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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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So it takes 8 to 12 years for a human body to decompose into a skeleton.

So honestly, if the group can last 12 years, then they just need to worry about new Walkers then the outbreak Walkers. If 90% of the human race was wiped out in the first year, then walkers are a minimal threat in 12 years.

Give it a decade after that, with most of the survivors understanding how they need to handle humans that die, then the birthrate will allow humans to outnumber the walkers.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
So it takes 8 to 12 years for a human body to decompose into a skeleton.

So honestly, if the group can last 12 years, then they just need to worry about new Walkers then the outbreak Walkers. If 90% of the human race was wiped out in the first year, then walkers are a minimal threat in 12 years.

Give it a decade after that, with most of the survivors understanding how they need to handle humans that die, then the birthrate will allow humans to outnumber the walkers.
Is.... Is this the end to the walking dead?

People are just pissy because they want their Glenn resolution so they're shitting all over an excellent episode, if not one of the best character episodes of the entire series.

And guess what bitches...doesn't look like you're getting your Glenn resolution next week either :)
what the fuck is up with all this patronizing?


Yep it was a very boring episode. They shouldn't have had this 90 minutes after last week's cliffhanger. Seemed more like a dvd extra feature


I thought that was a fantastic episode. I feel like I run into the same thing with TWD fandom that I did with Lost fandom: If an episode didn't have a ton of action and was more character-driven, it was boring "filler" and the writers had lost their way.


Gold Member
What a great episode and we definitely needed an episode like this to keep this season balanced. I think it was obvious Eastman was going to die, and if you noticed a few episodes back Morgan had Eastman's charm given to him by he's daughter on a rear view mirror and rips it off before getting out of the car, so you was already expected to know Eastman's end. But this episode was more about Morgan's character and he's ability to suppress he's desire to kill which I thought was pretty cool. He goes from one extreme to another, killing everyone to not killing at all, and exploring this theme in the world they live in adds another dimension to the script. Morgan's code benefits the innocent people around him, while also carrying elements of risk to those same innocent people around him as well. It's a double edged sword, and it'll be interesting to see how he's character continues to develop. Not really fussed that this episode did not continue the Glenn arc, and in many ways I'm glad it didn't.
The show has been full-tilt intensity and action since the opening moments of S6. The quarry plan, the attack on Alexandria, trying to make it back to the community and Glen and Michonne and Rick. The three episodes have to be the most sustained action the show has had so far.

A breather episode to do some character building, especially for a character who has gone through such a drastic change since the last time we saw him, was needed.


So it takes 8 to 12 years for a human body to decompose into a skeleton.

So honestly, if the group can last 12 years, then they just need to worry about new Walkers then the outbreak Walkers. If 90% of the human race was wiped out in the first year, then walkers are a minimal threat in 12 years.

Hmm, a resting body? Walkers are always moving around bumping into things, falling down cliffs, wallowing in streams. I'd guess their legs would be worn down to nubs well before that.


This was a tremendous episode-gave me chills in several parts. Easily one of the best episodes of the series, by far. Standout performances-the crew should feel very proud of this episode because it will be looked back on fondly in years to come.

John Carroll Lynch gave an amazing guest performance.


This is probably one of the best episodes TWD ever and mouth breathers will shit on it.

It's shocking but at the same time expected. I remember hearing a quote about The Simpsons and why it was popular-because it appealed to smart people and stupid people for different reasons. Not saying that people that didn't like this episode are stupid, but people like the show for different reasons. Episodes like this are in less quantity overall, but I think having a balance of both is important.


i don't understand the point of this episode, exactly? Why do we need to understand where Morgan is coming from? I mean it's easy to be all "peace and love, man" when other people's lives are not at risk based on the decisions you make. smdh

Morgan needs to sit tf down. -__-

i don't understand the point of this episode, exactly? Why do we need to understand where Morgan is coming from? I mean it's easy to be all "peace and love, man" when other people's lives are not at risk based on the decisions you make. smdh

Morgan needs to sit tf down. -__-

That's easy to say when you're not a former psychotic killer who's trying not descend into a pit of madness again


Content Roundup – Episode 604: “Here's Not Here”


