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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Or maybe...

Hey it's working for this guy


If Glenn is revealed to be alive it would be a hilarious jump the shark moment.
They really risk putting people off but satisfying the "basic bitch/bro" fan base who only watch casually. People on here will freak out, normies will rejoice. Very dangerous stuff when you play with people's emotions - anger turns to hate very quickly.


I've always wondered how on earth they can do that much make-up on the zombies, I mean they have so many of them and it must take a lot of time.


Come to think of it, I imagine that any industrial designer who is making a dumpster is probably told "Do not make it high enough for a person to fit under". The companies who manufacture those things do not want lawsuits from the families of squished bums and hobos.
They really risk putting people off but satisfying the "basic bitch/bro" fan base who only watch casually. People on here will freak out, normies will rejoice. Very dangerous stuff when you play with people's emotions - anger turns to hate very quickly.
I love that gimple loves the characters and it's hard for him to kill off a major. When he really does it it's going to be some serious ass shit.

I've always wondered how on earth they can do that much make-up on the zombies, I mean they have so many of them and it must take a lot of time.
nicotero talked about it on the first talking dead of the season. They've gotten so good at it that it's almost like a walkthrough spray tan station the way people come through and they make em up.


I've always wondered how on earth they can do that much make-up on the zombies, I mean they have so many of them and it must take a lot of time.
They say they have an assembly line of 4 to 5 make up artists who can get 50 zombies done in an hour. It is not that crazy if you think about it - it is mostly the face which is the hardest, the rest is minor stuff with tattered clothes. Hands can be masked with gloves or minor makeup. The major ones are likely prosthetics or CG.

Keep in mind zombies are extras who likely are the first ones there, last ones to leave, leave the makeup on all day and make nothing.


To me, this is one of the most important parts of the chapter.

I do not think those 3 persons sneaking were wolves. They didn't look strong/crazy or having agressive movements. The last one looks like a child or small woman.

Rick just assumed they were part of the bad guys (specially after seen one of them had baby food.. meaning that he likely was in Alexandria and stole it from Judith) and promptly killed them. The camera focused on them once again later one, allegedly to show us that they are not an immediate threat, but perhaps also so we can see their faces again.

Wonder whom they were and if that will come to haunt him later.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I can't tell, is one of those people he shot a kid?

Pretty sure they were just the other Wolves that Morgan let go. In the last episode, Morgan let quite a few of them leave together, one of them being the guy that grabbed the gun of the ground, which was used to shoot at Rick. Rick killed two in the RV, the others were probably close behind.
To me, this is one of the most important parts of the chapter.

I do not think those 3 persons sneaking were wolves. They didn't look strong/crazy or having agressive movements. The last one looks like a child or small woman.

Rick just assumed they were part of the bad guys (specially after seen one of them had baby food.. meaning that he likely was in Alexandria and stole it from Judith) and promptly killed them. The camera focused on them once again later one, allegedly to show us that they are not an immediate threat, but perhaps also so we can see their faces again.

Wonder whom they were and if that will come to haunt him later.

The guy that picked up the gun was traveling with a group that had at least one small woman in it. They were sneaking because they didn't have firearms and heard an exchange of gunfire.


My mom spoiled last nights episode for me (still on season 5), it was so heartless, innocent and casual.
"Someone named Glenn from the walking dead died."

Literally my reaction.



The guy that picked up the gun was traveling with a group that had at least one small woman in it. They were sneaking because they didn't have firearms and heard an exchange of gunfire.
Yeah, saw the last comment and sort of remembered that there were like 5 ot 6 of them.

Was expecting it would tie the story to some other group or something, but apparently was wishful thinking.

On the other hand, was there any significance on the place that Michonne and the others arrived to at the end? There was a sign and a destroyed building, but didn't look like Alexandria.


Why on earth didn't Michonne or someone else kill that guy at the fence. Had no trouble before. Also, stealth zombies strike again.

Sure I saw stairs on the side of that building instead of the bin.

Rick can't catch a break, what a day.

That girl got left behind rather easily.

Episode makes me want a motorbike.


Yeah, saw the last comment and sort of remembered that there were like 5 ot 6 of them.

Was expecting it would tie the story to some other group or something, but apparently was wishful thinking.

On the other hand, was there any significance on the place that Michonne and the others arrived to at the end? There was a sign and a destroyed building, but didn't look like Alexandria.
That was outside Alexandria, you can see the wall behind the building as the camera pans around.

Those buildings have always been outside the walls, you saw Enid walking past them when she first entered Alexandria in the previous episode.
Regarding the dude who was bit, and then later died at the fence, it was sure nice of Michonne and the other two dudes to leave him to die in agony rather than putting him out of his misery. Even if they didn't want to use a bullet/make any noise, Michonne has her fucking katana. Stab the dude in the head at least!


