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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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That was seriously hard to watch. I wanted to quit this show after he started bashing Glenn's head. I got that same feeling you get when a real beheading video is played, and I didn't care for it whatsoever.
so we know that in the comics, rick goes to war with negan eventually and wins. my question to comic book readers is, do you think the war will happen by this mid season or season finale? or are they gonna stretch this arc out and the war could not happen till season 8?

- AMC spinning everyone a curve

- JDM killed it

- I liked the way it was edited and written, pretty clever

- Rick unlike the comic seems to be truly broken and won't be playing possum but instead truly "understand"

- "Just do it Dad" - I expect that OG Hardcore Killa Carl is back except even more bloodthirsty. He's going to go in the complete opposite direction to Rick. Negan let the monster out.

- Poor Maggie :( She's basically lost everything.


so we know that in the comics, rick goes to war with negan eventually and wins. my question to comic book readers is, do you think the war will happen by this mid season or season finale? or are they gonna stretch this arc out and the war could not happen till season 8?

Probabaly stretch it out. They are getting caught up to the comic.


Can't wait to see how this series unfolds and what Carol and Morgan are up too but most of all the fallout of what's just happened to our gang.

Carol needs to hurry up and get her shit together. New people need killin', Carol! Ain't no time for feelings anymore! Still pissed she let Morgan get under her skin with all that pacifist bullshit. lol


What a brutal episode. Huge fan of the show but man, it was *almost* too much for me.

Pouring one out for Abe who went out like the bad motherfucker he was.

And poor Glenn. The guy who saved Rick's life by guiding him through Atlanta into the tank.

My wife asked me what's wrong when I said "this is too much!". Told her I get that the show/universe it inhabits is brutal but seeing it full on, I almost got up and left the room.

So I guess good job to AMC?!

Rick's eventual killing of Negan(no spoilers...my speculation...I don't read the comics) will be glorious.
so we know that in the comics, rick goes to war with negan eventually and wins. my question to comic book readers is, do you think the war will happen by this mid season or season finale? or are they gonna stretch this arc out and the war could not happen till season 8?

Answer to the spoiler:
I have a feeling the war won't start until the end of this season. There's enough to explore with the Kingdom and Alexandria adjusting to the new order that they can build up to war by season's end.


so we know that in the comics, rick goes to war with negan eventually and wins. my question to comic book readers is, do you think the war will happen by this mid season or season finale? or are they gonna stretch this arc out and the war could not happen till season 8?
Comic spoilers:
I wouldn't expect the war to fully break out till season 8 honestly. They're going to introduced more communities and really build everything up. It's going to take a while for Rick to get some confidence back.


Crazy episode. A couple of friends started crying when Glenn got some of Lucille's love. And holy crap, for a moment there I really though Rick was gonna chop Carl's arm real now. Megan you are one crazy fucker.



Watched it tonight and seriously screamed no when Glenn bit it. :( The comic couldn't even prepare me for that after what had already happened to Abe... I can't believe how shocked I was despite already having read the scene.

I can't wait I see Negan get his.
I don't think this world's Rick is going to be nearly as merciful.
Surprised that Rick didn't lose the hand though. I really thought that was coming.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
What comic number is the infamous scene from? Now that it's happened, I kinda want to catch up to that point. Though since I'm using the compendiums, I'll probably blow past that point.
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