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2011 Fall Anime Thread - Bad Shows & Self Hating Nerds

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cosmicblizzard said:
The premise you're talking about is secondary, but I guess unimportant stuff can ruin a whole series like Penguin Drum episode 10. Oh wait...
If major goals for characters are unimportant you're doing it wrong. Also, there would be no reason to invent something so mind-bogglingly unbelievable if it wasn't meant to be important.


icarus-daedelus said:
How many times do you think we need to watch Glass Fleet before it starts to make sense?
Oh the ideas behind the story make plenty of sense, at least in that it's a coherent plot. What doesn't make sense is how anyone could look at how the story was executed and think it's how storytelling is supposed to be.
mAcOdIn said:
So, there's no bad shows only viewers that just didn't try hard enough? Ok....
No, there are plenty of shows where no matter how many times you watch them, they're still terrible nonsense. Horizon, though, does start to make more sense after you watch the episodes several times.

That doesn't mean you're going to like it, that's a different question, but it does mean that it does start to make some sense.

zeroshiki said:
Its like an argument on the gaming side.

"No, Lair doesn't suck you're just doing it wrong"
I haven't played Lair, but I like or love every Factor 5 game I've played (SNES, Genesis, N64, GC, PC...), so I don't know what I'd think of Lair, but I'd like to like it. I'd need to play it to know if it's actually good though.


A Black Falcon said:
No, there are plenty of shows where no matter how many times you watch them, they're still terrible nonsense. Horizon, though, does start to make more sense after you watch the episodes several times.

That doesn't mean you're going to like it, that's a different question, but it does mean that it does start to make some sense.

I haven't played Lair, but I like or love every Factor 5 game I've played (SNES, N64, GC, PC...), so I don't know what I'd think of Lair, but I'd like to like it. I'd need to play it to know if it's actually good though.
If you're a Factor 5 fan you should hate Lair for killing Factor 5.
Branduil said:
If you're a Factor 5 fan you should hate Lair for killing Factor 5.
Factor 5 should have known better than leave Nintendo consoles... :)

... Also, post Nintendo departure, that game wasn't the only reason they went under. It was one, but Brash's demise was the final blow, not Lair.


zeroshiki said:
Just to piss off the Madoka people, I'm actually gonna find out how to vote in Saimoe and vote for Elsie.

She's so HNNNNGH.
Cutest demon ever.


zeroshiki said:
I actually found the concept of creating manga kinda interesting. At the very least it was educational to find out how borked the manga system is.

That's the reason I started to read it as well. But the series ends up getting bogged down in a lot of terrible garbage.


A Black Falcon said:
Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon 3 - As some other people have said, this was another somewhat disappointing episode where not much seems to happen. Oh, some of the plotlines move forward slightly, but really, it's only slightly. Some things are happening (
for instance, what was that with an assassin maid or something breaking through a border?
), and there were some interesting things in this episode (most notably, the discussion about what had happened to Horizon, and about the MC and his part in it and trauma about it since), but overall... yeah, it does feel like this could be moving forward a lot faster than it is. This show isn't exactly that good.

That's really the biggest "crime" of Horizon. After some translation debacles and overthinking things, it's actually not all that confusing; no more so than any other character heavy show, anyway. It's paced horribly, though. Some shuffling of events and direction might have gotten more intrigue in earlier and been at the same point. Now I think I get why the books are so thick.

Also, the
maid assassin is one of the Matsudaira living dolls. I assume this is part of his "fireworks!" from the end of Episode 2 he mentioned.

I mean, they should either be making it understandable or fast paced, but they're managing neither, so it both goes somewhat slowly (I thought by now they'd have gotten to that confession) and is so confusing that I feel like I have to watch every episode several times just to understand the details. It works, sure... but is that really the best design?

It's taken four episodes (so far!) for a confession; I'm not sure I can handle the prolonging of a character death or anything else.

Anyway though, I expect things to happen soon. There was LOT of foreshadowing in this episode that
the confession would lead to greater events that at this moment they had not forseen
, so I'm expecting that soon... perhaps the idea here is to show how things were for them before everything changed? If so, perhaps then you can justify these three episodes. We'll see.

I really hope so, based off of how Asama speaks at the start/end of the episode; that this is their
last normal night before some event changes everything
. The delay to getting to more "interesting" bits, especially after using the first episode as basically a long action sequence, is probably causing a lot of lost interest. Exposition can only go so far.

I don't remember Sengoku generals' names by heart, so I'll have to look those names up...

In that case, there's also the introduction of
Tachibana Muneshige (and I'd wager that's Ginchiyo beside him, with the way she acted)
, though not much to say about them yet.

I imagine we'll learn something about the new student in the future, but yeah, for now we don't know. The joke in that part -- about him being shy about the fact that the people in charge
decided to have him room with a girl and weren't willing to change that after he complained (oh, and he's shyer about it than she is; we don't know their reasoning though, it isn't mentioned)
was amusing. But as for the character, we'll have to see.

I'll be honest, I half thought it was a flashback to someone elses past (Masazumi, notably). I had to check a few more times to see if I was just overlooking a year somewhere. I imagine he has to have some importance. I mean, we have a large enough cast as is, why add (potentially) two more people?

Oh, also, I wouldn't say that he's responsible for her death. I mean, because he was there he clearly had a role, but main responsibility? Didn't seem that way to me...

Well, he thinks himself as
responsible, it seems. Primary responsibility or not, you're right that we can at least say has some part in it. With the amount of remorse and guilt he seems to have over it, I just don't see him as thinking himself as anything but the culprit, though.

