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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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I was shocked but TD literally killed it for me. Not once did i think he survived until 1. Steven doesn't get a farewell and 2. The stupid letter that said he his whole story hasn't been told. Why would you create the illusion he wasn't dead? Just let it rock.

Not interested in flashbacks or ghost Glenn. If he's dead then fine if not hey better have some fucking amazing reasons how he survived that.

Funky Papa

They telegraphed that shit so hard you could see it coming a mile away. Glenn pulling Hershel's pocketwatch out, the "dumbass" conversation/callback with Rick, Nicholas bringing up the fact that the town was where he had a failed scouting run with Aiden just before meeting Glenn and the others... it was clear early on that something bad was going to happen.
I didn't remember most of those bits, so it worked out for me. The hectic nature of the episode was also a nice change of pace. TWD has tried similar scenarios before, but things have never been so fucking dire and tension was kept through the episode. It also helps that filming was actually competent for a change.

It would be a shitty death, but I don't think it would be a cheap death. Like, when I was immediately coming to terms with his death last night when I still thought it was legit, I hated it because fuck Nicolas. I don't want Glen to die because I like him, especially when it is caused by a shitheel like Nicolas. I hate it.

But at the same time, it was a logical death in that it was Glen's own character strength AND flaw leading to his own death. It seemed like they got stuck in an impossible situation, caused directly by character actions, and didn't cop out by having some last minute save but actually seemingly went to the logical outcome of the situation they put the characters in. It's exactly the type of thing that should be the cause of a character death in a show like this.
I agree.

Would be stupid as hell if he survives that.
I also agree.

I was shocked but TD literally killed it for me. Not once did i think he survived until 1. Steven doesn't get a farewell and 2. The stupid letter that said he his whole story hasn't been told. Why would you create the illusion he wasn't dead? Just let it rock.

Not interested in flashbacks or ghost Glenn. If he's dead then fine if not hey better have some fucking amazing reasons how he survived that.
I'd be fine with somebody from the gang found his badly mauled remains undead remains ala bike lady.



My main issue is that I don't think anyone is going to take "big deaths" seriously if Glenn survives. By big I mean Atlanta survivors + Michonne. People will argue that there's no way that they died, that there has to be some trick/fake-out... and I honestly can't blame them.

You either kill a main character or you don't. You don't put him in a situation where he realistically cannot get out of.

I've also seen theory's that Enid is going to end up saving him... that would truly piss me off. So she's at the exact right place at the exact right time?

I don't know about the rest of you, but assuming Glenn survives, hopefully the other characters don't find out that he "died" - hopefully we just get the Morgan episode out the way so we can get the main course:
No Way Out
You bring up a good point with the fact that now everyone is going to think that when a character dies there's going to be people who think there's a chance they survived.

I think it was kinda a mistake to do this with Glen's character if he does indeed survive the encounter. The type of show this is I'm convinced that everyone is going to die eventually and now if Glen somehow survives and the time comes to kill him off its not going to be as impactful as it could have been.
Nah, just the group of Wolves that Morgan chased away in the last episode. The guy that stole the gun off that dead body last week got done in by Rick. Nice moment, a little ripple effect they resolved fairly simply.
it's never gonna be fully resolved because rick is never gonna know that it's because of morgan he almost died again and morgan is never gonna know that rick almost died because of him.

Funky Papa

I'd also like to mention that Glenn dying in such a lame way makes total sense and infuses some extra dread, in the sense that it shows that not only dumbass redshirts can die because of their dumbassness as per usual, but that they can also take with them hardened survivalists such as Glenn because of shit luck at high stakes situations.

Shit happens.

It reminds me in a way of one of the most shocking deaths in Terminator: The Sarah Chronicles, where
Brian Austin Green's character
didn't die in a blaze of glory and a cloud of gunpowder smoke, but shot in the face with no prior alert. I remember some people were pissed off at how unceremonious it was, but it made sense and served to convey the message: even badass dudes can bit it like a chump if they make a bad turn.


It would be a shitty death, but I don't think it would be a cheap death. Like, when I was immediately coming to terms with his death last night when I still thought it was legit, I hated it because fuck Nicolas. I don't want Glen to die because I like him, especially when it is caused by a shitheel like Nicolas. I hate it.

