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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Do people actually like Morgan? He's a more capable but just as dumb and more importantly dangerous character like Carl.

Him letting the W people with a gun last week (who then tried using it on Rick)... like how dumb can you get? We're 6 seasons in, he's actively putting people in danger by letting these people go.

His change over the course of this episode felt a little hamfisted in a couple steps, but overall I bought it just because Lennie James is that good of an actor. The whole episode being a flashback did kind of sour any of the tension that it tried to build, however, and 90 minutes was a tad long for a bottle episode.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Do people actually like Morgan? He's a more capable but just as dumb and more importantly dangerous character like Carl.

Him letting the W people with a gun last week (who then tried using it on Rick)... like how dumb can you get? We're 6 seasons in, he's actively putting people in danger by letting these people go.
Yeah, I hate his character and wish he never popped up again now.
Do people actually like Morgan? He's a more capable but just as dumb and more importantly dangerous character like Carl.

Him letting the W people with a gun last week (who then tried using it on Rick)... like how dumb can you get? We're 6 seasons in, he's actively putting people in danger by letting these people go.
I love morgan and I love Rick for different reasons. Not everyone can be a Rick. I like that he is someone that hasn't given up on humanity. Sure it might lead to his and possibly others downfall but it's something. It's optimistic. This is one of thos bleak shows on television ever so I don't mind having someone around who the world hasn't beaten to death yet.


edit: Lennie James talking about the character and his decisions made me like Morgan even more.


What a fantastic episode. It absolutely justified Morgan's odd behaviour, as far as I'm concerned. Although I'm pleased he locked the door at the end.

Eastman was fucking awesome.

My only gripe is that it didn't address the weird symbols I thought he was leaving on the trees last season.

RIP Tabitha.


Nice episode and Eastman was great.

Weak zombie bite was terrible much like the stealth zombies which are god awful as well.

I wish Morgan had caught up with that couple before he left and lead them to the house.


It's hard to believe there's still weak survivors wandering around. The first couple were unarmed and tried to chase down an armed Morgan (idiots), and the 2nd couple were also unarmed except with a crutch for the disabled man. You'd think these people would've met their fate already from walkers. terminus, wolves, etc.
I enjoyed the episode. It was a little lame how Morgan was the cause of Eastman's demise, and I still don't like the new Morgan. However, I understand why he ended up adopting the philosophy...even if I don't agree with it.


Do people actually like Morgan? He's a more capable but just as dumb and more importantly dangerous character like Carl.

Him letting the W people with a gun last week (who then tried using it on Rick)... like how dumb can you get? We're 6 seasons in, he's actively putting people in danger by letting these people go.

This show would be very boring if all the characters were super serious survivors. Morgan's phylosophy is like a breath of fresh air. Besides, Carol can take care of everything.

I like Morgan's character. At least he locked the door.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Do people actually like Morgan? He's a more capable but just as dumb and more importantly dangerous character like Carl.

Him letting the W people with a gun last week (who then tried using it on Rick)... like how dumb can you get? We're 6 seasons in, he's actively putting people in danger by letting these people go.
Lucky for you they just devoted an entire episode explaining where he is coming from.
I hate it when zombies get stealth kills/bites first they show the guy being a badass ass kicker then suddenly a lone zombie does a surprise attack for 1000x effectiveness


Late to the party but, that's one of the best episodes I've seen on this show in a long time. The writing, the directing. All of it. It almost seemed like it was a short-film. Certainly felt like one, although I wasn't timing it. Probably more to do with the fact that each scene was keeping me engaged because I was genuinely curious about finding out more of Eastmans backstory, and Morgans character development.


Great episode, just a bit annoying with all the Glenn talk looming over it.

I just read this on Deadline which I found interesting:


"Yeun has also been seen on set filming episodes for later this season, and he recently signed a new contract."

Well, if that's true, he's obviously not dead then.

