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on to 1,000,000,000


I appreciate this forum so much, I don't know what I'd do without it. (Probably get some work done.)

I want to thank Evilore and all the moderation staff for all the work they do. I've said some stupid things on here, but I've learned a lot in the last few years and I can say legitimately that NeoGAF has changed my life for the better, made me more aware of current events, and changed my mind on many significant political and moral issues. Thank you for the time, patience, and well thought out arguments.


Dot Hacked
Thats a lotta posts all in one place! Nice ta be here since the beginning! Shame I only browsed old-GAF but never joined, can't claim old timers status >_>

Any interesting stats ta share? How many threads hit 10,000+ replies? # of bans over the years? How many Off Topic'ers secretly love us over here on the Gaming side?


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Here's to another 100m. GAF has been my 'home' on the internet for almost a decade and I wouldn't want it any other way.

It would be cool to get some stats like say:
# of registrations
# of bans
Does Bish actually have the highest body count?
In hindsight, your success seems obvious, you made a great site and fostered a great community. And at 19 too. Shit most 30 somethings are shit entrepreneurs. Congrats Evilore, the admins, the mods, the members and the junior members. We have posted things 100 million times. Here's too 100 million more.
I contributed 63,670 posts (not including this one) since joining up 6 years ago. That's more than some of the posters who joined in 2004. I made some good friends here.

...fuck it's been a while.


Been here since 2007. What a great ride it's been. Those days of PS3 era meltdowns were awesome.

Keep neogaf special Tyler.


That OP made me nostalgic. Jeez... nearly 2 decades.

Congrats Evilore. Amazing achievements all around. It's like you founded and were dictator to a large town in this world.

I'm still here after 100 million posts. Unfortunately I probably won't make it past 200 mil (unless this happens much quicker than the last 100 mil... like in the course of months) - probably say something sarcastic in dead pan along the way and get permabanned for it :p
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