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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Well first off they include in before the episode here's what happened and it clearly explained that Heath & Tara were on a mission and then beginning of the episode also reaffirms that they have been on a mission for supplies. The show has actually had very few storylines going on for one that has so many characters in it and honestly they have done quite well with introducing new characters and settings by focusing an entire episode on it. Going forward the show is going to be show these different locations a lot more, which is why they had to introduce them.

I will admit to have completely forgotten that Tara & Heath left before the doc got the arrow in the eye.

I don't think there's too many storylines. GoT started with a little story about the Starks and Lannisters and expanded to include an entire world, with the Starks and Lannisters essentially playing the perspective role.

In some sense, TWD is doing the same, with the Atlanta group playing the perspective role.

I do think GoT does a better job of saying "here's what is happening in Westeros" and "here's what is happening in the East" with multiple viewpoints. TWD tends to hop from one spot to another and focusing an entire episode there... which can lead to "okay we haven't seen these guys for 5-6 eps so what the hell were they doing again?"


I'm not surprised at the dropping ratings. It's insufferable throughout, and there's very little forward momentum. The storytelling's also really weak and fragmented. I hope the ratings fall more.


Not a fan of Tara, feels weird to me that she got her own episode. Is it just me or is she not a very good actor? She's one of the few "main characters" that seems to pull me out of the illusion.

I think she's extremely attractive, and I like the role that her character is supposed to fill, but I just don't think she does it justice.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that

TV critics really are the video game reviewers of television.

Worse, if that's even possible. Tv reviewers almost never give 5s or 6s. Everything is a 7,8,9,or 10. So they'll give a prestige drama like Rectify a 9.5 and then turn around and give an episode of Gotham a 9 the next week. They're useful for recaps (that's basically what they are) and to catch little details I might have missed. That's it.
I'm normally pretty lenient with this show, I still enjoy a lot of the episodes people say are boring and useless because most of the time there is some important character development or setting up (even if a majority of it is something like Daryl being locked in a closet), but that episode was boring and useless.

If it's going to be a solo episode then it has to be an important or interesting character, something that Tara isn't. Honestly my initial reaction at the start of the episode was "who" then it went into "oh, didn't she die somewhere along the line?" And poor dreads, I forgot he even existed. Idk, I know what they're setting up but it didn't need anywhere near an entire episode dedicated to it, and they certainly could have used a better character to deliver it.

Also they need to get over their nonlinear storytelling fetish, I love nonlinear storytelling, but there needs to be a good reason for it. What was gained from telling it that way? It's been such an annoying thing the last couple seasons.

Edit: also this is twice where they've faked us out with the teasers and they need to cut that shit out.
Not a fan of Tara, feels weird to me that she got her own episode. Is it just me or is she not a very good actor? She's one of the few "main characters" that seems to pull me out of the illusion.

I think she's extremely attractive, and I like the role that her character is supposed to fill, but I just don't think she does it justice.

This is anecdotal evidence, but my girlfriend finally stopped watching this show after the second episode of this season, and she's been a fan since the beginning. I think the slow pace, dumb characters, and lack of any resolution has finally taken its toll.

This show is less about telling a story than it is a revenue generator for AMC. It doesn't help that the show just meanders and is never building towards anything greater. I don't want or need a zombie cure, but the show needs to have the characters move towards something that isn't just a new settlement. There's no build-up, no sense of forward momentum. It's just boring.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Holy shit this season took a nosedive after episode 1 huh? Wow, is TWD done for good?

The ratings would have to go off a cliff for it to even be over 2 years from now. I think the ratings bleed is a little overblown. If the midseason premiere and Season 8 premiere numbers are significantly down, then I'd believe it.

They gotta chill with the one place each episode stuff though. It kills the storytelling for this arc. You can't go 3-4 weeks without seeing a group, that's a long time in week to week watching. It's especially daunting when we have all these different communities.
I just can't stand individual character episodes and it's fucking astonishing how much they do it. It drags down the main story to a screeching halt. Can't wait for the 90 minute episode where Eugene learns how to create a bullet.
This is anecdotal evidence, but my girlfriend finally stopped watching this show after the second episode of this season, and she's been a fan since the beginning. I think the slow pace, dumb characters, and lack of any resolution has finally taken its toll.

This show is less about telling a story than it is a revenue generator for AMC. It doesn't help that the show just meanders and is never building towards anything greater. I don't want or need a zombie cure, but the show needs to have the characters move towards something that isn't just a new settlement. There's no build-up, no sense of forward momentum. It's just boring.

Holy shit this season took a nosedive after episode 1 huh? Wow, is TWD done for good?

I agree. Maybe instead of fillering and fluffing and slowing the pace down, they need to get the story going.


Sidhe / PikPok
While on balance I enjoyed this latest episode, two things stood out to me

1. like others in the thread noted, shining white teeth in the zombie apocalypse played havoc with my suspension of disbelief.

