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2 wheel GAF UNITE!

Flo_Evans said:
I've gone from not riding my bike enough... to full throttle! Going out this weekend with the BMW shop guys. Gonna get my bike proper dirty. :D

Share your adventures people!

I should have some riding done tomorrow. Before I get into it, though, I am going to be changing my oil, installing a new integrated tail light and an 8000K HID kit. Fun fun.
No riding, spent time installing my new integrated tail light and working on getting my HID kit installed. I haven't gotten all the wiring zip tied/hidden/etc yet, but here is a picture of the lighting! So much nicer :)


Probably won't be riding until some time this week as I have a wedding to go to today (I'm in it, actually) and then school etc blah blah.


Nice lights soapster!

Some pics from the BMW shop ride:


gearing up


rollin out


safety officer Shannon. IDK why his name is Shannon but I do know he rides with a fully loaded glock and an extra clip... do not mess with dudes named shannon. Also rides like a bat out of hell.


He is a BMW mechanic but rides a KTM. hmm. :lol


This guy was bonkers. We where going down some pretty rough roads and he was on a mad max lookin kawasaki. Was faster then some of the guys on beemers... hmm.



taking a break




lotsa BMW's :D


be still, my heart...




po-dunk town


ouch! wear your gear dudes. This is from a low side at about 15mph on gravel with my jacket. If I would of had nothing on I probably would have allot more rocks where my elbow should be!


90mph on the highway is not got for your knobs... Fuck I need a new back tire now. :lol
Freshly back from my month long ban:

I was busy!

I picked up this beauty on the 21st of August and have had a blast.

2007 Suzuki GS500F. Not much in the way of pure power impressiveness, but it's fantastic for me. I really love it and am having a great time.

I'm trying to establish good habits and am riding ATGATT...which is a pain in the butt (overpants are such a hassle) when I am literally 7 minutes from work, but 5 of those minutes are at 75 mph...better safer than sorrier.





thesoapster said:
I try :D

I don't generally give myself any surprises by now (about 14.5k miles in the 27 months or so I've been riding). Today I went on a ride with some friends from work. I was in 2nd gear (again) in a pretty light right lean through a long corner. I had the throttle wide open, and as the revs climbed I felt my front wheel lift a bit while cornering! That definitely prompted me to back off a bit and shift up. Nutty stuff.

I'll be going to the track in the fall for the first time. Assuming I feel it's all worth doing (I'm sure I will) I'll be making a transportation setup for my Civic to trailer the bike to the track and back.

Maybe you can help me out a tad...

I have only been riding about 3 months now, on a used 2004 Honda CBR 600RR

I felt extremly comfortable at first, I took the safety course last summer, and this year I was feeling good on the bike.

Until this past weekend.

I don't know if I am just getting too comfortable out riding, but I was going down a straight-away, and I went to slow down to make the upcoming corner.
I have been using a combination of a slight rear brake, while providing most of my power through the front brake.

I scared the hell outta myself this time though, as I lightly pressed on my rear brake, I felt the back tire slide left then right ever so slightly, but enough to make my heart skip.

I have never had this happen to me, however 2 or 3 more times that day it did the same thing.

I haven't ridden since cause I'm scared to go down... :lol:


i had that happen to me once when i was turning. i mistakenly pressed the brake while turning and it slid out from under me but i was able to keep my balance with my foot. scared the hell out of me too :lol

i almost always use a combo of rear/front though, isnt that what were supposed to do? thats wat i learned at MSF training


Yeah thats what I learned at my training as well

I have been doing it for about 3 months now no problem

Maybe I am just getting a bit too agressive on the rear brake going into a corner causing it to hiccup a bit.

There is a local track club that run's beginners nights here where I live, I am thinking of hitting that up in the near future.


Gritesh said:
Yeah thats what I learned at my training as well

I have been doing it for about 3 months now no problem

Maybe I am just getting a bit too agressive on the rear brake going into a corner causing it to hiccup a bit.

There is a local track club that run's beginners nights here where I live, I am thinking of hitting that up in the near future.

the rear brake has so little stopping power though. maybe you started turning while still braking? press and rollll

my information could be insanely wrong


If you are already braking hard with the front, the rear has even less grip, causing it to easily lock.

My best guess is you where really clamping down on the front brake to a near stoppie and then any pressure on the rear would lock it.


