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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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On the subject of Glenn (future show spoilers and comic spoilers):

As for how Glenn escapes? I have no idea. The writers are balancing on a high wire with this stunt, for sure, and it's going to be very interesting to see if they can pull it off without pissing too many people off.

Couldn't Nicholas's blood pouring on top of Glenn disguise his human smell, like when he and Rick covered themselves in blood in season 1



Also, you gotta properly label them! People need to know if you're talking about comic spoilers or leaked set photos or preview material or...


for real guys....or else


Somebody shop Cornballer or bish's face on Rick please. lol

Nice episode again.

Biggest talking point is Glenn's death... or is it? Oh I know, you're not one of those guys are you? No, not really. Because honestly, this would be one of those deaths which I inmensely liked in the comicbooks, in retrospective. In the comicbook some characters die in such a shit way that makes you mad at first. (Really, you'd write angry comments about Kirkman and his bullshit) But after a while, it sinks in and it makes sense. You don't die heroic deaths in TWD. You die in the most shitty way possible. Or when you least expect it. That's how it should be. Glenn made a bad call, Nicholas fucked him over and he gets eaten. The end. Maggie is now single. Go at it Maggie lovers.

However... I realise I'm discussing the Walking Dead here. Whether it's the tv show, the book or the videogame series by Telltale, there's always a miracle happening every now and then. By miracle I mean cop out but whatever. I mean, the tv show gave us Governors men who couldn't even hit one freaking target while assaulting a prison, Tyreese saving a baby while walkers were everywhere, Carl's Pudding Quest, Zombnado's and Glenn having more luck than anyone else. In the Telltale games it's even crazier;
Kenny seemingly dies, only to return in the second season, he was either swarmed by zombies in a building or cornered in an alleyway! How the fuck does he survive?
As for the COMIC SPOILERS book...
Who remembers the part during the prisonarc where Tyreese goes nuts after losing Julie and gets overwhelmed by zombies in the sportsroom? While I was glad he survived, it was a complete cop out for him to survive that. He was completely overwhelmed and he only survived by using his trusty hammer. I mean, coooooome on.

Look, I'm not saying Glenn survived, but looking at the show's/source material/other merch history I wouldn't dismiss such a twist from the writing staff either. Yeah, these guys could push their luck. Comic spoiler, seriously, don't read it
They could make an Jesus rescue happen and he says something corny like "they call me Jesus because I make miracles happen" or some dumb shit like it. Afterwards they reunite with everyone, hear the good news, Maggie tells she's pregnant and everyone is happy. Yaaaay! Until Negan appears, pulls out Lucille and brutally murders him. Man, the salt would be REAL. "But Glenn just got back! He needs to raise a kid! Why are they doing this to us! Welcome to the Walking Dead son!
... ... Actually I want this to happen. I want to see the world burn lol.

LOL @ the last part of your post. You absolutely read my mind.

Great assessment altogether.

On the subject of Glenn (future show spoilers and comic spoilers):

As for how Glenn escapes? I have no idea. The writers are balancing on a high wire with this stunt, for sure, and it's going to be very interesting to see if they can pull it off without pissing too many people off.

That being said, I do think it's a really cheap and transparently manipulative cliffhanger, especially because they did something similar with Glenn in last season's finale - Nicholas shot him in the forest and he was surrounded by walkers and he yet somehow managed to survive. This is that but x 100. It depends on how this all plays out, of course, but right now it seems like they're setting it up to be a rehash of what they did in season 4 where Maggie spent several episodes looking for Glenn while mourning the death of Hershel (butnotbethlolz), and with Maggie seen outside the walls of Alexandria with Aaron (probably looking for Glenn) in the trailer, it seems like that's exactly where it's headed. Hopefully not though.

It's even more problematic that Glenn survives because the writers have a problem with refusing to kill off any of the remaining S1 characters, to the detriment of the show. Rick, Carl, and Carol have all changed a bunch and the show has done some really interesting things with them, so it makes sense for them to stick around, but Glenn and Daryl have been stuck in a rut for quite some time. The comic has no problem with killing their characters off, and is better for it, and while I don't want the show to just kill their characters off for no reason, it would be nice if they were a little more willing to kill the ones they no longer have interesting stories for.

As for Glenn's comic death, I don't think it has any bearing on his fate on the show. I believe that Shane is the only main character to have the same death on both the comic and the show, so if Negan pops up in the finale and clobbers someone to death, I'm betting that it won't be Glenn.

