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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Wow, I had forgotten Tara in the most weird way.

I used to think she's amazingly attractive. For some reason I had forgotten she had gone away and I had actually started to think Rosita was Tara :O

I thought about Rosita that yeah, she's that lovely Tara, but I had this weird thought of her looking oddly different than before. I actually once, when wanting to google some pictures of Tara, googled Christian Serratos and totally was under the impression she was Tara... :/

Watching this episode I was like oh wait what....?!?!
It messed my head when I watched the scene with both Rosita and Tara :D

Anyway, nice to see the real Tara again. I like this "chubbier" version of her :)

I don't know what to think about the "comedy" thing going on with her though. Weird little sitcom type moments here and there. Was she always like that?

Oh yeah, and I had completely forgotten Heath. I still don't remember who he is and what he used to do. I don't even remember seeing him before at all :D


Hunky Nostradamus
Man I feel like I am watching a Shonen Jump anime with all this filler.. I don't expect violence, action and killing each episode, but literally nothing is happening right now. Just a waste of time.

That episode wasn't filler though - Tara just stumbled upon an entirely new community that has tons of guns. That's obviously going to be very important in the future.
The actress playing Tara had been pregnant, no? I think that's what I read.

I'd kind of forgotten her whereabouts, and completely forgotten about the guy she went off with. This weekend's episode was alright overall, but it continues the season's trend of being middling.
That episode wasn't filler though - Tara just stumbled upon an entirely new community that has tons of guns. That's obviously going to be very important in the future.

I'm glad someone is fighting the common sense fight when I'm too tired/playing FF15 lol.

Anyway I wasn't totally crazy about 1 maybe 2 of the episodes, thought the rest were really solid so far, but they were all necessary. The pieces have been moved and I think we will get to see it play out now. Should be kewl.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
My least favourite episode in a long time, I couldn't even remember their names honestly, the camp is obviously how they'll overthrow Negan later on though, so I guess it had to happen.


we need another episode of negan grinning and saying something evil before I can really believe the saviors are bad. Depthless villains are the best kind

Someone should have told the writers that a scarier villain is one who has some range and seems like a real person. If you turn him into a simple cartoon character he just becomes silly and you stop caring
we need another episode of negan grinning and saying something evil before I can really believe the saviors are bad. Depthless villains are the best kind

Someone should have told the writers that a scarier villain is one who has some range and seems like a real person. If you turn him into a simple cartoon character he just becomes silly and you stop caring

We haven't known him for long. There's likely more to learn. They are definitely driving home that the saviours are malicious and dominating, no denying that. But there's room for more. I liked Dwight's character quite a bit and I'm interested to see more of Negan.


Hunky Nostradamus
Someone should have told the writers that a scarier villain is one who has some range and seems like a real person. If you turn him into a simple cartoon character he just becomes silly and you stop caring

Now imagine if comic fans somehow got their way and Negan said "fuck" literally every other word.
we need another episode of negan grinning and saying something evil before I can really believe the saviors are bad. Depthless villains are the best kind

Someone should have told the writers that a scarier villain is one who has some range and seems like a real person. If you turn him into a simple cartoon character he just becomes silly and you stop caring

Yup. Still baffled by how much people here hyped him up as a villain. He's a joke.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I liked the TV show version of Negan up until the episode where he came to visit Rick's group. It was just way too much of him. They gotta do something for him to reclaim his status. Yeah, he came in like a locomotive in his 1st appearance. But it loses all the effect if he threatens people every other sentence and doesn't deliver. We had two back to back episodes where he just threatened characters and did diddly dick. I'm not one of those people who says MORE KILLING MORE VIOLENCE every episode, but either Negan has to chill with the threats or actually start swinging Lucille again.
I liked the TV show version of Negan up until the episode where he came to visit Rick's group. It was just way too much of him. They gotta do something for him to reclaim his status. Yeah, he came in like a locomotive in his 1st appearance. But it loses all the effect if he threatens people every other sentence and doesn't deliver. We had two back to back episodes where he just threatened characters and did diddly dick. I'm not one of those people who says MORE KILLING MORE VIOLENCE every episode, but either Negan has to chill with the threats or actually start swinging Lucille again.

Yeah, I agree that episode was a misfire. Let's pretend it doesn't exist.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I thought Negan was implying that he would take Maggie back to the camp and rape her... something about wives who just lost their husbands being fiesta, not 100% sure

Oh if thats the case then....damn.

