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14 year old girl has baby in toilet and then kills it

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Man do they really have to post her picture in the article.

It's an awful thing what she did. I was surprised that they listed the name and posted a picture. Is this a Florida thing? In Massachusetts, a juvenile offender (under 18) does not get name/etc disclosed.
I can understand this feeling, but she really just sounds like a scared little girl more than someone who should rot in prison.

I'd never trust her to be a mother though.

She took a pair of scissors and cut a baby out of her vagina, then strangled it to death, and finally kept it in a shoebox. What scared little girl goes that far?


Just reading the title made me sad. :(

Can we please get a separate sad/gore/sick news story forum. PLEASE? It sucks when you're feeling down, want to have some fun on gaf, and have to be subjected to this. When you have a quick and vivid imagination, a title is the only thing needed to ruin a night.


The one who truly fucked up here is her mother. You don't go into denial. You make sure your fucking child isn't pregnant. You take her to the fucking doctor. You make sure to provide her with support and mental health necessary if she is pregnant. You sure as shit don't close your eyes and ears to what's happening in your own fucking house and to your own kid.

And to think, one hospital trip would be all that's needed to avoid what happened.


It's an awful thing what she did. I was surprised that they listed the name and posted a picture. Is this a Florida thing? In Massachusetts, a juvenile offender (under 18) does not get name/etc disclosed.

TBO.com always posts pics unless its a rape victim. Tampa Bay Times never posts pics so i guess its up to the media here in Florida.
Ignorance and fear, my ass.

She checked its PULSE. Then when she was SURE IT WAS ALIVE, THEN she strangled it to death. Then she checked its pulse AGAIN. Sure, I imagine when strangling someone to death in fear I would stop to check for a friggin pulse.

She did everything she could to get that baby out and dead. I doubt she was thinking entirely clearly considering she murdered a child, but she was smart enough to make sure it was dead. I can't sympathize.
How the fuck do you not know your kid is pregnant?

How the fuck do you not have discussions with your kid about sex and all of its aspects? The pleasure. The hurt. The joy. The risks. Etc. If she were on the pill/had dude wear a rubber and use it right and pull out this would be a non issue.

Unless the unknown father is an adult I don't see what he could/should be charged with. Even if the parents knew she were pregnant they wouldn't necessarily know she was going to give birth in a bathroom and immediately kill the kid.

Sex is a tricky subject at that age because honestly it's most likely to be the first "adult" choice these kids make. And considering many adults make piss poor choices when it comes to sex it's that much more confusing for the kids.

Knowledge would have saved a life in this instance.

Especially a 5'3" 100 pound girl.


How the fuck do you not know your kid is pregnant?

How the fuck do you not have discussions with your kid about sex and all of its aspects? The pleasure. The hurt. The joy. The risks. Etc. If she were on the pill/had dude wear a rubber and use it right and pull out this would be a non issue.

Unless the unknown father is an adult I don't see what he could/should be charged with. Even if the parents knew she were pregnant they wouldn't necessarily know she was going to give birth in a bathroom and immediately kill the kid.

Sex is a tricky subject at that age because honestly it's most likely to be the first "adult" choice these kids make. And considering many adults make piss poor choices when it comes to sex it's that much more confusing for the kids.

Knowledge would have saved a life in this instance.

Especially a 5'3" 100 pound girl.

The mother knew, she just refused to acknowledge it, doing God knows what to the mental health of someone with the emotional maturity of a middle school kid over the course of multiple months.


She took a pair of scissors and cut a baby out of her vagina, then strangled it to death, and finally kept it in a shoebox. What scared little girl goes that far?
Brutal, yeah, but I see that as a result of extreme fear, desperation, and immaturity. Dangerous combination.
This story absolutely destroyed my good mood just now. Such an awful thing to do, almost seems inhuman.

This is someone who basically thought that she'd get in more trouble for the pregnancy and birth than killing a newborn child. This is where parenting comes in, well parenting that isn't TOTAL SHIT.


She took a pair of scissors and cut a baby out of her vagina, then strangled it to death, and finally kept it in a shoebox. What scared little girl goes that far?

That sounds exactly like what someone scared and desperate would do.

People perform abortions with clothe hangers ffs. Killing someone in fear is a pretty common concept.
That sounds exactly like what someone scared and desperate would do.

People perform abortions with clothe hangers ffs. Killing someone in fear is a pretty common concept.

