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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Didn't watch the episode yet. Were there any non-Morgan parts (Rick & co.)?

No, it explains Morgan's jump from Clear to the surprise credit sequence of Terminus. To present day where
he's keeping the wolf alive.

It's a decent character study.


Which Morgan understands. But the whole point of this is to show that that Morgan's pacifism is basically his limiter. Its more for him. He doesn't want to slip into "Clear" Morgan again.

That's what separates him and Tyrese. Tyrese just wasn't that guy. Just like Eugene isn't really that guy. Morgan is a killer and he's trying to escape from that. He's like Chris said, an addict.

Well said.


People don't like this?

It's a 10 out of 10 for me. Phenomenal storytelling.


What I took from the episode is that what I want and believe personally is for both Morgan and Rick to meet somewhere in the middle with respect to their values in their present circumstance.

I fear it will come to a head (pun not intended). I really enjoyed this episode and wished it ended differently for Morgan's Yoda. :(

What I took from the episode is that what I want and believe personally is for both Morgan and Rick to meet somewhere in the middle with respect to their values in their present circumstance.

I fear it will come to a head (pun not intended). I really enjoyed this episode and wished it ended differently for Morgan's Yoda. :(
agreed. i would've been pleasantly surprised, if at the end of the episode, he and morgan went their separate ways instead of him getting killed.


Comic based speculation on how I think this season will end after seeing tonight's ep:

Negan shows up, does the eenie meenie miney mo thing and lands on a beloved character. Carol, Daryl or even a still alive Glenn. Morgan pushes them outta the way at the last second to take the hit and save them like Eastman did for him.
Love how into this show Andrew Lincoln is. Makes me think he'll never sign off before it's over. The way he talked about visiting the set of this episode and meeting the new director. He sounded genuinely excited.
Comic based speculation on how I think this season will end after seeing tonight's ep:

Negan shows up, does the eenie meenie miney mo thing and lands on a beloved character. Carol, Daryl or even a still alive Glenn. Morgan pushes them outta the way at the last second to take the hit and save them like Eastman did for him.
That moment is gonna be riveting for comic readers and otherwise simply because there's so many ways it can go.


agreed. i would've been pleasantly surprised, if at the end of the episode, he and morgan went their separate ways instead of him getting killed.

That's the ending I wanted too. His back story with the cage, his family, starving the convict.. right to the feels.


After thinking about it, it was pretty good, could have shaved off a few minutes. I really like the actor that played Eastman, so good. To bad he's one and done.

So since Morgan got his own focused episode, he's dead.


even been cast? Way too much speculation
he'll show up on the season finale.
I think it will happen at the end of next season, why rush it, they would basically be caught up to the comics if they did.


even been cast? Way too much speculation
he'll show up on the season finale.
I think it will happen at the end of next season, why rush it, they would basically be caught up to the comics if they did.

No I think. I think the produce Gale Anne Hurd explicitly said no and that they weren't going there yet. Now she could be lying to get people to shut up and stop asking her but they've never said that before about a character. Though people haven't been as annoying about past characters I think as they've been lately.

There is no need to even rush that. From looking at the wiki there are at least two more arcs they can adapt and expand before even reaching that point. Hell they can easily insert something TV only as well and not even get to that point until season 8 or 9 if they wanted to.
even been cast? Way too much speculation
he'll show up on the season finale.
I think it will happen at the end of next season, why rush it, they would basically be caught up to the comics if they did.
they wouldn't be caught up to the comics if negan simply makes his debut


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Also I don't know if anyone noticed it but,
Steven Yeun's name wasn't with the watch this episode, while the rest of the cast was listed.

Neat little easter egg that twists the knife even more.


Also I don't know if anyone noticed it but,
Steven Yeun's name wasn't with the watch this episode, while the rest of the cast was listed.

Neat little easter egg that twists the knife even more.

Which makes me suspicious that they're being deceptive.

Did Jeffrey De Munn's name get removed from the season 2 credits after Dale died in season 2 episode 11?
even been cast? .

Future spoilers for this season
Maybe. A casting call was leaked for episode 16 [the finale] a while back. It had the description of a man that is pretty much 1:1 Negan. His "code name" was Orin. The leak came from a source that have gotten the last twenty casting call leaks right, so it's definitely trust worthy.


Powerful episode. Morgan and Eastman were great. TWD giving me life lessons over here making me a better person. Eastman was especially great. When he recounted the death of his family from that inmate and later on confessing he watched him starve to death for 47 days was crazy. Yet, even after avenging his family, he ended up going into the darkest of places and he only received peace through his code. It gives you hope that people like Eastman can still exist in this world. Are there other Eastman's out there, or is everyone too far gone at this point?

