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2010 Steam Holiday Sale Thread: of GAF collectively handing over wallet to Based Gabe

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LovingSteam said:
Gun at 75-80%
Runs like shit on PCs, not sure if you would want it at any price. Last time I tried to play it, the frame rate was in the teens in open areas and the moment there were more than three people on the screen it got even worse. It's not optimized at all.


At this point all i really want to go on sale now are a tomb raider collection and maybe Red Alert 3 or such.

Ive bought an awful lot already and need to just limit myself.
CrashPrime said:
Sadly, they are not. Doom I/II really do not hold up well. I grew up on Wolf3d and Doom and even the nostalgia is lost on those games after playing modern era FPS with proper freelook.

If it was the Quake pack, it'd be worth twice the asking price. Those games are still an absolute riot.
I heavily disagree. I played Doom II for the first time last summer and was amazed by it. Classic Doom is just so fast-paced and fun, being able to dodge most enemy attacks also makes the game, and especially harder difficulties, much more fun. Just enable proper mouselook and you're gravy.


CrashPrime said:
Sadly, they are not. Doom I/II really do not hold up well. I grew up on Wolf3d and Doom and even the nostalgia is lost on those games after playing modern era FPS with proper freelook.

If it was the Quake pack, it'd be worth twice the asking price. Those games are still an absolute riot.

Thanks, I think this will be the one that I skip...

But Darkpaldinmfc says otherwise!

darkpaladinmfc said:
I heavily disagree. I played Doom II for the first time last summer and was amazed by it. Classic Doom is just so fast-paced and fun, being able to dodge most enemy attacks also makes the game, and especially harder difficulties, much more fun. Just enable proper mouselook and you're gravy.

What to do.


Todays damage isn't so bad;

Sim City 4 (double dip, thanks Steam)
Crysis (ditto)
Dirt 2

I have a question about Rush, what is it exactly? I can't do the research because I am at work, anyone have a quick review or a comparison to games it is like? Doesn't happen to be San Francisco Rush? :lol


Weenerz said:
I have a question about Rush, what is it exactly? I can't do the research because I am at work, anyone have a quick review or a comparison to games it is like? Doesn't happen to be San Francisco Rush? :lol

It's a puzzle game from the team that did Toki Tori. You drop down arrows and other blocks to direct colored blocks onto target squares. Kind of like Chu Chu Rocket, just without the mice or a crazy soundtrack.

Certainly worth the money if you like puzzles.
I've pretty much cleared out my wishlist except for Assassin's Creed 2, Arkham Asylum, and Dragon Age, but I'm fine with skipping those for now since I'm pretty confident they'll show up again in the future (hopefully when my backlog is smaller).

I don't think I'll be buying anything more unless it's <$5 or an otherwise ridiculously good deal.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Artofwar420 said:
Thanks, I think this will be the one that I skip...

But Darkpaldinmfc says otherwise!

What to do.

Classic Doom is a breath of fresh air compared to modern shooters. No running into a room like a lumbering tank killing as many enemies as you can before your health runs low, then hiding behind a rock while you heal up.

In Doom you move like the wind, diving between enemy attacks soaring around the room like death incarnate dealing punishment to hordes of enemies while their attacks whistle harmlessly around you. There is no sensation in all of gaming like blowing through a room with 20+ enemies in Doom II and clearing it completely unscathed. Modern shooters just don't do this anymore, everything is so damn slow and clunky.
LovingSteam said:
What I am still waiting for:

Age of Wonders trilogy at 66-75%
Need for Speed:Shift at 66-75%
Divinity 2 at 75%
Sacred 2 at 75%
Gothic 1 by itself for 50%
Mayhem Intergalactic at 75%
Gun at 75-80%

Oooh. Sacred 2 might be a nice snag. I rented it on X360 awhile ago and felt like I could've loved the game had I played it on PC instead of X360.

Sinatar said:
Classic Doom is a breath of fresh air compared to modern shooters. No running into a room like a lumbering tank killing as many enemies as you can before your health runs low, then hiding behind a rock while you heal up.

In Doom you move like the wind, diving between enemy attacks soaring around the room like death incarnate dealing punishment to hordes of enemies while their attacks whistle harmlessly around you. There is no sensation in all of gaming like blowing through a room with 20+ enemies in Doom II and clearing it completely unscathed. Modern shooters just don't do this anymore, everything is so damn slow and clunky.

I'd agree that modern shooters are getting really clunky with cover systems and self healing. However, if you want to talk like diving between enemy attacks and soaring around .. hit up some Serious Sam (the HD remakes were on sale yesterday .. so boo-urns if you haven't already picked those up).


