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140 Wii Games Worth Trying


Anyone care to make a pruned list that removes the multiplatform games? Most of the eshop stuff can be bought for like $2 during Steam sales, so I am not sure it is worth spending $10-15 to play them on a dead system.

It's not that simple. There's a reason we list the Wii versions of certain multiplatforms games. That reason being they're either superior, different games entirely that just carry the same name, or are different enough to warrant a mention.

Plus, there's no such thing as a "dead system."


I own a Wii since the release day and 90% of that list is trash or "filler games" and Low Res ports of PS360 games. My gosh Tales of Symphonia 2 was horrible...how did it even manage to be on the list?


I definitely think the Wii will be like the GameCube. Many, including Nintendo fans were mixed on the system throughout much of it's life, but now, it's gained a cult following, and is apparently looked at as "Nintendo's glory days". The same is starting to happen to the Wii, where gamers are slowly warming up to the platform and the games it offered. I'm sure the Wii U will get there eventually as well

Meanwhile, NX will be looked at as lame, gimmicky, and God forbid "kiddy" among older Nintendo fans, as they'll rant and rave about how "Nintendo is going downhill" despite selling record numbers. They'll complain about how "Nintendo needs to make more classic franchise games and AAA games, not this new shit because I hate new".


If you removed the few dozen suggestions that make no sense in 2015 (old annualized sports games, multiplatform games that are certainly not even ambiguously the best version, games that are at best OK but highly flawed--there are some games with MC scores in the 50s and low 60s on this list), you'd end up with a more compact but ultimately more convincing list, I think.

Kinda have to agree with this.

I definitely think the Wii U will be like the GameCube. Many, including Nintendo fans were mixed on the system throughout much of it's life, but now, it's gained a cult following, and is apparently looked at as "Nintendo's glory days". The same is starting to happen to the Wii, where gamers are slowly warming up to the platform and the games it offered. I'm sure the Wii U will get there eventually as well

Honestly every Nintendo console post SNES kinda falls in the same boat for me, consoles you get for a fairly small number of really good Nintendo games, but not really as your 'main' system.
Wife and I ended up giving our Wii away to her family. It's been years now and I still need to pick up a used one with BC for Mario Galaxy if nothing else. Wii was a fascinating, sometimes maddening, bit of magic.
I thought Escape From Bug Island was really good. I'm being completely honest when I say it was one of my favorite games on the system.


the wii has a lot of great games. so did the gcn, and so does the wiiU.
and i don't even need to wait another 5-10years before i realise this.

and just like every single nintendo console post the n64, gamers only realise they're actually pretty good several years after the console stopped production.

i've seen this happen every generation since the gcn.
each nintendo console was shunned, ridiculed, and insulted by the 'hardcore msg board gamer' during the years they were on the market, only to be 'retro-appreciated' 5-10 years after they've been retired from the marketplace.

i still don't know why this is the case? console wars? ignorance? gaming 'politics'? maybe all of the above.
the point is it needs to stop. it's so short-sighted & childish.
all consoles form the 3 main manufacturers are worth owning, and it'b be nice if gamer didn't have to depend 100% on 'hindsight' in order to realise this.
MySims Kingdom. Don't play the first game (MySims) unless you like being forever frustrated by shitty snap locking, but the second game has a ton of genuine humor, good characters, and is a really unique game all around. I can't think of anything even close to it & Simulation is my #1 most played genre.

Doing a RTTP on MySims Kingdom right now, after I tried playing the first game and almost chucked the Wii Remote through a wall.


I have more Wii games than I have on the Wii U. Wii at least had some third party support and some truly hidden gems.

However, the Wii U games tend to be my favorites in forever, so when it shines, it shines very brightly.
I tend to go through phases where I collect for one particular system. Admittedly beyond a few of the big name titles on Wii, I was mostly into ps360 last gen. But, the wii has gotten a second wind so to speak in my gaming rotation, and I've been buying up quite a few titles lately. Best thing is the system is in that phase where people are basically giving away the games, so collecting for it is cheap outside of a few titles.


Fishing Resort
Help Wanted 101
The Dog Island
Dragon Quests Swords

All decent sleeper titles you don't see listed often.


Good to see Deadly Creatures there. It's one of those games I was shocked would ever get made and sold at retail for a post-PS1 3D console.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I'd add Cubello and Elebits on the list, both were pretty fun games (Cubello being a download only game) that make good use of the controller's IR pointer. Kororinpa 1 is also an awesome game, though I didn't particularly like the sequel (the physics were really weird), also Mercury Meltdown Revolution. 2 great 'ball rolling' games that use motion controls. I haven't played the Wii version but FF Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time had a Wii version that had 'cross play' with the DS version. Game suffers from some serious slowdown on the DS, maybe the Wii version is much better with that? But if you have the other FF:CC games on here this might be worth looking at.