But at the same time, it was a logical death in that it was Glen's own character strength AND flaw leading to his own death. It seemed like they got stuck in an impossible situation, caused directly by character actions, and didn't cop out by having some last minute save but actually seemingly went to the logical outcome of the situation they put the characters in. It's exactly the type of thing that should be the cause of a character death in a show like this.

I don't like that the whole scene and scenario was essentially more about Nicolas rather than Glen (which retroactively makes it more obvious that Glen probably doesn't die), but that all seemed like the usual Walking Dead Clunkiness® that we gotta deal with week in and week out on this show. But it seems it's worse than that cause Glen probably survives.
I definitely agree it does make sense with the story that was being told with Nicolas and the death definitely didn't feel cheap. I think the bigger issue is that with a character like Glen who we have known since the 2nd episode, it would make much more sense if he died in a little more dramatic of a moment that focuses on him and not Nicolas as well. Having him die in front of someone like Rick or Maggie and seeing their reaction would have a much bigger impact on us and the group in the show as well. Having him die with no one around to witness it is just kinda a waste in my opinion.

Funky Papa

I definitely agree it does make sense with the story that was being told with Nicolas and the death definitely didn't feel cheap. I think the bigger issue is that with a character like Glen who we have known since the 2nd episode, it would make much for sense if he died in a little more dramatic of a moment that focuses on him and not Nicolas as well. Having him die in front of someone like Rick or Maggie and seeing their reaction would have a much bigger impact on us and the group in the show as well. Having him die with no one around to witness it is just kinda a waste in my opinion.

Eventful deaths are kind of boring AF at this point. There have been so many of them to make them meaningful.

Sometimes soldiers just die alone and without making any real contribution to the fight. Even good ones.


did rick kill a few alexandrians with the ak ?

i dont really think glenn died because whos gonna tell the group later ? i dont think theyre gonna sacrifice screentime for a wild goosechase again looking for glenn and finding him dead


i dont really think glenn died because whos gonna tell the group later ? i dont think theyre gonna sacrifice screentime for a wild goosechase again looking for glenn and finding him dead

This is the one thing that could support a "Glen is actually dead" outlook at this point. The reason they didn't "confirm" the death on the show and Talking Dead, and Gimple's weird statement, could simply be because they are going to have the others actually find his remains, or he is gonna turn up as a zombie to actually confirm his death and allow the others to get closure. But if this is the case it just means the usual Walking Dead Clunkiness® actually leaked out of the confines of the show and into the meta conversation around the show.

Funky Papa

did rick kill a few alexandrians with the ak ?

i dont really think glenn died because whos gonna tell the group later ? i dont think theyre gonna sacrifice screentime for a wild goosechase again looking for glenn and finding him dead

Those were the dickheads who assaulted Alexandria and were chased outta town by Morgan (but not before taking that gun they later used to render Rick's ride undrivable).


I was shocked but TD literally killed it for me. Not once did i think he survived until 1. Steven doesn't get a farewell and 2. The stupid letter that said he his whole story hasn't been told. Why would you create the illusion he wasn't dead? Just let it rock.
Yeah, Talking Dead's handling of the situation can be justifiably questioned as it seemed to fly in the face of the show's intent to just muddy everything.

Frankly, the only scenario where I can even appreciate TD's handling of this episode is a double fake-out... constructing a scenario where Glenn dies but intentionally leave room for doubt to make it blatantly look like you're avoiding the issue by not confirming anything and alluding to the fact that he's still alive... when, in fact, he's really just dead and you're yanking everyone's chain for a bit.

Just to clarify, I don't believe that scenario's in play. I think it'll go the more obvious route. Just saying that I could only appreciate TD's tapdancing if they were in on the false swerve.
But at the same time, it was a logical death in that it was Glen's own character strength AND flaw leading to his own death. It seemed like they got stuck in an impossible situation, caused directly by character actions, and didn't cop out by having some last minute save but actually seemingly went to the logical outcome of the situation they put the characters in. It's exactly the type of thing that should be the cause of a character death in a show like this.

For purposes of this reply, I'll assume Glen's actually dead (even though he isn't.)

His real undoing is his decision to spare Nicholas after their tussle in the woods outside of Alexandria in the last finale, followed by his decision to try and help him redeem himself. Though, as you say, that's still an example of his biggest strength being exposed as his biggest flaw.

