point, with all the misdirection they've thrown in, the teasing comments from Talking Dead
and the fact that we know he's in future episodes because he's been seen shooting new scenes
, the only people who should still be arguing that he's dead are trolls.


If Glenn's alive I think it just ruins the remainder of the show because you'll have to doubt every other character death that isn't super-explicit.

If he comes back, then his death this will be seen as a really cheap trick and we'll all know that they don't have the balls to pull the trigger on major characters. If he's dead, then that heightens the sense of danger surrounding every other character -- nobody is safe now or ever, not even the people who have been around since Season 1 or Season 2.


Glenn is alive. He'll have magically found a manhole that he manages to open despite 50 walkers on top of him, he'll find the ninja turtle that trained morgan.

They have some weird sense of distance and timing. Morgan makes it back to Alexandria within what, 15 mins? These guys are taking the scenic route.

RIP Annie, you deserved better.
As much as I'd love for the show to have the guts to kill off a main character with a meaningless fucked-up death with no build-up, the Talking Dead made it pretty clear that Glenn ain't dead

Best guess is that Nick's gore shields Glenn from the walkers. That's the only way I see him escaping that


Best guess is that Nick's gore shields Glenn from the walkers. That's the only way I see him escaping that

I've heard this mentioned several times, but was it ever really established that human entrails will mask you from Walkers? I thought only zombie guts would do that.

Either way, this massive plot hole doesn't really need to be revisited. I'm surprised they brought it up again during the escape from Terminus.
Man. What a gut punch. I thought because Glenn had such a big comic moment left to happen, no matter how improbable his escape would have been I thought he was gonna somehow make it outta there up until the very end. Fuckin Nicolas.


How in the hell could he survive that? Its not possible, even if he gained a minute or two from the other guy being ripped apart.

The only plausible way would be that Glenn is covered with blood and guts which masks him and the zombies end up leaving him alone.


I've heard this mentioned several times, but was it ever really established that human entrails will mask you from Walkers? I thought only zombie guts would do that.

Either way, this massive plot hole doesn't really need to be revisited. I'm surprised they brought it up again during the escape from Terminus.

You would think human guts would make him even more appealing to the zombies.


The only plausible way would be that Glenn is covered with blood and guts which masks him and the zombies end up leaving him alone.

Nick isn't zombie yet though. But Nick is a plot device for Glenn's miracle.

edit: wait Nick can't, he shot himself in the head.


I think he's alive, but I have to say if he is dead, that was a fucking stupid way to do it since it was so nonsensical. One second, Nicky boy is facing him and pulling the trigger, but in the next cut, his back is to the walkers with Glenn on his right as he calmly falls into the walker with Glenn's arm wrapped around him as they fall together. At least have it make sense as I don't care too much if a character dies along as it works. Having someone shoot himself but have time to turn the other way while Glenn has time to try and catch someone who just died in front of him seems weird to me.

I knew Nicholas was going to kill himself when he started going mental but I figured he'd just give up and fall into the walkers.

Just seemed weird to me, and of course Nicholas falls on top of Glenn giving us a hint that he possibly could survive even though that would be kind of nonsensical as well, especially after the Talking Dead episode. Either way, that was stupid and when someone responsible for Lost says it'd be cheap if Glenn survives, then you know it's pretty stupid.


I don't think he's dead cause that's a shit way to treat his death. And it think it's horrifically cheap if he's not dead.

I'm fine with him not dying if they resolved it this show. Like fine make it look like he's being ripped apart then show what really happened. Now it looks like it'll be two episodes before it's officially resolved. Awful and cheap. Walking Dead doesn't need to go for cheap thrills. Really cheapens it and I'm surprised they would sink that low.
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