I'd like to point out they can't just drop someone from the credits to "troll fans". Lost had this problem I n the finale. They weren't allowed to hide names in credits. They were legally forced to display every name. The creators had to tell people to cover the bottom of their screen to avoid spoilers lol.


Well plenty of characters were killed off only to be seen in flashbacks later on. Contracts don't mean they aren't dead


I'd like to point out they can't just drop someone from the credits to "troll fans". Lost had this problem I n the finale. They weren't allowed to hide names in credits. They were legally forced to display every name. The creators had to tell people to cover the bottom of their screen to avoid spoilers lol.

Not in the opening sequence. You can clearly see when they focus on the revolver and reads "Andrew Lincoln", then the jacket and it reads "Norman Reedus" but when they show the watch, "Steven Yeunn" cannot be seen.

Glenn might be dead but still film some random parts for future "flashback" episodes. Like when Tyreese went to that house and fought that zombie. Before he started allucinating with many dead-by-then characters.
Not in the opening sequence. You can clearly see when they focus on the revolver and reads "Andrew Lincoln", then the jacket and it reads "Norman Reedus" but when they show the watch, "Steven Yeunn" cannot be seen.

Glenn might be dead but still film some random parts for future "flashback" episodes. Like when Tyreese went to that house and fought that zombie. Before he started allucinating with many dead-by-then characters.
Nah. (S6 spoilers)
Set pics have him with new characters, wearing different clothes, filming in like seven or eight future episodes


I quite liked the episode. Eastman was a good character and they made me care for him, the way he died was lame though. Dude has a stick and decides to shield Morgan with his body.

Other than that, strong episode. I do wonder what'll happen to Morgan when he decides to kill though. He'll most likely turn into crazy Morgan again.
Eastman's death was lame.

Could've had them both chased into the cell in the cabin and Eastman holds the door shut while Morgan jumps out the window (that he had broken earlier in the episode). At least it would have been a bit more dramatic.
Eastman's death was lame.

Could've had them both chased into the cell in the cabin and Eastman holds the door shut while Morgan jumps out the window (that he had broken earlier in the episode). At least it would have been a bit more dramatic.

Yeah, it was fucking stupid. Eastman could have easily grabbed him and pulled him out of the way from behind, but instead he steps around him directly in front of the walker.

I personally believe it is never acceptable for a character to be bitten by a single walker under any circumstances, unless the character is tied up or something. There are far too many stealth walkers on the show, which is ridiculous for obvious reasons, and when a character does see them coming and have time to react, it wouldn't be hard to fight them off. They're slow as fuck, and partially decomposed, so it's not as if they're going to have much strength, and their teeth are the only real part of them you need to worry about.

The graphic novels have made a point of characters acknowledging that individual walkers aren't a threat at all, so I hate how the show keeps acting as if every single one we see is a major threat.
Last weeks herd attack was idiotic. I've excused most of TWD's plot holes for sake of enjoyment of show, but if there ever was an opportunity to smear yourself with zombie guts and go stealth mode, it was this.


Last weeks herd attack was idiotic. I've excused most of TWD's plot holes for sake of enjoyment of show, but if there ever was an opportunity to smear yourself with zombie guts and go stealth mode, it was this.

i think that mechanic has been discarded as too much of a cheat mode
It takes some prep time, too. If you're caught without lots of zombie guts and time things aren't going to work out.
Actually, both of Michonne's times, she just gutted a walker, and the insides and blood just fell on her, in the midst of getting attacked. So that works too


I liked the episode and thought it was one of the better ones for the show. However, Lennie James completely overacted and has been since the first time Morgan was introduced. I just don't buy the extreme swing from traumatic to being at peace in the way he portrayed the character. In comparison, Henstridge's character performance in 4722 Hours earlier in the week was much more believable, relatable and grounded. Solid episode, but the acting left a lot to be desired.

