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2010 Steam Holiday Sale Thread: of GAF collectively handing over wallet to Based Gabe

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YYZ said:
Any opinions on Indie Fright/Fantasy/Flight/Future packs?

Zombie Driver is tons o' fun.
Spectromancer is a decent M:TG clone.
Uplink is one of the best games ever.

That's all I got. If the last day is reasonably light I'm grabbing the Flight pack.


demosthenes said:

Sorry if someone else has already answered this but I'll give it a whirl.

The King's Bounty series is a bit different than VC and FE, though it's a bit closer to FE than VC. Chances are that if your friend likes VC and FE - he'll also like King's Bounty. They all fall in the SRPG genre. KB is an easy game to get into but don't take that to mean that it's for beginners. While it looks like a very non-linear game, you're pretty much forced to approach it in a very methodical manner - especially the first installment.

Still, it's a fun series and well worth it if he is a fan. You might want to check if he is a Heroes of Might and Magic fan while you're at it just to be safe. If he is, then this game is a solid choice.


Picked up King's Bounty on the threads recommendation, and what the hell? Does this game simply assume you've played all the other games in the genre? Being new to this type of game, I cannot figure out what's going on, and the game thus far does a very poor job of teaching the mechanics. Can't tell what I'm doing wrong but in the trials in the beginning I'm losing half my damn army. The F?


TheFightingFish said:
Games like Fire Emblem and VC are actually pretty different from King's Bounty. Heroes of Might and Magic is the closest comparison, or maybe some thing like Age of Wonders.

I might not be the best guy to ask though, as while I love turn based strategy games I actually think King's Bounty is pretty terrible. The battles are massively repetitive with very little strategic differentiation between one and the next. Occasionally an enemy hero or group of unique enemies will challenge you, but be prepared for continually fighting 10-15 battles against the exact same enemy groups on the exact same terrain time and time again using the exact same tactics each time. Ohh, and when you wear down from combat you have to walk back to the various castles to refill your unit types.

This formula actually worked much better in Heroes of Might and Magic as in those games you had enemy (or other player) heroes actively running around and fighting the same mobs and looting the same treasures. So in those games you actually had a reason to be both smart and picky about who you fought and when you fought them. But in KB it's just you versus the static world so you have no reason not to just safely grind mobs in the easiest fashion. Especially since tackling tougher enemies will just kill more of your troops (even if you win) and thus requiring you to run back and forth to refill your troops even more often. It really just seems like a grind game to me, charming for sure, but just a grind.

Much of GAF would not agree with me, but I'd get Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic or Heroes III Complete from GOG instead.

Ooooh, I'll be checking those out. Thanks for the tip!

Petrie said:
Picked up King's Bounty on the threads recommendation, and what the hell? Does this game simply assume you've played all the other games in the genre? Being new to this type of game, I cannot figure out what's going on, and the game thus far does a very poor job of teaching the mechanics. Can't tell what I'm doing wrong but in the trials in the beginning I'm losing half my damn army. The F?

Pretty much. Now that you mention it, the tutorial is pretty weak. There IS a manual that's included with the game, but who reads manuals these days? :lol
Petrie said:
Picked up King's Bounty on the threads recommendation, and what the hell? Does this game simply assume you've played all the other games in the genre? Being new to this type of game, I cannot figure out what's going on, and the game thus far does a very poor job of teaching the mechanics. Can't tell what I'm doing wrong but in the trials in the beginning I'm losing half my damn army. The F?

Eh, I've played a few of these games and have found KB to be just as tricky to learn. The tutorial just plain sucks.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
And something else:
I started to play CivCity:Rome and anyone who is slightly interested in a mixture between Civilization and SimCity should really pick it up for 1 buck.
It is definitely a solid, if not groundbreaking, and engaging city sim. Quite a good tutorial that explains everything you need to know and lots of stuff to keep track of.
The graphics arent the best but suitable and I dont really get where some of those 6/10 ratings come from. The worst review I could find ends with

Honestgamers said:
"Even so, CivCity: Rome ends up being a rather fun experience despite its faults, if only because it chose the right games to mimic."

While the best one ends with

gameindustry said:
Everything about CivCity Rome speaks to quality. If you are into city building or even want to learn about Rome, you can't go wrong with this one. A lot has been said about the Caesar series and its dominance over the years. But we think that dominance may be at an end. Make ready for the CivCity Roman Empire!


This is the beginning of my first settlement with some housings in the middle, a stone worker, a butcher and a few storage buildings. You improve the housings by giving them what they want (e.g. water near their houses) they upgrade and give you more taxes. Research is also available with lots of research trees as is troop combat (which I couldnt test yet)

Pick it up during the sale if you are into these kind of games. I probably wouldnt have bought it for the normal price of 10$, but 1$ and only 9 people (of which no one has played it) in my 140 Gaf friends list having bought this is really doing the game a bit injustice.

