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2010 Steam Holiday Sale Thread: of GAF collectively handing over wallet to Based Gabe

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Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Antiochus said:
I have heard truly horrific rumors of Ubisoft DRM on the PC, and that they come standard on all PC games these days.

Perhaps that will a big enough deterrant against AC2?
A.) There are cracks that let you "fix" it.
B.) You might never have an issue with it if your net connection is stable.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
So what are the differences between Trials 2 and Trials HD - completely different games with the same setting? Which one's better?
Just Cause 2 $7.50
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale $6.80
Lara Croft GoL $5.10
Super Meat Boy $3.75
Defense Grid $2
Misadventures of PB Winterbottom $0.50



Nabbed Recettear, how could I resist the ability to decorate my own item shop? :D

The Guild 2 looks interesting? Any one have it?


Stallion Free said:
Idk, why don't you actually try playing it.
that's the problem, i finished the game
on pc 1080p + 60 fps (didn't have any problem with ubi drm)
i like the gameplay but the execution is pretty bad (repetitive, boring and way too easy )
dunno, maybe i was expecting way too much from the praise i heard in gaf when the console version was released.


Bufbaf said:
So what are the differences between Trials 2 and Trials HD - completely different games with the same setting? Which one's better?

Yep, completely different games. HD has quite a bit more content wise, but 2 is the most that'll be on PC for now.


Playing Magic The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers... In multiplayer, trying to figure what creatures to block with during an attack of 20 creatures all with varying buffs and instants out near the end of a game... so I get one creature up before the games says NOOOOOO, the invisible timer runs out and the other player unleashes the apocalypse on me. FUUUUCK THIS GAME.


There was nothing in the daily sales that I wanted today.

So I bought the Paradox pack. Reduce something by 92% and I'm buying it, simple as that. Now I have Ship Simulator Extreme, my life is complete.
Paradox pack is decent, as long as you're next expecting amazing graphics. Some of the games are pretty in depth, others seem like 'Cheap' versions of the Total War series.


SmokyDave said:
There was nothing in the daily sales that I wanted today.

So I bought the Paradox pack. Reduce something by 92% and I'm buying it, simple as that. Now I have Ship Simulator Extreme, my life is complete.

Extremes. It's Ship Simulator Extremes.


Lasthope106 said:
There is only one game that can make this Steam sale a great one for me:


Nothing else will suffice.

I've been following Steam for a long time, and only once long ago was this game on sale for half price. I wouldn't be surprised that there are legal reasons why this game hasn't been on sale, with the studio the developed it being history and all that.

Honestly if it isn't on sale this holiday I'd recommend you buy it for the 20$. Considering it's arguably one of the top 5 RPGs ever made you won't regret the decision. I certainly never regretted paying the 20$.


Xapati said:
I've been following Steam for a long time, and only once long ago was this game on sale for half price. I wouldn't be surprised that there are legal reasons why this game hasn't been on sale, with the studio the developed it being history and all that.

Honestly if it isn't on sale this holiday I'd recommend you buy it for the 20$. Considering it's arguably one of the top 5 RPGs ever made you won't regret the decision. I certainly never regretted paying the 20$.
dude, vtm:b was on sale at direct2drive for $5 maybe a year ago.


woah what the fuck is that whale doing in a vampire game?

And instead of giving me a youtube video of 'the best character in the game', can someone please explain in proper what the game is about? You can be either of different vampire races and follow a storyline and do quests and stuff?
SmokyDave said:
There is already more than one extreme in my ship simulator?

That's phenomenal. I thought I'd need to look for some DLC.

Dave, I think its best you don't play this game. I fear for your fragile heart.


MNC said:
woah what the fuck is that whale doing in a vampire game?

