Kingdom of Heaven DC is in my top ten all time (films, not director's cuts). Maybe even top three. I loved Gladiator so much when it came out, but this film just has so much more going on than a pure revenge story. You could swap out the Commodus character for anyone, at the end of the day he's "the man who wronged Maximus" and the events would unfold much as they do. You can't change the identities of the characters in KoH without changing the core of the story. Both sides do unforgivable things, and no one is in the right in a conflict spanning centuries... despite the mentally impaired Fox news thinking the movie was an anti-american, muslim glorifying Saladin love fest, coming in the wake of 9/11/01. On the topic of the DC, even at it's 194 minute tenure the movie isn't boring, I still felt it was well paced and the ebbs like Balian rebuilding his villa felt like a natural part of the journey. Why Baldwin V was ever considered to be cut is beyond me. Sibylla's motivations don't make a whole lot of sense, it's just "derp this crusader douche with the devil beard is king now derp, o well".
In some particular order:
Fight Club
Kingdom of Heaven DC
The Matrix
Star Trek 09
The Iron Giant
Pulp Fiction
There are movies with big flaws (Sunshine's third act, Inception's over-exposition, Star Trek's... plot) that I can't help but love because what they do have going for them is magnetic to me. On the other hand I don't think the Kingdom of Heaven DC has many flaws at all.