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“Barack Obama is to blame”: 13 Alabama conservatives on Charlottesville

So basically, Conservatives believe what conservative media and their friends/family believe.

Sadly... this in a nutshell.

It's an ugly cycle that's about impossible to beak, because information is the only cure for ignorance, and these people have no real outlet. All they've got is propaganda.


Some reasoned, well-thought-out arguments there.

I'm sure engaging them in civil debate will cause then to revise their thoughts.
These people aren't making these things up in their heads, they're parroting what they see on conservative and social media. This is why Fake News is so dangerous and why Trump made his first priority to co-op the term for his own benefit.

Do Better

I wish Obama would have been as vocal about racial issues as a certain section of the population seems to have imagined he was.


Oh that classic chestnut! Chappelle's show continues to be relevant.


Man we need Chappelle show more than ever.

On that note RIP Charlie Murphy
So basically, Conservatives believe what conservative media and their friends/family believe.
Sadly... this in a nutshell.

It's an ugly cycle that's about impossible to beak, because information is the only cure for ignorance, and these people have no real outlet. All they've got is propaganda.
I credit GAF for helping me there. For years, I just trusted my dad's position on political stuff, because of course parents know what they're talking about, right? Fox News, Mark Levin, etc.

But then following the Ferguson protests in the threads here, seeing the live streams and hearing the protesters and their concerns and anger, then seeing it all twisted as riots and thugs the next day on Fox and by other conservatives, made me realize how fucked up and wrong and propagandistic it all was

D i Z

While we're pulling down statues, we should be putting up Barry in their place. That will really fuck with people.

Zen Aku

Let's me take a blind guess. They're all white, secretly hate minority and have zero skin in this.

What do I win Bob?


I credit GAF for helping me there. For years, I just trusted my dad's position on political stuff, because of course parents know what they're talking about, right? Fox News, Mark Levin, etc.

But then following the Ferguson protests in the threads here, seeing the live streams and hearing the protesters and their concerns and anger, then seeing it all twisted as riots and thugs the next day on Fox and by other conservatives, made me really how fucked up and wrong and propagandistic it all was
Being able to see things in context makes all the difference.
Attendees at a rally for Rep. Mo Brooks, a conservative House Republican running for Senate, in Decatur on Monday said they were confident that philanthropist George Soros was bankrolling both sides of this weekend's violent clashes.
My brain is officially broken. =(


You guy missed my favorite reply.

In response to how black people must feel about what went down in Charlotteville.

It’s got to be horrifying. It sends chills up and down me even thinking about it; it’s sickening. It’s just so despicable. At the heart of that issue is just hate — pure hate. There’s no room for it in this country, and I despise that more than I despise Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand during the national anthem.

Though he doesn't comment on freedom of speech or the "right" way to protest, given that the people previously interviewed did, I marvel at this tone death reply.

"Hey it's bad when black people are treated like second class citizens but violence is never ok. Surely there has got to be a peaceful way to get your point across.......... Oh by the way, remember that black man who stood up by sitting down to bring attention to the inequality that many black people still face in America? Gutter TRASH!".


Wait, they exist???

Over half of US white women voting for the disgusting sexual molester instead of the accomplished woman will always be at the top, but a significant number of Mexicans supporting Trump after he called them all rapist criminals is a strong #2 of things that blow me away when it comes to the election.
I'm blown away that people believe this, but they really seem to.


"I do want to put some of this at the feet of Barack Obama," King said on WHO Iowa radio. "He contributed mightily to dividing us. He focused on our differences rather than our things that unify us. And this is some of the fruits of that labor."

So... he addressed real-world racial issues that we still face instead of pretending they don't exist?


Obama declared Friday that if he had a son, he'd look like 17-year-old Trayvon, who was shot and killed last month by a neighborhood watch volunteer in Florida. The shooting has sparked massive protests across the country, in addition to a furor over race and justice.

On Friday, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said Obama and his comments were "disgraceful."

"It's not a question of who that young man looked like. Any young American of any ethnic background should be safe, period," the ex-House Speaker ranted during a radio interview with Sean Hannity.

"Is the president suggesting that if it had been a white who had been shot, that would be OK because it didn't look like him? That's just nonsense dividing this country up….Trying to turn it into a racial issue is fundamentally wrong," he added.

