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Yay! I helped contrubute to at least .000000001 of those posts!

Congrats GAF :D

6years tomorrow for me! I think it took me like 8 months to get in!


Congratulations to all who have built this website into the hub of great information and discussion that it has become. Pleasure to be part of the gang, I've met so many great people here
and probably spend way too much time here, too


Although I don't post often enough I have been a member since 2013, and form that day on I have spent a lot of time just lurking. So even though I have only contributed around 340 post to this number, I hope to able provide more post; specially during this time of the year. So let's keep the hype high and our unreasonable hopes and dreams higher during the upcoming this E3 and let's keep on posting for the next 100,000,000!

Congratulations NeoGaf!


Maturity, bitches.
Looking back on some of the communities I've been with; New Leaf, Anime, Brit, Figurine(RIP) I might be rather lucky to still be here considering the many lost in their name. Must also mention [Speculation]SmashGAF for all the insanity we shared.

So thanks for giving me a second chance.


Been over 10 years since joining for me, gaming wouldn't be the same without you GAF. Next up 1 billion.


Neo Member
My account was only activated a few weeks ago, I kind of feel like I've walked into a randoms wedding reception.

But anyway congrats and I look forward to spending E3 with you guys!
Congrats to everyone that's worked to make NeoGAF a special place on the internet.

Sorry to anyone whom I've annoyed or with whom I've argued over the years.

RIP, Hito.
Hard to even really wrap your head around that many posts. I still feel like a total noob here and I just past my 4 year Gafaversary... Yet I have nearly 16,000 posts here myself and who knows how many hours I've burned here over that time. Likely much more than I actually spent playing games since I became a parent.

So congrats to EviLore, the crew, and every single person here for 100,000,000 million, and I'm glad to have contributed my 0.00015966%


Congrats Gaf



Congrats. Been around since the previous board and it has been an enjoyable time.
Is there any info on the rate of posting? Eg how long would you estimate to 250m posts? I'm guessing post rate is a lot higher now than 5/10 years ago


Many congrats to all involved. I was a lurker for many years and finally had to jump in. This is easily my go to site for all the news and reaction. I'm in here daily. A fantastic forum.

Thank you.



Contributing my meager 3 posts per day or so. Not even quality stuff, just my usual shitposting. :D

Also, man, how nostalgic. I'm missing so many people, and yet so many are still here. Just goes to show how many people are posting on gaf.

Also, thanks for all the work, staffers, mods, and last but not least, The Big Bad EviLore.
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