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2010 Steam Holiday Sale Thread: of GAF collectively handing over wallet to Based Gabe

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Oh no. I went to add funds to my Steam wallet and the browser crashed just after completing payment. Now the funds have been withdrawn from my bankaccount but it doesn;t show up in my Steam wallet. On top of that now I can't use the funds that I already had in my wallet due to an error message : There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.

So I made a support ticket, how long should it take for support to help me out ? Also what else can I do ?


Call Of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, opinions on this game? It's $7.50 and I've been interested in this game for a while.


CecilRousso said:
Has anyone bought X3? And if so, could give us others some impressions of it?

It's a game that requires a lot of time, effort and patience. Expect to have tutorial videos and the official forums open while you play too to figure out how things work because the game doesn't tell you. It's EVE Online without the MMO part.

I love games similar to this but I couldn't get into it. Others have gotten into it and loved it.


slidewinder said:
How much better is X3: Terran Conflict than X3: Reunion? I know the difference is only $3.40, but I'm trying to cut down some when it comes to games that it's likely I'll never put any real time into.
I only have about 8 hours into X3: Terran Conflict but I would say it's very much improved.

On one hand, they're literally the exact same game, you've got roughly the same ships, the same weapons and ship modifications, the same engine, the same drop you in the middle of space and let you do whatever the fuck you want style but the difference with X3: Terran Conflict is I think it does it way better. It's an incremental update for sure but very appreciated. For instance, in X3:R you have to dock at a station and go through the Bulletin Board to look for small local missions, in X3:TC there is an icon on every station that has a mission, holy shit what a small but hugely appreciated difference that was to me. The menu is better laid put on the left side in X3:TC and the game runs slightly better for me, I haven't had it crash yet like I did with X3:R.

However, like in X3:R I haven't really touched the actual campaign of X3:TC, to the best of my knowledge the Terrans are new in X3:TC or perhaps they can be reached later in X3:Reunion but in X3:TC they're there from the start.

Frankly, I don't see any reason to own X3:Reunion AND Terran Conflict unless you're really just a sucker for the story, which I think is the weakest part of both games and really, well, it's optional.

And you know, I bought Borderlands and it's much better than I expected, seriously.
CecilRousso said:
Has anyone bought X3? And if so, could give us others some impressions of it?
Well it's a space sim, you have your ship, fly around and shoot shit and go to different sectors separated by gates, it handles how you would expect a space sim to handle. Where it differs from something like Freespace is that the campaign is actually tacked on, the real game is an empire builder, you can own multiple ships and stations, you can own sectors, sectors can fall to other races or the enemy, it's an incredibly open ended game where you can do whatever you can afford or have the firepower to do.

I think it's fun but it's also incredibly frustrating and boring at times, I know that sounds contradictory but you start with essentially no money and a shitty ship, it takes awhile to fly from place to place, battles are sometimes sparse and everything's expensive. But after you get some traders running, or have captured a few enemy ships(done by almost destroying them) and sell them you start raking in money, you can only trade or only fight but you're really going to want to do both, or have your ships trade automated while you fight or do whatever because buying certain things will require certain reputations with certain races and that's gained by doing missions for them. But you can amass whole fleets, carriers, fighters, mammoth destroyers and just jump in and lay waste to everything if you want or you can just be a trader and slowly build an empire or you can do the campaign, I have no idea what happens then, lol.

Edit: Basically, it is incredibly complex and will require hours of doing mundane shit before you can even do anything. Luckily there's a button to speed up time so you can make a sandwich or something while it runs, but that's the kind of game it is, slow and methodical and unforgiving if you fuck up.


How demanding is Batman? I've got this laptop

i3 330m
4GB ram

I get ~7000p in 3Dmark06. Will I be able to run this game as well or better than the 360 version in 720p? I have the 360 version but refuse to play it because I got hit by the save-erasing bug close to the end and I'm not risking that again.


Gold Member
After playing Saints Row 2 for like an hour or so, i have to say that it isn't very buggy on my system...
Performance is alright (fps seems a bit unstable at times but it's always playable), haven't seen any strange things and it didn't crash either.
There's some stupid lag while driving around every minute or so, but that's the only bad thing i can say.
Oh, when i first started the game i had a bug where the menu screen was scrolling UP all the time. Had to delete a joypad HID device in windows to fix that.

I'm using the Saints Row Powertools to get rid of some bugs

Will try the Gentlemen of the Row mod later
Darklord said:
It's a game that requires a lot of time, effort and patience. Expect to have tutorial videos and the official forums open while you play too to figure out how things work because the game doesn't tell you. It's EVE Online without the MMO part.

I love games similar to this but I couldn't get into it. Others have gotten into it and loved it.

Hm. Well I think that time will be my main problem here. I bought three other games so far during the sale, and haven´t finished New Vegas yet. Think I´ll pass on this and buy it when I have the time for it.