You're probably right about the first part, but damn. A 14 year old killing a newborn? I can't even fathom how scared and desperate someone has to be.
You're probably right about the first part, but damn. A 14 year old killing a newborn? I can't even fathom how scared and desperate someone has to be.

It's scary as an adult imagine you're in middle school, your own mother is in denial and not talking to you about it, your sources for information (other adults) are thinking it's none of their business and your peers can't offer any real experience or sex education because they're just as ignorant. Everyone failed this girl and then she failed the newborn by exhausting its life because no one fucking stepped in and got her the necessary help.


The face of evil
Damnit. Fucking damnit. This is why abstinence education as the only sex education is the dumbest thing ever. Sure, it is the most guaranteed way to not get STDs, pregnant, or have to have the emotional baggage that sex can bring at that age, etc. but it isn't guaranteed that teens will put that advice to use. Hormones are crazy things.
If she didn't want to have a baby, why didn't she just get an abortion?

It's never that simple and Florida might be a state where you need parental permission (I'll have to confirm), how do you get permission from someone in denial? Seems you don't need permission but you gotta tell 'em:

Florida State law requires a parent or legal guardian of a minor seeking an abortion to be notified 48 to 72 hours before the abortion is performed by the physician performing the abortion or a referring physician. Parents or legal guardians do not need to be notified prior to your preliminary visit. A parent or legal guardian may waive their right to this notification by completing a waiver form. This form must be notarized. THIS LAW DOES NOT REQUIRE PARENTAL CONSENT, just that a parent be notified. There are some exemptions to this law. Minors who have had “the disability of non-age” removed are exempted. This includes: a) Minors who are currently or have been married, b) Minors with dependent children, c) Minors who have been emancipated by court decree, d) Minors who have obtained a judicial bypass. Documentation is required for all of the above circumstances.

If you are a minor seeking an abortion at our clinic, you must either bring your parent, legal guardian, or notarized waiver with you to the actual abortion procedure appointment (along with your photo ID, their photo ID, and official documentation that they are your parent or legal guardian) or petition the court for a judicial bypass. Unless you petition the court, your parent or legal guardian must sign a form stating that they are aware of your decision. They do not have to agree with your decision but must be made aware.

A minor has the right to Judicial Bypass which is an order allowing a doctor to perform an abortion without notifying a parent or guardian. If the judge determines that you are mature enough to make this decision on your own, or that telling your parent or guardian is not in your best interest, he/she may issue an order called a Judicial Bypass. The court document(s) must be provided to North Florida Women’s Health and Counseling Services, Inc. prior to your procedure. Before applying for a Judicial Bypass you need to inform yourself about abortion procedure(s), alternatives to abortion, potential risks and complications, and how to care for yourself afterwards. You may also be asked about your plan to prevent unintended pregnancy in the future. To obtain a judicial bypass you may petition the Circuit Court in your district. Request a lawyer to help you. This service is available at no cost.
If she didn't want to have a baby, why didn't she just get an abortion?

- Could be she wasn't sure if she wanted to keep it or not
- Might not have known until well into the pregnancy
- Could be against her religion (though obviously murder probably is as well, but you know, lapse)
- Sometimes need parental consent (if I'm not mistaken), which would mean admitting to her family that she got knocked up
- Maybe didn't want to deal with the myriad of problems that could occur due to an abortion being performed

In short -- we don't know


Still Alive
The teen, who is 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighs about 100 pounds, told detectives she lifted the moving infant from the toilet, felt for a pulse, found one, then placed her hands around the infant's neck and squeezed until he wasn't moving or breathing any longer. She took the infant's pulse again and found none, deputies said.
Just reading this made my eyes water. Holy fuck.


- Could be she wasn't sure if she wanted to keep it or not
- Might not have known until well into the pregnancy
- Could be against her religion (though obviously murder probably is as well, but you know, lapse)
- Sometimes need parental consent (if I'm not mistaken), which would mean admitting to her family that she got knocked up
- Maybe didn't want to deal with the myriad of problems that could occur due to an abortion being performed

In short -- we don't know

It seems pretty clear she didn't want to keep it. As far as not knowing, she knew well enough to hide her stomach. Abortion is less risky than giving birth on your own.

Sounds like it was the parental consent law that kept her from aborting it and she was afraid to tell her mother.


Wow people are over-reacting in this thread.

She's just a child herself and will need a lot of therapy to overcome what she has done. Incarceration is the absolute worst thing you could do.