2. Tara's action scene on the bridge was just horrible for all sorts of reasons. She was like an awkward kid struggling in gym class, zombies were "dying" even though they weren't being stabbed in the head, zombies converged on her slower than I have ever seen in the face of her limp attempts at pushing them away and over, and when she was barely clear of them they suddenly stopped paying attention. Actual threat and sense of tension near zero. So inconsistent with almost every other zombie group battle scene, including the one earlier in the same episode!


Hunky Nostradamus
This show is less about telling a story than it is a revenue generator for AMC. It doesn't help that the show just meanders and is never building towards anything greater. I don't want or need a zombie cure, but the show needs to have the characters move towards something that isn't just a new settlement. There's no build-up, no sense of forward momentum. It's just boring.

The show is clearly building towards something greater - albeit maybe too subtly, judging from the responses here. This season has made it clear that humanity is finally coming back online. There are now multiple communities of people - communities of normal people - all in close proximity to each other. Communities that are thriving.

And there's nothing particularly special about Virginia, so if it's happening there, then it's also probably happening everywhere else too.

The question is: what's going to happen when Rick finds out?
Have you ever seen Lost?

I haven't.

I really hate when Gimple gets this great idea for a walker set, but it's in the most ridiculous circumstances. Would someone fighting for survival in the apocalypse be driving a truck full of sand?

Someone could have stumbled onto the truck full of sand and used it to bury the zombies as a defense so they could get across the bridge. Not too farfetched. I mean, Maggie used a farm tractor just an episode ago to run over zombies.
The only gripe I had was the duuuuuuumb scene where all that sand collapsed. Was it hollow in there or what? That was such an "oh come on" moment but otherwise the rest of it was fine. I commented on how all those women must be terrible shots, but that kind of thing is par for the course in this show. Next episode they'll be popping walker headshots left and right but whatever.

It was partially dried cement. The outside dried enough to form a shell.


I also liked this episode aside from the first half. Two decent scenes with Tara and the two other women. I really liked the conversation she had with the young girl who followed the group.

I actually liked the episode, mainly cause I do like Tara. Plus it was a nice change of scenery :p

My god seeing the ocean.. I was like.. wait is that something that's not a tree or shrub? Or a wall?

Really goes to show you how desperately this show needs a different location.


Dedicating an entire episode to the most forgettable character in the series. They deserve the shit ratings.

You can progress the show without having to waste an entire episode on a single individuals story it's not hard.
So did I miss much last night? Sounds like no.

I'm really wondering about the show. They've got two episodes till the mid season finale and I'm really curious how they're going to make it compelling.


I'm getting tired of how every season seems to be the group getting split up, is watching one episode per person/couple people, then all of them meeting up. They should think of some other way to do the episodes.
So did I miss much last night? Sounds like no.

I'm really wondering about the show. They've got two episodes till the mid season finale and I'm really curious how they're going to make it compelling.

I think we've slipped into an alternate dimension. I liked last night's episode.
Wow they really gave her an entire episode, who decides this shit? I actually liked seeing the other camp but...come on now......the structure of this season is stupid.


Felt like a Meg episode ......


Knocked it out of the park

I agree
This episode was ok, Tara still feels like a guest character even though she's been on for seasons(this is a problem for a lot of characters in TWD), kinda boring for a side character to get a whole ep, still not as awful as Beth episodes tho, those were the worst.

Obviously these groups are gonna team up somehow, and shit is gonna go down

Series regulars are payed for every episode, even ones they don't appear in.

Wow, I actually thought that they were holding back Rick & Co because they wanted to save money. AMC is weird, I really don't like how little they use Rick, he's the best character on the show by far, played by the best actor on the show. The mid season finale is gonna be here soon and we've seen Rick like twice.


Actually do most people even still remember that Tara and Heath left before shit went down with the Saviors. I honestly don't and that just shows how poorly written and poorly paced the series is.


Actually do most people even still remember that Tara and Heath left before shit went down with the Saviors. I honestly don't and that just shows how poorly written and poorly paced the series is.

Heath (that's his name?) has had like 15 minutes screen time total so I'm sure a lot of people are wondering who he is.

I didn't even remember who Tara was in a relationship with, she said something like "I have a girlfriend waiting for me back at home", completely forgot it was the chubby Dr that ate an arrow last season.


Wife and I enjoyed this episode. Tara's awesome and it was soooo refreshing to see the ocean. God, I wish it would snow in this show. Just once. Cmon.


I liked it and Tara was amusing. I think that was a genuine out of breath post pregnancy run.

All bridge parts were awful.

Good episode overall and refreshing to see a different setting.


I can't believe how many people don't remember characters from this show. It's one thing to forget an extra or whatever but Tara has been on this show for 2 seasons now.
I can't believe how many people don't remember characters from this show. It's one thing to forget an extra or whatever but Tara has been on this show for 2 seasons now.

She's been absent since mid-to-late last season and contributed almost nothing to the recent overall series of events. She's a good character but it's not the viewers' fault the writers didn't make her more memorable, at least closer to the end of last season.
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