Good luck Mittens.

So what network in the us do you guys think will be the best? I'd like a commercial free feed.
Good luck Mittens.
PBS is probably the way to go.So what network in the us do you guys think will be the best? I'd like a commercial free feed.
Alright moment of truth, President Obama and Romney are both decent debaters. I wonder what zingers Romney has prepared. This is basically it, the other ones will also cover foreign policy and Obama is mostly on solid ground there despite recent events. So if Obama gets through this first debate without taking any major hits, gives as good as he gets, then he is in the clear.
This is the urn.
Federalism.How can Mitt Romney possibly defend his position after so many months of saying he'll repeal the very thing he thought was good for Massachusetts?
that argument will go exactly nowhere with voters, so I hope he uses it.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Yo, is Colbert and Stewarts shows tonight going to address events from the debate?
because this is a presidential debate and he has to actually try to persuade voters, so I'd hope he brought something less pathetic than that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he won't use it - I'm just saying, I hope he does, because it'll be hilarious.
Should be good. Time to get the popcorns.
One thing about Obama's speaking style when not reading from a prepared script: he says "um" and "uhh" too damn much. I really hope he works on that.
Romney needs to work on his people skills.
2008 was an electoral outlier, representing Barack Obama's complete dominance of the airwaves, economic chaos, and John McCain's feckless, terrible campaign.
So what does CNN have in store for us tonight? Will they hookup body monitors to undecided voters and display their vital signs at the bottom of the screen throughout the debate?
I have a feeling this is going to be a boring debate. Mittens didn't particularly fuck up during the GOP debates aside from Ron Paul yelling at him a few times.
It'll just go back and forth about jobs and private sectors and small business and employment rates and inheriting the economy and yadda yadda ad inifitium.
Mittens is more likely to slip during the foreign policy debate.
I do look forward to Biden verbally raping Ryan next week though.
I'm hoping they revive the Tupac hologram technology to bring us a Reagan and Kennedy bout.
So what does CNN have in store for us tonight? Will they hookup body monitors to undecided voters and display their vital signs at the bottom of the screen throughout the debate?
hmm, shouldn't it have started already?
or did i get my timezones wrong again, damnit.
hmm, shouldn't it have started already?
or did i get my timezones wrong again, damnit.
Good luck Mittens.
It's in a little over an hour.
They start in about 1 hour 15 minutes.
Thank you for putting this up.
I'm finding that a lot of folks (outside of the well-real NeoGAF crowd and online political junkies) don't realize just how tilted the Electoral Map has become against Republicans. I've shown a similar map to family and friends, and they're pretty surprised.
Biased polls. If Romney takes less then 370 electoral votes come November, I'll post a youtube video of me eating my own shit.
Everytime I see this map I'm stunned how tiny the window is for Mitt to actually win. I mean, if Obama wins Ohio, call this shit. There's no way he's going to win Ohio and not at least one other critical swing state that puts him over
I know it's stating the obvious, but it's why there would literally have to be some cosmic shift at the next three debates for something to change.
Biased polls. If Romney takes less then 370 electoral votes come November, I'll post a youtube video of me eating my own shit.
Yeah, the electoral map is looking very good for Obama, even if the popular vote is a 50-50 split I think Obama still wins. The only thing that sucks is he needs to win Ohio+another state. Even if it is very unlikely that he would win Ohio but lose the other states, the idea of them each getting 269 is really annoying. It would mean Mitt Romney wins.
Biased polls. If Romney takes less then 370 electoral votes come November, I'll post a youtube video of me eating my own shit.
I do look forward to Biden verbally raping Ryan next week though.
Biased polls. If Romney takes less then 370 electoral votes come November, I'll post a youtube video of me eating my own shit.
Not sure if serious... I don't think Biden is going to verbally rape anything other than himself. I mean Sarah Palin as bad as she is destroyed him in the 2008 debates.
Not sure if serious... I don't think Biden is going to verbally rape anything other than himself. I mean Sarah Palin as bad as she is destroyed him in the 2008 debates.
Probably, but I wish they would drop that crap. When they talk to the "undecided" voters, it's obvious they arn't undecided at all.