Steam Link for 1$/€

Edit: The only thing that bugs me a bit atm is that there is no window mode and the graphics get stretched. I will play it even with slightly stretched graphics since it seems to be a nice game, but I am still looking for a fix.
I just gifted a copy of Warband to my cousin after intense battling online. The fights are intense, the battle system is solid and the engine will run well on a turd of a PC.

There is nothing like upgrading to awesome staff weapons and kick ass swords that help you kill as many as four or five people without breaking a sweat or any of your momentum. The horse riding is also fun and it's hilarious to see people reviving in alleys while on their horses. This is one of those sleeper titles gaf. I expect some serious word of mouth on this one.



shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
I've never played Crysis before, so I had to cop that pack. Pretty fun thus far.

Cranked up the visuals and then went straight to delta difficulty as I'm a baller like that. The music tends to 'skip' a lot for me though, so I had to turn it off. Not so baller. :(


echoshifting said:
Eh, I've played a few of these games and have found KB to be just as tricky to learn. The tutorial just plain sucks.

I wouldn't even call it a damn tutorial. (Also, being new to Steam use, I wasn't even aware manuals were an option. Guess I'll look, but that sucks.)


Petrie said:
Picked up King's Bounty on the threads recommendation, and what the hell? Does this game simply assume you've played all the other games in the genre? Being new to this type of game, I cannot figure out what's going on, and the game thus far does a very poor job of teaching the mechanics. Can't tell what I'm doing wrong but in the trials in the beginning I'm losing half my damn army. The F?

ummm, the legend does a pretty decent job of giving you the basics. The game isn't that complex. I played the demo of AP before I played the Legend, and I was pretty fucking lost. AP does assume you played the game.

The game goes like this: You have 5-6 units that take place on the grid. Each unit has a quantity. The more quantity you have on a unit, the stronger it is. The current HP you see is the HP of just one single archer,swordsmen, etc. Think of Civ4, and stacks of doom. That's what King's Bounty is about. Getting the bigger stack.

The only thing you need to know is to right click enemies, and check the unit count/strength of unit. The game doesn't really teach you much about that. Anything past match early game is a really tough fight. Also, you will run into many impossible odds that you can beat, but some of the impossible odds you meet early game via quests aren't worth sacrificing your army over. The undead kid, emniem? is retardly strong, but the reward wasn't even worth it.

Also, don't underestimate starting units that you can buy. Once your leadership skyrockets, getting horde quantity of archers or swordsmen are very good mid game, and can possibly last you till end.


CrashPrime said:
Sadly, they are not. Doom I/II really do not hold up well. I grew up on Wolf3d and Doom and even the nostalgia is lost on those games after playing modern era FPS with proper freelook.

If it was the Quake pack, it'd be worth twice the asking price. Those games are still an absolute riot.
I disagree. I love to play Doom 1 & 2 still today. Got Doom on the iPhone, waiting for Doom 2 to come.

If you really want free-look with a mouse you can dump the wad in zDoom. But it makes doom stupid easy.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
_tetsuo_ said:
Wallach, get Mount and Blade. Sin, download cRPG and joooooooooin usssssss.

I actually just installed cRPG since the biggest servers all seem to be running it. Don't have time to delve into it tonight though.


Finally, after a full year of deliberation, I caved on King's Bounty. I don't remember why I never bought this, I think it might be because I heard it had no story.


Toma said:
And something else:
I started to play CivCity:Rome and anyone who is slightly interested in a mixture between Civilization and SimCity should really pick it up for 1 buck.
It is definitely a solid, if not groundbreaking, and engaging city sim. Quite a good tutorial that explains everything you need to know and lots of stuff to keep track of.
The graphics arent the best but suitable and I dont really get where some of those 6/10 ratings come from. The worst review I could find ends with

While the best one ends with


This is the beginning of my first settlement with some housings in the middle, a stone worker, a butcher and a few storage buildings. You improve the housings by giving them what they want (e.g. water near their houses) they upgrade and give you more taxes. Research is also available with lots of research trees as is troop combat (which I couldnt test yet)

Pick it up during the sale if you are into these kind of games. I probably wouldnt have bought it for the normal price of 10$, but 1$ and only 9 people (of which no one has played it) in my 140 Gaf friends list having bought this is really doing the game a bit injustice.

Steam Link for 1$/€

Edit: The only thing that bugs me a bit atm is that there is no window mode and the graphics get stretched. I will play it even with slightly stretched graphics since it seems to be a nice game, but I am still looking for a fix.

Was thinking about it but its not avaliable in Australia so I'd need it gifted.

