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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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If Glenn's alive I think it just ruins the remainder of the show because you'll have to doubt every other character death that isn't super-explicit.

The thing is that nearly every character death that's been shown has been very explicit.

Lori bleeds out and dies, then her son shoots her in the head to stop her from reanimating.
Shane gets stabbed, turns into a walker and is dispatched.
T-Dog is seen getting his neck ripped out while yelling for Carol to run.
The Governor is shot in the head by Lilly, and Tara reports that she saw her sister get consumed by the horde after they came into the prison.
Andrea's fatal bite is shown, and Michonne watches as the former shoots herself. They bring her body back afterwards.
Tyreese is shown getting bit, then dies on the way back and is buried.

Every major character death happens at the end of an episode, and is very clear when it shows said character's death. Not only does Glenn's "death" not take place at the end of an episode (there's still 15 minutes to go after), but it's narratively pointless and is almost sidelined with more action that takes place after. Even the camera angle they used for the "guts-eating" is off-kilter - it looks like half of what they're doing is offscreen.

And then there's the fact that (MAJOR SPOILERS)
Steven Yeun has been filming future episodes, including scenes with characters who haven't been introduced yet (Jesus), and is known to appear up to at least episode 11. There's also a rumor that Enid plays a part in his escape from the horde.


I'm pretty much done with this show. The characters are unbelievably stupid in most situations, fodder characters are too predictable, the deaths only ever seem to be for shock value and most logic is thrown out the window just before they die and when it comes to Zombies there's still too many openings and ways around them.

Everything is just becoming too stale for me with this franchise but the writing is honestly the worst factor.


Man. What a gut punch. I thought because Glenn had such a big comic moment left to happen, no matter how improbable his escape would have been I thought he was gonna somehow make it outta there up until the very end. Fuckin Nicolas.

I think its unlikely that (comic spoilers)
Glenn was (is) going to die as he did in the comics. Besides Shane, I think the TV show has tried to maintain some element of surprise by not killing off any of the major characters in the same way as their comic counterparts. They have swapped some characters though. TV Hershel dies exactly like comic Tyrese. TV Bob dies just like comic Dale. If Lucille gets to sing on the TV show I bet it'll be someone else.
Pointless death for a great character.

Assuming he's dead, it wouldn't be pointless at all. The point is that Glenn's inability to pull the trigger on a guy that by all rights should've already been murdered ended up getting him killed. Nick was a weak coward and should've been killed as soon as he murdered Noah. Doubly so after he tried to murder Glenn.

They couldn't make it any more clear: there isn't much room for second chances in this universe. Rick and Glenn, two of the most capable survivors in the group, were almost brought down in a single episode due to mercy. That's a pretty clear message.


I'm pretty much done with this show. The characters are unbelievably stupid in most situations, fodder characters are too predictable, the deaths only ever seem to be for shock value and most logic is thrown out the window just before they die and when it comes to Zombies there's still too many openings and ways around them.

Everything is just becoming too stale for me with this franchise but the writing is honestly the worst factor.

We'll see you next week.


Oh shit, I just noticed its miss Williams lol. I thought she looked familiar



Neo Member
Lol at all these posts! A zombie show where people aren't safe how terrible. Pointless death or not, not every character can/will go out in a blaze of glory. It's sad how he died and Maggie will lose her shit. But that's life in the context of this show.
its just a ploy to give you suckers a false sense of security
what would be more effective in the long run i ask?
killing Glen now?
or having him survive and everyone thinking hes invincible
then D Day occurs and BAM no one is safe
I'm pretty much done with this show. The characters are unbelievably stupid in most situations, fodder characters are too predictable, the deaths only ever seem to be for shock value and most logic is thrown out the window just before they die and when it comes to Zombies there's still too many openings and ways around them.

Everything is just becoming too stale for me with this franchise but the writing is honestly the worst factor.
stop. Everyone says this but you're not going anywhere


Who is

he just a comic book character that hasn't made an appearance yet, or is he actually in the show and I haven't been paying attention?
I don't think he's dead, the writers are (hopefully) smarter than that. Maggie will probably go search for him, find the clues, get to the death scene area and find that his corpse isn't there. Then they'll do a flashback episode that will show what Glenn has been up to and he'll be back for the mid-season finale. They just want to stir up some drama for now.

Or he was just killed off in the most disappointing way possible.
Who is

he just a comic book character that hasn't made an appearance yet, or is he actually in the show and I haven't been paying attention?

comic spoiler
If The Governor was the last "super villian" - Negan is the next one, and in terms of threat he's on a completely different level, from every angle.


