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14 year old girl has baby in toilet and then kills it

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People think this girl is a monster when she's a product of bad parenting, bad sex education and a host of other problems that plague our society. Easier to demonize someone who is stil a child herself than actually think about why such a thing occurred.

"It takes a village to create a murderer."


People think this girl is a monster when she's a product of bad parenting, bad sex education and a host of other problems that plague our society. Easier to demonize someone who is stil a child herself than actually think about why such a thing occurred.

Certainly I agree with that sentiment up to a point.

However the presence of mind to check for a pulse and then methodically strangle a new born and check its pulse again until its dead is cold, callous and calculating.

Fucked up situation in which the only real victim is a the little baby who had such a terrible few seconds of existence.

Don't know what else to say, feel sick.

R.I.P Little One x


All the abortion, adoption talk and "what she should have done" is hilariously depressing. All these things might be in the thought process of a rational ADULT but probably never entered her head...... but people want he tried as an adult. The actions she took are obviously not the actions of an adult, hopefully if it goes to trial that is how it will be seen.

Good sex education would've put these things in her head.

Children starting puberty should be taught about all the effective methods of birth control offered, taught how to use them correctly, and taught what to do in the event of an unwanted pregnancy.

You can't teach kids what to do with an unwanted pregnancy if you just yell at them to not have sex and then just pretend they won't.
This is terrible. A crossroads that merges the lack of sex-ed, demonisation of contraceptives, dejected parents and teenage behavior.
And all this could come back, if Roe vs. Wade is struck down. That's what scares me.
Clearly the people around her failed her. But she certainly knew better than to strangle the kid. She knows what adoption is and she knows what killing is.

She must have had some strange relationship with her parents . . . perhaps she was terrified of them?

But how do you deal with this? No sense throwing her in jail forever. But you can't just let her off.

She needs to be institutionalized for a while in a mental health facility then released with probation. The ones who should be held criminally responsible so far includes the mother.


If it's such an outlier, why was this sort of thing so common back when abortions were illegal and there was less access to birth control? This is the result of restricted access to birth control and abortion and a culture that made her feel so ashamed she was afraid to talk to her mother about sex.

I'm going to guess we have no definitive stats on that. Or are we just repeating what advocacy groups say?

'Common' is a pretty loaded term. That would seem to mean a significant portion of the population. Not less than 2-3 percent.
Wow people are over-reacting in this thread.

She's just a child herself and will need a lot of therapy to overcome what she has done. Incarceration is the absolute worst thing you could do.

So what if she had a 4th trimester abortion? Quit being so holier-than-thou.

14 is not 'just a child'. But I agree that she is not an adult. You can't just let her off though.

Always relevant in these situations:
Dave Chapelle - How old is 15, really?

BTW, I laughed at 4th trimester abortion


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Good sex education would've put these things in her head.

Children starting puberty should be taught about all the effective methods of birth control offered, taught how to use them correctly, and taught what to do in the event of an unwanted pregnancy.

You can't teach kids what to do with an unwanted pregnancy if you just yell at them to not have sex and then just pretend they won't.

Better education would be better, but they can have all the education in the world and it wont matter if they are too scared to do anything with it.


She needs to be institutionalized for a while in a mental health facility then released with probation. The ones who should be held criminally responsible so far includes the mother.

couldn't you make the same case for all of histories monstrous individuals?
Fucked up situation in which the only real victim is a the little baby who had such a terrible few seconds of existence.

I wouldn't say that the girl isn't a victim, she can even be a victim of her decision. Actions bear fruit, I don't think that this girl has somehow secured her happiness by killing the baby. That's worth some empathy.

Sorry but this is definitely avatar quote worthy.

On a related note I know a girl who didn't know she was pregnant until she actually went into labor and had to be taken to the hospital. I have no idea how this happens.
I don't care how scared she was, it doesn't changed the fact that she killed a baby. It wasn't accidental, it was done by choice and for selfish reasons. so yeah, I say let's treat her as an adult. Her mom is also a peice of garbage for completely ignoring her pregency. I really hate living in florida.....


This is twisted and extremely inhumane. However, does this girl deserve to be incarcerated. Whatever brought this girl to doing such a thing should be the main concern.


Ugh, I just made myself feel awful by suddenly wondering if she had thought of a name for the kid at some point or not :\

She likely never did. That would've likely made her too attached the baby to just strangle it.

