Can Crusher
That's what I call a home run.
One thing is for sure about season7 when it comes to Negans' death (assuming that all villains eventually die)...he is going to die very very very violently
Guess AMC knows what they're doing.
Yes, they know how to run the show in order to grab ratings (unnecessary cliffhangers and fakeouts). They didn't need to mind you and could've resorted to competent storytelling. If how they treated this show early on is any indication then the quality of the show isn't on their list of priorities.
I wanna know what happened to the woman whose bike Rick stole in the pilot.
Taking a bike from a legless woman. Not cool rick.
They lost me after last seasons finale.
They got me back after the season opener. Holy shit!
I do feel bad, considering the world shits on him every time he is on screen.
But... yea, they really didn't think about the "down the road" stuff when they cast him back in season 1 about if he could act, because he really can't.
I mean he wasn't even breaking a sweat when his dad was about to chop his own arm off.
Remember what happened last time he had to witness and experience an extremely traumatic experience? It's pretty clear that Carl's anger and "just get it over with" attitude is intentionalCould be acting like he was told though? Seeing as he didn't cry or break down like the rest.
Remember what happened last time he had to witness and experience an extremely traumatic experience? It's pretty clear that Carl's anger and "just get it over with" attitude is intentional
They lost me after last seasons finale.
They got me back after the season opener. Holy shit!
Could be acting like he was told though? Seeing as he didn't cry or break down like the rest.
He acts like a Coral.How does CORL act in the comics, I wonder.
This is my take. Dude is cold as ice. But would someone PLEASE CUT HIS FUCKING HAIR. I thought Negan was gonna make a crack about it when he pulled the hat off.
Could be acting like he was told though? Seeing as he didn't cry or break down like the rest.
Could be acting like he was told though? Seeing as he didn't cry or break down like the rest.
that's kind of another problem with the show. Carl has the appearance of a young man now, but it's been how many years into the apocalypse? 2 and a half? He's looks way older than he's supposed to be at this time doesn't he?
Rewatching early scenes, it's crazy seeing how much the characters have changed
Also I never noticed how many cut scenes were in that trailer. Those scenes in the cemetery, the nursing home, the group hiding in a boarded-up building
This is my take. Dude is cold as ice. But would someone PLEASE CUT HIS FUCKING HAIR. I thought Negan was gonna make a crack about it when he pulled the hat off.
Just finished rewatching the episode and noticed that as well. Sasha's face when she looks at Abe and sees the peace signOne nice, subtle touch I missed during my first viewing: Abraham locking eyes with Negan when he knew Lucille was coming but also discreetly making one last peace sign with his left hand toward Sasha.
They haven't really gave a timeline. Just done flash forwards like the opening last mid-season with Michonne and Rick living together.
How does CORL act in the comics, I wonder.
It's been about two years at this point.I think it is presumed to be two and a half years. The opening last mid season was only like a few months after the Alexndria breach/infestation.
Comic Carl is probably more like that kid from Fear the Walking Dead than TV Corl, though not as stupid (or annoying). Hes constantly at odds with Rick and doesnt share his vision of what the world should be.
I think it is presumed to be two and a half years. The opening last mid season was only like a few months after the Alexndria breach/infestation.
Lmaoo, right im sure they lost you.They lost me after last seasons finale.
They got me back after the season opener. Holy shit!
But you don't get an army as big as Negan without him being a master reader of a person. I mean look how he broke Rick with the comment about how he was looking at him. I think you're under estimating Negan. Can you imagine the amount of people who would just say anything to him to get him to back off and leave them alone?
The only time Morgan says anything that could have made a difference is back in episode 12 of season 6 when he suggests letting the saviors know Alexandria is willing to attack might be enough to get what they want in helping hilltop. I think it's pretty clear this wouldnt have worked as Negan lays claim to literally everything. At some point in time this clash was going to go down.
The "I'll find you" is more gut-wrenching to me.
