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Somehow missed this the first time through. At 30 years old, GAF has been part of my life longer than it hasn't been. My first real solid memories were lurking around 9/11. I had a different handle on the old forum, and have had this one since 2004. Jesus I was just a kid. But I love this place and will always check it daily.

Thanks to everyone who made it happen and continue to do so. This is as much an online home as I'll ever have, I imagine.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?

Nah just kidding you're all cool!
Ha ha! I've spent my entire adult life on here and I've contributed about 0.0171% of that total!

Congrats and thanks for all the hard work Mr. Evilore

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
oh lol, yeah i guess you're right. Weird psychological effect of being such a big thread and topic i thought it was always at the top.

The free PS4 theme thread from Modus was stickied, and that mentioned the 100,000,000 posts when we were getting close to it. Maybe that's what you were thinking of?


The free PS4 theme thread from Modus was stickied, and that mentioned the 100,000,000 posts when we were getting close to it. Maybe that's what you were thinking of?

Actually yeah maybe that was it now that i think about it.

Either way good idea to get more visibility of the occasion before the glorious big week.
Doesn't feel like 12 years sometimes... if I think about other game forum communities back then, it feels like that was a different era. Different smaller eras on other gaming websites... MMO or RTS communities. But somehow GAF has been a sort of constant behind that and literally a sort of constant -- same quality and reliability. A lot of credit to the moderation, I suppose. Also why I suppose gaf is basically the only gaming 'anything' I use... the only place I get news, talk games, get links to videos. I'll search a few FAQs or videos here and there, and I've been pretty active on other websites before but every single one I think eventually falls by the wayside. Especially at this point, 'gaming' for me is basically (and not necessarily in order of hours spent, sadly haha) either actually playing games or checking gaf.
Congratulations everyone! though ive only had an account for around 3 years, I have enjoyed every moment of it! This is my favorite place on the internet and I love you all, even the people i disagree with.

Happy 100,000,000!

EviLore, can we be best friends?
For Real
Like, Seriously
I will butter your bread sir!


Forgot to post in this thread. Thanks for the good times! Been here for a good while, always the first place I go when I pick my phone up. From sleeping on the sofa at moms house to being married and actually having money to support my hobby fully GAF has been a constant. Thanks for this awesome (bitter, childish, intelligent, crazy and diverse) community. 💜💛💚 from the slacker in New Orleans!

Edit: shit, I'll hit 10 years as a member in November. Seems longer but also shorter? Probably because like all good GAFfers I lurked for years.


Only been a (junior) member here for a few days, but was a regular visitor since 2009. The best and fastest source for gaming information for me.
Long live GAF!


A salute to the community. Glad to be part of it. To think i was one year from finishing Med School when I started. Now I'm one year from finishing my residency. GAF has always been right along :D


It's been pretty incredible to watch this place over the years. I joined GAF back in 99' and never looked back. I remember having to setup a new account after the original forum finally died.

Lots of incredible memories over the years. So many great threads and a lot of fun E3's here. Won't ever forget living the 2000 Spaceworld GameCube reveal here on the forum, it was insane!

Thanks for everything Tyler.


Late as fuck, but Congrats. Talked to you for a bit at an E3 Meetup a couple years ago, and enjoyed the LA Korean BBQ meetup we had even before that. Well done on the success, glad that even the shittiest of my posts has helped contribute to GAF's success. So thanks, and sorry, at the same time.
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