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2 convicted killers successfully escaped from NY max security prison

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1. How the hell did they get access to drills in Maximum security?

2. How the hell did no one hear them drilling?

3. Prisons actually have tunnels leading out to manholes? Thought that was only Shawshank and OITNB.

My first thought as well.

1.) Maintenance has plenty of drills and power tools. Either they weren't secured, or the employees were paid to turn a blind eye.

2.) See the above re: paid to turn a blind eye.

3.) prisons do have sewer systems, some of them may be quite old.


Is what they are going to experience on the outside really going to be freedom? Really no point as I see it; I'm sure they will get caught and/or turn themselves in.
Is what they are going to experience on the outside really going to be freedom? Really no point as I see it; I'm sure they will get caught and/or turn themselves in.

your trust in the effectiveness of law enforcement is just adorable


CNN's writeup specifies they had power tools, probably stolen or left by contractors who work on the prison.

Gotta love that lowest bidder. Capitalism and the free market, ladies and gentlemen!

what the fuck? what a weird fucking post



Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
that's pretty cool, as crazy as that is.

Yeah, I know right? I can't tell you how Awesome it is when I Imagined how hard it would be to escape. This is really awesome they got away. I hope everything works out for them :)


They also left dummies with sweatshirt hoodies in their beds so it would appear they were sleeping during walk-throughs conducted every two hours.

lol, wow at that actually working. Siblings and I tried that on our mum when we were young...never worked. Distance is the key I guess.


your trust in the effectiveness of law enforcement is just adorable

Because that's clearly what I said lol. To put it in layman's terms: they can't live remotely normal lives as highly wanted criminals, they will be looking over their should every instant until they die or get caught.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Incredibly impressive. However, the one guy tortured and murdered his 70-some year old boss, cut him into pieces, and tossed him in the Niagara River. Seems dangerous.


Because that's clearly what I said lol. To put it in layman's terms: they can't live remotely normal lives as highly wanted criminals, they will be looking over their should every instant until they die or get caught.
your trust in the effectiveness of law enforcement is just adorable


How many hours did it take the prison to notice? If they had several hours, they might have been pretty far already


what the fuck? what a weird fucking post


What's weird about it? Prisoners are getting loose due to shoddy contract work.

This is the same prison at which CO's I know personally have gloated about prisoner abuse, so maybe I'm just jaded about how poorly things are run there.
1.> Do you think they had power drills? Probably used some hand made utenssil.

2.> What would you expect to hear in a loud prison, they weren't using Milwaukee power tools.

3.> Water, electricity and air come from somewhere, they made it back to a power station and then out of a manhole.

Yes I do? You really think hand made materials would be enough for them to break out of a prison? And power tools would be loud enough to attract guard attention, especially since they were being checked up on every 2 hours.

1.) Maintenance has plenty of drills and power tools. Either they weren't secured, or the employees were paid to turn a blind eye.

2.) See the above re: paid to turn a blind eye.

3.) prisons do have sewer systems, some of them may be quite old.

Yes this is what I was thinking. There had to have been some degree of collaboration with the guards.

And they used 3 different types of pen, a ruler and something round for their goodbye note. Now thats dedication to your craft.


My wife had a great idea. Sewage pipes should only lead to a septic tank. What a horrible way to go slipping into a tank of raw sewage than out the drain like you were hoping.


Tangential, but a reminder:
Inmate Walks Free After Emailing Release Instructions to Prison Staff

Inmate Walks Free After Emailing Release Instructions to Prison Staff

An inmate who was in prison for multiple charges of fraud is apparently up to his old tricks. Posing as a senior court clerk, Neil Moore, 28, used an illicit mobile phone to email fake bail instructions to prison staff, who released him. Well, that's embarrassing.

Moore was being held at Wandsworth Prison in the UK for persuading organizations to give him nearly 3 million US dollars, by posing as staff from Barclays Bank, Lloyds Bank and Santander. In his most recent deception, which a trial judge describes as "ingenious," Moore set up a fake web domain closely resembling that of the court service's official address. He used it to email the prison's custody inbox with instructions for his release. The deception was uncovered three days later, when solicitors went to interview Moore, only to find him gone.

Apparently, Moore felt guilty about his latest, because he surrendered himself only three days after he was discovered missing.
He'll be sentenced on April 20th for 8 counts of fraud and one count of escape.


To do this, they had:

1. Fucking power tools....how did they get them. The cuts look real clean and straight. Wonder if there pipe had a cover to remove and the tools were just used to remove a bolt of some sort. Still....power toola in prison.

2. Fucking blueprints/schematics of the prison to know where to go

3. Time to do this. Plus noise. If all the inmates are sleeping, then how did no one hear anything.

They also cut the walls behind their bed and hidden them, which means really shitty room checks by the guards. Pulling back the bed an inch would show that big as hold they cut in the cell.

They had some other help, had to.

Also, I wonder if the escape setup (hole cutting, wall cutting) was done during the day and they escaped at night.
Chances are they are long gone. They probably had a 8 hour head start on the guards. Probably made it over the boarder before they even realized they were gone.


What an interesting story. I want to know more about it, but I have a feeling it's not something that can be updated relatively soon haha.
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