Bryan Danielson vs. Chavo Guerrero dark match before Raw:
Striker said:[wrestlezone]
Sure he'll get away with no punishment, if true, also. If he can shit in bags, why not spit on kids.
I loved the ROH reference with the handshake.RBH said:Bryan Danielson vs. Chavo Guerrero dark match before Raw:
reaction to that promoRBH said:Bryan Danielson vs. Chavo Guerrero dark match before Raw:
.WWE Superstar Tyler Reks was reportedly escorted off a plane on Wednesday in Green Bay, Wisconsin. WWE sound engineer Marc Lanciaux posted messages on his Twitter and on his website's blog regarding the situation but there seems to be more to it.
Lanciaux wrote this on his blog about an unnamed WWE star:
"One of our guys, one of the new wrestlers that recently started traveling with the show walked out. Though I recognized him, hes so new that Im not sure what his name is. After today theres probably no good reason to try and find out either. I will just call this unknown wrestler Einstein. Turns out that Einstein was sitting near the wing, and out the window, witnessed a terrifying (to him) event. To his horror, one of the flaps that make the plane fly or land or whatever it is that those moving parts on the wing do moved! GASP! After witnessing this, Einstein freaked out, telling the flight attendant that he was a pilot himself and he knew that wasnt supposed to happen. He was sure the plane was unsafe. He started getting louder and louder, and more and more obnoxious. The decision was made. Time for Mr. Einstein to go bye-bye. Our flight turned around and my double date with both Ginger and Mary-Ann was ruined. On his way out the door, Einstein mumbled that if anyone else on the plane didnt want to die, they should get off the plane too. Im sure that the waiting TSA knuckle-draggers had a field day with this guy."
RBH said:WWE Superstar Tyler Reks was reportedly escorted off a plane on Wednesday in Green Bay, Wisconsin. WWE sound engineer Marc Lanciaux posted messages on his Twitter and on his website's blog regarding the situation but there seems to be more to it.
Lanciaux wrote this on his blog about an unnamed WWE star:
"One of our guys, one of the new wrestlers that recently started traveling with the show walked out. Though I recognized him, hes so new that Im not sure what his name is. After today theres probably no good reason to try and find out either. I will just call this unknown wrestler Einstein. Turns out that Einstein was sitting near the wing, and out the window, witnessed a terrifying (to him) event. To his horror, one of the flaps that make the plane fly or land or whatever it is that those moving parts on the wing do moved! GASP! After witnessing this, Einstein freaked out, telling the flight attendant that he was a pilot himself and he knew that wasnt supposed to happen. He was sure the plane was unsafe. He started getting louder and louder, and more and more obnoxious. The decision was made. Time for Mr. Einstein to go bye-bye. Our flight turned around and my double date with both Ginger and Mary-Ann was ruined. On his way out the door, Einstein mumbled that if anyone else on the plane didnt want to die, they should get off the plane too. Im sure that the waiting TSA knuckle-draggers had a field day with this guy."
apparently, he's done it to several people as a prank.eggybob said:What's this about Randy shitting in a bag?
avatar299 said:reaction to that promo
WTF at Bryan getting a pop, his own music and coming out last
Ryck said:The shitting in things is nothing new. ( Who was it that shit in Lawlers crown? the clique right?)My theory is that since they can't kick each others asses they resort to passive aggressive acts, ie shitting in things... that is just imo tho.
Penguin said:Looks like doing a redux of the Jarrett/Hogan promo from last week to make sure that Double J comes off as the heel this time.
jobber said:Jeff should be the face. Hogan is a "face" who's best friends with a "heel"
That still blows my mind that nobody catches on to this loophole
and :lol @ Flair's theme
Generation Me had some slick moves in that oneRBH said:So it looks like TNA is now putting entire episodes of Impact on YouTube immediately after the show ends, rather than short clips.
Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me (Young Bucks):
RBH said:So it looks like TNA is now putting entire episodes of Impact on YouTube immediately after the show ends, rather than short clips.
Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me (Young Bucks): said:How do I get the other parts of the show?
It was a great match.abstract alien said:Generation Me had some slick moves in that one
Probably was uploaded as private, and then made public after the show aired.BoboBrazil said:Thanks, seems weird they uploaded this 12 hours ago? Why would they put the whole show online for free before it airs on tv? Trying to sabotage their own ratings? :lol
abstract alien said:Generation Me had some slick moves in that one
RBH said:
Click on "Uploads" at the top and then sort by "Date Added" on the right side.
Some of the parts haven't been uploaded yet......
Jay Sosa said:Thanks, watching right now.
Damn, that McMG vs Generation Me is exactly the kind of match I'd like to see more often. Unbelievable how many awesome and artistic moves they've did.
Wrekt said:I can't believe I'm saying this but WWE needs to rehire Val Venis and have him teach their main event how to sell. He took a BME and eventually fought back but he at least made it look like his ribs were killing him the entire time. Meanwhile Cena gets locked in a figure four for 20 minutes and then squats the Big Show like it is no big deal.
Striker said:WWE/Vince failed the shit out of Hassan.
He was such an awesome heel. Great look, solid wrestling ability - just basically everything you ask for. It sucks he was singled out and blamed for Vince and WWE's irresponsibility.
jobber said:the new WWE cd is looking 4 tracks left to reveal and I can't think of any new themes that should be added.
jecclr2003 said:Orton punts Cena to win the match.... Cena then IMMEDIATELY gets up after the pinfall acting like nothing ever happened.
Cena's a fucking hack.
Mr. Sam said:Yeah, because Cena was improvising. Management told him to stay down and then take a break for a few months but he just screws the whole thing up. What a hack.
Remember when Big Show would dominate a body part of Cena all match, but only minutes later Cena lifts him over his shoulder to win it all? It is extremely stupid, but he is Superman!jecclr2003 said:You're not getting it. (Or you're just being an ass) He no sold a move that's put others out.
You just don't "no sell" another guys finish.
He buried Randy in the process by making him look weak.
Don't be dense about it.
That would be nice. But knowing Smackdown and RAW right now, he probably wouldn't be pushed enough. Either he won't wear a suit that doesn't impress Taker, and unless he's Triple H's buddy, won't advance too far on Raw.GaimeGuy said:I think I read somewhere that Mark Copani was going to be at wrestlefest this weekend. AFAIK it'll be his first wrestling-related appeareance since WWE released him. Wonder if he's considering a comeback?
Penguin said:What are the tracks that are there?