Yesterday was witcher day, today is crysis day.

My brother showed me a neat trick to speed up downloading. I think he nicked it from a steam thread on gaf... I am now downloading at 1mb/s by setting my location to Ukraine where before it was on UK - Manchester and it was really slow.

I must have missed some brilliant deals since I haven't been checking daily :'(
Sh1ner said:
Yesterday was witcher day, today is crysis day.

My brother showed me a neat trick to speed up downloading. I think he nicked it from a steam thread on gaf... I am now downloading at 1mb/s by setting my location to Ukraine where before it was on UK - Manchester and it was really slow.

I must have missed some brilliant deals since I haven't been checking daily :'(

Take a look at the OP. All of the daily deals so far are listed. On second thought, perhaps you don't want to look... :lol
Artofwar420 said:
Thanks, I think this will be the one that I skip...

But Darkpaldinmfc says otherwise!

What to do.
Buy Doom. I replayed it earlier in the year, and it still plays better than every FPS in the last 10 years.
Level design is outstanding, weapons are fun to use and feel perfect, and taking on hordes of demons is always exciting.

Just make sure to extract the Doom 1 & 2 '.wad' files after you download it, and run them through zdoom. With that, you can run Doom in HD with various graphics/gameplay tweaks.


For anyone interested, as long as steam still delivers those DOOM files in .WAD format you can use various free engines such as ZDoom or GZDoom or Doomsday engine to actually load up those wad files with a ton of graphic and gameplay enhancements such as full 3d mouselook and such.

Kinda makes the games like Serious Sam in a way.
I ask this every time Crysis is on sale, but have they got rid of the shitty DRM yet? I really want to buy this game but refuse to while that activation limit is in there.


dear GAF

1) you guys say i want the crysis, because its apparently a fun/interesting? single player campaign, and my new rig can run it. do i want the crysis or the warhead or both?

2) i havent played SimCity since SNES, on which i adored it. is 4 for me? will i get joy from it, or weep from its complications?

let me know, im looking at the Doom pack and trying to not make my wallet sad. Lost Horizon looks interesting, but not $10 interesting.

PS i too want Gun at 75% or so off.
CrashPrime said:
Oooh. Sacred 2 might be a nice snag. I rented it on X360 awhile ago and felt like I could've loved the game had I played it on PC instead of X360.

It's definitely worth getting the PC version, but you can't use the Ice & Blood expansion on Steam. I ended up getting both from GamersGate.


I have spent WAY to much on these sales.

The thing about it is...I haven't played any of the games I have bought. I'm sure I will get around to it but its kind of an addiction right now just to buy.

My wife calls me a digital hoarder.


Darkgran said:
I have spent WAY to much on these sales.

The thing about it is...I haven't played any of the games I have bought. I'm sure I will get around to it but its kind of an addiction right now just to buy.

My wife calls me a digital hoarder.
A digital hoarder is a good way to describe myself as well. I dont quite know why. I think it's a rainy day syndrome where i haord shit for the occasion i am in the mood for it.

I have bought a lot as well and havent played it, although i havent played it simply cause im on holiday and not at my gaming machine.


so far:

Trials 2
Blueberry Garden
Indie Fright Pack
Overlord Complete
Lara Croft GOL
The Witcher
FEAR 1 plus expansions
Crysis Complete

About 15 bucks left, time to save up i guess..


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
CrashPrime said:
Oooh. Sacred 2 might be a nice snag. I rented it on X360 awhile ago and felt like I could've loved the game had I played it on PC instead of X360.

I'd agree that modern shooters are getting really clunky with cover systems and self healing. However, if you want to talk like diving between enemy attacks and soaring around .. hit up some Serious Sam (the HD remakes were on sale yesterday .. so boo-urns if you haven't already picked those up).

Serious Sam is almost 10 years old, I'd hardly call it a modern shooter.


What I've bought so far:

Super Meat Boy
The Witcher

Then I got Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth gifted to me by Acrid :D


Unlimited Capacity
Everyone that like things that are good should buy Mount & Blade: Warband. It is my GOTY by a country mile. The multiplayer is brilliant. Tons of content, rewarding as hell and very much skill based.

You kill someone in Call of Duty, and they fall in a canned animation after you have shot them from acros the room. In Mount & Blade, you see the same cavalry that has been terrorizing your team all game do a swoop around, and you know that it's you in his sights. He pulls back the sword to make the kill too late, you jump up and stab him in the heart with a spear. You watch as he slowly tumbles from the saddle, hits the ground and continues to roll down a hill slowly. You KNOW that you just won.

