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Unreal. I began on this forum a single 24 year old looking for a place to talk about games. I'm now a 36 year old husband and father of 1 (and 1 on the way). I still come here daily, to a fault sometimes. I've grown with this community and I'm happy to be a part of it.


Will be lost in the sea, but here's a "thanks to those that make this site what it is, because it's really great" kind of post. GAF might as well be "the internet" by and large for me, so yeah, I'm grateful to those that make this site what it is, because uh it's really great.


Congratulations to the people that make this site run. I don't post too much but I definitely read many topics and posts, so thanks to everyone that contributes even if it's just a little bit.


Sometimes I hate this place, The echo chambers that form, the snide oneliners the shitty attitudes but then...

The love given to members who are down, the community and growing up into DadGaf. The sweet sweet megatons. The carnivals of stupid, the execs who come in and chat. The chatter.

Long may the GAF continue, my most visited place on the internet.


Great write-up, and great to be part of this for so many years.

Even if I don't post all that much, realizing NeoGaf has been a constant in my life for at least the past 14 years, is quite special.


i wasnt here in the beginning, but im happy to be a part of it now!!

HAPPY 100,000,000 EVERYONE!!! Heres to a Billion!!!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Thanks for letting me be part of this, NEO.


Didn't realize I joined in 2006, so combined with the time before I joined, prob over 10 years and idk how many hundred of hours wasted lurking here lol! Here's for another 10 years

Need to start posting more tho :)

*edit* dunno who to ask, is it possible to change the email to gmail? I don't really have access to my paid email anymore :x


Amazing. I've not been around long, but it's been a helluva ride so far.
Here's to this place kicking ass and taking names for millions more posts to come!


Neo Member
Honestly it is an amazing feat. Grats Gaf.

I'm a super lurker, but even just through reading NeoGAF has brought me so much information and joy. I look forward to the 1 billion post celebration.


Cool milestone.

I hope to see 100 million more.

I've been a member of several gaming forums over the years.

Nearly 6 years of membership at NeoGAF and almost 6000 posts later, I don't think it's any surprise for me to say in the near 16 years I've been a member at GameFAQs, the time I've spent at NeoGAF has been far more entertaining and worthwhile.

I say it's a testament to the quality of Administrative and Moderation staff here as well as the superior level of discourse and quality discussion from many folks on these forums.

With that said I'm glad to be here.
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