Flo_Evans said:
If you are already braking hard with the front, the rear has even less grip, causing it to easily lock.

My best guess is you where really clamping down on the front brake to a near stoppie and then any pressure on the rear would lock it.

Now that I sit here thinking about it, I am more than sure that this is what was happening...

I was clamping down hard on the front brake, pushing it further that I had other days, and when applying the rear brake, there would be less of a downwards force on the rear tire cause it to lock/slide....

Thanks for the tips, I'm going to go riding tonight and see if I can adjust my technique..

Thinking about it even further, I probably should have downshifted instead of clamping so hard on the brakes... This is where track night would definately come in handy..


Just got back from a 2 hour solo ride.

(none of my friends ride)

In any case, I found downshifting before going into the turn, matching my rpm's and then easing the brake through the turn and rolling on the throttle on the way out made for some smoother bends, and a hell-u-va lot more fun :D
Yeah, I have the same thing happen to me getting ready to enter corners when I'm pushing it. I don't really scare myself anymore, but it's not something to make a habit of if you're prone to letting the rear brake go when your bike is not running straight. If the rear wheel regains traction and you're not going in a mostly-straight line you can cause a high side because the bike will try and straighten itself out and could potentially buck you off like a bull! I'm pretty careful about it and don't try to trail brake with my rear into the corner or anything. I do use a bit of front as I enter and then let it go as I go into the lean. Again, I only really do this if I'm going fast. If you know the road well it's best to plan your lines so you don't have to do too much of this, as it's not a racing course.



The big problem I have is its a nice hot day, the tar patches on the road become soft and they shift under your tire, so being that this is not a close course, I would rather err on the side of caution and slow my ass down and take it easy.

I already had the displeasure of the front tire entering a tar patch and then shifting from under me, scared me silly but I learned from my mistake and it didn't cost me anything.
Shit, where to start. I guess at the beginning...

Yesterday I went out riding with a group of friends. I knew that my rear tire was getting near to the point where it would have to be changed (smooth center area of the tire). After a quick run down one road, we stopped at a gas station. I got off my bike to check my rear tire, and sure enough, a small patch in the center has cords showing. So, I punch out early and head on home (twisting the throttle ever so gingerly). After I get home I started to write a paper on my computer, when my cell phone rang. I picked up the phone and it was one of the guys I was riding with. He called to tell me that one of my friends had gone down pretty hard. Apparently he was pushing himself a bit too much and ended up locking the rear and going into a guardrail. This shit scared the hell out of me. I left for the hospital right away. Luckily, he flew over the rail. He landed in a creek and broke his wrist with some relatively minor scrapes. He got a concussion but luckily no brain damage was reported from the scans. He was released within four hours or so and is recovering.

I'm just glad he's doing alright. It sucks to see such an upbeat extroverted guy in such pain and in a miserable state.


Shit that sucks soapster. Hope he makes a full recovery.

I noticed my trusty old gloves where, well falling apart...


So I got some new fancy BMW ones :D


Nice reflecty bits.


Much better wrist protection! They are abit hotter than my old short cuff gloves but the weather is getting cooler. :D

The BMW shop was having an open house and marked them down to $80 from $110... how could I say no?
Flo_Evans said:
So I got some new fancy BMW ones :D


Nice reflecty bits.

Naturally :)

Cool gloves. My Spidi Pentas are still holding up very well and since they broke in (within a few weeks of getting them) they're quite natural feeling.


I think next I will upgrade my boots. I have a pair of hand me down sidi "engineer" style boots (basically slip on with no straps). They are pretty nice but I worry they will just fly off in the event of a high speed get-off.

I'm not a big fan of the super plastic gonzo style MX offroad boots most people make, but these seem like a good compromise between understated and protection.


I think it's between those and these aerostich ones (my brother got these so he gave me his sidis)

Bandwidth exceeded on those images, so cannot see them. Complete tard, though.

I think if you want something that's a bit more snug and will have less chance of flying off (but you don't like the off road boots that are crazy), check out their Vertigo boots. The calf cover on the rear can be tightened down to make the boots nice and snug. My pair worked quite well in my accident.
I was finishing up my new rear tire break in (put another 2CT on) today. While riding on this one road a deer ran out in front of me (then of course stopped to behold my HID prettiness). I got on the brakes good and all was fine (plus it jumped out of the way when I got close). When I let off my front brake I heard/felt my rear hit the ground...