Negan is ruthless.


I read
"Someone stumbles upon a brand new society, and this society is unlike anything seen before."
And all I could think was, "Man, this show is eating its own bullshit."
Anyone else??


Hunky Nostradamus
I read
"Someone stumbles upon a brand new society, and this society is unlike anything seen before."
And all I could think was, "Man, this show is eating its own bullshit."
Anyone else??

What's wrong with the quote? It's completely accurate...
Man, I completely FORGOT a new episode was airing this Sunday. Pretty happy my desire to watch any of this show is finally waning enough to almost fully let it go.
Yup. Still baffled by how much people here hyped him up as a villain. He's a joke.

Comic Negan >>>>>>>>>>>> TV Negan. Considering how much of an improvement the TV Governor was over his comic version, I was hoping it was going to be the same with Negan.


Anything that isn't Rick killing Negan is "filler" to most people here.

I don't care about Rick anymore. I don't use the term "pussy" to describe people often but ever since he became one I lost interest. Waiting for Rosita to kill negan

The best way to end the season would be Rick and Coral - both useless annoying characters -- being killed off, and Rosita, the only one with any sense or guts, kills Negan
I'm just stopping to say that I'm done with the show. Godspeed to all of you who keep with it. There are a lot more shows out there that are classics that I haven't watched. It was a fun ride.


That's not fair; Sasha and Michonne are pretty badass too, they're just never on screen.

That's true. Honestly, the women of the show are the real badasses (not sure why they decided to suddenly make Carol weak for no particular reason though).

Rick and Darryl have both been bitchified this season. Not sure what the writers are trying to do, but I'm a pretty simple person when it comes to my zombie shows and turning both of these guys into weaklings and emasculating them hasn't been exciting or entertaining (remember, it's a zombie show). Especially Rick, who isn't behaving in a way I want him to or think he should behave. You could rationalize it somehow, but at the end of the day it's not what I want. Rick & gang should always have a plan and now it's only Rosita who does (and that's why Rosita is now my favorite character).


That's true. Honestly, the women of the show are the real badasses (not sure why they decided to suddenly make Carol weak for no particular reason though).

Rick and Darryl have both been bitchified this season. Not sure what the writers are trying to do, but I'm a pretty simple person when it comes to my zombie shows and turning both of these guys into weaklings and emasculating them hasn't been exciting or entertaining (remember, it's a zombie show). Especially Rick, who isn't behaving in a way I want him to or think he should behave. You could rationalize it somehow, but at the end of the day it's not what I want. Rick & gang should always have a plan and now it's only Rosita who does (and that's why Rosita is now my favorite character).

I'm guessing Rambo is one of your favourite movie characters, lol.

Maybe got The A team boxset as well?


I'm guessing Rambo is one of your favourite movie characters, lol.

Maybe got The A team boxset as well?

I don't like either of those things. I like movies/shows where characters behave in a way that makes sense and doesn't arbitrarily shift to serve a plotline.

As for favorite movie characters.. Probably Ellen Ripley. She's definitely one of them.
That's true. Honestly, the women of the show are the real badasses (not sure why they decided to suddenly make Carol weak for no particular reason though).

Rick and Darryl have both been bitchified this season. Not sure what the writers are trying to do, but I'm a pretty simple person when it comes to my zombie shows and turning both of these guys into weaklings and emasculating them hasn't been exciting or entertaining (remember, it's a zombie show). Especially Rick, who isn't behaving in a way I want him to or think he should behave. You could rationalize it somehow, but at the end of the day it's not what I want. Rick & gang should always have a plan and now it's only Rosita who does (and that's why Rosita is now my favorite character).

Carol has proven she's still an efficient and cunning killer. But she's coming to realize that's not all she wants to be and if she stays in a community she will have to kill to defend it. That doesn't make her weak. It's exploring the very core theme of TWD.

Rosita doesn't have a plan. Like Carl, she's spoiling for a fight to satisfy her need for revenge.

Rick and Darryl realize they're in no position to resist openly. Any retaliation will get them the same as Oceanside or worse. Rosita is going to get a bunch of people killed with just one bullet.
I don't care about Rick anymore. I don't use the term "pussy" to describe people often but ever since he became one I lost interest. Waiting for Rosita to kill negan

The best way to end the season would be Rick and Coral - both useless annoying characters -- being killed off, and Rosita, the only one with any sense or guts, kills Negan
RICK has like a HANDFUL of trained people who can effectively kill people and survive, AT BEST.

