2011 NBA Playoffs |OT| Don't Compare Refs to Cigarettes

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The M.O.B said:
We are way past 20,000 posts, shouldnt we have a Round 2 thread up soon?
Haha holy shit. I'll shoot the mods a PM to split this up into OT2.


The M.O.B said:
We are way past 20,000 posts, shouldnt we have a Round 2 thread up soon?

This might not be the best night to ask reilo to do something...

edit: oh, I'm wrong. yay for low expectations!


If OKC plays the grizz they got the best match up for them. Its the most physical team left vs the team that gets the most free throws. Good luck grizzlies.


Assuming Memphis takes SA...

Conley VS Westbrook
Fisher VS Kidd

Rondo VS Chalmers
Rose VS Hinrich

Who the fuck says you need an elite PG to succeed in the NBA?


Barrage said:
Assuming Memphis takes SA...

Conley VS Westbrook
Fisher VS Kidd

Rondo VS Chalmers
Rose VS Hinrich

Who the fuck says you need an elite PG to succeed in the NBA?

Elite point guards.

Will they win? Dunno, but they're there.

The M.O.B

Barrage said:
Rondo VS Chalmers

This is the one matchup where I hope Chalmers fouls Rondo as much as possible, I could care less if Chalmers sends Rondo to continually split free throws. In Fact, I hope Spoelstra is planning on unleashing every big we have to go out and Foul the "O'Neal Towers" as much as possible.


Chuck goes with the lakers upset, there goes any chance the mavs had.

ernie really knows how to push chucks buttons its amazing to watch

viakado said:
Im more worried on who konex picks rather than charles

you have the brandy + konex curse going against chuck. This series will be determined off the court in some epic jinx battle.
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