EDIT: Oh, and Eastman's death, another brilliant example of the writing on Walking Dead. Morgan has been properly disposing the walkers, and the only body he didn't destroy the brain, which happened to be the same one that caused him to freeze and bite Eastman (not to mention that this particular walker had been hanging around the same area for however long it took Eastman to rehabilitate Morgan). Not contrived at all.
hey im not saying it's right, it just seems that way, i'd be constant cheat mode if it were me

If the writers of this show were half-decent, they'd come up with a way of making that tactic no longer viable. For example, maybe somebody tries it, and then later turns into a walker, because it turns out they had a small exposed cut on their skin. The other characters decide it isn't worth the risk. Any excuse would be better than just having characters not acknowledge it as a viable tactic.

To be fair, the graphic novel also suffers from this problem; we've seen the tactic used a second time, and while it failed, much like the rain, the reason was very situational, and easily avoided (
a kid pissed himself in fear, and the smell gave him away
). There's no reason characters in both the show and graphic novel wouldn't be utilising this tactic all the damn time when they get into trouble, but it seems it's only used when the writer(s) want to.
Actually, both of Michonne's times, she just gutted a walker, and the insides and blood just fell on her, in the midst of getting attacked. So that works too

Speculation on future episodes:
I think that Glenn is alive because the zombies were eating the guy that fell on top of Glenn, masking Glenn with the blood of the guy being eaten.


Sorry for being late to the Glenn party, but what's the verdict? Why the ambiguity of the shot when all other main characters' deaths have been quite definitive?

Regardless of how dumb it may be and how many set rules they'll break, I'm leaning towards his survival. I imagine they will attribute it to his body being filled with Nicholas's blood and body parts... It doesn't make sense, but hardly anything does anymore.

I'll happily eat crow if I'm wrong.


It is really obvious Glen is still alive.
That is the only reason they obscured what happened.
Watching the scene again makes it clear.
Speculation on future episodes:
I think that Glenn is alive because the zombies were eating the guy that fell on top of Glenn, masking Glenn with the blood of the guy being eaten.

I listen to a podcast called "Watching Dead", and they addressed that. They likened it to a cow hiding by smothering itself in steak sauce. Sorry cow; you're getting eaten.

Glenn is alive, but if that's the reason, then that's bullshit. Of course, the way they've handled this whole thing, it's going to be bullshit no matter what they do.


I enjoyed that episode a lot more than I was expecting to. It feels like it's been ages since a lot of screen time was devoted to character development, and it was genuinely interesting for a filler episode. Eastman was a really cool guy - he deserved a better death than that :( At least we were spared an on-screen sequence of him turning, as I hate seeing nice characters become dehumanised (as effective as it is sometimes).

All that said, I still don't like Morgan very much. He was annoying and the way Eastman dismissed his edgy phrases made me laugh.


The thing is i can probably see the whole Glenn dead/not dead mystery last to the mid-season finale like what happened with Carol and how she was missing for a couple of episodes.

Also, it would make sense since they always have a strong mid-season finale. It would suck but the people behind this show love to troll it's fans.
The thing is i can probably see the whole Glenn dead/not dead mystery last to the mid-season finale like what happened with Carol and how she was missing for a couple of episodes.

Also, it would make sense since they always have a strong mid-season finale. It would suck but the people behind this show love to troll it's fans.

I'd laugh if they brought him back after the mid-season break. The reaction would be hilarious.


I've come to the conclusion that Morgan is an 8-year-old boy.

1. Vandalizes environment with nonsense words
2. Holds a grudge when people take his protein bars
3. Throws temper tantrum, locks self in room
4. Sees Ninja Turtle, copies everything he does


That was a great episode. It wasn't perfect (Eastman's death was fucking stuuuuuupid) but I've come to accept that this show will never run with the greatest. But that's okay.

I was super annoyed with Morgan 2 weeks ago, but after seeing this episode, I understand and enjoy him much more. Poor timing to air it the week after they try to make everyone think Glenn died, but a great episode is always welcome no matter the timing. I just really hope they don't kill off Morgan now that he's had all that development. That seems to be the way things go on this show anytime a character without a lot of development suddenly starts getting a lot of time on screen.

Looking forward to next week.
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