You know this is going to end very badly for Morgan or someone else leaving that wolf alive. The "all life is precious" code just can't apply anymore at this stage in the game, and I think Morgan will find out the hard way. It's sad, but I think Eastman's philosophy does more harm than good now. Who knows though, I wouldn't mind being pleasantly surprised but I expect the most depressing things to occur instead.

I knew of course people here were going to hate it. It's come to the point where if a zombie or human isn't slaughtered by Rick or Carol every 5 minutes the episode sucks. I guess people forgot this is a drama and not an action movie. The first three episodes of this season have been jam packed with ridiculousness, and as soon as they ease off the gas people are so bored they are posting they are changing the channel 30 minutes into the episode.

Take your ADHD medication, please.
I knew of course people here were going to hate it. It's come to the point where if a zombie or human isn't slaughtered by Rick or Carol every 5 minutes the episode sucks. I guess people forgot this is a drama and not an action movie. The first three episodes of this season have been jam packed with ridiculousness, and as soon as they ease off the breaks people are so bored they are posting they are changing the channel 30 minutes into the episode.

What people would usually say to that is "Well TWD can't write drama well, no wonder people want more action" but I think this episode besides a couple quibbles was written well.
I knew of course people here were going to hate it. It's come to the point where if a zombie or human isn't slaughtered by Rick or Carol every 5 minutes the episode sucks. I guess people forgot this is a drama and not an action movie. The first three episodes of this season have been jam packed with ridiculousness, and as soon as they ease off the breaks people are so bored they are posting they are changing the channel 30 minutes into the episode.
I don't think tonight's episode was bad (although some parts of it were, especially the bite) I just think it was in the wrong place in the consecutiveness of the season.
What people would usually say to that is "Well TWD can't write drama well, no wonder people want more action" but I think this episode besides a couple quibbles was written well.

The writing wasn't the problem. The writing was actually good like you said... The problems with the episode are:

* it's a 90 minute *slow* episode. Most other 90 minute episodes are a big action / plot development event
* there was no tension because it was a flashback, so we knew exactly how it would turn out
* they left last episode with two major cliffhangers that were not addressed at all... That combined with 1 made for a really disappointing watching experience
The writing wasn't the problem. The writing was actually good like you said... The problems with the episode are:

* it's a 90 minute *slow* episode. Most other 90 minute episodes are a big action / plot development event
* there was no tension because it was a flashback, so we knew exactly how it would turn out
* they left last episode with two major cliffhangers that were not addressed at all... That combined with 1 made for a really disappointing watching experience
well said.


Also I don't know if anyone noticed it but,
Steven Yeun's name wasn't with the watch this episode, while the rest of the cast was listed.

Neat little easter egg that twists the knife even more.
Haha, nice to see that I wasn't the only one who noticed this.


Episode was pretty good, but a little underwhelming. The slow pace didn't bother me, but it was sort of predictable. You were never worried about Morgan making it, and you kind of expected Eastman and the goat to die. Eastman putting himself between Morgan and the walker instead of pushing the walker back with his stick didn't help either.

I probably would have enjoyed the episode more but it's still hard for me to get behind Morgan's no-kill code. I'm afraid it may have been a mistake for the show to do this with Morgan as it seems to be turning some fans off of a character who was held in such high regard after "Days Gone Bye" and "Clear"

I'm now wishing that "Clear" Morgan would have made his way to Alexandria and Rick and the others would be the ones to restore his sanity. As it stands now I'm afraid Morgan will keep the imprisoned wolf a secret and that it will lead to something unfortunate.
Thats obviously Glenn calling out to open the gate so can deliver the pizza


I liked it a lot. This just goes to show how the small scale episodes with only one, two, or three characters can be the best in the series. I am sorry to see how many people were disappointed with the show's pace.


People don't like this?

It's a 10 out of 10 for me. Phenomenal storytelling.


People are just pissy because they want their Glenn resolution so they're shitting all over an excellent episode, if not one of the best character episodes of the entire series.

And guess what bitches...doesn't look like you're getting your Glenn resolution next week either :)


It had a lot of useful story... It was just too long and came after a huge cliffhanger episode. Not sure it was the best time for it.
And here I thought this wasn't a Morgan flashback but a
origin until the last 15 min because I couldn't figure out why this was happening now, why this episode was put here and not later or part of last season, or why this had to be 90 min


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul

People are just pissy because they want their Glenn resolution so they're shitting all over an excellent episode, if not one of the best character episodes of the entire series.

And guess what bitches...doesn't look like you're getting your Glenn resolution next week either :)

still boring as shit overall... :)
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