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2010 Game of the Year Media Picks Thread: Updated 1/4

dejan said:
Starcraft 2 would probably not even make it into my "Top 5 PC Exlusives in 2010" list.

could I hear that list?
I don't wan to be like "yeah right!", I am genuinely interested since I'd love to see what else is out there that's that good.


ICallItFutile said:
Yeah because metacritic score is ALWAYS an accurate evaluation of quality. See Grand Theft Auto 4. Don't be a douchebag.

I enjoyed Super Mario Galaxy 2, but I agree it was uninspired. All it added were new suits and Yoshi, concepts taken from previous Mario games.

Suits are fucking Mario, thats part of the essential Mario experience. Are you kidding me? Boulder, Cloud, and Drill Mario are awesome new power ups. Yoshi eats different fruits so he can freaking float, run faster and shine light on the darkest of areas. If you think thats uninspired I suggest you take a good look around the rest of the industry to see what they're doing. This game has the best level design from any game made this year and you're trying to tell me it's uninspired? Are you trying to tell me that the people involved didn't put their hearts into this game? Shame on you sir, shame on you.

For shits and giggles here are some original worlds in Galaxy 2:
Tall Trunk Galaxy
Cloudy Court Galaxy
Rolling Masterpiece Galaxy
Flipsville Galaxy
Chompswork Galaxy
Starshine Beach Galaxy
Shiverburn Galaxy

There are a lot more where that came from but I'm hungry so thats not happening.
ryan-ts said:
Are you trying to tell me that the people involved didn't put their hearts into this game? Shame on you sir, shame on you.

People said the same thing about Left 4 Dead 2, which is just as "different" to Left 4 Dead 1 as MW is to MW2.


mescalineeyes said:
could I hear that list?
I don't wan to be like "yeah right!", I am genuinely interested since I'd love to see what else is out there that's that good.
Off the top of my head:

- Settlers 7 (The reason I stopped playing Starcraft 2)
- Anno 1404 Venice (aka Dawn of Discovery: Venice in the US?)
- Drakensang: The River of Time (german release)
- Lost Horizon (german release)

Well, that's only 4 titles. You got me there, but to my defence I said probably.

However I just ordered Grey Matter and A New Beginning from Amazon and I've got an unopened Special Edition box of Civilization V lying on my desk right now.
dejan said:
Off the top of my head:

- Settlers 7 (The reason I stopped playing Starcraft 2)
- Anno 1404 Venice (aka Dawn of Discovery: Venice in the US?)
- Drakensang: The River of Time (german release)
- Lost Horizon (german release)

Well, that's only 4 titles. You got me there, but to my defence I said probably.

However I just ordered Grey Matter and A New Beginning from Amazon and I've got an unopened Special Edition box of Civilization V lying on my desk right now.

argh, I was hoping for small indie gems I haven't heard of :)
all those games are too time consuming :lol
Dr.Hadji said:
Whats all this Bayonetta hate about. Didn't think it had this kind of backlash.

It doesn't have absurd production values.

Even for people who aren't graphics whores, stuff like this can at least somewhat paint their view of a game.


Strap on your hooker ...
RDR spent all its goodwill with me after fetch questing across Mexico for two guys I was sick to death of seeing for the dozenth time in a row.

Rockstar really needs to do something about the ridiculous linearity of progression in their "open world" games. It's a waste to have 20 'persons of interest' across the map that can give you missions, only to cluster 'em up into constrictive chunks where you're forced to work in the same area with the same 2 or 3 guys ad nauseum, leave 'em never to be seen again, progress to the next 2 or 3 guys, lather rinse repeat.



Gamespot has posted their nominees for the Game of the year and many other categories you can see on the page:
Game of The Year:
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Halo: Reach
Heavy Rain
Mass Effect 2
Red Dead Redemption
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Meat Boy

you can see each game and the awards it's nominated for on this page:
RDR is leading with 15 , followed by ME2 with 10 and Vanquish and Alan Wake each with 8 awards.

winner will be announced on:
* Tuesday Dec 21 - Dubious Honors
* Wednesday Dec 22 - Genre Awards
* Thursday Dec 23 - Platform Awards
* Friday Dec 24 - Game of the Year





Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
1)Release GOTY list before the year is over.
2)Leave out Cataclysm.



Generic said:
I'm glad that Alan Wake is getting some love. For me, it has the Story of the Year, and with it's unfortunately timing of getting released at the same day as RDR, I'm really hoping it will gain as much recognition as possible so that Remedy get the green light for Alan Wake 2.