Nice to see Opoona listed though!
I never understand how people can see Conduit as anything other than a below average rote FPS. Beyond looking nice , it has nothing of appeal.


i've seen this happen every generation since the gcn.
each nintendo console was shunned, ridiculed, and insulted by the 'hardcore msg board gamer' during the years they were on the market, only to be 'retro-appreciated' 5-10 years after they've been retired from the marketplace.

i still don't know why this is the case? console wars? ignorance? gaming 'politics'? maybe all of the above.
the point is it needs to stop. it's so short-sighted & childish.
all consoles form the 3 main manufacturers are worth owning, and it'b be nice if gamer didn't have to depend 100% on 'hindsight' in order to realise this.
Nintendo has at least partially been to blame more often than not for this especially for the slow trickle of games that they released and then stopped releasing before the system was done in stores. It doesn't do them any favors.


Likely to be eaten by a grue
i always heard the chicken little movie game had really weird and unique gameplay elements
Having been through my collection and the list in the OP, I would add:

Disaster Day of Crisis
Elebits / Eledees

DDOC I don't think came out in the states but is worth tracking down as a kind of cheesy disaster movie based game. It's rough around the edges and has terrible dialog, but that's part of its appeal.

Elebits is a really original game which makes good use of the Wiimote. It's a lot of fun to explore and tear apart the various rooms and discover all of the different devices that can be activated. Kids in particular will have fun with this.


Mad World

Red Steel 2

Deadly Creatures

The Conduit 1 & 2

House of the Dead Overkill

Zak & Wiki

Sin & Punishment 2

The Wii has so many unique AA games, I love it.


What about the reworked editions of Pikmin 1 & 2 and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat? I see you listed Klonoa, which was released around the same time as DK, and the latter is miles better. I just replayed them both.


What about the reworked editions of Pikmin 1 & 2 and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat? I see you listed Klonoa, which was released around the same time as DK, and the latter is miles better. I just replayed them both.

They're essential Wii games.

What's the general consensus on Pandora's Tower?

Buy, play, love.

Overshadowed by Xenoblade and The Last Story because it came out last and had no "big name" pedigree behind it, sadly.


Really misses Fatal Frame/Project Zero. Or was that not released US side?

Mask of the Lunar Eclipse was never localised. The remake of 2 was localised for Europe, but NOA was being NOA like always so yeah that was never released there.

What's the general consensus on Pandora's Tower?

Overshadowed by The Last Story and especially Xenoblade. But it's a solid game that you really should give a go. It's basically old school Castlevania in 3D.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
It's missing NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, which is a really nice follow-up to into Dreams. A bit less arcady, but a great game nevertheless.


Thanks for the list, OP. It's a bit big to be of use for me right now: I've been buying Wii games for my newly got Wii U (I never owned a Wii). So far, I have:

Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
House of the Dead 2 & 3 Rebirth
Ghost Squad
Red Steel
Red Steel 2
Medal of Honor: Heroes 2
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Metroid: Other M
Tenchu: Shadow Assassins
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Pangya! Golf With Style
Mario Strikers Charged
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Resident Evil Archives: RE0
Resident Evil Archives: REmake
Resident Evil 4
Pikmin Wii Edition
Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies
Xenoblade Chronicles

There's a couple of things in there I'm not expecting much from, but most of the things I picked up were so damn cheap. I still intend to buy the Super Mario Galaxy games (and The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Fire Emblem Wii and the Metroid Prime Trilogy in an alternate universe where they're affordable), but is there anything obvious I'm missing?

Edit: What's GAF's opinion on The Force Unleashed on Wii? I never played any version, and the Wii is cheapest and easiest to find, so I was thinking of giving it a shot.

You can get Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii U eshop for $19.99. Amazing price for some great games.


You wanna run around a huge island filled with every kind of minigames you can imagine? You wanna run round the island with a dog? Don't wanna run? Wanna use an ATV instead? Rollerblades? Skateboard? Plane? Jet ski?

Water gun fights? TRON-style sword fighting? Skiing? Bobsledding? Hangliding? Volleyball? Wind surfing? Racing cars? Sledding? Playing arcade games like whack-a-mole? Parasailing? Shuffleboard? Snow ball fights?

It's Wii Sports Resort on crack time a billion but with a fully explorable island. Everything you see on the cover is an activity you can do in the game plus more.

Horse racing, snorkeling, frisbee golf, regular golf, go karts, surfing, tennis, horseshoes, kayaking, snow boarding, dancing, river rafting, even sky diving! And there's tons that I missed. I think there's over 50 games in it.

And it's less than $20 on Amazon so go go go vacation and buy it nowwwww


We can make a list like this for every console in history except Wii U, Jaguar, 3DO and few more.

I would love to see a top 50 or whateverfor each system. With seperate lists for retail vs XBLA/PSN/eShop titles and any cross-platform acknowledgements.


Wife and I ended up giving our Wii away to her family. It's been years now and I still need to pick up a used one with BC for Mario Galaxy if nothing else. Wii was a fascinating, sometimes maddening, bit of magic.

We did the same thing with our Wii, as I was playing more on my 360. They still have it, so I may get it back and build a library/use it with my kids. To the OP, I think it's funny how many people kept calling the Wii "for the casuals". Sure, they marketed a lot of "casual" games for pick up and play, but it had a lot of unique games for all types of gamers.
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