That was outside Alexandria, you can see the wall behind the building as the camera pans around.

Those buildings have always been outside the walls, you saw Enid walking past them when she first entered Alexandria in the previous episode.
Ah, yes. Not sure why I didn't recognize it. Thanks.
Wait, so the Wolf is shooting at him from behind, firing from the back of the RV towards the dashboard?
And Rick dives sideways, through his line of sight?

And doesn't get hit
The GIF lacks the initial frame, when Ricks eyes the wolf.
It's not a sequential scene. It all happens at the same time. Rick sees him entering into the RV and manage to react while the guy is about to shoot.


As for that person surviving, maybe if he guts a fair few walkers and gets covered, who knows. Like to think so while they chomp the other person.


Plot Twist: Glenn has the power to communicate with the zombies, which is why he keeps managing to escape off screen, he only uses it when he's absolutely alone.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Yeah I just saw the episode and if the guy who looked totally dead actually isn't dead, that's just cheap TV magic bullshit. I'd rather have the logic of the show and the way it's shot be coherent than have a character people enjoy stay alive.


Hunky Nostradamus
On the subject of Glenn (future show spoilers and comic spoilers):

I agree that the leaked set photos confirm that he's still alive. The suggestion that AMC has kept Steven Yeun on the payroll for months (even recently renewing his contract for future seasons) and kept him on set just so they could throw off the couple hundred fans who read Walking Dead Spoilers .com or whatever is beyond ridiculous. He's also been seen filming scenes with characters who haven't been introduced yet, which rules out the theory that he's only coming back via hallucinations, dream sequences, or flashbacks.

I'm actually surprised so many people think he's dead (even critics. The ones I read are are just taking his apparent death at face value, which seems awfully naive for a critic), as it didn't even occur to me while watching the scene that it was he who was being eaten. Glenn clearly had Nicholas' body on top of him and that's what the zombies were eating. Humans don't have intestines hanging around in their chest area. It didn't occur to me that Glenn might be dead until I went online afterwards and saw everyone's reactions.

As for how Glenn escapes? I have no idea. The writers are balancing on a high wire with this stunt, for sure, and it's going to be very interesting to see if they can pull it off without pissing too many people off.

That being said, I do think it's a really cheap and transparently manipulative cliffhanger, especially because they did something similar with Glenn in last season's finale - Nicholas shot him in the forest and he was surrounded by walkers and he yet somehow managed to survive. This is that but x 100. It depends on how this all plays out, of course, but right now it seems like they're setting it up to be a rehash of what they did in season 4 where Maggie spent several episodes looking for Glenn while mourning the death of Hershel (butnotbethlolz), and with Maggie seen outside the walls of Alexandria with Aaron (probably looking for Glenn) in the trailer, it seems like that's exactly where it's headed. Hopefully not though.

It's even more problematic that Glenn survives because the writers have a problem with refusing to kill off any of the remaining S1 characters, to the detriment of the show. Rick, Carl, and Carol have all changed a bunch and the show has done some really interesting things with them, so it makes sense for them to stick around, but Glenn and Daryl have been stuck in a rut for quite some time. The comic has no problem with killing their characters off, and is better for it, and while I don't want the show to just kill their characters off for no reason, it would be nice if they were a little more willing to kill the ones they no longer have interesting stories for.

As for Glenn's comic death, I don't think it has any bearing on his fate on the show. I believe that Shane is the only main character to have the same death on both the comic and the show, so if Negan pops up in the finale and clobbers someone to death, I'm betting that it won't be Glenn.


I wonder if you zombie-fied yourself in makeup how hard it would be to sneak on set as a zombie extra.

One thing's for sure, when the reveal comes about Glenn's fate, whatever it is, this thread is going to be unbearable with shit posters.


On the subject of Glenn (future show spoilers and comic spoilers):

I agree that the leaked set photos confirm that he's still alive. The suggestion that AMC has kept Steven Yeun on the payroll for months (even recently renewing his contract for future seasons) and kept him on set just so they could throw off the couple hundred fans who read Walking Dead Spoilers .com or whatever is beyond ridiculous. He's also been seen filming scenes with characters who haven't been introduced yet, which rules out the theory that he's only coming back via hallucinations, dream sequences, or flashbacks.

Except that at this point if they intend to kill any major cast members that's pretty much what they have to do to keep it a secret......announce a multi-year contract with some kind of "Your character might die" escape clause, and include some kind of nominal/scale pay for that actor to show up on set for episodes beyond those where their character is offed. Otherwise it would be relatively simple to predict deaths by looking at contract renewals and/or set photos.

That said, Ocam's Razor probably tells me that they're too lazy or cowardly to kill off any of the Season 1 characters anymore and this is just a cheap ruse. I think this would be the first major death since Gimple took over, and I'd like to think he's being a master magician/illusionist who plays against the leaks rather than ignores them and insists that he's really levitating when we can all see the strings.


