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$12 per hour the norm for entry-level video game industry positions (@GungHo Online)?


But how much would you expect to pay on rent? $12 an hour gets you roughly $2000 a month. A one bedroom apartment in LA can run 2k and up by itself.

Gross maybe. Net, no way. I was making $14/hr at my last job in Texas (no state income tax) and was taking home $1800/month.


As an Irish man that leave seems abysmal in itself. I've 25 days personal leave and however many sick days I'm sick (well actually on probation cuz it's a new job and they don't pay for sick till that's over)

From a pure legal stand point tho it's better then the minimum wage so that's something??

scrumptious Snacks tho. Save on food bills rob all their
scrumptious Snacks


That's a job to just get your foot in the door and build your resume. Not great pay, but if that's the field you want to get into you could do worse by way of unpaid internships. Though there may be paid internships that provide greater compensation than this position.

With regard to vacation: that's good for California. Most places provide the same. Such is life.


Absolutely abysmal.
I feel like this job posting should be saved and flashed at anybody who makes a post saying "should I drop my life and try and make it in games??".

Depends if you like getting paid with "scrumptious snacks".
Your landlord probably doesn't, though.
Assist community management across company titles.
Stay abreast of the concerns and issues of both official and unofficial communities by employing thoughtful and genuine moderation practices.
Curate and generate content for players to engage with based off of player feedback and communication with product teams.
Manage both website, social media, and other content management systems to provide up-to-date information on the state of games to the player base.
Report on the state of the community using established documenting methods, relevant metrics, and KPIs.
Communicate creatively and effectively to help generate excitement and enthusiasm among fans.
Edit and proofread text to ensure a high standard of quality is met before deploying messaging.
Edit localized text or assist in translation to be submitted to product team.
Be the face of the company by assisting in official livestreams.
Edit images according to the needs of stakeholders and good design practices.
Collaborate with product teams to provide feedback on game builds.
Qualifications and desired experience:


So you're going to be
gathering data from community
probably putting this data in graphs
reading through community feedback
presenting this feedback to superiors
using this feedback to create community events
assisting translation
editing images
collaborating with product teams
mantaining the website+all social media sites
Have good communications skills

All for $12 an hour? Shit I make that much checking out people at my store and bagging their shit in a neat order.

IN LA no less? Nope. 100 nopes.


I made a thread not too long ago asking if the game industry was a viable career path as far as pay and job security goes.

Opinions across the board painted a grim picture where the hours are insane and the pay is meager. I really wish this wasn't the case, because one would think my desire for a career with a creative outlet tied with my biggest passion would be ideal.


Holy shit, here in Norway its 5 weeks holidays each year. 37.5 - 40 hours per week. We actually have a Vacation law.
I made a thread not too long ago asking if the game industry was a viable career path as far as pay and job security goes.

Opinions across the board painted a grim picture where the hours are insane and the pay is meager. I really wish this wasn't the case, because one would think my desire for a career with a creative outlet tied with my biggest passion would be ideal.

It seems the best way to do it these days is be Indie, put your product out there, and hope it hits a market. Going to a corporation doesn't guarantee you get to unleash your creativity, nor does it guarantee a stable job(As the sizes of teams fluctuate depending on the needs of the company, and it's common to see companies 'downsize' when a game is shipped).

Being indie is tough no doubt, you have to hold a job and also create and program on your free time(By yourself/with people you know), but it seems to be a veritable path.

So you're going to be
gathering data from community
probably putting this data in graphs
reading through community feedback
presenting this feedback to superiors
using this feedback to create community events
assisting translation
editing images
collaborating with product teams
mantaining the website+all social media sites
Have good communications skills

All for $12 an hour? Shit I make that much checking out people at my store and bagging their shit in a neat order.

IN LA no less? Nope. 100 nopes.

All of those things you listed sound pretty fun, actually, and not all that hard or demanding. Nothing that requires any kind of specialized training or skills, except for the translation help. I would have been qualified for this job straight out of undergraduate.