AMC Inside The Walking Dead:
  • The Making of Episode 604, “Here's Not Here” - AMC
  • Inside Episode 604: “Here's Not Here” - AMC
  • Preview of Episode 605, “Now” - AMC | International
  • Sneak Peek of Episode 605, “Now” - AMC | International
  • Talking Dead Episode 604 Bonus Scene - AMC
Producer & Cast Interviews:
Critic Reviews:
Talking Dead’s Inside The Dead:
  • The inscription that Morgan reads from the book Eastman gives him was inspired by The Art of War and The Art of Peace. The metaphor matches Eastman's intention to move Morgan from War to Peace.
  • When instructor Steven Ho trained the actors to use the bo staff, the crew got lessons as well. He began his career in the '90s portraying Donatello in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies.
  • The goat wrangler also provided goat cheese to the production. The prop crew flavored the cheese with fresh ingredients like olives, tomatoes, and peppers to elicit reactions from John Carroll Lynch.


I read through the posts here after watching the episode and holy shit the reactions from a lot of you. If it isn't hordes of zombies and murder you are disappointed. Do you guys watch this shit on mute or what? This episode was fantastic. Easily one of the best episodes of the series.
Hmm. So the guy's name is Eastman and he wields a bo staff. So did Donatello of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And the co-creator of TMNT was Kevin Eastman. Coincidence or shoutout?


Felt like this was a great and necessary episode. Morgan's BS is actively endangering everyone so it's important that we know why he is the way he is now. We also needed a believable switch from where he was the last time we saw him and a change like that takes time.


That's easy to say when you're not a former psychotic killer who's trying not descend into a pit of madness again

i'm not saying the decision Morgan made to never kill again isn't the right one for his... situation, personally. But it's certainly not right for Rick's!


Morgan is a damn psychopath. He doesn't fool me.

Yup. I wonder how long it will take him to snap. Even Kyle Gass almost killed Morgan after breaking that picture and he was supposed to be on top of his shit. It won't be long until someone says or does the wrong thing and triggers Morgan back to CLEAR mode.
Powerful episode. Morgan and Eastman were great. TWD giving me life lessons over here making me a better person. Eastman was especially great. When he recounted the death of his family from that inmate and later on confessing he watched him starve to death for 47 days was crazy. Yet, even after avenging his family, he ended up going into the darkest of places and he only received peace through his code. It gives you hope that people like Eastman can still exist in this world. Are there other Eastman's out there, or is everyone too far gone at this point?

You know this is going to end very badly for Morgan or someone else leaving that wolf alive. The "all life is precious" code just can't apply anymore at this stage in the game, and I think Morgan will find out the hard way. It's sad, but I think Eastman's philosophy does more harm than good now. Who knows though, I wouldn't mind being pleasantly surprised but I expect the most depressing things to occur instead.

I knew of course people here were going to hate it. It's come to the point where if a zombie or human isn't slaughtered by Rick or Carol every 5 minutes the episode sucks. I guess people forgot this is a drama and not an action movie. The first three episodes of this season have been jam packed with ridiculousness, and as soon as they ease off the gas people are so bored they are posting they are changing the channel 30 minutes into the episode.

Take your ADHD medication, please.

This right here.
Since I really don't give a shit if Glenn is dead or not, I enjoyed this episode, loved the serial killer story.

Morgan pls, that wolf is evil, the guy told you that pure evil does exist, pls Morgan.


Hunky Nostradamus
I honestly thought that was one of the best episodes of the series. A very strong piece for Lennie James and John Carroll Lynch.
Nice little story into how Morgan became the man he is now. So, is Morgan keeping that guy locked up because he thinks he can get him "through the door"? Like what happened to him in the cottage. Good to see John Carroll Lynch in an episode of Walking Dead. I feel like he's in a lot of shows I like.
This was easily one of the most hauntingly beautiful episodes in the whole series for me.

It was fascinating to watch Morgan's transformation, and to not only see him grapple internally with all these moral questions, but then I, the viewer, finding myself doing the same. On the one hand I understand Rick's approach of being thorough and cautious - it's saved many lives. But Morgan's and Eastman's approach is respectable for its own reasons. Even though I think Morgan's taking it to an extreme in Alexandria, I think he provides a backbone of humanity and morality that had started to become missing from Rick's group.