The thing is that nearly every character death that's been shown has been very explicit.

At the same time they've never filmed any "trick deaths". They've pitted people against insurmountable odds and let them escape a nearly impossible cliffhanger through offscreen shenanigans, but to my recollection have never done this thing where they frame a shot so that it looks like someone's getting ripped apart or killed when they're actually not. This crosses a weird line for me and I don't particularly care for it.

For the record I think it's entirely possible that Glenn is alive, but I'd just really hate it if he was.....and when he appears onscreen again I will feel annoyance more than relief or catharsis.
I'd like to hope that still having the actor on set to film scenes is just a red herring that the producers have to go through for a show that has such a big rumor mill.


Really bad episode overall. Ninja zombies, stupid ideas and how the fuck did Morgan make it back so quick? Did he call flying Nimbus or some shit?

I don't think Glenn is dead, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is since that's a really improbable circumstance to survive from, which probably means he will since nothing ever makes any sense.
I think its unlikely that (comic spoilers)
Glenn was (is) going to die as he did in the comics. Besides Shane, I think the TV show has tried to maintain some element of surprise by not killing off any of the major characters in the same way as their comic counterparts. They have swapped some characters though. TV Hershel dies exactly like comic Tyrese. TV Bob dies just like comic Dale. If Lucille gets to sing on the TV show I bet it'll be someone else.
Comic Spoilers
That's why I thought he would still be alive so that when Negan shows up, you think Glenn is gonna get it and it's Daryl/Carol/Michonne instead.
Comic Spoilers
That's why I thought he would still be alive so that when Negan shows up, you think Glenn is gonna get it and it's Daryl/Carol/Michonne instead.
Come on, this is all set-up for his death by Negan. Makes us think Glenn is always able to get out of a dangerous situation. And then finally he doesn't.
I haven't started this season yet but Twitter trends just spoiled it for me. The trend description sets up the tone of what happened tonight. Yea I know by season 6, like most shows, you can expect the same thing to happen like in every other season, but I'd like to be surprised in which episode it happens.


Comic Spoilers
That's why I thought he would still be alive so that when Negan shows up, you think Glenn is gonna get it and it's Daryl/Carol/Michonne instead.
This seems legitimate case.

And I would be on board with a
Daryl death
- his
is shit now.
At the same time they've never filmed any "trick deaths". They've pitted people against insurmountable odds and let them escape a nearly impossible cliffhanger through offscreen shenanigans, but to my recollection have never done this thing where they frame a shot so that it looks like someone's getting ripped apart or killed when they're actually not. This crosses a weird line for me and I don't particularly care for it.

For the record I think it's entirely possible that Glenn is alive, but I'd just really hate it if he was.....and when he appears onscreen again I will feel annoyance more than relief or catharsis.
I'd like to hope that still having the actor on set to film scenes is just a red herring that the producers have to go through for a show that has such a big rumor mill.

It's about on par with that walker chewing on Daryl's boot (and him hallucinating Merle was talking to him) in S2's "Chupacabra", as far as I'm concerned. The concept of an "uncertain doom" isn't a new thing in stories, and I wouldn't put it past them at all to try out a different filming technique to make it look like he's being eaten alive.

(Major Spoilers)
And like I said, Steven Yeun's been seen shooting episodes after this one (about five months of footage), and was seen filming last week. No way would they be randomly paying an actor for a half-year's worth of work if the character was dead. AMC is notoriously stingy with their money, and them paying an actor just to throw off a spoiler community would be really, really uncharacteristic. For instance, Scott Wilson only filmed one other scene as Hershel after his death scene


The same way tyrese survived with just a hammer in the middle of a decent group of walkers without a scratch ?

That was nothing at all like what we just watched. If he was in a large group and then they played games with angling a camera to make it look like he dies, that would be similar.

It's not that survival here is merely unlikely.


This seems legitimate case.

And I would be on board with a
Daryl death
- his
is shit now.

if i feel like if that did happen, it would effect teh show too much. mainly because
the "fan favorite" getting killed would make them lose a lot of viewers


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
I'm really having a problem with the horn and how far away they seem to be from Alexandria. Morgan got there in practically no time, but now it takes everyone else forever? It looks like they were several miles away. No vehicle horn would travel that far.

