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10 reasons why Geist makes Halo 2 cry


We all know about Geist, the visually amazing first-person shooter from the boys over at n-Space and today, being the #1 Nintendo fans around, we've got a run down on the top ten reasons why Geist will make Halo 2, or Gaylo as I like to call it, cry.

10. Bungie made Marathon, which is dumb
9. Master Chief is a boring character that never talks
8. Halo 2 has not ghosts
7. Geist lets players control other bodies
6. Geist is made by the same developers that made Mary Kate & Ashlee: Magical Mystery Mall
5. Halo 2 is GAY
4. Geist is a more pure first person game. Halo 2 has stupid stuff like two guns controllings and vehicles. Is it a fps or a stupid racing game? Geist is pure 100% shooter!
3. Geist looks better than Halo 2
2. Geist doesn't have stupid online play. Online play is just a fad, Nintendo said so themselves. I mean who wants to play online like some PC nerd? I know I don't. Plus Xbox Live has lots of lag. My friend's friend told me that his Xbox caught on fire once.
1. Geist sounds cooler than Halo!
PonyhayStation Goo and Xbomb fans cry away, GameCube is here to stay!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Normally, I would assume that to be a joke...but coming from a potentially hardcore Nintendo fan really makes you wonder whether or not it was in jest...


Chili Con Carnage!
Master chief talks all the time in the game.

So there, they only have 9 valid reasons, they suck.


Link never talks either pwnd!

I'm assuming that it is a joke, because halo does have Ghosts, just not in the same sense. :)

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
Reasons why Azurik is better then Zelda:WW

10.Its Celda
9.Gamecube is kiddy
8.New Link is gay
7.Azurik is published by MGS,best developer in the world.
6.Azurik is not gay
5.Azurik is on xbox,xbox is mature,Azurik is mature
4.Link looks gay
3.Gamecube is gay
2.I dont have a gamcube
1.I am a fucking retard.


"gamecube is here to stay"

lol i remember saying similar things about the saturn and dreamcast. i feel their denial


Official GAF Bottom Feeder


Fleming said:
Reasons why Azurik is better then Zelda:WW

10.Its Celda
9.Gamecube is kiddy
8.New Link is gay
7.Azurik is published by MGS,best developer in the world.
6.Azurik is not gay
5.Azurik is on xbox,xbox is mature,Azurik is mature
4.Link looks gay
3.Gamecube is gay
2.I dont have a gamcube
1.I am a fucking retard.

Good list, but you lost me on that last one.


I still think Geist is gonna be overrated just by having the Nintendo seal...while Halo 2 bashed because not being so good as the first one.
ourumov said:
I still think Geist is gonna be overrated just by having the Nintendo seal...while Halo 2 bashed because not being so good as the first one.
You're right. The Nintendo game will be praised to the heavens, and the Xbox game will be held to too high of a standard.

Because that always happens.
Geist still has a lot of hope. Not much hope at being better than Halo 2, but it does have hope. The games shouldn't even be compared anyways.
As much as I love Geist and all, this is just retarded. I cannot wait for Geist, it looks amazing. I find it funny that this guy calls it a "100% shooter." He has obviously NEVER played the game if he thinks this. Geist is maybe 50% FPS 50% Adventure/Puzzle. It's a very unique, refreshing experience, and I will welcome it for that when it comes.

Halo 2 is just going to be flat out fun, and I'm excited about that too.
Another "jem" from that place.

The last bastion of Nintendoness as far as shows go Japan is the Spaceworld 2004 but sadly us Nintendo fans will have to do without the show. In a story that's bound to make those Xbots and PSyborgs jump for joy, Nintendo confirmed with the fabulous Nintendo Dream magazine that it wont be doing a Space World this year. The event normally was in August and was the best show ever, with no crappy Xbomb or PonyhayStation Goo games to clog up the place. 'Course like all hardcore fans, I'm sure you're all with me when I say Nintendo must have had a good reason for it!



Drinky Crow said:
I dunno, reason #5 seems pretty compelling.
that's what i said. i don't support that gay marriage shit, and with all these fanboys trying to marry that halo thingamajig i can't support it you know, politically


Queen of Denmark
I really hope that list wasn't meant to be serious.

Although either way, it makes me feel sad to be a Nintendo fan.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Its a joke. If the comment about it coming from the same developer as a Mary Kate & Ashley game doesn't tip you off then you have no sense of humor.


Queen of Denmark
JC10001 said:
Its a joke. If the comment about it coming from the same developer as a Mary Kate & Ashley game doesn't tip you off then you have no sense of humor.
Well, I thought that part could be tongue-in-cheek, but the overall list meant to be serious.