Basically, it's 3rd for me this year behind RDR then ME2. The story however is one of the best this gen. Change a few things next time around and polish the crap out of it and it can stand above the rest. Incredible game and still loving the soundtrack. It deserves a few wins however. Fairly sure 2 is a go based on some of the job listings they have had as of late.


miladesn said:

Gamespot has posted their nominees for the Game of the year and many other categories you can see on the page:
Game of The Year:
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Halo: Reach
Heavy Rain
Mass Effect 2
Red Dead Redemption
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Meat Boy

you can see each game and the awards it's nominated for on this page:
RDR is leading with 15 , followed by ME2 with 10 and Vanquish and Alan Wake each with 8 awards.

winner will be announced on:
* Tuesday Dec 21 - Dubious Honors
* Wednesday Dec 22 - Genre Awards
* Thursday Dec 23 - Platform Awards
* Friday Dec 24 - Game of the Year
I've always felt that games should be rated by how fun the gameplay is, but everyone is so focused on justifying games as art that way, way too many points go towards story or flashy cutscenes (in-engine or CG). What makes video games a unique medium is player interaction. That should be the most important metric by which to measure games.

Story is perhaps the worst element of a video game. Excessive or convoluted story makes replaying a game tedious, although skippable cutscenes somewhat remedies that. Heck excessive story even makes playing a game the first time around grow tedious, because every minute spent on exposition is another minute not spent interacting, which is the purpose for choosing to play a game instead of watching HBO on a Sunday night where you could get a far superior story. Over emphasis on story I feel has been detrimental to te progression of gameplay. Heavy Rain is a terrible game. It's not fun at all. The poorly written and acted B-movie plot isn't compelling either. It only gets praise because it's movie-like, why the he'll do games get praise for that? Books don't get praise for painting-like covers if the content is shit.

Platformers and strategy games always get ignored because they are the most GAME-like games. They are usually rather pure expressions of gameplay, without the fluff of constant cutscenes to distract gamers from noticing that the game isn't that good.

For example, I've put 110 hours into Plants vs Zombies on Steam. There is basically no story in this game but a simple premise. Art is cute but the mechanics would be fun even if it wasn't. It's a game that's easy to pick up and play because the lack of story means it doesn't demand large chunks of time in order to feel you've accomplished something. Auto-save even in the middle of a level helps too. Also it means you can take huge breaks between play sessions and not feel disoriented by being lost in the story an having to read a wiki to remember what was going on. This results in it being a game often played when you're not "in the mood" for a story heavy game. I feel that a game that can make you play it for over a hundred hours because you kept preferring to play it over supposedly "better" games is in fact the better game.

If you strip away the in-engine and CG cutscenes from all the games this year that are nominated for GOTY, how would they hold up? That's where games like SMG2, Bayonetta, and most of the top PC exclusives (mostly strategy/simulation genre) show their strength. Those are the games that don't need tens of millions spent on cutscenes to keep you engaged. You just play them because they are so damn fun you can't stop, not because you want to work your way to the next cutscene to unfold a B-movie story.


Alan Wake is not Time's GOTY.

I read that article yesterday, and they basically just chose 10 Best Things out of every category (Toy, Gadget, Games, Books etc) for 2010, and they are not in any order.
seady said:
Alan Wake is not Time's GOTY.

I read that article yesterday, and they basically just chose 10 Best Things out of every category (Toy, Gadget, Games, Books etc) for 2010, and they are not in any order.

Unless there are more games in that list, then Alan Wake is Times Game of the Year.


Galaxy 2 was pure joy incarnate. I mean, I went in hyped as hell, and the game still blew me away. Absolutely amazing, amazing game. Hope it gets what it deserves.


seady said:
Alan Wake is not Time's GOTY.

I read that article yesterday, and they basically just chose 10 Best Things out of every category (Toy, Gadget, Games, Books etc) for 2010, and they are not in any order.

No it's the top ten games list and Alan Wake is number one just like Halo 3 from the OP in 2007;


It's how they do it every year. I mean what is better than 1 right.

From the OP in 2008 GTA IV;

I would say RDR is a real contender but I wish someone would make an honorable mention for Picross3D. I really loved this game.

Mass Effect 2 should be in the discussion but the last boss. :lol :lol
They must have looked at my trapper keeper in 6th grade.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Fredescu said:
What is an industry wide award?

Something that isn't dictated by the whims of one or two editors at a publication. Namely the AIAS and GDC awards.


The Antitype said:
I've been wanting to pick up Bayonetta all year, but I keep hearing rumors that the Xbox 360 version is really janky?

