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1080: Avalanche is a nice game to go back to


We just purchased a new flat screen TV and I really wanted to try it out with my GameCube, so I reached for Zelda and hauled my Cube downstairs.
Turns out 1080 was in the Zelda case, so I figured I'd give it a go since I hadn't in awhile.

What a gem of a game this is and how remarkably overlooked it was. You're right, it doesn't have the feature list of SSX3 or the insanely realistic graphics of Amped, but it's great in its own right. The great style and the very balanced, intuitive controls make it a very enjoyable experience.

Gate Challenge is the mode that continues to draw me in. I've gone through all of the courses in Gate Challenge and surpassed my previous record on each. I love having to make each turn as tight as possible, having to tuck for speed on the straightaways, and having to know when to pull out of that tuck in time to make the next tight turn. Of course, the nice level design tops it all off. The later courses require you to do such a variety of things to hit all your Gates and it's that variety that keeps it so entertaining and so challenging.

Those who haven't touched the title in awhile need to reaquaint themselves with it.

go back to? My copy only got about 2 hours playtime. All up. Disappointing, shallow and ugly.

What sort of flat screen and how big? :D


yeah i pick up a used copy sometime. I thought it had slightly better netcode then mk:dd right?
should run at full speed on kai under 40ms then


TheGreenGiant said:
go back to? My copy only got about 2 hours playtime. All up. Disappointing, shallow and ugly.

What sort of flat screen and how big? :D

This is my mom's TV for her car trips. So she can watch DVDs.
I told her to use her laptop, but she insisted on having a TV. I told her to get on installed in the ceiling of the car, but she insisted on having a normal one.

So we have a $100 14" Toshiba. It's small, but the picture is nice and it has component inputs.

I think 1080 is deeper than 2 hours of playtime could possible show. Dig into the Gate Challenge a bit and try to beat the current high score. Once you do that, try to beat your best. It's not easy to accomplish.
okay more than 2 hours.. maybe 4-5. I say 2 hours cause YMMV; didn't engage me. Felt cheated.

It feels like a N64 game and the trick system is extremely limited. Felt more like a racing game in parts. The character design was asstacular. I think that snowboarding through a ice log factory (?!!?) is stupid and gimmicky. "ooo avoid geometry"

The environment effects are cool though. The avalanche is decent and I like the breakapart bridges.


TheGreenGiant said:
okay more than 2 hours.. maybe 4-5. I say 2 hours cause YMMV; didn't engage me. Felt cheated.

It feels like a N64 game and the trick system is extremely limited. Felt more like a racing game in parts. The character design was asstacular. I think that snowboarding through a ice log factory (?!!?) is stupid and gimmicky. "ooo avoid geometry"

The environment effects are cool though. The avalanche is decent and I like the breakapart bridges.

Character design was ass? I think the design and the art of the characters was fantastic, though I most likely won't be able to dig it up now that I've said something.

And yes, absolutely 1080 is more of a racing game now and I think it's a change for the best.

There we go
olimario said:
Character design was ass? I think the design and the art of the characters was fantastic,

tell me you are kidding. I looked at the model + art and I was highly unimpressed - and this is from the front end (at character selection). Game also has one of the worst/ugliest UI/interfaces yet. Music selection interface was also poo; that or the music was bad so it mad it seem bad. Very (again) N64ish.


TheGreenGiant said:
tell me you are kidding. I looked at the model + art and I was highly unimpressed - and this is from the front end (at character selection). Game also has one of the worst/ugliest UI/interfaces yet. Music selection interface was also poo; that or the music was bad so it mad it seem bad. Very (again) N64ish.

The music was N64ish? Are you sure you didn't play the original?
1080 has a lot of licensed music in very high quality.

And I posted some of the art above. I find that kind of art to be fantastic.
It's cool to see existing characters taken a more realistic route.



Has problems recognising girls
I like the artwork.

Fucking loved the hell out of 1080 - it wasn't the flashiest but the control's were awesome, popping a 360 over a small tuft of snow and seeing the board pick through it was great.

Never really picked up 1080: Avalanche due to the immense hate it was shoved on.. should I seriously reconsider my choice and go back to buy it olimario? You are the last hope.


speedpop said:
I like the artwork.

Fucking loved the hell out of 1080 - it wasn't the flashiest but the control's were awesome, popping a 360 over a small tuft of snow and seeing the board pick through it was great.

Never really picked up 1080: Avalanche due to the immense hate it was shoved on.. should I seriously reconsider my choice and go back to buy it olimario? You are the last hope.

If you're really that concerned, wait for it to go Player's Choice.
I got a good 10-20 hours out of it the first time, and I figure I'll get another 5 out of it this play through.

Gate Challenge is brilliant.
Time Trial Coin Mode is a good.
Races are 'meh'.
Trick mode has more depth than you might initially think, but it's no SSX3.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
I felt it was an underrated title, but far too short to warrant a purchase at full price. Might pick it up now that its cheap.


Has problems recognising girls
olimario said:
but it's no SSX3.
Wasn't really too fussed over the whole SSX series and Amped was ok just didn't have that whole "holy shit this is 1080" style.. personally I don't know what attracts me towards 1080 in the first place, other than it is maybe a tad like snowboarding in real life itself. The whole mega tricks and all is boring; riding down a huge slope and doing tiny tricks is what gets my blood pumping.


1080 Avalanche is actually my favourite Gamecube game, I've been replaying it for the past week and I still love it. The sense of speed is great and although the slowdown bothers me at certain points, the pros far outweigh the cons imo.
Avalanche is a decent game. It had the disadvantage of being released against SSX3, the standard for snowboarding games. I enjoyed the music and the models are very stylish. The sense of speed is its forte and there's really nothing like it in that respect.

I did not like the courses being so short tho, I also wish there were more of them. I still put it below Waverace: Blue Storm however, man I love that game.
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