Hunky Nostradamus
Walking Dead Boss Tackles the Big Glenn Mystery

TVLINE | Is Glenn really dead?
Gimple: [Laughs] I’m not going to answer it.

TVLINE | It seems like some folks have gone from being bereft that he died to annoyed at the possibility that they were tricked and he might still be alive. Any backlash concerns?
Gimple: I definitely want viewers to have an emotional experience either way. There are twists and turns, and bad things happen. Ultimately, it’s all part of a bigger story. I hope that the audience will just wait to see the greater story and see how it all plays out. They’re kind of stopping in the middle of the movie, which they have to because there’s a week between the reels. But we’re still in the middle of the movie.

TVLINE | Was his death scene deliberately shot in a way that would give fans hope that maybe those weren’t Glenn’s guts?
Gimple: It was shot the way it was shot and it was edited the way it was edited and that is always deliberate. I spend a lot of time on these cuts, so take that as you will.



Day 1063: I continue to live amongst the walkers, they seem completely unable to tell me apart due to the blue face paint I am wearing.
I kinda lolled btw about the blue faced guy, but it's obviously a reference to Dawn of the Dead '78. Bueno. It wouldn't be a first.

Anyway, about the episode...

- "Gee golly, that Rick feller aint a swell guy. I bet he- AAARRRGGGHHH" Talk shit, get bit. Deal with it.
- Rick is quite observant isn't he? Within a hour one one guy gets a deadly throat bite, another one takes a bite in the shoulder, spraining an ankle, get shot in the leg and another runs away, only to get eaten by a swarming group of walkers. Yes writers, we get it. Alexandria inferior, Ricktatorship superior.
- Nicholas spacing out is going to fuck up shit. I can feel it.
- Oh great, the little pet shop of horrors.
- Btw, Glenn, dude, broseph; taking out Hershell's pocketwatch? Calling Rick? Taking Nick? Moron!
- Man, those deaths of the female redshirt and Tobin were shit. But why oh why didn't they mercy kill Tobin? That really bugged me. Michonne could have put him out of his misery with her katana but she walked on. Fo shame girl.
- Yeah, fuck Nicholas. See Glenn, this is why- WHAT!?!? Oh man. No way.
- Poor Heath. He be reflectin' in the water.
- Rick being boss again. But can he move on?

Nice episode again.

Biggest talking point is Glenn's death... or is it? Oh I know, you're not one of those guys are you? No, not really. Because honestly, this would be one of those deaths which I inmensely liked in the comicbooks, in retrospective. In the comicbook some characters die in such a shit way that makes you mad at first. (Really, you'd write angry comments about Kirkman and his bullshit) But after a while, it sinks in and it makes sense. You don't die heroic deaths in TWD. You die in the most shitty way possible. Or when you least expect it. That's how it should be. Glenn made a bad call, Nicholas fucked him over and he gets eaten. The end. Maggie is now single. Go at it Maggie lovers.

However... I realise I'm discussing the Walking Dead here. Whether it's the tv show, the book or the videogame series by Telltale, there's always a miracle happening every now and then. By miracle I mean cop out but whatever. I mean, the tv show gave us Governors men who couldn't even hit one freaking target while assaulting a prison, Tyreese saving a baby while walkers were everywhere, Carl's Pudding Quest, Zombnado's and Glenn having more luck than anyone else. In the Telltale games it's even crazier;
Kenny seemingly dies, only to return in the second season, he was either swarmed by zombies in a building or cornered in an alleyway! How the fuck does he survive?
As for the COMIC SPOILERS book...
Who remembers the part during the prisonarc where Tyreese goes nuts after losing Julie and gets overwhelmed by zombies in the sportsroom? While I was glad he survived, it was a complete cop out for him to survive that. He was completely overwhelmed and he only survived by using his trusty hammer. I mean, coooooome on.

Look, I'm not saying Glenn survived, but looking at the show's/source material/other merch history I wouldn't dismiss such a twist from the writing staff either. Yeah, these guys could push their luck. Comic spoiler, seriously, don't read it
They could make an Jesus rescue happen and he says something corny like "they call me Jesus because I make miracles happen" or some dumb shit like it. Afterwards they reunite with everyone, hear the good news, Maggie tells she's pregnant and everyone is happy. Yaaaay! Until Negan appears, pulls out Lucille and brutally murders him. Man, the salt would be REAL. "But Glenn just got back! He needs to raise a kid! Why are they doing this to us! Welcome to the Walking Dead son!
... ... Actually I want this to happen. I want to see the world burn lol.



they are doing a really, really shitty job trying to keep this suspenseful
It really is getting comical. Almost reaching Lost level of horseshit from the writers of "we have a long term plan" - and it ends up being the thing people guessed on the night of the season premiere.
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