And I still want to know how the hell did Tori convince
Masazumi's dad and that other guy to be the ghosts. Or is it juts misleading that their carriage had the anime girl pillow case that was used for the ghosts at the end? :/
Branduil said:
If you're a Factor 5 fan you should hate Lair for killing Factor 5.

If you're a Factor 5 fan you should have seen the writing on the wall when Rebel Strike came out and was literally the same thing as Rogue Leader except with crappy on-foot levels.

Its nice to watch some mystery/crime solving series here and there so I definitely like the concept of the show, however one thing I didn't like about ep. 1 was that it somehow felt rushed and the main suspect coming clean just like that felt a bit short... I mean the build up was there in trying to figure out who but it was just a bit lacking.
cajunator said:

She's so HNNNNGH.
Cutest demon ever.[/QUOTE]

too moeish for my taste but as long as you're happy with Elise.
Planetes Episode 11 - So good.

I had no idea what this anime was about and at first it felt slow and had no direction, but now the characters are growing on me.

I can't really describe what it is about this anime that I like, but I'm really starting to like it.
scy said:
Dear lord everything is on Thursday.

It was like that last season too. It's actually not bad having things air late in the week, then you have the weekend to get caught up when the latest massive wodge of shows air!



Yeah, so I guess some things are inevitable anyway.

C Final
1st 415 Madoka Kaname @ Puella Magi Madoka Magica
2nd 232 Elucia De Lute Irma @ The World God Only Knows



Un-Go - 02

The "mystery" this time was quite a bit better than the last one. At the least this one had actual doubt. If the they build off of this episode and make the cases more interesting, this has a chance to be a good show. It does get kinda preachy at times though.
Articalys said:
Yeah, so I guess some things are inevitable anyway.

C Final
1st 415 Madoka Kaname @ Puella Magi Madoka Magica
2nd 232 Elucia De Lute Irma @ The World God Only Knows


Squid Girl! But I guess the fanbasee of Madoka is too big.


EmmanuelMunoz said:
I'm sure she is prominently displayed in your home.
Not yet. No room.
I did manage to get another bookcase, so all those DVDs in boxes on the floor are now on a shelf at least. The figures are all kind of stacked on top of each other like a big moe lesbian orgy of happiness.


Guilty Crown - 02


I really like this episode. There was quite a bit of exposition but its kinda necessary to set the world up and they interspersed it with some nice action.

There's some fanservice but if its at this level I can live with it.

Inori is kuudere :( so sad.

The ending was really wtf though. I was just thinking, oh he's at school, watch Inori show up.
Sometimes I don't like being right >_>


Dresden said:
Dunno why, this made me smile.


Is it sad that my first thought upon reading this was "YES MURDER"?


Branduil said:
The premise was so incredibly dumb and irritating that I dropped it immediately.
You know, you're only currently watching Ippo if you talk about it, right?


Un-Go Episode 2

It would be pretty hard to be worse than the first episode, so it's not really a surprise that the second episode is better. But what is interesting about this episode is not that it's better, but that it can be evaluated on a more natural basis. It was almost impossible to make anything out of ep1 because of the random and poorly put together nature of the entire presentation.

With ep2, it is much easier. This time the mystery is presented right at the start, like all normal and good murder mysteries should be. This gives the mystery and entire episode of runtime to breath, and hence the viewer can follow the crime on a more interested note. There are suspects, varying motives and backgrounds, clues, etc. It's not a particularly complex or brilliantly thought out mystery, but I enjoyed it enough to guess and figure out the solution before the answer was provided. That also means that the solution to the crime isn't a random ass-pull, but something that can be put together. That was satisfying at least.

Now, about the series at large, I feel that ep2 also gives enough context for me to speculate on the larger format of the series and what the overarching storyline is really about.
I believe the series is about a man who sold his soul in exchange for an extended time in this world, and the devil he made the deal with follows him around waiting for him to lead it to examples of human failures, and to see the true nature of humanity and society at our worst. Being a detective in a post-war era as society rebuilds itself would be a natural fit to see what we are capable of when pushed to our limits, and seeing the world turn against us. That is his "deal" with Inga imo.

I still wouldn't recommend this show to anyone looking for an actual good show, but I would encourage those who have already suffered the first episode to soldier on, just to see if the nature of the show ends up being of interest. I doubt this will be a good show when all is said and done, because even in ep2 the presentation feels a bit sloppy, and it is the themes and ideas presented which are often more interesting than how they wer executed. The direction and writing feels sort of poor to me, but ep2 definitely makes me feel that it's worth giving it another episode at least, since the next ep preview did seem somewhat interesting.

I really like detective stories and solving mysteries in fiction, so if every remaining episode is similar to ep2, even if it's not great, it would still be more fitting of what I want out of a detective anime compared to Gosick. It's a limited genre, so I'm kinda limited in terms of choice. :/
Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san Final

All's well that ends well... kind of.

This is probably my favorite comedy all year. As I said before, I've always been partial to demons just being goofy and dirty rather than just evil (though that is fine too). Both the angels and demons were hilarious along with the rather obnoxious interpretation of God.

Once translations get farther than where the anime ended, I'll pick up the manga.


Un-Go - 02

Nice to know that Otaku techology evolves to levels imagined.

Mystery was still too easy to solve, but at least the journey to the conclusion was nice to watch, still has that little mindfuck segment in the middle though with an actual explanation to it this time.
Un-Go - 2


I like it , it was today a very fine episode with little criticism about the modern J-Pop industry. But I guess it's more a show about the war than a true detective anime.
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