NEEGAN on the other hand has HUNDREDS of people with all kinds of firearms and destructive mentalities that thrive in an environment like this.

But what do I know, Rick's a pussy who's irrationally concerned about his one-eyed son and baby daughter, not counting a mountain of losses which clearly should not be taken into consideration here because terminators don't have emotions. Why the shit doesn't he just McCree these fuckers and deadshot all of them to oblivion? ezpz. Writers need to do better. This is not believable. Rick needs to die now. Worst.


I don't like either of those things. I like movies/shows where characters behave in a way that makes sense and doesn't arbitrarily shift to serve a plotline.

As for favorite movie characters.. Probably Ellen Ripley. She's definitely one of them.

are we watching the same show ? they showed hints of "old rick", you know, the murderous one, still being there. its pretty obvious that he bit more than he could swallow with negans group and now its either wait till you have a new plan or go in recklessly and get more people killed.

sure they had plenty of opportunities to kill negan but what then ? theres really no telling what the other saviours would do and rick knows that. they showed plenty of scenes where ricks on the verge of just going at negan but he doesnt. i dont think thats being a pussy.

i do agree however that they shouldnt drag this submission game out for too long


Now imagine if comic fans somehow got their way and Negan said "fuck" literally every other word.

His swearing isn't what makes him intimidating in the comics, the amount he swears is just nice character texture/humour/breaks up the tension. It's a big part of his character but it's not what makes him bad.


are we watching the same show ? they showed hints of "old rick", you know, the murderous one, still being there. its pretty obvious that he bit more than he could swallow with negans group and now its either wait till you have a new plan or go in recklessly and get more people killed.

sure they had plenty of opportunities to kill negan but what then ? theres really no telling what the other saviours would do and rick knows that. they showed plenty of scenes where ricks on the verge of just going at negan but he doesnt. i dont think thats being a pussy.

i do agree however that they shouldnt drag this submission game out for too long

When Negan came to their gate at the start of the worst episode of anything I've ever seen and the episode that removed any tension or seriousness from the show, they should have just gunned down him and their convoy right there. Or taken him prisoner. Or something. There were so many opportunities to make something out of that opportunity.

Other saviors are gonna come? Really? It seems to me from the terrible darryl episode that many people regard Negan with fear and mistrust and resentment. At best, they're sort of mindlessly committed to obeying his orders, and what are they going to do if he's not there to give them orders anymore? Coordinate some kind of massive attack on Alexandria? Which has, you know, walls? And an RPG? and a massive arsenal of their own? (had)

They coulda ended this right there. It'll go down in history as the dumbest episode of any show ever made. Rick and his group are killers. They should have done what they do best.


Damn, these last few episode absolutely did not sit with me, especially after the great first episode.
Deep inside I knew they would find a way to drag this down, but I didn't want to believe it.

Now I just hope that the second half of the season is better.

Daffy Duck

Was an ejoybale episode aside from the "Let me pull this odd bag in the sand" and then the whole lot being an infested zombie hill of the undead, then Tara's complete inability to move like oh so many other characters before her, and then no less she is stood there with zombie hands around her neck not being ripped apart.

But whatever, the next time she meets a zombie she is up in its face sticking it with a stick, these people are either proficient zombie killers or they aren't, don't keep mixing it up.

That's my one pet peeve with this show.
At the risk of sounding like a massive pervert -

The best thing about this whole episode was watching Tara's big boobies bouncing about when she was running.

I was fine with the episode after enough of that.
When Negan came to their gate at the start of the worst episode of anything I've ever seen and the episode that removed any tension or seriousness from the show, they should have just gunned down him and their convoy right there. Or taken him prisoner. Or something. There were so many opportunities to make something out of that opportunity.

Other saviors are gonna come? Really? It seems to me from the terrible darryl episode that many people regard Negan with fear and mistrust and resentment. At best, they're sort of mindlessly committed to obeying his orders, and what are they going to do if he's not there to give them orders anymore? Coordinate some kind of massive attack on Alexandria? Which has, you know, walls? And an RPG? and a massive arsenal of their own? (had)

They coulda ended this right there. It'll go down in history as the dumbest episode of any show ever made. Rick and his group are killers. They should have done what they do best.