And instead of giving me a youtube video of 'the best character in the game', can someone please explain in proper what the game is about? You can be either of different vampire races and follow a storyline and do quests and stuff?
does it matter what the "game is about?" it's the best crpg ever made, exemplified by its top-tier script, subtly hostile unnatural/cosmopolitan atmosphere, entertaining if occasionally transparent level design, unparalleled social player choice, immense freedom and encouragement to explore, and the small bonus of some real-world relevance which frankly no other rpg i've ever played has even tried for.

so yes, you can be either of different vampire races and follow a storyline and do quests and stuff, whatever the fuck that means
John said:
does it matter what the "game is about?" it's the best crpg ever made, exemplified by its top-tier script, subtly hostile unnatural/cosmopolitan atmosphere, entertaining if occasionally transparent level design, unparalleled social player choice, immense freedom and encouragement to explore, and the small bonus of some real-world relevance which frankly no other rpg i've ever played has even tried for.

so yes, you can be either of different vampire races and follow a storyline and do quests and stuff, whatever the fuck that means

But, most importantly, can your character be a sexy vampire chick?
Squash said:
The Guild 2 looks interesting? Any one have it?
Yeah, I bought it during the summer sale and played a couple hours. Seemed decent with some depth to it. I just didn't or don't find the personal focus that compelling and would rather play a larger-scale strategy game I guess.


Stallion Free said:
A.) There are cracks that let you "fix" it.
B.) You might never have an issue with it if your net connection is stable.
Bought AC2 today knowing about the DRM, installed it...was pleasntly surprised at just how well it works and how non-invasive it appears to be. Faster activation than previosu DRM efforts I've seen, and a sleight to Steam / bonus for players is the cloud saving it has. If it works as advertised.

What I can say though is that I don't know what all the hoopala was about. Game works perfectly fine. And if in the distant future I feel like playing it and for some reason the servers aren't up to authenticate it, there are the cracks that you mention. But I'll delve into that if necessary...no reaosn to even touch it now.

I think I'll try disconnecting my internet just to see how it behaves...but I am always connected so in the real world instead of testing one, there shouldn't be any issues.

And didn't they loosen the reigns on it a while back anyway? Like allow you to keep playing if you were online when you began playing? Either way, I'd encourage everyone not to skip out on such a great game for such a low price. It's not worth worrying about a problem that likely won't arise.


Damage today.

Just Cause 2 7.50 USD
Monkey Island Complete Pack 8.75 USD
Winterbottom 0.49 USD
AI War: Children of Neinzul 1.99 USD

Subtotal 21.22 USD

Glad the monkey island pack went from 50% off to 75%.:D also guardian of light is so awesome, played a few levels with a friend on coop today, and it was a complete blast.:lol


John said:
does it matter what the "game is about?" it's the best crpg ever made, exemplified by its top-tier script, subtly hostile unnatural/cosmopolitan atmosphere, entertaining if occasionally transparent level design, unparalleled social player choice, immense freedom and encouragement to explore, and the small bonus of some real-world relevance which frankly no other rpg i've ever played has even tried for.

so yes, you can be either of different vampire races and follow a storyline and do quests and stuff, whatever the fuck that means
See that's still more info than I got at first. This qualifies as 'what the game is all about', in my books ;) Will look into it some more then maybe buy it if Valve ever drops the price.
MNC said:
woah what the fuck is that whale doing in a vampire game?

Looks to me like a "Moby Dick" reference (as in "this game is my white whale!"), but you probably spotted that immediately and are simply just being funny about it. Ignore me either way.

EDIT: The more I think about it, the more obvious it is that you knew the reference. D'oh!


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
lucky americans... don't have to wait entire day to partake in luscious deals :{


Man, I'm still contemplating AC2. On one hand I'm thinking I already spent a lot on these sales and none of them are actually games I was planning on buying. And it's only the 3rd day! Besides it might still show up again on the last day if they're doing a "best of" sale like last year. I can still pick it up then if I don't end up spending too much. On the other hand I just want to smash that mouse button in my drooling excitement and pretend I have more than enough money and not a care in the world. D:

Decisions, decisions...


