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140 Wii Games Worth Trying


Between my fiancee and myself we own over 200 games for the system retail wise, pretty much every game in the OP and then some lol.


The OP is also missing the Gunblade NY and L.A Machineguns double pack. Awesome and classic SEGA rail shooters. Should be dirt cheap as well.


It's missing Mario Strikers(awesome game, we absolutely need a sequel on either 3DS or Wii U) and Jett Rocket on top of my head


the wii was an incredible system. i have more games on it than i do any other platform by a wide margin (61 at retail, 21 through the virtual console, and 13 through wiiware). i don't even have everything on there that even interested me. no red steel 2, opoona, none of the 'light gun' games. still haven't gotten sky crawlers, goldeneye, or ivy the kiwi?. i could probably take a year away from current platforms just to catch up on my wii backlog and play games I had already missed.


Another one missing is Broken Sword: The Shadow of Templars Directors Cut. You can get it on other mobile and PC but it's good on Wii with the pointer controls.
do people really say that the wii had no games? i find that hard to believe

There were a good number of enthusiast who said stuff like "It haz no games, that why I sold it!"
What I really think they meant was,"It doesn't have a lot of games that actually appeal to me, that's why I sold it!"
Which is an understandable complaint, the Wii's software ecosystem wasn't compatible with the majority of PS3/360 owners.

Edit: I personally adored that little console; I had ton of games for it. Plus, anything with Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 on it is automatically my fave thing ever.


Aside from Xenoblade, what top 5 Wii games should I get?
I see the list, it's really long

Just got a Wii-U, Im interested in picking up some Wii masterpieces to go along with my Wii-U
(I already have PS4/Vita, 360 and X1, so Wii exclusives be best)
Any genre works, just looking for GOTY's. I played all the zelda games except for Wii titles, should I pick the zelda games up too?


Aside from Xenoblade, what top 5 Wii games should I get?
I see the list, it's really long

Just got a Wii-U, Im interested in picking up some Wii masterpieces to go along with my Wii-U
(I already have PS4/Vita, 360 and X1, so Wii exclusives be best)
Any genre works, just looking for GOTY's. I played all the zelda games except for Wii titles, should I pick the zelda games up too?

Galaxy 1
Galaxy 2
Twilight Princess
Skyward Sword
Resident Evil 4 (if you haven't played it elsewhere)
Metroid Prime Trilogy (esp if you've never played 1 or 2)
Little King Story
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
No More Heroes 1
No More Heroes 2
Okami (if you haven't played it elsewhere)

I'd say those along with Xeno are the most noteworthy games you've missed, but there's plenty of other good ones too. The list above would keep you busy for a very long time though.


Many people I know have said exactly that. Or more commonly the variant "It has no real games, just casual shit".

Or my other favorite "it only has the usual good few Nintendo games." One of the biggest bullshit myths ever.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Missing plenty...

Disaster: Day of Crisis
Mario Strikers Charged
Ghost Squad
Castle Shikigami III
House of the Dead II & III
Gottlieb Pinball Hall of Fame
Williams Pimball Hall of Fame
New Play Controls Pikmin 1 & 2
New Play Control: DK Jungle Beat (I *love* this version as I do for the original on GC which I own)
Project Zero 2
Fatal Frame 4 (import, fan translated, no need for softmod to play it)
Another Code: R
Bubble Bobble Neo
Shaun White Snowboarding World Tour (amazing game with the balance board)
Wii Fit Plus
Tetris Party
Resident Evil Origins
Kororinpa 1 and 2
Dewy's Adventures

and others.

Props for mentioning Grand Slam Tennis, truly fantastic with M+ if you know what you're doing.

That being said you've also put your fair share of turds in there.
dead rising bwahaha
Sonic 4: ep1
Mushroom Men
The Conduit
Star Wars TFU


The Boat

The Wii has an amazing library filled with amazing games and others not so amazing, but still pretty good. It had lots of original titles and was the last console with significant 3rd party mid-budget games.
In my book, it has the most underrated and overlooked library.