I had been riding a stoppie for a second or so.


thesoapster said:
I was finishing up my new rear tire break in (put another 2CT on) today. While riding on this one road a deer ran out in front of me (then of course stopped to behold my HID prettiness). I got on the brakes good and all was fine (plus it jumped out of the way when I got close). When I let off my front brake I heard/felt my rear hit the ground...

I had been riding a stoppie for a second or so.

Scary... with only one front disc and a narrow front knob I dont think I have enough stopping power to do a stoppie. Haven't really tried to hard though. :lol

I was also breaking in my new tire...


Living in the city sucks with a dirtbike but sometimes you can find little pockets of off-road :D

Also had a fellow X-challenge owner make me a little windscreen extension. Really helps with buffeting at highway speeds. Still not quite a touring bike, but it helps.


So last week I passed an accident scene involving a motorcycle and a car. Later I found out it was an acquaintance's father who was the motorcyclist who died on the scene. Made me rethink riding for a little bit. I also noticed that someone knocked off my rear turn signal from my bike. Nice week I guess.

Cleaning your chain while your bike is in gear :lol
ChanHuk said:
So last week I passed an accident scene involving a motorcycle and a car. Later I found out it was an acquaintance's father who was the motorcyclist who died on the scene. Made me rethink riding for a little bit. I also noticed that someone knocked off my rear turn signal from my bike. Nice week I guess.

Cleaning your chain while your bike is in gear :lol

Thanks for dropping by just to bum us out. ...Real sorry to hear though. =(
Must always be vigilant and focused. It boggles me when guys ride with an earbud on. There are already plenty of distractions and it's hard enough to keep good focus on everything going on. Listening to music makes it that much worse.

I am likely going to be doing a trackday here in a little over a week. Will have footage provided by my camcorder. Booya.
thesoapster said:
Must always be vigilant and focused. It boggles me when guys ride with an earbud on. There are already plenty of distractions and it's hard enough to keep good focus on everything going on. Listening to music makes it that much worse.

I am likely going to be doing a trackday here in a little over a week. Will have footage provided by my camcorder. Booya.

The other day a bloody huge lorry just PASSED ME ON THE WRONG SIDE. I couldn't believe it, and he had the nerve to give ME THE FINGER when I blasted my horn at him! Good thing I saw him doing his shit from ways away....


Flo_Evans said:
Scary... with only one front disc and a narrow front knob I dont think I have enough stopping power to do a stoppie. Haven't really tried to hard though. :lol

I was also breaking in my new tire...

Living in the city sucks with a dirtbike but sometimes you can find little pockets of off-road :D

Also had a fellow X-challenge owner make me a little windscreen extension. Really helps with buffeting at highway speeds. Still not quite a touring bike, but it helps.
Is that a BMW? That's really nice looking, can you tell me model that is?
thesoapster said:
A not so beautiful bike - the new VFR1200.


What in the FUCK were they thinking?

"Oh hey let's make it look like one of them weird BMWs... oh wait I'm bored just finish it off or something."


thesoapster said:
Must always be vigilant and focused. It boggles me when guys ride with an earbud on. There are already plenty of distractions and it's hard enough to keep good focus on everything going on. Listening to music makes it that much worse.

I am likely going to be doing a trackday here in a little over a week. Will have footage provided by my camcorder. Booya.

I ride with my ipod sometimes on long stretches of highway. I don't really find it to distracting but I do notice I tend to go faster when a good song is on...

Dragona Akehi said:
The other day a bloody huge lorry just PASSED ME ON THE WRONG SIDE. I couldn't believe it, and he had the nerve to give ME THE FINGER when I blasted my horn at him! Good thing I saw him doing his shit from ways away....

Ha, come to the USA, most idiots here have never even heard of the concept of passing on the "wrong side".

Alivor said:
Is that a BMW? That's really nice looking, can you tell me model that is?

It's a 2007 G-650 X-challenge. Yes it is a BMW, but it was mostly made by Aprilia... They only made them 1 year here, still producing them in europe AFAIK. You can get one CHEAP here now as it was not a very popular bike.
Riding home on days like today (in the 50's in the late afternoon/evening) are the ones I miss my catalytic converter that Yamaha seemed to strategically place right behind the rider's right leg. All sorts of warm goodness (though not so nice during warmer weather).
I made it out with a friend today. Put on some warmer things. It had been a week since I had ridden. Man. I hate having to go that long (stupid winter is around the corner so I'll really be missing it then).