"I don't want to think about race! Don't make it about race! I'm not listening!!!"


Nor was he able to address growing racial tension. Building a ‘post-racial society’ was unrealistic, he now admits. That is to put it mildly — last summer a poll suggested that 69 per cent of Americans believed race relations in the US to be ‘mostly bad’. For all his oratorical gifts, Obama failed to find a language that emphasised both social justice and national pride. He should not have defended Colin Kaepernick, the sportsman who in protest at racial discrimination refused to stand for the national anthem.

"Stop acknowledging that people acknowledge racial discrimination!"

So much fragility.


I can't listen to Trump for more than 30 seconds without having a seizure so I have to wait for the write-ups.

Same here. I love watching Colbert/Oliver/Meyers/Bee, but every time they show a clip of that fuck talking, I have to skip ahead.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm sure in their eyes, merely achieving while black is seen a making trouble and antagonizing white folks.
Playing devils advocate I can understand where they are coming from.

Before Obama got elected everyone was secure that only white men with grey hair would get elected.

Obama's election exposed all their racism under the surface and they'd rather not see it or talk about it. Pretend it's not there and tell themselves they're not racist.
I credit GAF for helping me there. For years, I just trusted my dad's position on political stuff, because of course parents know what they're talking about, right? Fox News, Mark Levin, etc.

But then following the Ferguson protests in the threads here, seeing the live streams and hearing the protesters and their concerns and anger, then seeing it all twisted as riots and thugs the next day on Fox and by other conservatives, made me realize how fucked up and wrong and propagandistic it all was

Well I'm glad you got there man.

Currently doing some work on a friends dad in this regard. His tone over the last few days has moderated from "Why is white pride a bad thing when black pride is considered good?! I have pride in my heritage.. why can't they?!"

I responded "Because you're from Pennsylvania... one of your ancestors was part of the Underground Railroad... your ancestors were freeing the people these Nazi's want to kill. Silent pride in your heritage is one thing. Making it public and pairing it with the Virginia Battleflag or the foreign Nazi flag turns it into something dark and evil." and "There's a million things different between white pride and black pride. Black pride is noble. Pride in an ancestry that not only survived adversity, but someone found a way to thrive is a very different thing than modern white pride. That shits all about my race is better than yours in the most base and cynical fashion possible."

His stance seems to have shifted over the last few days to "Well they still have free speech, but this kind of racial inequality is wrong."

Baby steps. The only thing that hurts? I know the man is watching FoxNews right now and getting inundated with rightwing extremist propaganda.


Playing devils advocate I can understand where they are coming from.

Before Obama got elected everyone was secure that only white men with grey hair would get elected.

Obama's election exposed all their racism under the surface and they'd rather not see it or talk about it. Pretend it's not there and tell themselves they're not racist.

That's not playing devil's advocate. It's pointing out ironic accuracy.


Playing devils advocate I can understand where they are coming from.

Before Obama got elected everyone was secure that only white men with grey hair would get elected.

Obama's election exposed all their racism under the surface and they'd rather not see it or talk about it. Pretend it's not there and tell themselves they're not racist.
That's just stating the truth.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Sowed division by being a black man in the White House.

Pieces of shit.

Pretty much

Fuck these people. America needs another black president, a brown president, a Muslim president, an Asian president, preferably all women and all in a row, just so these assholes can get their panties in a bunch again.
Pretty much

Fuck these people. America needs another black president, a brown president, a Muslim president, an Asian president, preferably all women and all in a row, just so these assholes can get their panties in a bunch again.

At least one must be gay or trans too.

Just for icing.
These people are scum.

Holy shit. Fucking tell everyone to "get over" Trump winning, but your racist and bigoted asses never got over Obama winning and being successful.

They are the true snowflakes. Fuck these people.
These people are scum.

Holy shit. Fucking tell everyone to "get over" Trump winning, but your racist and bigoted asses never got over Obama winning and being successful.

They are the true snowflakes. Fuck these people.
The whole "it was a legitimate election, why are you trying to destroy America. Stop whining about not winning" makes my blood boil. They legitimately still think that people are only protesting because they're angry that Hillary lost


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I love how according to these nuts, George Soros is bankrolling everything the right hate. How does he have any money after funding so many different causes? lol
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