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2 new direct feed conker movies


First, let me say IGN pisses me off.

When I click the link for the non-insider version, it opens a new page with nothing on it but a Close Page button. Stupid fucktards.

And secondly, escaping from the war area was awesome.
I wonder if escaping from the war zone's gonna be as much as a bitch it was the first time around.

Ugh. That's the part I gave up. I couldn't get past the very last part of the level.
Let's hope Rare tweaks it a little.


the war level WAS hard.

the music sounds exactly the same yo. the lighting on the dino is hot in in the caveman stage.

me gonna try and buy and xbox close to when this game is released. hopefully prices will be lower by then.
Is anyone able to give me a link to this? I would be okay with the non insider version, except IGN, as Ecrofirt said, is retarded, and the non insider vids just shows a blank page.


Fatalah said:
the war level WAS hard.

the music sounds exactly the same yo. the lighting on the dino is hot in in the caveman stage.

me gonna try and buy and xbox close to when this game is released. hopefully prices will be lower by then.

Definitely the most difficult part of the game -- I was only able to get passes the end of the level because I somehow jumped and passed through the fence without getting shot. Oh... that and those damned lasers you had to maneuver around... I almost had an aneurysm every time I restarted that level *_*
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