Wow, people actually took the list seriously.

I had more respect for GAF's overall sarcasm/bullshit detection before this point. Oh well.

I think Geist is going to be good. It looks decent enough graphically, and the play mechanics sound intriguing.

Halo 2 is Halo 2 though, so theres no real comparison on what'll be better.

That was pretty stupid but somewhat amusing.

I too fear that Geist will suffer "Eternal Darkness" syndrome. A game that is pretty average but gets more praise then it normally would because it's published by Nintendo. I'm still hoping it turns out ok though.


Red Dolphin said:

That was pretty stupid but somewhat amusing.

I too fear that Geist will suffer "Eternal Darkness" syndrome. A game that is pretty average but gets more praise then it normally would because it's published by Nintendo. I'm still hoping it turns out ok though.

I doubt that Geist will follow that path--I've rarely seen huge praise for the game. More often than not I've seen the kind of skepticism that's in your post. I'll be really surprised if people still care about Geist by the time it hits retail.
Red Dolphin said:
I too fear that Geist will suffer "Eternal Darkness" syndrome. A game that is pretty average but gets more praise then it normally would because it's published by Nintendo.

10. PlayStation Portable is way too big. I saw this picture of Reggie from Nintendo holding a PSP in a photograph taken at E3. The thing took both of his manly arms to hold. If any mental PSP fanboys need proof, check out the following pic from Reggielution! http://reggie.fateback.com/pics/10.jpg
9. PlayStation Portable has no good games. Who wants to play Metal Gear Asshead? When they could be playing Super Mario 64x4? No one, well except stoners.
8. Nintendo DS has wireless gameplay, PSP has … oh wait, it has nothing innovative about it.
7. Nintendo DS has a touch screen technology, all PSP has are those UPS discs.
6. PSP will only have 2 hours of battery life.
5. Nintendo is a gaming company, while Sony just wants your money. Nintendo cares about gamers more, so you know Nintendo DS will be better.
4. PlayStation Portable doesn’t offer enough variety unit colors. Nintendo knows we will want lots of variety, special editions for the hardcore gamer. Sony doesn’t understand that gamers like stuff like: Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Golden, Surfing, multiple base colors, anniversary editions, classic editions and all sorts of other colors and variations on themes on our handhelds every few months. Nintendo knows its customers!!!
3. Nintendo is original with the Dual Screen, unlike Sony who stole connectivity from Nintendo for its PSP. They saw how successful connectivity is on the GameCube and GBA and then took it as their own.
2. Nintendo DS will cost less than the PSP, and will be more focused on gaming, as supposed to trying to be the Walkman of the 22nd century.
1. Trust. It sounds kind of silly, but you can trust Nintendo more than Sony. Sony stuff breaks too easily. My friend had his PlayStation 2 break down after he accidentally dropped it down the stairs. Nintendo products don’t break.

PonyhayStation Goo and Xbomb fans cry away, Nintendo is here to stay!!

Well I dont know if you guys pay attention to the sales and stuff, but today the NPD Group released the latest charts showing sales for the month of June 2004. As you guys might gather, NINTENO KICKED ASS!!! On the chart covering titles across all systems, Nintendo proved this month that it's classic 2D games can match up to any of the crap Xbox or PS2 has to offer. Nintendo kicked it up a notch with Zelda The Four Swords for the GameCube and Super Mario Classic and Super Mario vs. Donkey Kong for the GBA on the top 20! Nintendo also proved its the multiplatform system, showing the GameCube version of Shrek 2 on the charts, with the Xbox version no where to be seen.

Nintendo also proved its power on the hardware and publisher side of things this month, placing in second place behind only EA for the publishers for the month. On the hardware side of things, Nintendo kicked ass and took names, selling over 600,000 units of hardware this month between the GameCube and Game Boy Advance, Sony and Microsoft meanwhile sucked like a lady of the night before payday, selling only 427,000 (PS2) and 262,000 (Xbox) respectively.

Of course, while Xbomb and Pee Station 2 fans are still reeling frmo the beating Nintendo dished out, the hardest moves made are seen when Nintendo's total hardware figures for North America come to light. You see, Nintendo has hardware figures of over 30 million when combining the GC and GBA, while Sony only has around 24 million, and Xbox sucks it up with 9 million. So, for those wanting a summarized versions; SONY AND MICROSOFT HAILED TO THE KING BABY! The king being Nintendo!!!

More "articles" from that place. I'm starting to really wonder if this is a joke.



Looking at those "lists", that douche might be serious. But "Gaylo" was still pretty funny.

Anywho, can we ignore him now?
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