(Comic Spoilers/Future Show Speculation)
Yeah... I mean, at this point from what we've seen it feels like they're forcing us to take our suspension of disbelief to an entirely new level. People have brought up the fact that when walkers are feeding on something, they tend to show exclusive focus on their meal even if other potential meals are within the vicinity. Gimple mentions he intentionally chose the specific camera angles that he did and one thing TWD does is slightly tweak camera angles and how events play out in situations like this in succeeding episodes. It does seem like a cheap ploy by Gimple from what we've seen so far but I'll reserve judgement until the "full story" is revealed and possibly even until the end of the season when Glenn may very well be setup on a blind date with Lucille. Ambiguously "kill" him now only to very much unambiguously kill him not too long after everyone is convinced his plot armor is made of titanium alloy would be pretty glorious. lol


(MAJOR Comic Spoilers)
How does Glenn die in comics?

(MAJOR Comic Spoilers)
Really though, questions like this that can easily be answered in more than enough detail using a search engine are unnecessary in the TV show thread and just create more opportunities for non-comic readers to be spoiled.

Remember, if it's comic-exclusive questions or discussion, please take it to The Walking Dead Comics Thread.


I'm pretty sure nicholas fell on him, the guts were kind of coming from a weird angle. still a cheap fake out.

Sure, but even if Nicholas was twice Glenn's size, fell on him perfectly so that he was completely shielded, and they happened to be next to the only dumpster in the country with 8-10 inches of wiggle room underneath, the idea of Glenn making it out without a scratch with that many Walkers swarming from all sides is completely ridiculous.


Hunky Nostradamus
Couldn't Nicholas's blood pouring on top of Glenn disguise his human smell, like when he and Rick covered themselves in blood in season 1

I think that's only for rotten zombie guts. If anything, fresh human guts would just make Glenn more appealing to the zombies.


I enjoyed this episode for the most part, but I do have a bit of a beef with the show:

Gettin' REAL tired of any time a guy complains about Rick a Zombie falls out of a tree and bites his neck.

Like, that dude was three feet away from the group and the zombie had his damn jugular somehow. Nobody saw? Dude didn't even scream? Zombie made no sounds despite it being super duper close?

I know pop up zombies are a thing, so I'll shift my complaint away from pop up zombies to the strange new trend of "Man does not agree with Rick. Rick foretells man's death. Man is killed by zambi."

Like, there must be a better way of proving Rick's points than having a dude step five paces away and get bit square on his adam's apple.


I think that's only for rotten zombie guts. If anything, fresh human guts would just make Glenn more appealing to the zombies.

Yeah, I watched 18 Miles Out a couple weeks back and both Rick and Shane cut themselves and smear their blood onto something to attract walkers.

If you were able to use fresh blood to blend in with walkers, the walkers would practically quit attacking once they tore into someone.


I think that's only for rotten zombie guts. If anything, fresh human guts would just make Glenn more appealing to the zombies.

Yeah, I watched 18 Miles Out a couple weeks back and both Rick and Shane cut themselves and smear their blood onto something to attract walkers.

If you were able to use fresh blood to blend in with walkers, the walkers would practically quit attacking once they tore into someone.

Good thoughts there, makes sense!


I enjoyed this episode for the most part, but I do have a bit of a beef with the show:

Gettin' REAL tired of any time a guy complains about Rick a Zombie falls out of a tree and bites his neck.

Like, that dude was three feet away from the group and the zombie had his damn jugular somehow. Nobody saw? Dude didn't even scream? Zombie made no sounds despite it being super duper close?

I know pop up zombies are a thing, so I'll shift my complaint away from pop up zombies to the strange new trend of "Man does not agree with Rick. Rick foretells man's death. Man is killed by zambi."

Like, there must be a better way of proving Rick's points than having a dude step five paces away and get bit square on his adam's apple.
It was really one of the most ridiculous pop up zombies yet. There was nothing around them except for some thin trees.

So then Glenn is definitely dead.
If he went out like this I'm going to be mad. Like, burn down the house mad.
I'm kind of tired of the ninja zombies. It just doesn't seem it would be that easy to sneak up on someone when you make loud noises everytime you see food and walk making shuffling sounds.
I'm pro ninja zombies. It's like you can't win. Any time you give a zombie a power people complain about it. Then you make zombies powerless and everyone complains that zombies aren't even a threat on a zombie show. Lord praise the ninjas.

Also people say there were all them standing around how did the rick hater get snuck up on. But when there's so many people around and he hears a step he probably wouldn't think it's a zombie!
Yeah ninja zombies are easily the worst aspect of the show. It's just writers being lazy, is all. You can have someone bit without a zombie flying out of nowhere teeth-first into some poor dude's shoulder.
I'm pro ninja zombies. It's like you can't win. Any time you give a zombie a power people complain about it. Then you make zombies powerless and everyone complains that zombies aren't even a threat on a zombie show. Lord praise the ninjas.

Also people say there were all them standing around how did the rick hater get snuck up on. But when there's so many people around and he hears a step he probably wouldn't think it's a zombie!

Thing about zombies is that they're not threatening individually. They're loud, slow and made of cheese. The writers can think of better ways to make zombies threatening, such as a survivor being a dumbass. But in packs? That's where they win. It's just lame that the writers keep breaking this cardinal rule.
Yeah, I watched 18 Miles Out a couple weeks back and both Rick and Shane cut themselves and smear their blood onto something to attract walkers.

