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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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I really enjoyed this episode, but I'm not sure how I feel about Eastman's death. The whole thing wasn't very dramatic, and yet, I kind of liked that about it? Like, dude was so at peace that he made a very quiet exit from the world. It didn't have to be the insane melodrama that was Bethscissorspocalypse
Good episode, but Eastmans bite was a massive low point.

Piss up by the writers.
Yeah. You would think a guy who survived that long and know some sort of martial arts can think of a safer way to pull morgan out of that situation. Might as well have eastman moonwalk his way into the arms of that walker because that would be just as bad as what they put on tv.

But overall a really solid episode. A lot hated it and i can see why but this episode has to be done. I can sense Morgans imminent death or a Shane x10000 in terms of craziness. Morgan will know he fucked up bad when that wolf gets free and he can't find him and people mysteriously dies one by one.


Damn nice quiet episode to balance all the tension so far.

It seems Morgan has traveled through the extremes (brainless killing spree and pacifist mode), will be fun to watch him find the proper balance.

Red Mage


People are just pissy because they want their Glenn resolution so they're shitting all over an excellent episode, if not one of the best character episodes of the entire series.

And guess what bitches...doesn't look like you're getting your Glenn resolution next week either :)

Actually, I found it a waste of ninety minutes. It was rather predictable and even with the hour and a half, the resolution seemed somehow rush.
I thought it was great. Morgan's episodes have been some of the best in the series. It shows that the programme doesn't have to rely on shock value and gore all the time to tell a decent story. I thought Lennie Morgan and John Carroll Lynch were fantastic - I'm gonna miss Tabitha.
I hate this character. Everything about Morgan is cheesy. So this really was the worst episode ever for me. I never thought I'd have to suffer through a 90 minute episode of just him. He's Heroes Reborn levels of cringe.


I quite liked it, but it's easy for me to understand the mixed reaction. It's a familiar tale that's been told before numerous times in cinema -- wayward soul has a chance encounter with the enlightened mentor in desperate need of a pupil to which he can impart wisdom. Eventually, we learn that at one point, the two were very much alike. Mentor meets some tragic end. Student becomes the master. Wash, rinse, repeat.

But -- not only was it well-acted. It was also entirely necessary for the development of Morgan's character. Without this, his progression as a character makes no sense. Some might argue that it still doesn't, but the story isn't over, and I'm willing to see it through.

The comments on how he was bit seem silly to me, though. It was pretty apparent he wasn't a technical master. Constantly, they are hitting you over the head to ensure you know that he isn't some martial arts whiz. It's the philosophy that he embraces. Running over to save Morgan's life clearly winded him, and he let slip his guard. Thus, the bite. If you can buy the chance encounter, if you can buy the forensic psychiatrist/practitioner of aikido who longs to make the perfect cheese, then surely you can buy his ultimate demise.


That was a great episode, guy who played Eastman acted really well too, that Creighton Dallas Howard story hit me hard.
When Eastman said to Morgan "you will hold a baby again", what if that prediction comes true after that captive Wolf murders Judith, and Moran finds the body? That would be pretty dark.
There is no way that Wolf can be anything but evil. His teeth are terrible. Good guys never have bad teeth on TV.
When Eastman said to Morgan "you will hold a baby again", what if that prediction comes true after that captive Wolf murders Judith, and Moran finds the body? That would be pretty dark.
There is no way that Wolf can be anything but evil. His teeth are terrible. Good guys never have bad teeth on TV.

He's already held Judith in one of the previous episodes, so it already turned out to be true. I think it was the premiere.


Twitter was interesting last night. I know big mistake following it and I agree. Especially if you looked at some of the twitter accounts of people complaining about this episode or saying how pointless it was or how they didn't give a damn about Morgan. Some of it was just people wanting to know about Glenn and disliked that they had to wait. However there were clear racist undertones (some weren't even bothering to hide it and just stopped short of tossing out the big N) from a good number of comments I read. Which isn't surprising at all. I expected it to be honest. The audience for the show is that vast.They were there whenever Sasha or Tyreese would get a focus. They're there when even Michonne gets the spotlight as well.
Tabitha still alive.. Those guts were from another goat that fell on top of her as they was being attacked. She gonna slide under that sunflower for protection in the next episode.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I liked it. One of the better episodes the series has done. A little cliche in spots, but I think it was needed. You really can't just gloss over Morgan's change from the person he was in "Clear" to who we have in Alexandria now.

And I know this won't stop people from complaining about it, but I'm glad we got an explanation about his philosophy. Him just saying it really isn't enough since he takes it to the extreme. That's something you have to show the significance of.

I knew a bottle episode wasn't going to go over well with some folks given the pace of the season so far. It's strange because The Walking Dead isn't what I'd consider a "smart show" but recently it has been going over the head of a portion of its audience.

You can tell next week is going to be bonkers. Anytime the preview is vague as fuck, it's wild.


Spend your time learning about redirection.

Redirect a zombie into biting your back.

Leave a goat out for zombies to eat unless someone comes running to save it.

Yes, i liked the character moments between Eastman and Morgan, but not at an hour and a half full of commercials and dumb chunks.


Rewatched this episode again last night. Once I got over the fact that this episode clearly slowed momentum to a halt, I was able to take in the story being told.