So what if she had a 4th trimester abortion? Quit being so holier-than-thou.
She took a pair of scissors and cut a baby out of her vagina, then strangled it to death, and finally kept it in a shoebox. What scared little girl goes that far?

a scared little girl who is more afraid of her mother finding out than going to a doctor.
Seriously, this is why sex ed, contraceptives, abortion and mental health services should be more accessible to teens.


a scared little girl who is more afraid of her mother finding out than going to a doctor.
Seriously, this is why sex ed, contraceptives, abortion and mental health services should be more accessible to teens.

That is the result of the puritanical culture that shames people for having sex and tells people that birth control is evil.
Wow people are over-reacting in this thread.

She's just a child herself and will need a lot of therapy to overcome what she has done. Incarceration is the absolute worst thing you could do.

So what if she had a 4th trimester abortion? Quit being so holier-than-thou.

So wait, strangling a living, fully born child to death is just as okay as an abortion. Oh screw me.
Wow people are over-reacting in this thread.

She's just a child herself and will need a lot of therapy to overcome what she has done. Incarceration is the absolute worst thing you could do.

So what if she had a 4th trimester abortion? Quit being so holier-than-thou.

People think this girl is a monster when she's a product of bad parenting, bad sex education and a host of other problems that plague our society. Easier to demonize someone who is stil a child herself than actually think about why such a thing occurred.


That is the result of the puritanical culture that shames people for having sex and tells people that birth control is evil.

No .. I'm pretty sure it was just one occurrence of a mentally distraught little girl that probably had bad parents.

An outlier .. not a norm.

But an outlier that douchebags will use to funnel whatever political points they want to make about the state of the world.

So wait, strangling a living, fully born child to death is just as okay as an abortion. Oh screw me.

I'm not a fan of any abortion, but it's not my choice to make. I don't really see the practical difference between killing a child one day after birth versus 8 months in gestation. Especially if the woman is incapable of getting proper medical treatment.

Would this story somehow be different if she threw herself repeatedly down the stairs a month previous?


People think this girl is a monster when she's a product of bad parenting, bad sex education and a host of other problems that plague our society. Easier to demonize someone who is stil a child herself than actually think about why such a thing occurred.


She probably didn't get taught how to properly use birth control and didn't have anonymous and easy access to birth control or abortion.

No .. I'm pretty sure it was just one occurance of a mentally distraught little girl that probably had bad parents.

An outlier .. not a norm.

If it's such an outlier, why was this sort of thing so common back when abortions were illegal and there was less access to birth control? This is the result of restricted access to birth control and abortion and a culture that made her feel so ashamed she was afraid to talk to her mother about sex.


Not one to moan about thread titles usually, but was the detail in the title here REALLY needed?

Got my child due in just a month, and it's already on shaky ground due to my girlfriend having a heart problem - which makes birth more than a bit scary. I'm terrified.

Now I feel utterly sick.


No .. I'm pretty sure it was just one occurance of a mentally distraught little girl that probably had bad parents.

An outlier .. not a norm.

But an outlier that douchebags will use to funnel whatever political points they want to make about the state of the world.
You're right, shame and bad sex education definitely didn't contribute to this mentally distraught little girl's choice.


Wow people are over-reacting in this thread.

She's just a child herself and will need a lot of therapy to overcome what she has done. Incarceration is the absolute worst thing you could do.

So what if she had a 4th trimester abortion? Quit being so holier-than-thou.

I agree about the therapy instead of jailtime. However, dismissing this as just an abortion is ludicrus. This was a living, breathing child that was murdered.
People think this girl is a monster when she's a product of bad parenting, bad sex education and a host of other problems that plague our society. Easier to demonize someone who is stil a child herself than actually think about why such a thing occurred.
Clearly the people around her failed her. But she certainly knew better than to strangle the kid. She knows what adoption is and she knows what killing is.

She must have had some strange relationship with her parents . . . perhaps she was terrified of them?

But how do you deal with this? No sense throwing her in jail forever. But you can't just let her off.
No .. I'm pretty sure it was just one occurrence of a mentally distraught little girl that probably had bad parents.

An outlier .. not a norm.

But an outlier that douchebags will use to funnel whatever political points they want to make about the state of the world.

um, this is pretty common. One of the reasons fire and police stations in California and many other states have the law where a mother can leave a newborn for adoption without any repercussions.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
All the abortion, adoption talk and "what she should have done" is hilariously depressing. All these things might be in the thought process of a rational ADULT but probably never entered her head...... but people want he tried as an adult. The actions she took are obviously not the actions of an adult, hopefully if it goes to trial that is how it will be seen.
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