For that reason, I seriously hope Morgan isn't killed off any time soon. The writers seem to love building characters up and developing them fully right before they kill them. :( (P.S. I have not read the comics.)


Hunky Nostradamus
I think I see where they're going with this. (comic spoilers)
Rick learns not to kill from Morgan. Don't kill anyone - even the most evil. Keeps Negan in a cell underneath his house.


Morgan reverted to savagery this episode like what, 3 times? Even after seemingly reaching his zen-state later on, he attempts to kill Eastman yet again; rather than grieving about his benefactor's bite, he tries to kill him. What the fuck?

And despite these retractions, Morgan has yet to revert to old habits this season even during the huge wolf genocide. We're supposed to believe he somehow changed his ways completely, just like that? This character inconsistency somewhat ruins the immersion IMO. Still, good episode overall.

-Morgan will revert this season (eventually), seeing red & creating a body count
-The people at Alexandria's doors are Michonne & co.
still alive, but
not for long.


ITT people saying that anyone who didn't like the episode is a stupid mouth breather who just "doesn't get it"

The elitism on display over a fucking TV show is just amazing


Great episode thought it was easily the best this season.
Did not like the season opener at all. Was confusing to follow after a long break since seeing previous series.


-Glen's still alive, but not for long. Negan

I've spoiled myself but how don't you make it more obvious here that Glenn is going to die. You guys need to watch how you label spoilers. Spoiler the entire sentence as someone looking at sees Glenn won't live long with a spoiler right after which means you know he'll die and now they'll know.


It was a great episode. My issue is when it occurred. We've lost steam to the main situation - the horde heading to Alexandria.


Great episode, except for how Eastman got bit.

At the very end, that was Rick's voice shouting out "Open the gate!". Or at least, the captions says it was him.
I liked how they had Eastmen use that story about the metaphorical door in Morgan's head that he's scared to go through again, while in reality he was sitting in the corner of his cell not trying to open the unlocked cell door.

The way he got bit though was probably the lamest in the series. Worse than how they ended Tyrese. They may as well just had a ninja walker Dale him.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Eastman! He came out of the east to do battle with... the AMAZING RANDO!

ITT people saying that anyone who didn't like the episode is a stupid mouth breather who just "doesn't get it"

The elitism on display over a fucking TV show is just amazing
It's hilarious really.

Anyway, I thought this episode was a highly forgettable bore. I love good character building but this was just ridiculous. Eastman's philosophy was stupid. Morgan adopting it was stupid. The whole John Wilkes Booth prison psychopath story was over the top and stupid. Morgan hesitating 1v1 against zombie guy that he created was also stupid. "Oh no imminent death, wait I recognize that guy sort of so I guess I'll just stand here slackjawed." And since he's all about CLEARing shouldn't he have brainsmashed him anyway?

I don't even care that we didn't get any Glenn resolution, I'm more annoyed that not only did they waste a supersized episode on this, there's surely going to stoop to some sort of also-stupid payoff for all the Stupid Morgan stupidity.

It's shocking but at the same time expected. I remember hearing a quote about The Simpsons and why it was popular-because it appealed to smart people and stupid people for different reasons. Not saying that people that didn't like this episode are stupid, but people like the show for different reasons. Episodes like this are in less quantity overall, but I think having a balance of both is important.
The Simpsons bit is kind of funny, I remember way back in high school killing time talking about the previous night's episode with my best friend, and then we overheard one table over some kids that we didn't exactly hold in high regard talking about the same episode. After eavesdropping on them for a minute we thought it was hilarious that the parts they were bringing up and laughing about weren't even the funny parts. WE knew the funny parts of course...

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Well this was definitely the low point of the season thus far. Episode was boring as hell. I don't know why it needed to be 90 minutes either. It felt like it was stretched out for no reason. It isn't as though a lot of stuff happened. Once Morgan met Eastman you basically knew exactly how the story was going to unfold.

I don't think the timing was an issue at all - this would have been a stinker no matter where you placed it in the season.

I'm surprised so many people here liked it. I thought it was one of the most boring/pointless episodes of the series. And the way Eastman got bit... sheesh. I've got no qualms against 'quiet' episodes (the one with Carol/Tyrese/girls was one of my favorite episodes) but this one fell flat.
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