Much, much better on the rewatch. It actually makes "JSS", and Morgan's actions make sense, and the reason he doesn't kill.

It actually gives me hope that he can be to Rick what Tyrese never was able to be. Someone to bring a little humanity back into Rick.


Thought it was alright, lame as fuck about Eastman getting bit like that.

I wonder if Eastman was just a nod to Eastman that made TMNT?


He measures in centimeters
Not bad but definitely didn't need 90 minutes for that episode. Felt a bit try-hard and indulgent. Would have been more epic if there had been a twist where Eastman was actually Creighton Dallas Howard. Howard finding peace would have been interesting...


What if Creighton Dallas Howard, went crazy after his hot cousin, Bryce Dallas Howard, was bitten and turned before the outbreak had even become well known?
Only in TWD would they write about a prisoner who escapes from jail and murders an entire family still being allowed outside prison duty; because he was really charismatic.


Another interesting thing the captured wolf said: "Those are my rules. That's my code."

There's gotta be some underlying structure to the Wolves and their attacks on communities. Somebody else pulling the strings maybe.

4 more episodes this year!
Will the big bad wolf turn good? Maybe Morgan will get through to him?

Wolf was like cool story bro after all that things morgan said to him. If I was morgan I would have gouged both his eyes out with my blunt dragonball stick the moment he laughed at my face after telling the story. That's all I need to see to know the Wolf ain't gonna change.. If anything that Wolf will do some fucked up repugnant shit in the group.


Gold Member
Wolf was like cool story bro after all that things morgan said to him. If I was morgan I would have gouged both his eyes out with my blunt dragonball stick the moment he laughed at my face after telling the story. That's all I need to see to know the Wolf ain't gonna change.. If anything that Wolf will do some fucked up repugnant shit in the group.

When he said he was sweaty and shaking, i thought the Wolves were massive heroin addicts, which was their driving force on why they do what they do. Walking around all strung out and crazy dope sick. With the way they look and dress, that would be perfect motivation for them.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
When he said he was sweaty and shaking, i thought the Wolves were massive heroin addicts, which was their driving force on why they do what they do. Walking around all strung out and crazy dope sick. With the way they look and dress, that would be perfect motivation for them.

Same thought crossed my mind. And would be an awesome idea for another group. Two things this show has avoided as much as possible, sex and drugs. We had Bob's alcoholism but even that was pretty light.
Same thought crossed my mind. And would be an awesome idea for another group. Two things this show has avoided as much as possible, sex and drugs. We had Bob's alcoholism but even that was pretty light.

There are whispers in the west. Of a well dressed man who can give you what you seek.


exactly. They showed zombies eating nick's guts who landed on top of glenn! Get with the theories bro!

lol so as someone else's guts were being eaten he decided to react like it is his guts and stay right there for a horde to get him. and the filmmakers were like - huh lets make it slo-mo and dub 'character dying music' so we can fool the audience.
and let me guess he is going to suddenly rip out the guts of a zombie right there and cover himself in it and then escape.

what a load of horseshit if they resurrect him.


I think I see where they're going with this. (comic spoilers)
Rick learns not to kill from Morgan. Don't kill anyone - even the most evil. Keeps Negan in a cell underneath his house.
Comic spoilers
yep this is what I've been predicting myself but I still think it's going to be Negan killing Morgan that makes Rick pretty much honor his memory and not kill Negan at the end of all out war. Pretty much doing what Morgan would do in his shoes.
I enjoyed the episode overall, but I agree with many others that the Eastman bite was comically bad. You know going in that he's not going to survive the episode, so why not capitalize on that expectation by coming up with something really cool and unexpected as opposed to yet another implausible walker bite?
I don't get the crazy praise some of you are giving this episode, almost like compensating for those that hate it. It was fine, nothing great, nothing bad. The problem is that it was just a standard man learns a new path episode, which could have been done on any show. A standard drama you can see anywhere. It had no impact on the overall plot, it didn't really address any of the issues that living in a dead world brings.

The show is about what happens when the world goes to shit, what kind of person are you when you get put In impossible situations. The episode with the girls and the flowers, that was one of the best drama episodes ever, that is exactly what I want out of TWD. There are so many better drama episodes in the series than this one.

Nothing surprising happened, we learned absolutely nothing new. Morgan became a non killing bo wielding dude, we knew that. We just learned why and the why wasn't that interesting.


Eastman was basically a therapist for Arkham given the background he shared. It makes sense that he would be able to break through to Morgan and make a connection. He's a pro. It's what he does. On the other hand, Morgan going off into the world trying to save the lost is amateur hour at best, and dangerously reckless.

I'm guessing Morgan isn't in the story to save the psycho wolf, he's there to try and save Rick (or Carol), both literally and figuratively. He's going to do what he wasn't able to do for his wife and son. That will be his redemption, and he'll probably die in the effort, like Eastman did for him.

Thumbs up to the actor who played Eastman.


Comic spoilers
yep this is what I've been predicting myself but I still think it's going to be Negan killing Morgan that makes Rick pretty much honor his memory and not kill Negan at the end of all out war. Pretty much doing what Morgan would do in his shoes.

This makes so much sense.
It was a fine episode, but i'm not sure it pushed the story forward. We already kinda inferred those wolves were crazy and probably not reasonable.
I would have preferred this as it's own spin off episode.
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