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2012-13 Dec NBA Season |OT|Runnin' in da mouf of Serg Abaka daily.


Fuck me, Ersan is coming back alive after I drop him across the board. Hopefully, this game is a fluke.


hahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahaahaha this team is SO fucking bad.


They have seriously turned the ball over twice in a row in the last minutes of a close game without actually ever getting a shot off. 5 second call, then a travel. This is delicious. They would have genuinely been better off just chucking with 20 seconds left on the clock.
what a clusterfuck

by both teams

miami is gonna have the easiest win of the season tomorrow

holy shit we attempted the 3 ball 41 times tonight? and made only 13? the fuck

Thank you Kidd for being the only guy with a fucking brain.
He called the fucking timeout.
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