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2010 Steam Holiday Sale Thread: of GAF collectively handing over wallet to Based Gabe

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Snuggler said:
I haven't touched most of the games I bought because I can't run them yet. I'm gonna have an awesome library of games when I get my PC, but I have like 25 games now and who knows if I'll have time to play them all to completion.

it's gonna be a long month until I get my shit ready to go

Take my hand, Snuggler. We'll get you there.
Haven't really bought anything this time around. ME was $5 back in January and I can wait until we get ME2 with all the bells and whistles for a lower price.

Risen and DR2 could probably wait thanks to all the shooters and RPG games I've already got.
Silent Hunter 3 for me today. Had my eye on the Silent Hunter games for a while, but the price was putting me off buying a game simply out of curiosity. Thankfully, the steam sale has made it easier to see if I'd excel as a commander of a Sub.

That and my mate got it too. So we're going to sink each other's battleships.



Hey y'all, I'm considering getting...
Mass Effect 2
Dead Rising 2

But my specs are a bit weak by today's standards which are
Intel Core 6320 @ 1.86Ghz
256Mb 8600GT
4GB O Ram

I reposted because it was at the very bottom of the previous page :lol


Going to grab Silent Hunter III. Already have the MEs, Risen, and Darksiders.

Only other game I'm slightly tempted by is Blur, but I bought the Codemaster's racing pack way back and I still have yet to play through some of those.


Does Alpha Protocol still ask you to activate it with the DRM removed?

I even patched it with the link from sega to make sure, but game sill crashes on startup.


Fredescu said:
More than aesthetic. It has GoW style QTE and combos combat as well.
Yeah true. But like a Zelda game the combat isn't the drawing point they're just there to break up the dungeon puzzles.


Damn Darksiders. I can't play it with my wireless Xbox controller. The menu just keeps cycling through the options like crazy. First AvP doesn't detect the controller at all and now this. Why do I keep buying PC games?


Rubixcuba said:
Hey y'all, I'm considering getting...
Mass Effect 2
Dead Rising 2

But my specs are a bit weak by today's standards which are
Intel Core 6320 @ 1.86Ghz
256Mb 8600GT
4GB O Ram

I reposted because it was at the very bottom of the previous page :lol
What resolution do you want to play at? Going on the system reqs, your CPU isn't enough for Dead Rising 2. You could get by with an overclock though. The other two you'd scrape by if you were playing at a lower res.


Stabby McSter said:
So who else has bought a shit load of games and hasn't touched ANY of them? D:
New here? :lol

PS. By far the most fun I've had in Just Cause 2 was finding out that not only can you man a gattling gun turret to blast the shit out of people, you can also arm it and carry it around, Heavy Barrel-style. Unlimited ammo without cheating :)

PPS. Please, PLEASE don't use a trainer until you've finished. It's quite rewarding taking down a base with only a few rounds of ammo remaining.


DennisK4 said:
People, you NEED to get Risen now while its cheap. The sequel has already been announced and this is the perfect chance to play Risen. Otherwise Risen 2 will come out and you will feel you have play the first game before the sequel.

Why are people asking about this and that about it anyway? I told you it was the 2009 RPG GOTY - don't cheat yourself out of this game. Best exploration RPG since Morrowind (Two Worlds II is also in that same league of exploration RPGs).

"3rd-party DRM: TAGES™
3 machine activation limit"

Yeaaaah, no thanks.
Stabby McSter said:
So who else has bought a shit load of games and hasn't touched ANY of them? D:

These holiday sales are all about stockpiling on games you want to play so it will last you throughout the year so you don't have to buy games at full price because by the time you're done with your backlog, there will be another huge sale on all the new games you want to buy.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Anyone here have programming experience?

Someone write an application that randomly chooses a game from your Steam list for you to play. I've got way too many, and I'm not good with choices.


Steam downloads.... so slow..... right now....

Rubixcuba said:
Hey y'all, I'm considering getting...
Mass Effect 2
Dead Rising 2

But my specs are a bit weak by today's standards which are
Intel Core 6320 @ 1.86Ghz
256Mb 8600GT
4GB O Ram

I reposted because it was at the very bottom of the previous page :lol
Yeah your processor is going to get killed by Darksiders and DR2. Your graphics card is going to struggle as well.


Zachack said:
You got to the teleport crystals but were still getting mauled by skeletons and ghouls? Were you trying to play a jack of all trades character?

I didnt get all of the crystals...only the ones obtained in the main story...volcano keep, camp, etc. I maybe had 3-4.
And by the end of the game, I was strong enough to kill the ghouls, etc but at that point, I stopped caring about the exploration and was in a hurry for the game to end so I just stuck on the straight path to finishing. Tbh, part of the reason for my dislike is my lack of patience. I guess Im spoiled by a lot of the current RPGs.

Talking about it makes me want to go back now. Perhaps Ill revisit it again sometime.
legend166 said:
How's Alpha Protocol? I know it didn't get great reviews, but it seems like a lot of people on GAF swear by it.

It's super fun. I paid $30 for it and thought it was excellent so at this price it's a nobrainer. If you get it I recommend that you tackle one mission from each section at a time to get the best experience and to master the pistol/stealth abilities. It's janky, sure, but it's wrpg jank, and anyone who has played enough of those types of games is already used to that. You'll have fun being the most badass pistol whipper ever : )


erotic butter maelstrom
d0c_zaius said:
Winterman approves

I'm kind of debating ME2 and DR2 myself

I enjoyed both games, but I highly recommend Dead Rising 2. I wasn't even planning on getting it, but I did on a whim and I got major hooked. Above all else, it's a really fun and addictive sandbox game where you can do all kinds of ridiculous shit, like riding a tricycle in a banana hammock or massacring crowds of walkers with a canoe paddle with chainsaws on both ends. I can't wait to get back into it even though I blew through it 3 times on the 360.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
It's super fun. I paid $30 for it and thought it was excellent so at this price it's a nobrainer. If you get it I recommend that you tackle one mission from each section at a time to get the best experience and to master the pistol/stealth abilities. It's janky, sure, but it's wrpg jank, and anyone who has played enough of those types of games is already used to that. You'll have fun being the most badass pistol whipper ever : )



Junior Member
legend166 said:
The only game on sale today that I own already is Darksiders, and that's on PS3. Anything come highly recommended?


Mass Effect 1 and 2 (must plays)

Those are the only games that are seriously still worth the retail price.


$60 out of $80 budget for the two weeks. :lol Fuck you Steam, fuck you so hard.

Hopefully after today there is nothing, because most of the game I wanted were these past 3 days, and were just too expensive $15 or higher.


Fredescu said:
What resolution do you want to play at? Going on the system reqs, your CPU isn't enough for Dead Rising 2. You could get by with an overclock though. The other two you'd scrape by if you were playing at a lower res.
Probably like 1280x720? That might be asking for a bit much so I could settle for a little bit lower but my if they can run on consoles they can run on my pc is the logic I'm using :lol


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Mass Effect works like any space drama. At first you're like "bleh, why are these people so annoying and untrusting in the most trite ways possible?" but if you work past that, you end up actually caring about the characters.
Lostconfused said:
I should probably just buy Darksiders and not worry about the rest of the deals.

Exactly what I did. Risen seems nice but if I want the budget to last through the deal I need to cut games where I can.


testicles on a cold fall morning
just played a bit of operation flashpoint. either i completely suck at games (possible) or this is just fucking impossible (also possible)
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