Dissapointed to hear that the story sucks. I´m so tired of worthless stories in games now.


CecilRousso said:
Dissapointed to hear that the story sucks. I´m so tired of worthless stories in games now.

It's a massive world where 99% of the game is outside of the main story. It's a game for when you want free reign of an open world not a story.
Darklord said:
It's a massive world where 99% of the game is outside of the main story. It's a game for when you want free reign of an open world not a story.

I like story in open world games where the story is about the game world itself. Like in Morrowind. It was great fun to learn so much about the lore of the game by just talking to NPC´s, doing sidequests, reading the books and exploring. If X3 lacks such things, then it just isn´t interesting enough for me. It doesn´t have to be the greatest thing ever written, but it has to be interesting at some level at least.


Acid08 said:
Call Of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, opinions on this game? It's $7.50 and I've been interested in this game for a while.

Let's Play

I watched this LP a while ago when I had nothing to do. Never played it and never will, but it was fun to watch someone else do it.


Ledsen said:
How demanding is Batman? I've got this laptop

i3 330m
4GB ram

I get ~7000p in 3Dmark06. Will I be able to run this game as well or better than the 360 version in 720p? I have the 360 version but refuse to play it because I got hit by the save-erasing bug close to the end and I'm not risking that again.
I have pretty much the same configuration, my CPU is slightly better though (i5 430M). With all settings at maximum and AAx2, 1366x768, the benchmark gave following results - min 17fps, max 73fps, average 35fps. Perfectly playable (in game doesn't dip below 25fps at those settings) and looks much better than on consoles. The game isn't CPU limited.

Hopefully it helped.


CecilRousso said:
I like story in open world games where the story is about the game world itself. Like in Morrowind. It was great fun to learn so much about the lore of the game by just talking to NPC´s, doing sidequests, reading the books and exploring. If X3 lacks such things, then it just isn´t interesting enough for me. It doesn´t have to be the greatest thing ever written, but it has to be interesting at some level at least.
It honestly has no story or world outside the campaign, when you're just doing whatever everyone around you is just doing whatever. I suppose you could say that's realistic as I don't stop to explain the founding of my city or how we(not me personally but the city bought it) came to own the tallest building in the city limits to new comers and in X3 random people aren't going to start filling you in on the world either, when you dock in a station it's not going to explain how it got there and what they went through to get it there, people just ask what you want, what'cha you sellin' and what'cha buyin, it's very dry in that regard. But it does have some great looking sectors, larger scale battles are amazing and it's a competent sim so it's hard to fault it.

Perhaps they can flesh that out in X4. I'd really like to be able to go down to the planets one day although I shudder to think of the work it'd take for that.


szaromir said:
I have pretty much the same configuration, my CPU is slightly better though (i5 430M). With all settings at maximum and AAx2, 1366x768, the benchmark gave following results - min 17fps, max 73fps, average 35fps. Perfectly playable (in game doesn't dip below 25fps at those settings) and looks much better than on consoles. The game isn't CPU limited.

Hopefully it helped.

Sounds good! I'll be happy with slightly lower settings, as long as it looks better than the 360 version and runs at 30 fps minimum. Is there any way to cap FPS? I'd really prefer a steady 30 fps over fluctuating 30-60.


Ledsen said:
How demanding is Batman? I've got this laptop

i3 330m
4GB ram

I get ~7000p in 3Dmark06. Will I be able to run this game as well or better than the 360 version in 720p? I have the 360 version but refuse to play it because I got hit by the save-erasing bug close to the end and I'm not risking that again.
There's a demo of the game. Try it yourself.

Edit: BTW, I've started playing Batman. It's, no doubt, a quality product. Combat is fun, hunting from highs is well done and, overall, feels like a well thought refined experience. However, it's too linear. Maybe saying too guided would be a better description. There're too many interference with the gameplay, I'd like a more streamlined/solitary approach. However, I'm probably still in tutorial territory, so it's not bad. I hope it changes soon, though. Ah, it looks great, except for the vaseline coat.


Luthos said:
I already have Dragon Age: Origins on PS3, not sure if I want to double dip and get the Ultimate Edition for PC. Technically it should play pretty differently from the console... hmm...

I'm in the same boat. How much of a difference is there between the console and the pc version?


Anyone know what level of securom Blood Bowl: Dark Elves edition has? One of the reason I didn't get LE was it has 5 activation limit, and from what I read from the forums, there's much more going on than "just an activation".


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
fresquito said:
There's a demo of the game. Try it yourself.

Edit: BTW, I've started playing Batman. It's, no doubt, a quality product. Combat is fun, hunting from highs is well done and, overall, feels like a well thought refined experience. However, it's too linear. Maybe saying too guided would be a better description. There're too many interference with the gameplay, I'd like a more streamlined/solitary approach. However, I'm probably still in tutorial territory, so it's not bad. I hope it changes soon, though. Ah, it looks great, except for the vaseline coat.
Did you make it outdoors yet?


verbatimo said:
I managed to play Red Faction Guerilla about 5 hours before I lost interest. Game is way too repetive atleast the mission structure. The physics engine is quite good and destroying buildings look great but game needs more variety.