On another note, Flo. Here is my personal favorite Ducati Superbike (looks-wise, anyway)


I may have a chance to ride it, but man. I tell you. This bike is beautiful and unique.


Bad_Boy said:
me too. :lol

(i had a black 250r, totaled it. this red one is my second one...but i miss the black.)


moar pics...

Is your 250 lowered? Doesn't that thing already have like a 28" seat height?
thesoapster said:
I made it out with a friend today. Put on some warmer things. It had been a week since I had ridden. Man. I hate having to go that long (stupid winter is around the corner so I'll really be missing it then).

Yeah, it's getting cold already. I rode my bike into the city on Thursday. 90 minute ride home after dark, the lower half of my body was stiff as heck after I got home.

Still, I'm hoping to keep riding until the end of November.
ChanHuk said:
Is your 250 lowered? Doesn't that thing already have like a 28" seat height?

I think I asked him about that already. IIRC he bought it that way :p

If that was the case, I have a new question. Did you buy it from a girl who was like 5'2"?
Well, 2wheelGAF, I've never really considered getting a motorcycle but I was thinking about it and it seems more and more practical if I get into grad school next year. It'll be great to get to and fro places that aren't too far yet aren't too nearby either. Though I'm 21 I still doubt the parents would like the idea of me a bike (those of you will laugh, but when they pay your college tuition it's hard to ignore their rules)...I'll still see what I can get away with. Right now this bike suits my fancy:


Harley-Davidson Sporster Iron 883. Thoughts?
Before you buy a bike I would take the MSF course and make sure it's still something you want to do. It's also a great way to learn the basics.
thesoapster said:
Before you buy a bike I would take the MSF course and make sure it's still something you want to do. It's also a great way to learn the basics.

Oh, for sure. I wasn't planning to go into it totally blind.
GAZERK said:
Oh, for sure. I wasn't planning to go into it totally blind.

Well, I looked that model up. It's got a hair over 100lbs on my bike (and that is if their "running order" weight is curb ready to ride weight). It also costs 8k. For a first bike, I'd get something a bit lighter and cheaper, preferably used. Nothing wrong with having a heavier machine, but learning to ride (much/most learning comes after MSF) on something less hefty will make life easier.

You don't want to get a bike that you really want for your first. Better to learn on something you won't feel too bad about if you happen to drop it, so a bike that is in good running order without frame damage but has been dropped already would be fantastic.
GAZERK said:
Harley-Davidson Sporster Iron 883. Thoughts?

You might want to go with something cheaper than a Harley for your first bike. That's a pricey bike and Harleys have a reputation of being expensive to maintain (that V-twin engine vibrates the shit out of them). But, I know that Harley's got a mystique so if that's the brand you gotta have then go for it - though I personally kinda prefer the V-Rod, which I think is the only liquid-cooled engine Harley Davidson does:


If you'd be willing to go for a similar bike in a different make, Yamaha has a lot of nice standards that are really similar to Harleys for half the price, the new V-Stars are gorgeous to see in person:



GAZERK said:
Harley-Davidson Sporster Iron 883. Thoughts?
I want a Harley bad.

You can't go by pictures, you need to sit on bikes. Go sit on/let a worker balance you on the 883s and 1200s. I liked how the 1200 felt better. It was like my knees where real high on the 883. These were 2007s and 2008s though. I'm only 21 190lbs 5'10''.

You can also get similar sized cruiser for a lot less like the above poster mentions. But some people, like me, love the sound and look of a Harley too much. I got a Honda Shadow tho.


So, I've had my bike for a little over a year. It's got around 5500 miles on it. What are some maintanence issues I should keep up with? Milestone stuff?

Also, it's getting chillier here in Florida. I know it's not as bad as it can get in other areas, but what are some tips for colder weather riding?
Scarecrow said:
Also, it's getting chillier here in Florida. I know it's not as bad as it can get in other areas, but what are some tips for colder weather riding?

Try filling your tires with nitrogen. It'll prevent them from compressing in colder weather. And if the road temperature is low, take it easy on the turns, if the tarmac is cold you'll have less traction.
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