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2012 NBA Apr |OT| Presented By Unicef and Feed The Children, Fuk Yo Hunger Clown.


The Rockets really earned this win. They caught the Lakers napping in the 4th and Kobe decided to not care about closing the game. Any game where you shoot 20 more free throws than your opponent you have to win, plain and simple.

Mike Brown deciding to keep McRoberts on the bench for Troy Murphy made absolutely no sense. I would've even liked to see Jordan Hill. Ugh.


Calling someone a punk is not the same as calling someone a thug. Calling someone a thug has racial implications...it's a racial stereotype and shouldn't be used to label any black man who's attitude you don't like.

I know, something something Barea. But being a dirty player doesn't make you a thug...I don't remember people calling Bill Lambier or Rick Mahorn a thug.

I'm sorry to call you out on this, but after vilifying Treyvon Martin in this same exact way...while not calling Zimmerman a thug although he's gotten into drunken altercations and bar fights...people should be more sensitive with the word choices they use

I'll use punk if that makes you happy. Though I'm sure Lambier's been called a thug before. Either way, Bynum's a jerk who likes to hurt people and he can't be upset that his reputation precedes him.
Thug is just the way people refer to black players that are dirty. It doesn't mean they are saying he's a criminal or gang banger. Different context. It's like when white players are called "gritty" as a way to say they aren't athletic.


Amazing. A game is literally stolen from us because some worthless bedwetter who never amounted to anything in life decided to flaunt his two-incher by ejecting our center. I bet in that one moment, he felt like he was sporting a porn-star-esque four inches.

Fuck Stern, and fuck this league.



Also, we won! Too bad we had to win both times after bynum got ejected. But, as they say in France, Bynum is stoopid.


Laimbeer was called a street thug all the time... ALL the time.

In fact, from his bio on NBA.com:

Bill Laimbeer was one of the most notorious players ever to throw an elbow, thrust a hip, or feign being fouled. Certainly, no player was ever showered with more boos or unflattering nicknames. Laimbeer was called "the prince of darkness," "a street thug," "an ax murderer" and "His Heinous."

People are too sensitive...


wait, thug is racial now?

oh jeeze

A thug, by definition, is a criminal. The term was used to describe mob bosses and criminals in the past of any color. Now, the term is used almost exclusively for black people or white people who "act black". It carries with it the implication of crime and is used liberally with black people for a certain style of dress, a certain choice in music, or certain actions...none of which are an actual crime.

So yes, calling a non-criminal black man a thug...is semi-racist at best.

Thug is just the way people refer to black players that are dirty. It doesn't mean they are saying he's a criminal or gang banger. Different context. It's like when white players are called "gritty" as a way to say they aren't athletic.

Yea, and that's why it's a problem. It's like calling a girl a hooker who dresses slutty...you're not actually saying she has sex for money...different context. but same point. There are certain words ascribed to certain segments of the population that mean pretty damning things...they shouldn't be used so lightly with that population especially when there is a prevailing stereo-type supporting that in the minds of other people...the type of stereotype that led to the whole Treyvon "black dude in a hoodie let me investigate he looks suspicious" behavior

I may be making a big deal out of this...but that's how you get certain words to be used with more judgment. What someone meant when they said something isn't the problem, I don't think DieHard or Brandi are racist...but the word itself has become loaded with racist precedent and thus shouldn't be used so thoughtlessly
Thug is just the way people refer to black players that are dirty. It doesn't mean they are saying he's a criminal or gang banger. Different context. It's like when white players are called "gritty" as a way to say they aren't athletic.

I'm pretty sure no one reasonable calls Jeff Foster or other white psychos "gritty" instead of simply crazy or thug-like


It's harder to think of basketball players who are white and can be called thugs because there's so few white basketball players period.
I know, something something Barea. But being a dirty player doesn't make you a thug...I don't remember people calling Bill Lambier or Rick Mahorn a thug.

First paragraph of his NBA.com bio lol

Bill Laimbeer was one of the most notorious players ever to throw an elbow, thrust a hip, or feign being fouled. Certainly, no player was ever showered with more boos or unflattering nicknames. Laimbeer was called "the prince of darkness," "a street thug," "an ax murderer" and "His Heinous."


Delonte West is white?

IDK, to me, thug was always held as a criminal like association, not necessarily black though. White, mexican, russian, black thugs. I never thought it really as a black thing.

In basketball though. I always thought that Laimbeer was a thug. Maybe foster. I never thought bynum was a thug, maybe a punk with the JJ thing last year.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
interesting dynamic with dragic and lowry..wonder what rox do with that

probably try and trade for that giant puss paula

I don't understand wtf they would still want him.
I'd assume there's a Le Batard article (well probably way more than one) about racially charged descriptors in sports (mostly baseball). Hot tempered, hustle players, athletic/explosive, etc. He used to talk about it a bunch on his radio show and it's true, even if not intentional.


Either Steve Blake has kidnapped mike browns family or he just plain simply can't see how crappy he is. How he earned all those minutes I will never understand. I seriously would prefer fisher at this point. What a pathetic pick up he was.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I'd assume there's a Le Batard article (well probably way more than one) about racially charged descriptors in sports (mostly baseball). Hot tempered, hustle players, athletic/explosive, etc. He used to talk about it a bunch on his radio show and it's true, even if not intentional.

Deceptively quick is one of my favorites.

And I agree there is a lot of racially charged things in sports. One of my favorites is the use of comparable players. People always compare players of the same race, I rarely see cross race comparisons in any sport really.


How many white criminals are by and large perceived as "thugs" unless they "Act black" or look a certain way? How many black criminals are perceived as "thugs"...

Again, you may not be using it racially, and you may not have put much thought into it...but it doesn't make it an ok word choice. By all means call the dude a punk, a dirty player, immature...whatever. Those aren't racially charged words

Edit: Maybe it's me...but I don't mind the "gritty" or "deceptively quick" statements. They're definitely racially charged...but it's not the same as using a word that literally means criminal...in an ideal world though...we'd stop acting so baffled every time something breaks a stereotype. "Chandler Parsons can jump? WTFFFFF" lol
Greg Monroe mostly got compared to white and European players and the Valanciunas, Kanter, Vesely group of Europeans got some black comparisons.

But, yeah, comparisons can be stupidly racial.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Kemba shouldn't be TAKING 20 shots a game.

Raptors are bunking down for a hard tank April. Starting Ben Uzoh and playing him 35 Minutes...we ain't fucking around.
Uzoh? We had him in preseason. Way too talented - signed Corey Higgins instead.

And who else should be shooting in Charlotte? Najera?

How many white criminals are by and large perceived as "thugs" unless they "Act black" or look a certain way? How many black criminals are perceived as "thugs"...

I do it all the time, especially eastern Europe criminals. I think there are casting calls actually for people that look like russian thugs, heh.

And we are leaving out mexican thugs? they need some love too. And asian thugs. I see those shady dudes in Alhambra maan!


"Vicious ruffian" is an exaggeration maybe but it could be applied to some basketball players.

ruffian: noun - a violent or lawless person; hoodlum or villain

Basketball players aren't violent, lawless, hoodlums, or villains.

As you can tell...what the words Thug and Ruffian mean...don't apply to a dirty basketball player. so just call him dirty or immature and you're good.
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