But my first real job still paid way more than this! $12/hour is way too low. But, its an industry that lots of people like, and no real qualifications, which means lots of competition, which means lower pay. But this is too low dang.


I made a thread not too long ago asking if the game industry was a viable career path as far as pay and job security goes.

Opinions across the board painted a grim picture where the hours are insane and the pay is meager. I really wish this wasn't the case, because one would think my desire for a career with a creative outlet tied with my biggest passion would be ideal.

That is, of course, until you realize you're in a society and thus live with (and work with) other humans.

It can get ruined in minutes.
The pay is low for the work.. I know doormen in NYC that are making $30 per hour (Union benefits, 4 weeks vacation and sick days) no degrees.


Neo Member
I drove around an oil refinery for 12 hours a day and my only job was to fill coolers with icewater and I got paid $15 an hour; and this is in Mississippi. A job requiring you to have a degree and be bilingual paying $12 an hour is ridiculous; especially in California where the cost of living is so high.


relies on auto-aim
Yes, because someone will take it so they can work their way up in VIDYAGAEMS THEY LOVE. The person taking the job probably wouldn't intend to live off that wage.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
the only thing in the qualifications that is horrible is the bachelors. The rest is pretty entry level, and bilingualism is only a "plus". That being said, there's a reason there are people out there voting for extreme candidates; wages have remained static while businesses are making record profit.


That is ridiculous for the industry and robbery for a wage in Los Angeles. That type of position typically would be $15/hr to $20/hr in any other company.


Junior Member
This is why, as a European, I have no interest whatsoever in working in the States.
I work a 42 hour week with 6 week's holiday, 10 day's public holidays and have no limit to fully paid sick leave.
I can “buy” extra holidays and lose 2% salary for an extra week so next year I’ll probably have 8 weeks free.
If you ask any pension near end of life what they regret, the most common answer is “spending too much time at work”.

It’s fucked up just how badly US workers are treated, for such a rich country the level of poverty and low income is an utter disgrace.


10 vacation days!?! Jesus. That's absurdly low!

I'm never going to give out about my 28 vacation days again. Man... some jobs have it rough :/


Junior Member
Well, we have mandatory 24 vacation days (30 if you're working six days a week) and basically unlimited sick days, all fully paid. And still manage to have a great living standard, the best social security system in the world and one of the biggest economies in the world. Most companies offer 35 vacation days if you have a degree. So, yeah, a bit on the low side, US. 😉

Where has the " best social security system in the world"?

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
I don't understand why America doesn't do it like Greece. They have so many vacation days and great pay! I can't image ever working in the States.

edit: this is sarcasm
If you tried to pass a vacation law in the United States, people would complain about having their right to work infringed upon


Europe has a lot higher tax rates, to pay for additional benefits so its swing and roundabouts. I can't take a personal day when I feel like it, but I do get paid when I am sick. (rarely ill)

I am in a ok paid job, when people are willing to work long hours and crap conditions without complaining just to survive on rubbish money, Employers have no incentive to pay more or give better benefits because they can easily fill the jobs.


12$ that requires a bachelors in Cali.

Uh no. That whole thing reads "become our slave while doing everything for dirt cheap"

I don't care if its a get your foot into the door job, it looks and sounds like shit.

In Europe, it's called the law. I am so glad I live where I live, I cannot believe Americans accept this crap.

Most Americans can't believe we accept this crap. This country is fucking dumb.


Granted I live in Australia but I currently get paid $24 as a supervisor in a fast food restaurant. $12 is just pitiful for an actual career, and I guess what I'll have to look forward to with my games degree and inability to get a job in Australia.


12/hr is literally braindead cashier money. They're simply taking advantage of people desperate to get their foot in the door. You're honestly better off working at an unrelated company that gives you an honest salary and working on games in your free time.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
EA starts testers at minimum wage or slightly above and promotes sparingly.

Yeah, but that's testers. You get assigned something, you attempt to "break" it and then document the steps of what you did if you broke. While technical that's "starting"/"shit work."