They apparently had a lot of unusable footage from the first episode. My guess is trying to make a show good on a restricted budget means you get a lot of shit that looks like trash because you didn't have enough time to get the scenes in place, which is why Frank got fired and is now suing them for like 200+ million.
It makes me sad thinking about Darabont and what this show could have been (as well as completely avoiding the Season 2 + Season 3 bullshit).
I just think some people can act, and some people can't. It wasn't as bad when he was a kid, because kid actors are almost always horrible (with notable exceptions like the Lady Mormont who is GOAT). His character is too important in the comics to kill him off early on, and at this point you can't really re-cast him, so now they are stuck with a major character who just can't act. Wouldn't be shocked if they either kill him off soon or move any type of major plot arc to some other character like they have done in the past with mixing and matching.
I feel bad, because I'm sure the kid knows he's out of his league, but he really does detract from any scene he is in.
He only said Maggie in the comics.Can someone remind me.. does he say the same thing in the comic? I remember him saying Maggie but I don't remember if he included "I'll find you". Still gives me goosebumps..
Guys, I'm not saying there would be a perfect meeting between Rick and Negan, just that it would have been vastly better than defying him. Last episode was evidence of this. Do you really think he wouldn't have been less reasonable if Rick and co. hadn't murdered scores of their people?
Steven Yeun delivered in this scene so big. His acting after he got hit was incredible and really sold how emotionally devastating this moment was.
Can someone remind me.. does he say the same thing in the comic? I remember him saying Maggie but I don't remember if he included "I'll find you". Still gives me goosebumps..
Over a century ago, someone had a 13lb pipe blasted completely through their brain and skull, and then he walked to a doctor in town and asked for medical assistanceHe just cries out Maggie. Him stringing a sentence in the show was the ONLY part I didn't like. His skull was caved in, he isn't waxing poetic.
Guys, I'm not saying there would be a perfect meeting between Rick and Negan, just that it would have been vastly better than defying him. Last episode was evidence of this. Do you really think he wouldn't have been less reasonable if Rick and co. hadn't murdered scores of their people?.
Over a century ago, someone had a 13lb pipe blasted completely through their brain and skull, and then he walked to a doctor in town and asked for medical assistance
Human bodies are more resilient than you give them credit
They don't know who they're fucking withThat Season 4 cliffhanger was really something else, huh? The group reunited but trapped in a seemingly hopeless situation. But Rick got a plan
They don't know who they're screwing with
Fixed for what I saw in the censored clip, the uncensored one is just better all round.
Except it was just pointless posturing because if it wasn't for complete luck, they all would have died. It was the exact same situation as the premiere (Rick being tough, finds themselves in a fucked up scenario), except there was no Carol to save themYeah the uncensored version is so good.
And it might be a while, but Negan will learn the same lesson.
Back in Season 1, Episode 3 we saw Carl getting a haircut from his mom, Lori. As the youngster fidgets in his seat, Lori tells him to sit still, before Shane pipes up and tells him "You think this is bad, wait till you start shaving. That stings. That day comes, you'll be wishing for one of your mama's haircuts." To which little Carl replies "I'll believe that when I see it."
About Carl's haircut, I had heard one theory is, that the last time he got a haircut from, was from his mom.
Eh, He didn't seem so nice with Hilltop. They likely didn't really oppose too much since there aren't really any skilled fighters and no one has guns. Negan still beat a kid to death to show that he was serious. It was this story that was part of the negotiation to kill Negan. I understand what you're arguing, but there doesn't seem to have been any real way to avoid an eventual run in with Negan. Negan does what Negan does. he was gunna kill someone regardless. That's part of the strategy. The motorcycle gang said as much. It would have stayed at just one victim if Daryl hadn't lost it. Last episode was only evidence that Negan will do what it takes to break the people he wants to enslave. That's all we can really gather. The evidence presented by the show is that Negan kills if only to get the cooperation of the people he wants to affiliate. Rick and co already knew he wasn't exactly reasonable about that particular detail. You're a slave or you die.
The long hair actually makes sense nowAbout Carl's haircut, I had heard one theory is, that the last time he got a haircut from, was from his mom.