If you were able to use fresh blood to blend in with walkers, the walkers would practically quit attacking once they tore into someone.
To be fair, that was season 2 and a different showrunner

Remember how S1 Walkers could use tools and retained some memories of their past lives?

Blood attracting walkers might not apply now. Have we seen anything like that under Gimple?


Yeah, I watched 18 Miles Out a couple weeks back and both Rick and Shane cut themselves and smear their blood onto something to attract walkers.

If you were able to use fresh blood to blend in with walkers, the walkers would practically quit attacking once they tore into someone.
Ya I remember just watching that episode as well. Shane cuts his hand with a knife while trapped in the bus and smears it on the door to attract them to that spot. So he can stab them in the head.

I guess it's possible that the zombies would initially be focused on Nicholas if that's truly his body we see being opened up. Maybe Glen is able to move quick enough and go somewhere. It couldn't be anywhere far I figure tho cause that alley was completely full of walkers.

The only spots I noticed was the fire escape on the right with some debris in front of it, the door Glen initially tried but was locked (someone would obviously have to open it if that's where he goes), maybe he goes inside the dumpster or underneath somehow but that doesn't seem possible. Only other thing would have to be a manhole or something going underground. But idk how he could move that quick with all those walkers. He literally would have to move right away if he wants a chance to survive. Cause the walkers would be focused on Nicholas for only so long.
I'm pro ninja zombies. It's like you can't win. Any time you give a zombie a power people complain about it. Then you make zombies powerless and everyone complains that zombies aren't even a threat on a zombie show. Lord praise the ninjas.

Also people say there were all them standing around how did the rick hater get snuck up on. But when there's so many people around and he hears a step he probably wouldn't think it's a zombie!

I find it comical that the dead, rotting zombies are more alert than the living people.


I'm pro ninja zombies. It's like you can't win. Any time you give a zombie a power people complain about it. Then you make zombies powerless and everyone complains that zombies aren't even a threat on a zombie show. Lord praise the ninjas.

Also people say there were all them standing around how did the rick hater get snuck up on. But when there's so many people around and he hears a step he probably wouldn't think it's a zombie!

But it's not just that he got snuck up on. Mind you it's bad that he got bit in the throat. How do you miss a zombie shambling right at you and make no sounds or anything? How did it slither up around him like a damn snake and get his neck?

But it's not that.

It's that dude opens his mouth to say something bad about Rick and dies immediately after under the exact circumstances as the guy who died for saying something bad about Rick. Two in such rapid succession that the guy is literally complaining about how the guy who complained died just before he died.


To be fair, that was season 2 and a different showrunner

Remember how S1 Walkers could use tools and retained some memories of their past lives?

Blood attracting walkers might not apply now. Have we seen anything like that under Gimple?

I'm not sure, I can't recall the last time it was used, I probably wouldn't have remembered it at all if I hadn't rewatched the episode.

Ya I remember just watching that episode as well. Shane cuts his hand with a knife while trapped in the bus and smears it on the door to attract them to that spot. So he can stab them in the head.

I guess it's possible that the zombies would initially be focused on Nicholas if that's truly his body we see being opened up. Maybe Glen is able to move quick enough and go somewhere. It couldn't be anywhere far I figure tho cause that alley was completely full of walkers.

The only spots I noticed was the fire escape on the right with some debris in front of it, the door Glen initially tried but was locked (someone would obviously have to open it if that's where he goes), maybe he goes inside the dumpster or underneath somehow but that doesn't seem possible. Only other thing would have to be a manhole or something going underground. But idk how he could move that quick with all those walkers. He literally would have to move right away if he wants a chance to survive. Cause the walkers would be focused on Nicholas for only so long.

Yeah someone said something about the walkers having a one track mind, so tearing into Nicholas could distract them all just long enough for Glenn to make a move, however improbable his chances may be.
I am shocked how cool I'm finding Rick now. After 4 seasons of fantasizing what the show would be if that dork died...
And then they go and fix him! Took long enough, but just because of that, these last two seasons are my hands down favorites of the series.

Lmao he's so different from season 1 Rick where he could barely muster up the courage to kill a walker without legs.



Fujiwara Tofu Shop
One of the members from TSDF [the group that leaked Glenn's "death"] just posted this.

It's from the latest episode, but gonna spoiler-tag it anyway. So yeah, potential spoiler warning.
Apparently Glenn's head can be seen disappearing under the dumpster.


The quality is way too bad to tell. In fact, pulling up the episode again, Glenn can still be seen at the point that facebook video is. I lose sight of him at a point further than that video shows.


Neo Member
I think he's dead and they are trolling us with the talking dead ambiguity and manufacturing enough doubt to keep people talking/interested. we will probably see him on screen again in some capacity but not as a living character.
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