Negans group was prepared for a fight at the gate, including grenades. They still had the numbers. The RPG iirc had no more ammunition after Daryl wasted it to ignite the pond in S6.

You claim the show lost any seriousness and tension, but your reasoning is calling for the exact opposite of serioud and logic.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Everyone saw. We were too polite to mention it though.


And did anyone see Talking Dead? She had on a nice outfit on the talk show.

Regarding Rick, he's playing it rationally. And logically. With careful planning. Something they should have done before just going to the outpost and killing those ppl there. Like it was mentioned he has a son and a baby girl to think about too. He gambled and lost, big time. I think thats also in he head right now. The interactions with him and Michonne shows he probably feels like less of a man right now. Thats a fucked up way to feel.

How in the hell could they go there to kill a guy named Negan and not know what he looks like? Which has me thinking, I wonder how many ppl the Saviors came across really know what Negan looks like.

We have seen this show enough to know that Rick is going to have a plan. Its just not the right time or place yet.

I still wanna believe they buried guns in the grave.


When Negan came to their gate at the start of the worst episode of anything I've ever seen and the episode that removed any tension or seriousness from the show, they should have just gunned down him and their convoy right there. Or taken him prisoner. Or something. There were so many opportunities to make something out of that opportunity.

Other saviors are gonna come? Really? It seems to me from the terrible darryl episode that many people regard Negan with fear and mistrust and resentment. At best, they're sort of mindlessly committed to obeying his orders, and what are they going to do if he's not there to give them orders anymore? Coordinate some kind of massive attack on Alexandria? Which has, you know, walls? And an RPG? and a massive arsenal of their own? (had)

They coulda ended this right there. It'll go down in history as the dumbest episode of any show ever made. Rick and his group are killers. They should have done what they do best.

Errr, they killed dozens of the saviours at the outpost and dozens more just laughed at them whilst popping a few noggins with a bat after making them drive around for hours.

Ergo, just killing a few saviours is pointless in any situation because more will come back.

Alexandria is nothing against this group, neither is any of the other groups on their own. The season is clearly building to the groups coming together to work together led by Rick. You are probably more invested in this season than you think seeing as you want Rick to try to win in a no win situation.


I watched it yesterday and was bored out of my mind. Tara isn't a character that you center an episode around. They could have just spent 10 minutes introducing the new community in other episodes. I really like Negan and now it's gonna feel like it's been 2 weeks since we've last seen him. Feels way too long.


RICK has like a HANDFUL of trained people who can effectively kill people and survive, AT BEST.

NEEGAN on the other hand has HUNDREDS of people with all kinds of firearms and destructive mentalities that thrive in an environment like this.

But what do I know, Rick's a pussy who's irrationally concerned about his one-eyed son and baby daughter, not counting a mountain of losses which clearly should not be taken into consideration here because terminators don't have emotions. Why the shit doesn't he just McCree these fuckers and deadshot all of them to oblivion? ezpz. Writers need to do better. This is not believable. Rick needs to die now. Worst.

This is the same scenario in every season though. The governor had them ridiculously outnumbered and outgunned, the terminus people, the ex cops...

I haven't read the comics but according to wikipedia there are about 70 saviors. They have taken out at least 20 of them already?

I really don't buy that they are this unstoppable force. The show hasn't shown that at least.

Fuck Carol took out 5 by herself when she was ambushed and didn't want to fight. She only had to be "rescued" because she wanted the last guy to kill her.

Honestly the dumbest thing is Negan not seeing how effective and brutal the group is and letting them live.


This is the same scenario in every season though. The governor had them ridiculously outnumbered and outgunned, the terminus people, the ex cops...

I haven't read the comics but according to wikipedia there are about 70 saviors. They have taken out at least 20 of them already?

I really don't buy that they are this unstoppable force. The show hasn't shown that at least.

Fuck Carol took out 5 by herself when she was ambushed and didn't want to fight. She only had to be "rescued" because she wanted the last guy to kill her.

Honestly the dumbest thing is Negan not seeing how effective and brutal the group is and letting them live.

