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The site has had its ups and downs for me but can't think of a better place to spend my free time. I'd be pretty sad if it were to ever go away. Serious props to Evilore and everyone else that helped make this place what it is. Here's a bright future ahead and hopefully a continued interest in honest discussion without the influence of outside entities.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Good times, GAF.

And bad times.

But undoubtedly meaningful.

I've been around since OG in the 90s as well, although I don't remember a great deal about the transition period. I do remember the donation period and getting by on IRC. I'm #206 around here because we were all together waiting around for it.

Ah, what a journey. I've never been on the operational side of things but can't help but feel like part of the band regardless. Despite corporate incompetence and brand ownership it was our community and we kept it together, reborn. That $2000 server could have been little used until GAF faded out of existence, but we didn't abandon it. No running off to IGN or Gamespot or GameFAQs or Next Gen or whatever else. It had to be GAF.

Remembering the legacy makes me want to post better. I'm not sure if that's attributed value from nostalgia or simple respect for what it is, but either way it means I'm grateful for all it has brought and want to give good in return. Familiarity breeds contempt as well, so we all have our more bitchy days/posts, but keeping a big view brings a desire to keep the whole big thing good.


It's insane how addicting this site can be at times. Lol I love the mobile version of GAF so much but desktop GAF really is the best for typing long stuff.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Wow, well done Tyler and everyone else on the team.
This place is amazing and filled with wonderful people.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Is this when NeoGAF becomes real progressive and makes a corgi a moderator?

GAF makes the internet better.

I am glad i found this place and i wish i could recall what exactly led me to this wonderful place.

It's been that long.

I was lurking on here long before i could and did join. (My free yahoo email was not worthy)
100,000,000 !!! Let's keep up the best gaming forum there is guy's and make it to say 200,000,000 : D I'm proud to be one of those 170k members !!! This is definately my favorite place on the net!


Console Market Analyst
Recognize very few people still here from the early days, but it has always felt like home. Remarkable accomplishment, that.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I'm honestly humbled to even play a super minor role in this as one of the newest mods on the site. Congratulations to everyone here, you make this community what it is: great.


As the years pass and I'm more and more into this forum, I become more and more proud of what has become, a neutral ground for all this crazy gaming experience which has grown exponentially.

I salute all the efforts from all of you in the staff who make this forums as centered as it is, based on a very clear KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid).

I also grow very attached to this place on the internet and fear for a day I won't be able to comment in this space, hopefully it won't be by a ban, but until then I'll keep my best to do a nice post for those next 100 000 000


Cheers to the best gaming community I've ever been a part of, and to many years to come
until I get banned
Congrats! This has been my favorite forum since 2007. Very comfortable and clean interface as well as quality moderation. There's a certain levelheadedness to the posts here that I can usually expect.


Cheers EviLore. Love that the site is still going, it's been a staple of my internet experience for almost a decade


Years and years and still the only place I frequent mostly in the shadows and much less shy now, I love this place and have many memories. The best.
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