Even beyond native, there is cRPG, which is one of the best multiplayer experiences I've ever had. You start off a lowly peasant. Unarmored and armed only with a stick and some rocks to throw at the plated nightmares that roam the battlefield slaying all. Everyone on the server knows these people, their names ring fear into the hearts of entire teams while this is what will happen to you:


Dead at the top of the keep.

After some playtime though, you will get some gear and build your character stats up to be able to actually get some kills after the entire game as a peasant was just trying to stay alive. It has a prestige system as well, called retirement, that is actually useful. When you retire your new character gains a slight boost in gold and xp earned as well as getting to choose piece of your equipment to "heirloom". This gives said piece of equipment bonuses. You can heirloom things up to 3 times and it incurs bonuses everytime.

I am about ready to retire for the first time. I am ata point now where I am someone who can pretty much go anywhere without fear of a 1 hit kill. The servers are fantastic as well. There are a bunch of unwritten rules kind of. Like, if you do a high block and an opponent that sees you does as well, you initiate a duel. Happens a lot where there will be crowds of people on each side, each with 1 super soldier, and the supers will start a duel and all the other folks will just wait and watch as they go at it. Remember also, I have not even mentioned the campaign, and this is just one of the MANY mods for Warband.

The campaign is also fantastic. It's a mixture of an RPG and kind of a strategy/kingdom building game. It is 100% open ended and free form, do what you want kill who you want. You can become the king, unite the lands, be a bandit lord etc.. It has a ton of fun systems and the single player battles get crazy. They have a slight bit of the Total War games in them.

Anyway, super long post for a super great game. Get it everyone :lol

edit: for reference this is what I look like now in cRPG



Unlimited Capacity
Forkball said:
What's the Mount and Blade multiplayer like? Is it team based battles or deathmatch or what?

Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Elimination, Team Elimination (my game of choice), Siege (attack and defend basically), and Duel. That's all the vanilla stuff, they added CTF and what not through mods.


echoshifting said:
Okay I think I'm definitely going to skip Crossworlds as I haven't even finished Legend yet. So it's Warband vs. Lost Horizon...do I want a better experience when I dig into Mount and Blade in a couple weeks? OTOH, seems to go on sale a lot...

Who can offer some impressions of Lost Horizon?
Don't forget Lost Horizon is $5 on Amazon. Does anyone know if the Amazon/retail Crossworlds package works with the Steam prequels, or is Crossworlds totally independent of the earlier games?


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Forkball said:
What's the Mount and Blade multiplayer like? Is it team based battles or deathmatch or what?
It's pretty god damn hectic. Imagine charging with your companions on horseback across a bridge towards a village where the opponents lie in wait at the other side. You have arrows whizzing by you until you're forced to raise your shield to cover as much of yourself as you can. You see a player to your right falling down, with a few arrows sticking out of his chest. Suddenly, you hit the dirt. Your horse succumbed to it's wounds. You stand up, getting your bearings. Suddenly, an opponent ambushes you from around a hut. He tries to spear you but he misses. You flank him and make a move. The opponent falls. Suddenly, two more opponents appear from around the hill. They start to give chase, flinging spears at you. You run as fast as you can and one spear nicks you in the leg. You're an inch from death. You turn around, ready to make a last stand. But wait? What's that? You hear a horse galloping towards your direction. Your ally came to aid you in your time of crisis. With a swift jab of his spear he impales one of your foes. He turns around and gallops towards the other. But the opponent was ready for him and with a precise strike managed to hit your ally's horse. He falls off with a loud thud onto the ground. Seeing him in danger, despite you being so wounded, you rush towards your foe and swipe at him before he gets to finish off your fallen ally. Now rinse and repeat. And this doesn't even take into account the sieging castle gametypes.

There's team deathmatch. It's a pretty team based game. You won't find yourself oneshotting everyone unless you're really high geared.
Forkball said:
What's the Mount and Blade multiplayer like? Is it team based battles or deathmatch or what?

When you look at the server list you'll see the following game types.

Battle: 2 teams, you basically get 1 life per round.

Siege: attackers are trying to capture a flag (stand next to it without any defenders around it for a while, the more attackers the quicker it is taken), attackers respawn instantly outside the castle when they die, defenders respawn inside the castle after 20 seconds.

DM and Team DM: just respawn endlessly and kill

cRPG: a really dumb mod that a lot of people like for some reason where you basically grind battles for equipment and have absolutely no chance to kill a high level player until you've played the game yourself for 30-50 hours or so.


Holy hell, 500+ posts from the new deals this afternoon, and TWO people have posted Global Agenda impressions?

Well, let me: I'm kind of enjoying it. The tutorial area that takes you up to Lv 5 is fairly dull, but it's an over the person shooter MMO. I don't feel hamstrung because I haven't bought a booster. Reminds me a fair bit of Guild Wars.