Not that it matters. He apparently isn't dead, and will be able to use this whole experience as a lesson learnt.
Those were the dickheads who assaulted Alexandria and were chased outta town by Morgan (but not before taking that gun they later used to render Rick's ride undrivable).
i thought the rv just sort of died, had not to do with rick shooting through its walls to kill the wolves


I'm fine with Glenn living or dying. thanks to (spoiler)
some goofball posting an unspoiled pic of Glenn on set filming, I known he's alive

If he did survive, they are going to have to choreograph the shit out of it to do it convincingly. I look forward to seeing if they can pull it off.


Eventful deaths are kind of boring AF at this point. There have been so many of them to make them meaningful.

Sometimes soldiers just die alone and without making any real contribution to the fight. Even good ones.
Oh I agree, if Glen did died from this I wouldn't really mind cause it is realistic. Its just that at this point there is only Rick, Carl, Daryl, Carol, and Glen from the original Atlanta group. Even Morgan I would include just cause we have known him since episode 1. These six people deserve more then just a clumsy death simply because we have been invested with them for so long.

They have been on the road for at least a year and half now so I would expect whatever finishes off these six would have to be something more then just falling off a dumpster. Even Beth got some build up to her death. I don't see them not doing that for all these other original characters.

Sure it makes sense that a character can die at any second but certain characters deserve more then that. And personally I expect Glen is in that category for the writers since he has been with us for so long.


Ninja zombies, everyone outside of Rick's group being incredibly stupid, a just horrible wig on the Heath character and a shock value death of a loved character. This show had so much potential.


I think its silly that they are being so ambiguous about it. If he survives that amount of zombies then thats just completely fucking dumb. He was screaming. That would be metal gear levels of plot armour. I want to see main characters die. It adds tension. I do think he is dead based on what Gimple said about flashbacks and a "different version of Glenn".


People raising the cover yourself in blood and guts thing are getting in completely wrong. You don't survive by covering yourself in human blood and guts, you survive be covering yourself in zombie blood and guts.


Ahh, so Morgan lets Wolves live > Wolves take gun > gun disables rv > Rick is unable to divert the herd > herd keeps going to Alexandria...

You forgot that Morgan let the two wolves live who then find Aaron's pictures of Alexandria which lead to the attack in the first place. Morgans been fucking up since last season.


People raising the cover yourself in blood and guts thing are getting in completely wrong. You don't survive by covering yourself in human blood and guts, you survive be covering yourself in zombie blood and guts.

and Nick shot himself in the head, so he isn't turning zombie ever


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I hope Glenn is dead, because writing themselves out of that hole is going to be painful. I didn't doubt for a second that he was dead watching the show, in fact I was kinda glad that a main character died without it being a 'very special episode'.


I think its silly that they are being so ambiguous about it. If he survives that amount of zombies then thats just completely fucking dumb. He was screaming. That would be metal gear levels of plot armour. I want to see main characters die. It adds tension. I do think he is dead based on what Gimple said about flashbacks and a "different version of Glenn".

They wouldn't be so cagey and precious about it (never once did anybody on the Talking Dead actually say "he's dead") if it were intended to be a clear death.

"Different version" probably just means that he's done being compassionate and is going to go the Way of the Rick.


Ahh, so Morgan lets Wolves live > Wolves take gun > gun disables rv > Rick is unable to divert the herd > herd keeps going to Alexandria...
Morgan just keeps finding more ways to fuck up that city. It's pretty remarkable. He's a one-man wrecking crew.

- Allows the Wolves that threatened to take his lovely campfire meal go after giving them his first on-screen "I've got moves like Donatello" exhibition.
- Wolves find Aaron's backpack and Alexandria intel so they can storm it with knives and slaughter most of the women.
- Morgan shows up to shut off the horn (only after half the herd has been diverted to Alexandria) and then proceeds to offer mercy and warnings to the Wolves butchering women in the streets after more "look at my cool staff moves" demonstrations (occasionally ruined by Carol walking up to kill Morgan's audience).
- Allows the Wolves he spared to grab a handy firearm as a parting gift along with their stolen bounty of Judith's baby food.
- They intercept Rick in his last-ditch effort to divert the herd they've lost tabs on with the RV, shooting its engine out with the stolen gun in their kamikaze effort, thus ensuring the herd remains unimpeded on its march to Alexandria that will inevitably result in more innocents getting slaughtered.