Glen's death was so lame. They KNEW the walkers were coming their way yet they trusted that twerp to find what they needed quick? Just fucking get to Alexandria. It has walls for crying out loud. And the people there need your help anyway!
Anyone still watching at this point should be numb to "ninja" zombies...that is something they've done throughout the show. Aside from the fact that all dead people will revive, there are seemingly no hard rules with the zombies in this show. They're whatever they need to be when the writers call for it. Fast or slow, quiet or loud, aggressive or lethargic, strong or weak, and so forth. It's a hallmark of poor writing when drama cannot be created naturally without playing fast and loose with variables in the story that shouldn't change.


Moral of the story:

Rick is always right. And fuck hope.

Also RIP to the last Korean American on Earth. I'll miss you Glenn. Fuck this show.
Yeah I'm not buying that Glen is dead. Not saying how they went about it was good but if he wasn't on Talking Dead there's no way he's gone.

Also, can't believe how crappy these people are, letting the doomed survivors get eaten alive instead of killing them to put them out of their misery.

lol I thought the same thing, jesus christ just stab the guy in the head, stop watching people get eaten


I'm really having a problem with the horn and how far away they seem to be from Alexandria. Morgan got there in practically no time, but now it takes everyone else forever? It looks like they were several miles away. No vehicle horn would travel that far.

Glen's death was so lame. They KNEW the walkers were coming their way yet they trusted that twerp to find what they needed quick? Just fucking get to Alexandria. It has walls for crying out loud. And the people there need your help anyway!

To be fair weren't they all still kinda trying to direct the herd away from Alexandria? Morgan probably just ran back to town, But Rick and everyone else is still trying to control the herd.


it'd be dumb to have Glen miraculously survive a hopeless situation AGAIN...

UNLESS, they reveal that he is actually immortal and just roll with that
To be fair weren't they all still kinda trying to direct the herd away from Alexandria? Morgan probably just ran back to town, But Rick and everyone else is still trying to control the herd.
Rick told Morgan to go back to town. The rest stayed to deal with the herd
He's clearly not dead, but I'm going to be annoyed if they don't show how he got out of it again, like they did in the finale when he was shot and trapped by walkers.
I think he cut it as he was stabbing those zambos in the street.

One of the walkers had a machete sticking out of its shoulder. Rick killed one with his knife, but then it broke. He held off machete walker with his hand, but it got cut by the blade sticking out of the walker. He then ripped the machete out with his other hand and killed the remaining walkers with it.


Just saw it again and yep Glenn is not dead. The way they tore into the flesh, its on top of Glenn. Also the intestines are typically foind in the stomach area and they took it out from Glenn's chest area, I'm guessing we'll see how Glenn probably slowly moved underneath the garbage container and covered himself with blood and guts and survived. Also I get the feeling something will happen with either Rick or Daryl, just seems the writers are leading up to one of them sacrificing themselves for the other. Also Morgan seems the logical choice to lead the Alexandrians to something else. I'm guessing maybe 2 or 3 season left at most for the Walking Dead??


I've never cried so hard. Even if he's alive. That made me die inside. If my husband comes in here and makes fun of me, you suck. :(
Just saw it again and yep Glenn is not dead. The way they tore into the flesh, its on top of Glenn. Also the intestines are typically foind in the stomach area and they took it out from Glenn's chest area, I'm guessing we'll see how Glenn probably slowly moved underneath the garbage container and covered himself with blood and guts and survived. Also I get the feeling something will happen with either Rick or Daryl, just seems the writers are leading up to one of them sacrificing themselves for the other. Also Morgan seems the logical choice to lead the Alexandrians to something else. I'm guessing maybe 2 or 3 season left at most for the Walking Dead??
TWD is AMC's Law and Order. It's gonna be on forever with spinoffs out the wazoo until people refuse to watch any of them anymore, which'll probably be a long time from now.


Just saw it again and yep Glenn is not dead. The way they tore into the flesh, its on top of Glenn. Also the intestines are typically foind in the stomach area and they took it out from Glenn's chest area, I'm guessing we'll see how Glenn probably slowly moved underneath the garbage container and covered himself with blood and guts and survived. Also I get the feeling something will happen with either Rick or Daryl, just seems the writers are leading up to one of them sacrificing themselves for the other. Also Morgan seems the logical choice to lead the Alexandrians to something else. I'm guessing maybe 2 or 3 season left at most for the Walking Dead??

At this point it's however long the Walking Dead wants to keep going on. I'll say this now. If they Kill Rick or Daryl off the show it'll end in 2 seasons after that.
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