Best advice I received about the game was to bump the difficulty down to easy. Otherwise the game definitely becomes a huge bore/chore around the 5 hour mark. Once you eliminate the grind aspect, it becomes a lot more enjoyable. Although I've become distracted myself. One of these days I'll return.


fresquito said:
There's a demo of the game. Try it yourself.

Edit: BTW, I've started playing Batman. It's, no doubt, a quality product. Combat is fun, hunting from highs is well done and, overall, feels like a well thought refined experience. However, it's too linear. Maybe saying too guided would be a better description. There're too many interference with the gameplay, I'd like a more streamlined/solitary approach. However, I'm probably still in tutorial territory, so it's not bad. I hope it changes soon, though. Ah, it looks great, except for the vaseline coat.

I can't try the demo since I don't have my comp until tomorrow, that's why I asked.
CecilRousso said:
Has anyone bought X3? And if so, could give us others some impressions of it?
I bought it and played maybe twenty minutes so far then had to go to work. Basically I was having the hardest time figuring out how to fly and even dock my ship. It definitely seems like Eve Online to me but at this point Eve seems like a cakewalk compared to this. The time I put into Eve I really liked so Im going to give this one some more time.


sturmdogg said:
I'm in the same boat. How much of a difference is there between the console and the pc version?
Top-down view like in old RPG games and lots of mods that improve graphics, game balancing, interface and other things.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
1-D_FTW said:
Best advice I received about the game was to bump the difficulty down to easy. Otherwise the game definitely becomes a huge bore/chore around the 5 hour mark. Once you eliminate the grind aspect, it becomes a lot more enjoyable. Although I've become distracted myself. One of these days I'll return.
This is true, same as Just Cause 2.

One time I went on a raid mission to obliterate some huge base, so I got a big heavy truck, tossed about 12 mines on it, loaded it with the special bomb, then with all my comrades still in it I just made an extremely speedy approach up the hill and bailed out last second. I watched the truck smash right through the front wall of the HQ as I ran over a bit for some cover and my guys (mostly) got out of the truck and left the building, then I detonated. Sure, the building came crashing down on some of my guys, but it killed a lot more of the enemies and beat the mission in like 10 seconds.

It's all about being the space asshole.


Steam DL's been terrible for me last 3 days but got DAO: UO today and downloading at a good speed. Might even be done before 3pm, fingers crossed!


Darklord said:
It's a game that requires a lot of time, effort and patience. Expect to have tutorial videos and the official forums open while you play too to figure out how things work because the game doesn't tell you. It's EVE Online without the MMO part.

I love games similar to this but I couldn't get into it. Others have gotten into it and loved it.

I really need to stop looking into this thread. I had NO plan of buying this game but after reading the bolded how can I pass it up?

I love EVE Online, the ultimate sandbox game. :D


Isn't there anybody from the UK in here that's willing to gift me the DA:OU edition if i paypal the money in advance?

I've only got an hour left until i have to leave and miss out on that deal :(
So my aunt gave me 30 dollars to spend on any games I wanted because she just couldn't think of anything I'd like more.

She fueled the Steam Sale burner for me for a good long time until I return some clothes that didn't fit and get like 100 more dollars.

I got Batman like 2 minutes ago. Great deal on that game, I hope it works alright on my computer :)

I missed Darksiders though. I hope it goes on sale on the last day :(

Hoping for a 2.50 Mirrors Edge, come on Steam :)


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Acid08 said:
Call Of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, opinions on this game? It's $7.50 and I've been interested in this game for a while.
I really need to get this. I played it on xbox, and it's a well done first-person adventure game with great atmosphere. But if you're into that, I hear that Amnesia is much better.


IrishNinja said:
still kinda sad i slept on New Vegas deal, see if i can scoop it up through a deal for @ $25 on the sale's last day.

today was just Batman GOTY and The Wonderful End of the World, $5 for a katamari rip sounds about right.

my windows/program files partition doesn't have enough room for batman, witcher, etc - how do you guys do this? my other drive totally does not sure how to get steam to look somewhere else for certain titles.
I saw someone post about the "steam mover" in gaf, look for that ;)

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
sturmdogg said:
I really need to stop looking into this thread. I had NO plan of buying this game but after reading the bolded how can I pass it up?

I love EVE Online, the ultimate sandbox game. :D
But isn't EVE pretty boring, once you pull out the MMO part? Neither X or Freelancer were able to really catch me after the usual "What to do now" phase :/


Bufbaf said:
But isn't EVE pretty boring, once you pull out the MMO part? Neither X or Freelancer were able to really catch me after the usual "What to do now" phase :/

Sometimes EVE is boring even WITH the MMO parts. It all depends on how you approach the game.
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