If the point of next week's episode is to redeem Morgan's character, they've got a LOT of work to do on that front.


A lot of people have been complaining that Glen and a lot of the original characters have too much plot armor but comparing what's going on right in the show to the same time frame of the comics and the same thing is being pretty much done. Big difference is the show has gone way overboard with Glen especially surviving all these encounters.

Comic spoiler
I believe they are making it seem like the survivors (Rick's group) are a bunch of badasses who can handle themselves in pretty much any situation. That way when Negan and the saviors show up its an even bigger surprise how hard it is for Ricks group to handle them. Like I said the comics did it similar with the group killing both the cannibals and the scavengers (the wolves) really quick. biggest difference here is that the show is making individual characters seem like badasses.
They wouldn't be so cagey and precious about it (never once did anybody on the Talking Dead actually say "he's dead") if it were intended to be a clear death.

"Different version" probably just means that he's done being compassionate and is going to go the Way of the Rick.
the way of the rick lol

yes glenn needs to come aboar. He hasn't killed a human has he?


I'm fine with the Glenn scene as it was shown in the show. Pretty much spending the whole Talking Dead dealing w/ a character that's going to show off some ridiculous plot armor in a few weeks did leave a bad taste in my mouth.
I'm fine with the Glenn scene as it was shown in the show. Pretty much spending the whole Talking Dead dealing w/ a character that's going to show off some ridiculous plot armor in a few weeks did leave a bad taste in my mouth.

is it plot armor if someone saves him out of nowhere?


They wouldn't be so cagey and precious about it (never once did anybody on the Talking Dead actually say "he's dead") if it were intended to be a clear death.

"Different version" probably just means that he's done being compassionate and is going to go the Way of the Rick.

If this is true then it is the single dumbest thing that ever happened on the show. There is literally no possible way he could have survived that. We're going to have to wait two weeks to find out too.


Morgan just keeps finding more ways to fuck up that city. It's pretty remarkable. He's a one-man wrecking crew.

- Allows the Wolves that threatened to take his lovely campfire meal go after giving them his first on-screen "I've got moves like Donatello" exhibition.
- Wolves find Aaron's backpack and Alexandria intel so they can storm it with knives and slaughter most of the women.
- Morgan shows up to shut off the horn (only after half the herd has been diverted to Alexandria) and then proceeds to offer mercy and warnings to the Wolves butchering women in the streets after more "look at my cool staff moves" demonstrations (occasionally ruined by Carol walking up to kill Morgan's audience).
- Allows the Wolves he spared to grab a handy firearm as a parting gift along with their stolen bounty of Judith's baby food.
- They intercept Rick in his last-ditch effort to divert the herd they've lost tabs on with the RV, shooting its engine out with the stolen gun in their kamikaze effort, thus ensuring the herd remains unimpeded on its march to Alexandria that will inevitably result in more innocents getting slaughtered.

If the point of next week's episode is to redeem Morgan's character, they've got a LOT of work to do on that front.

Morgan has become the fruitcake of the walking dead universe.


Morgan def needs a reality check.

While I was initially fine with Morgan as a character, I'm not real keen on the narrative ground that we are going to have to re-tread to get him from point A to B with everyone else.

Seems like we have to go through this with every major character and I'm kind of burned out on it.
Frankly, the only scenario where I can even appreciate TD's handling of this episode is a double fake-out... constructing a scenario where Glenn dies but intentionally leave room for doubt to make it blatantly look like you're avoiding the issue by not confirming anything and alluding to the fact that he's still alive... when, in fact, he's really just dead and you're yanking everyone's chain for a bit.


how the writers of Breaking Bad kept implying that they would bring back Gale for season 4 after seeing the fan reaction. Fans were speculating that Jesse moved his gun and didn't shoot Gale, and the writers had a little fun at our expense and kept teasing that they were actually going to bring Gale back to life.



how the writers of Breaking Bad kept implying that they would bring back Gale for season 4 after seeing the fan reaction. Fans were speculating that Jesse moved his gun and didn't shoot Gale, and the writers had a little fun at our expense and kept teasing that they were actually going to bring Gale back to life.

technically they did bring him back in that flashback cold open!
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