(I'm pretty sure it used to be though :/)

Give me a more detailed run down in how it plays and I might consider it.
I just loaded up Tropico 3 for the first time and it looks absolutely gorgeous. The island is rendered beautifully, the commentary is stupid funny and the music/atmosphere just melts away anxiety.

I just wanted to praise the game before going to sleep.



SolarPowered said:
I just loaded up Tropico 3 for the first time and it looks absolutely gorgeous. The island is rendered beautifully, the commentary is stupid funny and the music/atmosphere just melts away anxiety.

I just wanted to praise the game before going to sleep.

I agree Tropico is the best game ever.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
trinest said:
Was thinking about it but its not avaliable in Australia so I'd need it gifted.

(I'm pretty sure it used to be though :/)

Give me a more detailed run down in how it plays and I might consider it.

Sure. First of all recent screenshot of my current town (I stretched it a bit to get it nearer to the actual picture you'll see ingame as you cannot use a widescreen resolution. The picture is stretched 4:3 but I already got used to it) :


The gameplay is very similar to Caesar if you ever played these games.
The game comes with 2 play modes, a map editor and the civilopedia.
The first mode is the campaign mode, which gives you a town/place and a certain objectives to work on. Its best to start with that since it gradually unlocks the buildings and researches so that you arent immediately overwhelmed with all the structures. For example the game tells you to deliver a certain amount of stone and olive oil, and you go off to build a quarry and a mason for stone and the fields and olive shops for olive oil. While you do that you need to take care of your citizens other needs. If they are near a resource of water, for example, their houses can get upgraded so that they pay more taxes to you.
Also, you need to take care of security so that wild animals wont eat your citizens and to erect firetowers to extinguish fires around your city.
When you finished 2 or 3 set of objectives in one location you get the heads up by Caesar and go on to the next city with different kind of problems to explain you more elements of the game. In campaign mode you basically need to manage the objectives, keep your people happy and dont run out of money. You need to balance that somewhat, for example:

You dont have enough money? -> Give people lower wages (which makes them unhappy)
People are unhappy? Give them more food they can eat, or build more houses, or build more places to work (depends on the reason for their unhappiness)
You run out of food? Build more goat farms and butchers and/or research a technology which allows butchers to get more meat from butchering

You have some sliders to adjust some of these values. I actually needed to use them to balance my income and city happiness, so they are not just there for fun.

The second mode is a single mission mode. You basically have a certain set of external factors you need to come to grips with and you already have every structure unlocked. One Mission is for example:"Control a revolt in Egypt, while preparing a large shipment of wheat for Rome".

And of course the map editor lets you create your own premade maps and cities for a player to finish the objectives you choose.

The more I play the game, the more I like it. I hope the campaign is not ONLY serving as a tutorial. I'll probably play through the whole campaign as I like the ongoing sets of objectives they throw at me. But you can also choose a freeplay mission if you wanted. This game is definitely not as bad as the average on metacritics suggest. I can see people complaining who bought it at launch with a 50$ price point, but if you like these games, the 1$ price tag makes it pretty hard to pass up.
That last page sold me on Mount and Blade, picked it up for myself as well as my brother and a friend, chewing through half of my allowance for the sale!

Damage so far:
Batman Arkham Asylum 7.50
Mount and Blade Warband x 3 22.50
Misadventures of PB Winterbottom 0.50
Machinarium 3.00

16.55 remaining in the wallet, and nothing that I'm really desperately craving. Hoping to see Metro go on sale, but otherwise I'll just spend the remainder on something on the last day, maybe Bioshock 2, Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising or something else that jumps out at me. Don't really mind not buying those games when they were dailies, the price is only 3 bucks more and I'm not sure on them anyway, they'll just be last day purchases to empty the wallet if nothing else shows up.

God I love Steam...


I keep coming back wanting to buy that Crysis pack, but then I'm reminded of the DRM and it keeps me from pulling the trigger. Someone please tell me the DRM isn't as bad as it sounds and I should just go for it. D:
I tried the demo of Mount and Blade yesterday and liked and wanted to go buy it, buut then I just kept playing and did so for around 4 hours, without any constraints. It didn't seem like a trial version at all. Wth?? o_O


Lumine said:
I keep coming back wanting to buy that Crysis pack, but then I'm reminded of the DRM and it keeps me from pulling the trigger. Someone please tell me the DRM isn't as bad as it sounds and I should just go for it. D:

Tomorrow there will be a void in your library where Crysis should have been. You'll look at the price and it'll be back to $40. Can you live with yourself?