This is clearly a different situation. In the finale of S6, we saw how organized Negan and his group are. It's not JUST about the numbers, which they have a lot of (by far the most we've seen out of an enemy faction yet), but they have a system like we've never seen before (airhorn). Have we ever seen Rick's group cornered and funneled into a death trap like we had with the Saviors (ie had their every path blocked with ease)? They literally anticipated their every move and possible decision, held their hand, and walked them up to Negan with absolutely no trouble at all. You could argue that the people of Terminus did this, but it was to a much lesser extent; they only had control over their own area whereas Negan/co have control over roads and complete sectors.

We also see how much control they've got over other communities; their organization and influence is FAR superior to any previous opposition. Negan's control stretches miles.

That's why Rick is scared. He knows he can't currently do anything about his situation and he's gotta sit on his hands until an opportunity arises/the time is right. They can plan an attack or action, but he knows he's gotta have more support. He and his group can't handle this on his own like in the past. But he's scared of what may come from not being able to act.. any reasonable person would be too. Who knows what else will happen while they're in submission to Negan's authority..


This is clearly a different situation. In the finale of S6, we saw how organized Negan and his group are. It's not JUST about the numbers, which they have a lot of (by far the most we've seen out of an enemy faction yet), but they have a system like we've never seen before (airhorn). Have we ever seen Rick's group cornered and funneled into a death trap like we had with the Saviors (ie had their every path blocked with ease)? They literally anticipated their every move and possible decision, held their hand, and walked them up to Negan with absolutely no trouble at all.

We also see how much control they've got over other communities; their organization and influence is FAR superior to any previous opposition. Negan's control stretches miles.

That's why Rick is scared. He knows he can't currently do anything about his situation and he's gotta sit on his hands until an opportunity arises/the time is right. They can plan an attack or action, but he knows he's gotta have more support. He and his group can't handle this on his own like in the past. But he's scared of what may come from not being able to act.. any reasonable person would be too. Who knows what else will happen while they're in submission to Negan's authority..

The governor wasn't organized? The governor literally had a tank and army weaponry, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers... Negan has a bat.


The governor wasn't organized? The governor literally had a tank and army weaponry, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers... Negan has a bat.

Hell no he wasn't organized, in the grand scheme of things. He couldn't even get many of his own people to ultimately follow him into battle. He was totally unhinged and completely fucked it all up because of it with his sporadic behavior. Sure, he was intelligent, sure, he had a tank, but he didn't have pure loyalty and the widespread influence/control of Negan. He didn't have any control over anything but Woodberry. And physically owning things doesn't transfer into organization. His people were always eventually going to turn on him, whether it was Rick or another group that exposed his erratic leadership.

Even the people who did follow him weren't confident in their own actions. They started to realize what a crazy psycho asshole he was when he murdered Hershel (and even before this). Even his closest soliders realized he is batshit bonkers when he massacred scores of his own people right in front of them.

No contest.

Negan chooses a bat. Or was that a joke?
The stunt the saviors pulled with the roadblocks was bigger than anything the governor could have done. The tank stuff was fucking stupid though. All of that buildup for it and it didn't do a damn thing except blow up some walls.


Hell no he wasn't organized, in the grand scheme of things. He couldn't even get many of his own people to ultimately follow him into battle. He was totally unhinged and completely fucked it all up because of it with his sporadic behavior. Sure, he was intelligent, sure, he had a tank, but he didn't have pure loyalty and the widespread influence/control of the Saviors. He didn't have any control over anything but Woodberry.

Even the people who did follow him weren't confident in their own actions. They started to realize what a crazy psycho asshole he was when he murdered Hershel. Even his closest soliders realized he is batshit bonkers when he massacred scores of his own people.

No contest.

True he didn't rule with an iron fist as much. He had a small group of soldiers and then a bunch of civilians.

Negan doesn't have the problem of trying to maintain a facade of civility with his group, everyone knows they are the bad guys already.

Still the thing that bothers me is Rick really has no ideas of the numbers or reach of Negan, yeah he is probably acting meek to get a better idea of their strength and make a plan but why not convey that in some way? He apparently is doing absolutely nothing to help himself or alexandria while Carl is out scouting their base, whats her name is making new allies, and Carol + Morgan still more. Rosita is making a bullet.

Rick is doing what? Telling everyone to bend over and take it.


You know what's the most memorable thing in this season so far?

We're on easy street
And it feels so sweet
Cause the world is but a treat
When you're on easy street.

*stoopid fucking banjo in the background*
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