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I've only been here since 08 but I have no freaking idea what I would do without this place.

Thank you to EVERYONE mods and members and juniors alike.



This pretty much the only forum I ever visited and posted in. Congrats on the 100M posts, great achievement!
Ahh I remember when I discovered GAF, was looking for Wii U Specs back when it was confusing mess of rumors, I learn a bit more of CPUs and other fun things.
I still have no idea how things work


Happy NeoGIF100000k

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Came in here after roughly 1 year into the life of the Neo... GAF.
And yet the place was already legendary back then, for its community, leaks, info blowouts, the devs hanging out on the board and the best discussions on videogames that you could find on the internet bar none.
I wanted to be a part of it and in late 2004 I applied for a membership... which finally happened, unexpectedly, roughly 6 months later (!).
The rest is history. 11 years and counting. Yes, sometimes I long for the old days but considering how huge the boards have grown to be, you guys have done a remarkable job in keeping so much of its spirit intact even if times have changed, fast, and the internet is a different place today. I still visit GAF daily, multiple times per day even, while all the other websites and communities from the era have come and gone, I think that's all that need to be said really and the best compliiment I can give to Tyler & Co. Just one last thing: I can't state enough how important NeoGAF's role was in giving me a better grasp of the English language and how that helped me immensely in every job I've ever had since then.
I'm still learning today, more than a decade later, still improving, still thanks to GAF.

A La Salute! 100 di questi giorni NeoGAF :)


congrats neogaf! I love the shit out of this place. My go to browsing habit for downtime throughout the day for a few years now, and the best source of immediate gaming information. Love you guys!


Congrats to everyone.

Absolute madness to think that I've been here almost a decade. I've grown up with this forum from being a teenager into a married, business owning adult. As crazy as it is this forum has been the most persistent feature of my life over the last 10 years. All you nutters keep me coming back.

Here's to another decade
as long as I don't get banned



Congratulations everyone!

I first lurked gaming age forum in 2001 and used my friends account to check e3 videos / coverage. Later signed up using my own account I use present day (back then you had to use a corporate email to sign up for an account). It's been a good 15 years (longest forum I ever kept up reading). Here is too many more years ladies and gentlemen!
Congrats. I'm relatively new and man, I kinda wish I was around to see the early days of the boards. Would've been interesting to see how they grew.


Congratulations GAF, this place really is the best gaming forum on the internet. The hype and gifs and E3 and meltdowns make it all worth it.

I like the plain design. So many forums have all these silly gimmicks and bells and whistles that it gets in the way of the actual content. Thanks for keeping it simple.
I've been here since the 90s lurking I believe and more recently posting. Thank you so much for all your efforts to save / reshape the site. There is so much story left to be told.


I had no idea how close this was to never happening, thanks for keeping at it! Congratulations on 100,000,000!


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Congrats everyone on making 100.000.000 happen. I've been here 11 years now and I couldn't imagine life without NeoGAF. I know that sounds sad, but that's how it is.

Wallguy thread was what made me stick around, still incredible


1 million posts?


Kidding kidding! Congratulations to gaf and tyler in particular making this my favorite community on the interwebz my daily doses gaf is needed to fuel my day be it at work or off work!


I love that I'm user 220k and that was like three years ago but the infograph touts 170k members. Minimum 50k bans in the GAF lifetime.
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