Putting her in jail won't exactly protect society so I don't see the point in spending the money. She needs therapy and sex education.
Clearly the people around her failed her. But she certainly knew better than to strangle the kid. She knows what adoption is and she knows what killing is.

I don't think she did, thus the result. She obviously couldn't see telling her family, or adoption, or even abortion as viable options, and getting rid of the baby was probably the only option she thought she had left.
why not? nobody is born evil
what gives this girl an exception?

The fact that adults in her life should and could have intervened and she's still a child? Do you know what an unwanted pregnancy can do to normal well adjusted adults? Now imagine you're a clueless middle schooler and the adults in your life are helping your denial. Then the day actually comes when reality sets in and she freaks out hoping to extinguish what she considers the only evidence of her crime of getting pregnant in the first place.


I hope there's something the adults in her life can be charged with and that nobody will even think about having sex with her for the rest of her life.
I don't think she did, thus the result. She obviously couldn't see telling her family, or adoption, or even abortion as viable options, and getting rid of the baby was probably the only option she thought she had left.
A 14 year old knows killing a baby is wrong.

She just did not want to deal with telling her mom, figuring out what to do with the baby, and . . . . perhaps (sadly) most importantly didn't want all her peers as school to hear about it. It was clearly a bad decision but she knew it was wrong.


Not sure you want to set a precedent that "murdering your newborn isn't bad enough for jail," honestly.

The whole idea behind jail was supposed to be to separate the dangerous people from the rest of us. It's since been expanded way past that point at incredible cost to tax payers for little to no payoff in safety.

The only thing this girl is a danger to is her future babies. What she needs is therapy and sex education to solve that problem, not to be locked in jail for 20 years with hardened criminals.


Ignorance and fear, my ass.

She checked its PULSE. Then when she was SURE IT WAS ALIVE, THEN she strangled it to death. Then she checked its pulse AGAIN. Sure, I imagine when strangling someone to death in fear I would stop to check for a friggin pulse.

She did everything she could to get that baby out and dead. I doubt she was thinking entirely clearly considering she murdered a child, but she was smart enough to make sure it was dead. I can't sympathize.

OMG ;_______________;
This is someone who basically thought that she'd get in more trouble for the pregnancy and birth than killing a newborn child. This is where parenting comes in, well parenting that isn't TOTAL SHIT.

You're right, this child's parents totally failed her first. She needed guidance from somewhere and obviously got it from nobody.Had their relationship been more open, her parents could have steered her away from this; this girl deserved to know that she had options . It doesn't totally absolve the girl ofl blame though(what she did is still incredibly cold), but I do think her mother deserves a good amount of blame for sweeping her pregnancy under the rug; that was total neglect on her part.
A 14 year old knows killing a baby is wrong.

She just did not want to deal with telling her mom, figuring out what to do with the baby, and . . . . perhaps (sadly) most importantly didn't want all her peers as school to hear about it. It was clearly a bad decision but she knew it was wrong.

Well yes, but she obviously thought it was less wrong than getting pregnant and having a child. Which is really, really disturbing.
Well yes, but she obviously thought it was less wrong than getting pregnant and having a child. Which is really, really disturbing.

It's just a by product of the sex shaming, abstinence only education that also comes with sex before marriage is wrong as is birth control. If her mother actually bothered to be invested in her life and knew her kid was sexually active she should have taken her to the doc first thing. Not let her just take some tests "in private" to prove she wasn't pregnant.


The whole idea behind jail was supposed to be to separate the dangerous people from the rest of us. It's since been expanded way past that point at incredible cost to tax payers for little to no payoff in safety.

The only thing this girl is a danger to is her future babies. What she needs is therapy and sex education to solve that problem, not to be locked in jail for 20 years with hardened criminals.

That idea has expanded to include punishments to deter those thinking about committing the crimes. You could argue that a person murdering a cheating spouse wouldn't do it again and is not a threat to society but I doubt anybody would agree they don't belong in prison.

Even if there are a lot of other people to blame, including her parents and school who deserve the majority of it, she still deserves more than guilt as a punishment for killing a baby.
Well yes, but she obviously thought it was less wrong than getting pregnant and having a child. Which is really, really disturbing.

Exactly. She felt she was in a shit situation no matter what and picked what she thought would be the easiest way to deal with it.

And here is a scary thought . . . I wonder how many times this happens and the girl get away with it. Had she buried the offspring, she might have got away with it. Probably best that she got caught because that would have haunted her forever. (Well, it will still haunt her but at least she can feel that she did penance for her crime.)