Confirmed Asshole
Phantast2k said:
I tried the demo of Mount and Blade yesterday and liked and wanted to go buy it, buut then I just kept playing and did so for around 4 hours, without any constraints. It didn't seem like a trial version at all. Wth?? o_O
You can only level until level 8 or so. So you'll have issues commanding big armies, conquering whole lands and fulfilling quests that way.

I'm having a few issues with Crysis.

I have a 5770, 4 GB RAM and a Quad Q8300 2.5 GHz.

The issues I am having are that when I run the game at either 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080 there is some underscan which does not happen with any other game. I have set the settings to "Maintain aspect ratio" in the Catalyst Control Center like I have it set with all my games.

The other issue I am having is with changing options. Whenever I change an option the game crashes and the game stops running.

Please help me resolve these issues and thank you in advance!


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
If anyone is outside of their homecountries and want to buy discounted games from Steam with your own Visa. Use the netbrowser store as in: http://store.steampowered.com/?cc=fi ,replace 'fi' with your prefered country. If you still can't buy stuff, contact Valve support that will unlock your account for use.

Or simpler, ask a friend to gift the game. ;)
Toma said:
Tried this last week as well and I really like it. Started a skirmish only so far and did not get much of what I was doing. But it's a great game for 99cent and now I know where FireFly got some ideas for stronghold kingdoms and Stronghold 3 from. It uses the same graphics engine as in Stronghold 2 which makes it a bit barren but it looks still kinda nice. (Stronghold 2 not so much imho)


ashbash159 said:

I'm having a few issues with Crysis.

I have a 5770, 4 GB RAM and a Quad Q8300 2.5 GHz.

The issues I am having are that when I run the game at either 1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080 there is some underscan which does not happen with any other game. I have set the settings to "Maintain aspect ratio" in the Catalyst Control Center like I have it set with all my games.

The other issue I am having is with changing options. Whenever I change an option the game crashes and the game stops running.

Please help me resolve these issues and thank you in advance!

Regarding the underscan the setting is buried deeply:
You might have to mess around with changing your desktop resolution and then the underscan setting; I've stumbled on to similar problems from time to time and it's a pain.
ne1 said:
Regarding the underscan the setting is buried deeply:
You might have to mess around with changing your desktop resolution and then the underscan setting; I've stumbled on to similar problems from time to time and it's a pain.
No I know about the scaling option in CCC but when I play Crysis it completely ignores my settings. As I said, this does not happen with any other of my games.

KuroNeeko said:
Pretty much. Now that you mention it, the tutorial is pretty weak. There IS a manual that's included with the game, but who reads manuals these days? :lol
Steam should automatically download PDFs of game manuals when it downloads games. It is a pain in the ass to download them separately. And it is not like it adds much to the bandwidth since most manuals are 8 page booklets these days.

I downloaded a ton of manuals separately but then stopped since most games don't really need them since most games include good in-game tutorials now. But in some cases, like this one, it is a pain in the ass to track down the manual separately.


Dunlop said:
My wife is looking for a game like Myst. Anything I should be looking out for during this sale?

Has she played all the Mysts yet?

TBH, no other series has even come close to comparing to Myst.

I'd probably recommend the Myst games that aren't on Steam though...Myst 3, and Myst 4.

Riven is ridiculously hard.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone interested in a "I buy you EU-Crysis, you buy me Global Agenda"-Deal? ^^
wmat said:
You can only level until level 8 or so. So you'll have issues commanding big armies, conquering whole lands and fulfilling quests that way.
Thank you! It also says so when you start up the demo :lol
<- idiot


Gold Member
ashbash159 said:
No I know about the scaling option in CCC but when I play Crysis it completely ignores my settings. As I said, this does not happen with any other of my games.


I think Crysis is one of the most troubling games to get to output over on a HDTV correctly, always reading people having trouble.

I think what worked for one person was to enable image scaling (which is fairly tricky), so when you select 720p the resolution is scaled to 1080p by the card even though you're running 720p.

I think to enable that you have to go to the lower resolution to even get the box to become available, then you know it's working when you switch resolutions and your screen doesn't do that flash, it should instantly display the lower resolution.
I knew I shouldn't have come to this thread! :/

CivCity:Rome looks interesting!
SimCity 4 for $5. DAMN!!
Civilization IV: The Complete Edition for $6? DAMNN!!!!!

How's Ghost Master? Costs a buck! :p

Also, if you have to pick 3 games from the Sim/Civ list, which one would you do?
Petrie said:
Picked up King's Bounty on the threads recommendation, and what the hell? Does this game simply assume you've played all the other games in the genre? Being new to this type of game, I cannot figure out what's going on, and the game thus far does a very poor job of teaching the mechanics. Can't tell what I'm doing wrong but in the trials in the beginning I'm losing half my damn army. The F?

I quit relatively early on because of this. Does the expansion have a better tutorial?
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