To add a few not even listed in the OP (and are mostly horror games as I'm an enthusiast):
Ikenie no Yoru aka Night of Sacrifice
J-Horror wii game that could use the balance board. Has an unofficial fan script translation (not in-game, but easy enough to follow). Has some rather unique casual horror twists, variety, pacing, and moments with an intriguing story.
Fatal Frame 4: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse
4th entry of the Fatal Frame/Project Zero series, was Japanese only but has a English fan translation available. Written by Suda51, the game features a unique story for the series and was the first game to feature the behind-the-shoulder camera for the series, but also retained what made it good. Setting was gorgeous, memorable encounters.
Project Zero 2 Wii Edition (Fatal Frame 2 Remake)
Released in Japan & Europe, a remake of FF2 feature FF4-styled gameplay. It is a pretty good remake, actually.
This one I have no idea why it wasn't listed due to it actually being released in America, Europe, and Asia. Calling features a sort of casual J-Horror gameplay featuring an abyss nightmare version of locations connected by cellphones to transport between them. An odd but intriguing tale.
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Cult game about natural disasters in a third-person shooter setting. It's a big ole B-charm classic. Released in Europe and Japan.
Another Code R
Sequel to an obscure Nintendo DS game, released in Europe and Japan. Nice style, relaxing gameplay, and a charming narrative with a variety of tasks to do. Full of mysteries and some touching moments.
Escape From Bug Island
Now this game isn't actually a good game, but it is full of B-charm, over-the-top WTF factor, and I found it to be a good time and can be found for super cheap, so I had to mention it as a horror fan. One of the B-tier games out there that lives up to the B-Tier name.
Though I will say, for Wii exclusives or games best played on Wii, I really liked the mentioned Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Cursed Mountain, Pandora's Tower, and a high number of others.
The Wii is only second to the PS2 in cult classics.