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Lumine said:
Man, I'm still contemplating AC2. On one hand I'm thinking I already spent a lot on these sales and none of them are actually games I was planning on buying. And it's only the 3rd day! Besides it might still show up again on the last day if they're doing a "best of" sale like last year. I can still pick it up then if I don't end up spending too much. On the other hand I just want to smash that mouse button in my drooling excitement and pretend I have more than enough money and not a care in the world. D:

Decisions, decisions...

do it! buy it.... give in. No but seriously it's a great game, and a lengthy one nonetheless you'll get your moneys worth
Do it! I allow myself one game over $15 per sale and I consider it the 'big game' that I bought. It doesn't really make much sense since some of the games on sale are newer and on sale for cheaper but it's how I rationalize it damn it.

Remember that there is a deluxe edition for an extra $2.50.


Bii said:
I own most of the other daily deals but the one that caught my eye was the Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack for $17.49. I'm looking at that price and remember paying less for it a few months back. So I dug up the e-mail receipt and sure enough, I only payed $11.90 back in June 2010. I don't remember what sort of special/sale they were having then but thought that was interesting.

Yeah, I thought the current sale wasn't too great when the new deals came up yesterday, and today it seems they dropped it to €8.25.
On page 14 of the store front I noticed on the left panel a daily indie deal which doesn't appear with the other daily deals on page 1. Is it really a daily deal (as in more expensive soon) and why is it hidden there?


Gold Member
MNC said:
woah what the fuck is that whale doing in a vampire game?

And instead of giving me a youtube video of 'the best character in the game', can someone please explain in proper what the game is about? You can be either of different vampire races and follow a storyline and do quests and stuff?


How can you say no to a game with dialog options like that? And there's more to it!

And there's plenty more where that came from!

And that's not even taking in to account when you play as Malkavian you get a whole new set of dialog options (complete in a fitting font) that are 100x more crazy because you're literally insane and in your own world!

And the facial animation system when they are delivering the lines is still among the best, and the VA is generally great too, loved this guy in the tutorial, among others.
Anyone want to trade a copy of Battlefield Bad Company 2 for Left 4 Dead 2 (Aus version, don't know if it'd be censored if I gift it) and a copy of Alien vs Predator?


Corky said:
do it! buy it.... give in. No but seriously it's a great game, and a lengthy one nonetheless you'll get your moneys worth
toasty_T said:
Do it! I allow myself one game over $15 per sale and I consider it the 'big game' that I bought. It doesn't really make much sense since some of the games on sale are newer and on sale for cheaper but it's how I rationalize it damn it.

Remember that there is a deluxe edition for an extra $2.50.

Oh boy this close to doing it. I'm guessing the extra content is worth it then? Does it matter I haven't played the first one yet? Hypothetical question: what if the first game goes on sale too for the same price or slightly less and I can only buy one for the time being... should I go for AC1 first or still skip it and get AC2 anyway? :p
Get AC2, it's a far better game than the first (first was too repetitive and the controls weren't as smooth but I still enjoyed the story and Altair was awesome).

I actually bought AC1 when it first came out and only played a few hours then didn't touch it until after I finished AC2.
If you have to pick 1 get AC2. Maybe get the first one down the line so you can explore the settings which are incredibly realized. The repetitive gameplay can become somewhat grating (too much for me, others might not mind) which is why I suggest against it.


Starwolf_UK said:
On page 14 of the store front I noticed on the left panel a daily indie deal which doesn't appear with the other daily deals on page 1. Is it really a daily deal (as in more expensive soon) and why is it hidden there?
Yes, it's only for that day, and because of stupidity I guess.


Not sure if this recent ArsTechnica article about indie game pricing was brought up yet, but there's some neat tidbits about Steam.

Jolly Rover was also part of one of Steam's recent holiday bundles, packaged alongside Gish, Puzzle Agent, Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale, and And Yet it Moves. For one day, all five games cost just $5. And despite only getting one-fifth of the bundle's revenue, with nearly 47,000 copies sold, Goulding said he still made more revenue in that one day than he had during the game's entire life up to that point.

Listening, Games For Windows Marketplace? This Deal of the Week will not cut it.
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