I'm going to steal a long recommendation post from the Reddit sale thread for today because it's what sold me on it:

I would say that Global agenda is probably the game of the day, I'll sum it up. It's HIGHLY underrated.

The game is extremely fast and exciting, but engaging and interesting at the same time, it blends pvp and pve very well and rewardingly.

There are 4 classes:

You have the recon, a spry fast, high spike damage character that can get away from a bad situation if need be. Probably the hardest class to play WELL.

The assault: Your classic 'tanky' character, They can fill a few roles, machine gunner, rocket launcher, etc. Probably the easiest class to play.

The Medic: The medic has 2 roles, the stereotypical healer role and the role of being a 'poison medic'. Poison medics probably have the highest damage potential in most of the CTF type maps due to the nature of their aoes. Pois medics are extremely powerful and if played right can really dominate a match.

The robo: The classic 'builder' class. They have 2 class specific trees, drone and ummmmm builder. I forget the builder trees name, but you basically build turrets, these include turrets that can basically kill ANYONE in a matter of about 1-2 seconds if they don't have a healer. Turrets have 100% accuracy and a slight pushback... sorta cheap, a well placed turret can really turn the tide of a close match. Their other spec is called 'drone' drones are self-playing robots that help the robo for a short period of time.

There are a few different types of pvp/e: You have 1v1 / 4v4 arena, where you can take a group of people and pvp with them. The 'normal' kind of pvp is 10v10 called mercenary.

Mercenary is split into 5 different types of match (you can select what you want). Control (where you try to control 2+ points on a map to get 800 points first), payload (where you push an objective through 3 checkpoints, or defend against being pushed), scramble (where 2 teams battle over a single point on a map 3 times, similar to breach but breach has set defenders / attackers), breach (similar to scramble, except one team attacks, one team defends. Teams attempt to take objectives, 1 at a time, until all 3 are controlled by their team) And destruction (each team gets a big robot, they have to run it to the other side of the map to kill stuff).

Each class has different weapons that are unlocked as you level. There are guilds called 'agencies' that vie for control of hexes on a map... this is a bit complicated but there is a whole type of combat called ava.

The pve is called 'special ops' and is divided into security levels (med, high, max, and ultramax) and those are just level requirements / difficulty. Pve is usually more of a gearcheck than a skillcheck. There is another type of pve that is open every 90 minutes or so called Double-agent where you have 6 people, 4 attacking, 2 defending. The 4 play a normal pve mission, the 2 play with the computer enemies and try to kill the 4 players pveing.

The last mode that I didn't cover is called "Raid" raid is a 10 man pve-mission where you and 9 others try to defend a 'core' from an onslaught of enemies.

You level / get money and tokens as you play, gear drops, etc...max level is 50

Lastly: the developers are the BEST I've encountered in any MMO. Hands down, period. I think that the game is an 8.5 / 10, but the developers are a 12/10. They really listen to the community. They did away with a p2p model, added a massive open pve / mission based area, etc. They send out surveys to the users asking what they want changed, and how they can go about doing it. Community people / developers are VERY active on the message boards compared to other games I played.

Definitely worth checking out. The only thing the game lacks is a big playerbase, and that's not to say that it's small, it's big enough to do things with.

If anyone is jumping in and wants to party up, let me know. I may form a GAF clan or whatever.


Blizzard said:
Don't forget Lost Horizon is $5 on Amazon. Does anyone know if the Amazon/retail Crossworlds package works with the Steam prequels, or is Crossworlds totally independent of the earlier games?
Notice: Requires King's Bounty: Armored Princess on Steam to play.


Sysgen said:
D'oh. I was going to say he could spend $10 for both instead of $8-10 for one, but I suppose the retail/Amazon copy only works with Amazon. However, he could spend $8.75 on Amazon for all three games King's Bounty games, so that's still only $13.75 for those plus Lost Horizon!


Jokey665 said:
I just did the math... I've spent over 250 dollars on this fucking sale already. FUCK :lol
Around 180 for me total since the start.

Oddly enough no charges have been added to my card since Dec 24th sales. Wonder if steam folk took a break or something.

I got about 141$ waiting to be charged.


Blizzard said:
D'oh. I was going to say he could spend $10 for both instead of $8-10 for one, but I suppose the retail/Amazon copy only works with Amazon. However, he could spend $8.75 on Amazon for all three games King's Bounty games, so that's still only $13.75 for those plus Lost Horizon!

Not 100% but the Amazon version of CW should work with any Armored Princess but Steam and perhaps D2D?
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