Here they want you to apparently on-call with the Japanese branch, translate what the Japanese branch gives for promotion, and other factors. That's way more than a standard QA position, it seems.

Yes, because someone will take it so they can work their way up in VIDYAGAEMS THEY LOVE. The person taking the job probably wouldn't intend to live off that wage.

Which is the problem. It should be both.


Thats really low. Even myself who just graduated, the entry level (with training you up) is approximately £12-£15 an hour (about $30 in your currency) after tax in development


More than a member.
I'm about 100 per hour but no paid vacation or benefit. Usually I find somebody act for me when I need granted I provide the same results so I'm all good. This is beyond terrible

*i work 20h a week


Uh. A Bachelor's degree + bilingual in Japanese + office-type work = $12/hour?

It reminds me of that posting where you needed a Master's of Science + research work + published papers for a lab tech position that paid $8/hour.

I saw so much of that when I first graduated... It was gross. Especially at larger labs like Silliker. Felt bad for people taking those jobs out of necessity.

nel e nel

Norm or not, that is absolutely abysmal.

edit: I think I read that wrong (maybe?). Is it 20 days off, or 10 split 5 and 5? I work in education and vacation and personal days are the same thing.

Yes, 20 days total. They are separated by commas, not colons. Education generally gets pretty generous time off too, so not really a fair comparison.


I have 30 days a year and unlimited sick days , I don't know how people in the US put up with that shit.

We're scared sheep. You start your adult life drowning in debt and hoping to keep ourselves afloat, so we take whatever we can get for the most part.

I personally get 30 days a year, but they may not let you take them depending on what's going on at work... but they roll over to a certain point!
As someone living in the UK i find this insane! I get 24 days paid holiday + plus national holidays and paid sick. This is the norm for people on full time contracts too.
I have a degree and work In a chemistry lab and only get 5 total vacay/sick days a year until that doubles in year 3 (and the national holidays, so I guess half a dozen or so of those) are you guys really saying 20 days off paid in the US is bad for a new worker? I know mine is super low but Damn that's a lot to start off work. That said 100% healthcare is a huge benefit , but lol California, textbook example of why I'd never consider moving there


Haha, that's not worth it all. I can get a basic IT internship here that pays more than that (about 15-16)

they are not going to get a good candidate for that kind of money... only someone desperate to get a first job in the industry.
12$ per hour? could go worse i guess..
it entry level position have 1200 net, 1900 gross in italy, and that is pretty much the same, around 12,25 eur GROSS per hour :)
but then again, the median net income in italy is 1900 eur net/month :X

plus as per vacation, i have 22 vacation day + 120 hours (15 days) of "leave" + nationaly holidays (around 12 days per year i guess??)
so more or less i work mon to friday 8 hours per day and have approximately 49 total leave days plus all the saturday/sunday :p
sick days, i have 4 "separate" sickness event that are covered with a varied percentage depending on how long they are (min 60% of wage), after those 4 events, if i am again on sick leave i have all the period i want/need (provided i have to present written certification) on 60% :X
could go worse i guess?


12$ per hour? could go worse i guess..
it entry level position have 1200 net, 1900 gross in italy, and that is pretty much the same, around 12,25 eur GROSS per hour :)
but then again, the median net income in italy is 1900 eur net/month :X
I don't know where you live in Italy, but living costs are probably going to be way higher in California.


Thats really low. Even myself who just graduated, the entry level (with training you up) is approximately £12-£15 an hour (about $30 in your currency) after tax in development

dont take this too seriously. US is low on vacation days but generally pay is much better than Europe, especially if you have senior position. European salaries really do cap at some point.

I work with some big German companies in IT field and when they tell me their pay I cant believe how low it is compared to their position in the company vs what they would be making in the same type of company, same profitability in the USA.


Honestly, if this wasn't in California, this wouldn't be the worst "just out of college" job.

Provides experience and you get to work in a field you're passionate about. Work there for 2-3 years and if there's no verticality, bounce for something better with your experience. This type of job would have a lot of examples of work that you could show to a future employer.

Just saying. But yeah, the cost of living makes this horrible.
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