More like the best version by a decent margin. I don't recall it being janky either.


Jtyettis said:
No it's the top ten games list and Alan Wake is number one just like Halo 3 from the OP in 2007;


It's how they do it every year. I mean what is better than 1 right.

From the OP in 2008 GTA IV;


If you say so…
I was just reading this page, and they are using bullet point and don't seem to be putting it in order.


seady said:
If you say so…
I was just reading this page, and they are using bullet point and don't seem to be putting it in order.

They have an order at my link(click right to see more). Said order:

Top 10 Video Games

1. Alan Wake
2. Angry Birds
3. RDR
4. Halo Reach
5. SMG2
6. Limbo
7. Super Meat boy
8. Super Street Fighter IV
9. Starcraft II
10. Mass Effect 2

Again same format they have used and we have included last 3 years.


seady said:
I am just glad some Japanese games get represented.

These awards are usually Western games heavy. They rather give Game Dev Story and Call of Duty handheld/console GOTY rather than Dragon Quest IX, MGS Peace Walker and Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Just worth noting, Game Dev Story is made in Japan.


Jtyettis said:
They have an order at my link(click right to see more). Said order:

Top 10 Video Games

1. Alan Wake
2. Angry Birds
3. RDR
4. Halo Reach
5. SMG2
6. Limbo
7. Super Meat boy
8. Super Street Fighter IV
9. Starcraft II
10. Mass Effect 2

Again same format they have used and we have included last 3 years.
Very solid list IMO.
Jtyettis said:
They have an order at my link(click right to see more). Said order:

Top 10 Video Games

1. Alan Wake
2. Angry Birds
3. RDR
4. Halo Reach
5. SMG2
6. Limbo
7. Super Meat boy
8. Super Street Fighter IV
9. Starcraft II
10. Mass Effect 2

Again same format they have used and we have included last 3 years.

If they were in any old order, they'd be in alphabetical order. Instead, they're numbered. It seems pretty clear to me. If anyone wants to write the author to clarify, that'd be fine too.
I really hope Donkey Kong Country Returns starts getting some awards. Hell I’d be happy if it was at least nominated for some! It deserves all the love it can get!


JaxJag said:
Jesus, are websites really giving Bayonetta game of the year? This isn't some sort of weird practical joke?

Mik2121 said:
Man, Bayonetta is sooo looking out of place in-between quality games like SMG2 and RDR :lol

DennisK4 said:
SMG 2 and RDR - well deserved.

Bayonetta - :lol

At least now I know whose opinions to ignore in the future.



Christ, have the people hating on Bayonetta even played the game? It's easily one of the best action games ever made.

Looks like it's between Mass Effect and Red Dead at this point as to which gets the most GOTY picks.
hamchan said:
Christ, have the people hating on Bayonetta even played the game? It's easily one of the best action games ever made.
... wrapped in a presentation (music, characters, dialogue, cinematics) that can be pretty damn off-putting unless you're truly a fan of the style.


NullPointer said:
... wrapped in a presentation (music, characters, dialogue, cinematics) that can be pretty damn off-putting unless you're truly a fan of the style.
This, and the existance of motorcycle minigame and the abuse of QTEs. Otherwise it's really solid at its core, featuring a deep and flexible combat system.
Classy or cocky? You decide...

No Red Dead Redemption at BAFTAs [EDGE Online]

EDGE Online said:
CVG discovered that Rockstar’s Western epic was not on any shortlists for the ceremony, and were told by a BAFTA spokesman that, while the game was eligible, Rockstar had “decided not to put the game forward for consideration.”

While no reason was given, a look at the BAFTA archives shows that despite cleaning up in the inaugural 2003 awards – Grand Theft Auto: Vice City won six of the eight categories in which it was nominated – Rockstar’s record since has been poor.

2004’s Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, the best-selling PlayStation 2 game of all time, was nominated in five categories but failed to win any of them, and 2008’s Grand Theft Auto IV fared similarly, winning no awards despite securing seven nominations.

If true I respect their decision. While BAFTA recognition is nice and all, it's not the end of the world for Rockstar because of the praise they get from other outlets and their monetary profits. The fact that you have to actively (?) put your game up for BAFTA-consideration seems a bit odd to me and not very classy. Not sure if this is correct so feel free to correct me on this.

I'm guessing Tim Langdell's game can take Red Dead's place then :lol


Will QA for food.
Monster Hunter Tri.. the only game in this household that rivals my Team Fortress 2 playtime will not be mentioned on any list. :(
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