It's hard for me to believe that any system has 140 good games. How in the fuck did you have time to play all that shit?

He missed several good games too so it's even more! I was always baffled last gen at the idea the Wii had no games. Probably one of the greatest libraries of any console ever in my opinion.


+1 for Fragile Dreams. Such a fantastic experience, yes controlling it was difficult, but if you endured that part of the game, you will get a great game with amazing soundtrack, engaging and unusual story and a fulfilling adventure.


listen to the mad man
If you removed the few dozen suggestions that make no sense in 2015 (old annualized sports games, multiplatform games that are certainly not even ambiguously the best version, games that are at best OK but highly flawed--there are some games with MC scores in the 50s and low 60s on this list), you'd end up with a more compact but ultimately more convincing list, I think.


provides useful feedback
Fragile is an unappreciated gem. As a game by itself it's pretty below average with incredibly basic combat, boring missions and laughably easy bosses. But as an experience, it's absolutely gorgeous and heartbreaking. Some of the imagery still feels fresh in my mind to this day, and for that alone I recommend it.
Not saying that the Wii didn't have any games but there's a lot of mediocre crap in that list. My main concern with the Wii were the controls, which is why I barely played it at all. Being limited to 480p was the other reason.


I feel like Excite Truck would've done much better if it went all the way crazy with its style. From the outside it just looks like some lame arcade racer thing with boring realistic graphics.

I think they tried to fix that a bit with Excite Bots but the changes to the gameplay didn't really do it any favors.


If you removed the few dozen suggestions that make no sense in 2015 (old annualized sports games, multiplatform games that are certainly not even ambiguously the best version, games that are at best OK but highly flawed--there are some games with MC scores in the 50s and low 60s on this list), you'd end up with a more compact but ultimately more convincing list, I think.

Few dozen?

Old annualized sports games:
MLB Power Pros
Pro Evolution Soccer
Tiger Woods

Bad versions of multiplatform games:
Sonic Racing
Strong Bad
Tales of Monkey Island

All the other multiplats on the list had solid Wii versions, which were visually comparable to the PC/PS3/Xbox version aside from resolution and/or could easily be argued as the best version based on controller preference. Some of them like Forgotten Sands and Ghostbusters are actually completely different (and generally considered to be superior) on the Wii.

I'm not about to go check the metacritic scores for every game (as if having a low metascore makes you a bad game anyway), but the only true clunkers I see on the list are the Conduit games, Dead Rising, and Sonic 4.


Next time I get the impulse to buy a AAA title for $40-60, I think I'm just gonna grab a bunch of Wii games. Most can be found sed for $3-10, so it's not like I'm losing out.

Thanks for compiling this list, helps prevent me from browsing the dozen or so indie/overrated/overlooked/gem Wii threads on here.


Next time I get the impulse to buy a AAA title for $40-60, I think I'm just gonna grab a bunch of Wii games. Most can be found sed for $3-10, so it's not like I'm losing out.

Thanks for compiling this list, helps prevent me from browsing the dozen or so indie/overrated/overlooked/gem Wii threads on here.

The other threads are far more complete. For instance this list doesn't include the Kororinpa games, which are among the very best games on the system.


The other threads are far more complete. For instance this list doesn't include the Kororinpa games, which are among the very best games on the system.

Trust me, I know all about their completeness....I've read so many pages on GAF recommending the most obscure Wii games imaginable.


I absolutely can't believe you forgot this



do people really say that the wii had no games? i find that hard to believe

as much as people tell you that the wii u is not worth buying it.

seriously, this is simply hating a system because it has a right on its own and not being a sony or ms system.

a lot of people need to get their heads out of their asses.
Mario Strikers Charged. Seriously why is this not in the list.

Almost 100 posts and no mention of Elebits I am sad one of my favorite games on the Wii.

I know right, I fucking loved Elebits to death, it's still one of the only Wii game that used the Wii Remote in every possible way the entire time (like not just short dumb push/pull gimmicks, but actual control of depth).

Also I'd add Mercury Meltdown Revolution, Spyborgs and Domino Rally/Minion: Everyday Hero to the list.
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