How long have we had those adoption drop off stations at the hospitals? If she didn't want the baby she should have known that she could give it up for adoption. The girl has some crazy Casey Anthony mentality.

She's too young to even drive herself to one...

That idea has expanded to include punishments to deter those thinking about committing the crimes. You could argue that a person murdering a cheating spouse wouldn't do it again and is not a threat to society but I doubt anybody would agree they don't belong in prison.

Even if there are a lot of other people to blame, including her parents and school who deserve the majority of it, she still deserves more than guilt as a punishment for killing a baby.

Well no, you could easily argue that someone who would murder a cheating spouse is a threat to society if their reaction to jealousy, anger, and frustration is homicide.

And it's actually been demonstrated statistically that states that use the death penalty explicitly because it's intended to deter future crimes do not have a lower homicide rate than states that no longer have the death penalty. The theory of prison as deterrent does exist, but is highly flawed.
The whole idea behind jail was supposed to be to separate the dangerous people from the rest of us. It's since been expanded way past that point at incredible cost to tax payers for little to no payoff in safety.

The only thing this girl is a danger to is her future babies. What she needs is therapy and sex education to solve that problem, not to be locked in jail for 20 years with hardened criminals.
Meh . . . it is 4 things:
1) Incapacitation (as you mentioned)
2) Deterrence
3) Punishment
4) Rehabilitation.
The whole idea behind jail was supposed to be to separate the dangerous people from the rest of us. It's since been expanded way past that point at incredible cost to tax payers for little to no payoff in safety.

The only thing this girl is a danger to is her future babies. What she needs is therapy and sex education to solve that problem, not to be locked in jail for 20 years with hardened criminals.

The others beat me to it, but that's not all jail was supposed to be at any point ever. A lot of people commit crimes they would never commit again, but you still put them away because as a society you have to say that it's unacceptable. You have to punish the wrongdoer and let other people know that doing as such will not be tolerated in our society. You can make efforts to rehabilitate them but you can't just throw your hands up and say, "oh what a terrible situation, but I'm sure she's learned her lesson! Just look at that hang-dog expression," etc.
I just came back in here and I feel I have to say that Devo is owning this goddamn thread.

I had a mom who was incredibly sheltered (her own mother didn't even tell her what a period was) and she was sure I would not go through that mess. I got comprehensive sex education in 5th grade, middle school and high school as well as books from my parents. At 16 I told my mother I had a boyfriend and the first words out of her mouth were "well you've wanted regular periods and you have a bf now? No better time to get you some birth control." And we did just that. But even before I was 16 my parents made for damn sure I could come to them if and when something happened. This girl obviously never had that and this is the result.

The fact that she didn't explore other options because it meant telling her mother she was indeed pregnant should tell us what we need to know. Her mother is the one criminally responsible and the girl needs some mental rehabilitation as soon as possible.


People think this girl is a monster when she's a product of bad parenting, bad sex education and a host of other problems that plague our society. Easier to demonize someone who is stil a child herself than actually think about why such a thing occurred.

It isn't like she got an abortion or something, she flat out murdered a baby.

There is no way around it, what she did is evil.


I hope she can get some good help, this little girl's life is not going to be easy knowing what she did. Hopefully she will be able to give everything a place in her life a few years down the road.


I like how all the blame is being deflected here by the usual suspects.

Weekend ruined for me until I forget reading this ..


It isn't like she got an abortion or something, she flat out murdered a baby.

There is no way around it, what she did is evil.

If not knowing how to deal with an unwanted pregnancy is evil, full stop, what word do you want use for an adult who has a child, keeps that child, and then neglects the development of that child to the point that the young girl is incapable of making safe and sane decisions and doesn't have the support system she needs to deal with an unwanted pregnancy?

A lot of people keep quoting the scissors thing to illustrate how monstrous they think the girl was when it actually is a pretty good illustration of how uninformed and desperate she seems to be. Tell me: how many GAFers would move a pair of scissors around their own genitals? What mental state and level of understanding about your own body do you think would be necessary for you to do so? She could have severely and permanently harmed herself as well, but her priority was keeping the pregnancy secret from her mother -- above and beyond the life of her child and even her own safety. That says a lot.

Like obviously this story is upsetting and horrifying but people throwing around words like "evil" seem like they want to simplify this as something a monster would do that couldn't have been prevented because evil is evil. The real tragedy here is how easily this could have been avoided if an adult parent had done their damn job.
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